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drag.on5drAg7[nn [C]a large fierce imaginary animal, usually represented with wings, a long tail and fire coming out of its mouth龙(想象中的有翅有尾,能吐火的动物)I was reading my nephew a story about a handsome prince who rescues a princess from a dragon.我在给我的侄儿念一个故事,这个故事讲的是一位英俊的王子从龙的手中救出了一位公主。(disapproving) A dragon is also a fierce and frightening woman.凶恶的女人We've got this real dragon in charge of our accounts department--she's terrifying.管理我们财务部的是一个真正的恶女人----她太可怕了。She's a real old dragon.她真是个凶恶的老女人。(Aus) Dragon also refers to various types of LIZARD.各种种类的蜥蜴 Imaginary creatures