释义 |
curl (obj)HkV:l, $kV:rlv头发卷曲Does your hair curl naturally (=grow in curls), or is it permed? [I]你的头发是天然卷曲的还是烫过的?You can buy lots of devices for curling hair. [T]你能买到许多卷发用的小器具。Some plants curl (=wind) round tree trunks. [I]有些植物是缠绕在树干上生长的。The narrow river curled through the valley. [I]狭窄的河流弯弯曲曲地穿行于山谷之间。If the leaves on your apple tree curl (up), then it probably has greenfly. [I]如果苹果树上的叶子卷曲了,那很可能是长蚜虫了。A new baby will automatically curl its fingers round any object it touches. [T]新生婴儿对他接触到的物体总是自动地弯起手指绕住它。The cat was curled up on the hearth rug. [I]猫在炉前的地毯上蜷成一团。I just want to curl up (=sit comfortably) in an armchair with a book.我只想蜷缩在一张靠背椅里看看书。(Br) They all curled up (=began to laugh uncontrollably) when they saw his amazing new hat.看到他那顶怪异的新帽子时,他们全都笑得直不起身子来。I just wanted to curl up and die (=I felt very ashamed and sorry) when I spilt coffee on their new carpet!当我把咖啡洒在他们崭新的地毯上时,我简直愧疚得无地自容。She curled her lip /Her lip curled at what he said (=She showed by a movement of her mouth that she felt no respect for it).对于他说的话,她只是不以为然地撇了撇嘴。