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de.ny obj NOT ADMITdI5naIv [T]not to admit that you have (knowledge, responsibility, feelings, etc.)不承认(知情,责任,感情等)She denied any knowledge of where he had gone.她拒不承认知道他上哪儿了。He denied all responsibility for the rumours which have been circulating about the minister's relationship with an actress.对正在散播的有关部长与女演员关系的传言,他拒不承担责任。You mustn't deny your true feelings.你不该否认自己的真实感情。Even under torture, he refused to deny his beliefs/faith.即便在拷问之下,他也拒不否认自己的信仰。(fml) To deny something is also not to admit that you have any connection with it.不承认与之有关She has denied her family and refuses to have any contact with them.她已经划断与家庭的关系,拒绝和他们有任何联络。