释义 |
dif.fi.cult.yH5dIf7I7k[l7ti, $-tin努力,难度We finished the job but only with great difficulty (= effort). [U]我们费了九牛二虎之力才完成了工作。The difficulty of the task (= amount of skill it needed) excited them. [U]任务的难度使他们兴奋。People with asthma have difficulty in breathing (= need to use effort to breathe because it is not easy). [U]哮喘病人呼吸起来很费力。She has been having great difficulty (= having to use effort because it is not easy) finding a job. [U + v-ing]她找工作可费了十分的气力。A difficulty is a problem.麻烦事,困难He has been having financial/personal difficulties recently. [C]他最近一直有经济上的/个人的麻烦事。His work involved assessing the special educational needs of children with learning difficulties. [C]他的工作涉及为学习有困难的孩子估量其特别教育之需要。We seem to have some apparently insuperable difficulties facing us. [C]看来我们面对着一些显然是无法逾越的困难。People who are learning a new language often encounter some difficulties at first. [C]学习新语言的人起初经常碰上一些困难。An unforeseen difficulty has arisen. [C]没有预见到的困难出现了。The situation is fraught with difficulties. [C]局势困难四伏。A ship is in difficulties (= is having problems) off the coast of Ireland. [C]爱尔兰海岸外一艘轮船遇到了麻烦。(Br and Aus) This isn't the first time that she's been in difficulties (= trouble) with the police. [C]她跟警方有麻烦事不是第一回了。