释义 |
swell (obj) INCREASEswelvpast simple swelled, past part swollen H9swRWYlRn, $9swoW- or swelledto become larger and rounder than usual; to (cause to) increase in size or amount肿胀,鼓起,隆起,增长,壮大It was obvious she had broken her toe, because it immediately started to swell (up). [I]她的脚趾显然是骨折了,因为它马上就肿了起来。The grains of rice swell (up) as they absorb water. [I]米粒吸水时会膨胀。Sun and rain ripen and swell the fruit (= make it grow). [T]阳光和雨露使水果长大成熟。The extra sales in the US will swell (= cause to increase) this year's profits to £78 million. [T]美国市场上的额外销售额将使今年的利润增至7800万英镑。Twenty-five employees have joined the union in this month alone, swelling its ranks (= increasing its size) to 110. [T]仅仅这一个月就有25个雇员加入工会,使会员人数迅速增加至110人。(literary) His heart/breast swelled with pride (= He felt very proud) as he stood watching his son graduate. [I]当他站着看儿子的毕业典礼时心中无限自豪。Heavy rain in the last few weeks has swelled the rivers and lakes (= caused the amount of water in them to increase). [T]连续几周的大雨使河水和湖水上涨。If music swells, it becomes louder. [I]音乐增强