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dip (obj) PUT INTOdIpv-pp- to put (something) briefly (into esp. liquid)浸,蘸Dip the fish in the batter, then drop it into the hot oil. [T]把鱼在面糊里浸一浸,然后投入热油。He dipped his brush in the paint. [T]他把刷子在油漆里蘸了蘸。She dipped her toe into the swimming pool to see how cold the water was. [T]她把脚趾在游泳池探了探,看看水有多冷。(fig.) The company is dipping its toe in (= taking action to find out about) the German market. [T]该公司正在试探德国市场的情况。If you dip (your hand) in/into a container, you put your hand into the container and take something out.(从容器里)掏出东西We all dipped into the box of chocolates. [I always + adv/prep]我们全都从盒中掏巧克力。He dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out a few coins. [T]他把手伸进衣袋,掏出几枚硬币。If people dip in, they share something, esp. food.分享(尤指食物)Wanda set a large bowl of strawberries on the table, and told us all to dip in.旺达将一大碗草莓置于桌上,叫我们都来分享。To dip into a book or a subject is to spend short periods of time reading or studying parts of it.浏览,略加研究I've only dipped into the book--I haven't read it from cover to cover.我只把书草草浏览了一下----我还没有一页一页地读过。I've been dipping into our family history recently.我最近略略研究了我们的家史。If you dip into your savings/reserves/pocket/wallet, you spend your money, esp. money that you have been saving or keeping.花钱(尤指储蓄或保存的钱)To dip sheep is to put them briefly into a container of liquid which contains chemicals which kill harmful insects on the sheep's bodies. [T]给羊洗药浴,杀灭其身上的害虫