释义 |
e.qual.ize (obj)Br and Aus usually -ise 5i:7kwE7laIzv使相等;使平等;使相同;使均等They are putting pressure on the government to equalize (= bring to the same level) state pension ages between men and women. [T]他们在给政府施加压力,使男女获得养老金的年龄持平。(Br and Aus) In a sport such as football, to equalize (Am tie) is to get the point that brings your score to the same as that of the other team.(比赛中)打成平局;与对方拉平比分Italy were winning 3:2 until the last minute of the game when Spain managed to equalize. [I]意大利队正要以3比2获胜时,在比赛最后一分钟,西班牙队与之拉平了比分。