释义 |
dis.pute (obj)dI5spjU:tv不同意,争议Few would dispute his status as the finest artist of the period. [T]他是该时期最棒的艺术家,这一地位几乎没人会不同意。The legal status of her will was disputed for years after her death. [T]她的遗嘱是否合法,在她死后多年仍有争议。Critics have disputed the official unemployment figures. [T]批评家们对官方的失业数字表示异议。The two countries have disputed (over) that stretch of land for years. [I/T]两国为那片领土已争执多年。The circumstances of her death have been hotly disputed. [T]人们激烈争论她是怎么死的。I don't dispute (that) his films are entertaining but they haven't got much depth. [+ (that) clause]他的电影娱乐性强,这我没有异议,可是它们没多少深度。They're disputing with the local council over the proposed new road. [I]他们在和地方议会就所建议的新公路问题展开争论。