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sym.pa.thy UNDERSTANDING5sIm7pE7Win [U](an expression of) understanding and care for someone else's suffering同情,同情心The president has sent a message of sympathy to the relatives of the dead soldiers.总统已致电阵亡士兵的家属以表同情。I don't really have much sympathy for people who've brought their troubles on themselves.我对那些自食其果的人不抱同情。He kept going on and on about his problems--I suppose he was just looking for a bit of sympathy.他不断地谈论自己的问题----我想他只不过想寻求一些同情罢了。On the days when I have to walk with my stick, I will get looks of sympathy from complete strangers.到了我不得不拄拐杖走路的时候,我将得到陌生路人的同情目光。(Br and Aus infml) A sympathy vote is an occasion when a lot of people vote for or support a particular person because he or she has suffered recently.同情票A sympathy vote for his recent illness won Andrew Davies an award for his latest novel.安德鲁·戴维斯因近来患病而获的同情票使他的最新小说获奖。☆EMPATHY