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dare BE BRAVE/RUDEHdeE5, $derv[usually in negatives or questions; not usually be daring] he/she/it dares or dare to be brave enough to do something difficult or dangerous, or to be rude or foolish enough to do something that you have no right to do(勇敢)勇于,(鲁莽)敢于I was going to ask if his dog was any better, but I didn't dare in case it had died.我本打算问问他的狗是否好些了,但又生怕它已经死了,所以不敢问。Everyone in the office complains that he smells awful but nobody dares actually (to) mention it to him. [+ (to) infinitive]办公室里的每个人都说他身上有股怪味,但居然没人敢当面向他提及。Dare you tell him the news? [+ infinitive without to]Do you dare (to) tell him the news? [+ (to) infinitive]你敢告诉他这个消息吗?Would you dare (to) jump out of an aeroplane? [+ (to) infinitive]你敢从飞机上往下跳吗?I wouldn't dare have a party in my flat in case the neighbours complain. [+ infinitive without to]我不敢在公寓里开舞会,免得邻居们抱怨。I showed him my new blouse but I didn't dare/(fml) I dared not tell him how much it cost. [+ infinitive without to]我给他看了我的新衬衫,但没敢告诉他花了多少钱买的。I daren't/(fml) dare not think how much it's going to cost. [+ infinitive without to]/I don't dare (to) think how much it's going to cost. [+ (to) infinitive]我没敢想这得花多少钱。I'd never dare (to) talk to my mother the way Ben talks to his. [+ (to) infinitive]我没敢像本那样跟妈妈说话。I don't know how he dares (to) say that I'm lazy, when he's been in bed all day! [+ (to) infinitive]我没想到他一整天躺在床上怎么还敢说我懒!He was under attack for daring to criticize the Prime Minister. [+ to infinitive]他竟敢批评总理,因而遭到攻击。(dated or humorous) Dare I say (it), you're looking particularly lovely today, my dear.我想你今天看起来特别漂亮,亲爱的。If you say How dare someone do a particular thing, you mean that you are very angry with them for having done it.竟敢How dare you use my car without asking.你没问过我竟敢用我的车!How dare he tell me what to do!他竟敢教训我该怎么做!(esp. humorous) If you say Don't/Just you dare to someone, you mean that they should not do something that they have said they are going to do, because it will make you angry.你敢!"I think I'll just walk my dirty shoes over your nice clean floor." "Don't you dare!"“我想就穿着脏鞋踩在你这干净宜人的地板上。”“你敢!”"I dare do all that may become a man; / Who dares do more is none" (Shakespeare, Macbeth 1.7)“没人 比我有更大的胆量”(莎士比亚,《麦克白》)"Who dares wins" (motto of the Special Air Service (SAS), 1942--)“勇者战无不胜”(英国特种航空队的座右铭)When followed by "to"+ infinitive, the he/she/it form of"dare" is "dares". When used on its own, or followed by an infinitive without "to", the he/she/it form is either "dare" or "dares".当后面跟to+infinitive,主语为he/she/it时,用dares, 当单独使用或跟不带to的infinitivei时,用dare或dares都可"Why doesn't she admit what she did?""I don't think she dare/dares."“她为什么不承认她做的事?”“我想她没那个胆量。”In questions and negative sentences, you can follow "dare" with either "to" + infinitive or with an infinitive without"to". But in ordinary positive sentences, it can only be followed by "to" + infinitive.在疑问和否定句中,dare 后面可带to或不带to的 infinitive,但在肯定句中通常跟to+ infinitive [DARESAY]