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drunk.en5drQN7kEnadj [before n]disapproving Drunken means (often) under the influence of alcohol.喝醉酒的She was convicted of murdering her drunken and allegedly violent husband.她因为谋杀了那个喝醉酒的、并据称使用暴力的丈夫而被判处有罪。Just before midnight, the square filled up with drunken revellers.就在午夜以前,广场上满是耍酒疯的人。(infml) At the start of the film, he's just another drunken bum asking for money in the street.在电影的开头,他只是街上又一个讨钱的喝醉酒的乞丐。Drunken can describe a situation in which a lot of alcohol has been drunk.酒醉引起的There was a drunken brawl (= fight) outside the nightclub as we were leaving.我们离开的时候,夜总会的外面有一场酒醉后的争斗。He came home and fell into a drunken stupor (= sleep) in the lounge.他回到家,因醉酒而倒在客厅里昏睡。(Am law) She was charged with drunken driving (= operating a vehicle after having more alcohol than is legally allowed).她因酒后驾车而受到指控。