释义 |
dis.tin.guish (obj)dI5stIN7gwIFv [not be distinguishing]to notice or understand the difference between two things, or to provide an unusual quality which makes something noticeably different from or better than others of the same type辨别;使有别于;使出众He's colour-blind and can't distinguish (the difference) between red and green easily. [I]他是色盲,不能轻易地分辨红绿。I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Spanish from Portuguese. [T]有时候我难以辨别西班牙语和葡萄牙语。It's important to distinguish between business and pleasure. [I]分清正事和娱乐很重要。It's not the beauty so much as the range of his voice that distinguishes him from other tenors. [T]不是他音色美丽,而是他音域宽广,使他有别于其他的男高音。You might distinguish, yourself, esp. in a public situation, by doing something so well that you are admired or praised for it.出人头地He distinguished himself in British theatre at a very early age. [T]他很小年纪就在英国戏剧界出人头地了。