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dawn EARLY MORNINGHdC:n, $dB:nnthe period in the day when light from the sun begins to appear in the sky黎明We'll have to leave before dawn if we're going to get there by ten o'clock. [U]要想在十点之前到那,我们得在天亮前出发。I've never seen a dawn as beautiful as the one this morning. [C]我从没见过哪个黎明像今天早上这般美丽。The ball ended as dawn was breaking. [U]破晓时分,舞会结束了。The ball ended at the break of dawn. [U]天亮时舞会结束了。(fig.) The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the dawn (= beginning) of a new era in European history. [U]柏林墙的推倒标志着欧洲史上新时代的到来。(esp. Br and Aus) Twenty-three people were arrested and large quantities of heroin were seized in a dawn raid (= a sudden entering of a building by police officers, in an attempt to catch people involved in illegal activities) this morning.在今天清晨的一次突袭中,有23人被捕,并缴获了大量海洛因。(Br) A dawn raid is also an unexpected attempt to buy a large number of a company's shares at the start of a day with the intention of controlling or owning the company.开盘套购(买断)The company launched a dawn raid on its rival, snapping up around 10 per cent of its shares, and it is expected to make a full takeover bid soon.这家公司对其竞争对手采取开盘买断,攫取到约10%的股份,并有望很快投标进行全面接收。(From) dawn to dusk means all of the time in a day that it is light or, more generally, for as long as possible.从早到晚,一刻不停No food or drink may be taken from dawn to dusk.从早到晚不得进任何饮食。He was a lifelong workaholic, who painted dawn to dusk seven days a week.他是个劳碌一生的工作狂,一星期七天从早到晚画个不停。(esp. Br and Aus) The dawn chorus is the singing of birds together which happens just before dawn.破晓鸟啼声"On the road to Mandalay, / Where the flyin'-fishes play, / An'the dawn comes up like thunder outer ( = out of) China 'crost (= across) the Bay!" (Rudyard Kipling in the poem Mandalay, 1892)“在通往瓦城的路上/飞鱼在海中嬉戏着/太阳猛地从东方跃出/海湾里洒遍了黎明的光辉”(选自诗“瓦城”,吉卜林作)