释义 |
doubtdaJtn(a feeling of) uncertainty about something, esp. about how good or true it is疑惑;不相信Even if your religious faith is strong, it's normal to feel doubt. [U]即使你的宗教信仰很坚定,有疑惑也是正常的。If there's any doubt about the rocket's engines, we ought to cancel the launch immediately. [U]如果对火箭发动机有疑虑的话,我们应该立刻取消发射。The prosecution has to establish his guilt beyond (reasonable) doubt/(Am) beyond a (reasonable) doubt. [U]起诉方必须证明他的罪行是确实无疑的。The strength of local opposition has cast doubt on the likelihood of a new leisure centre. [U]当地反对派的力量使建造新的休闲中心的可能性有了疑问。This latest scandal has raised doubts about his suitability for the post. [C]最近的丑闻使人们更加怀疑,他是否适合这个职位。He says he can do it, but I still have my doubts about his ability. [C]他说他能行----但我仍然怀疑他的能力。I'm having doubts about going to Africa--maybe I'll stay here. [C]我对去非洲仍有疑虑----可能我还是会呆在这里。Give a ring if you're in (any) doubt (= uncertain) where you should go. [U + wh - word]如果你该对去什么地方拿不准的话,请来电话。There's no doubt/not a shadow of doubt (in my mind) (that) he's guilty. [U + (that) clause]毫无疑问,(我认为)他是有罪的。I never had any doubt (that) you would win. [U + (that) clause]我一直深信你会赢的。Whether they can deliver on time is still open to doubt (= is not certain). [U + wh-word]现在仍不能肯定,他们是否能准时将货送到。He's the most attractive man in the building, no doubt about that/it.毋庸置疑,他是这幢楼里最有吸引力的男士。The future of the project is in doubt (= at risk) because of a lack of money.由于缺少资金,这个计划的前途未卜。(fml) We will no doubt (= almost certainly) discuss these issues again at the next meeting.我们一定会在下一次的会议上讨论这个问题。(fml) She is without (a) doubt (= certainly) the best student I have ever taught.毫无疑问,她是我教过的最好的学生。[UNDOUBTED 中的 undoubtedly Question mark]