释义 |
cu.ri.ous STRANGEH5kjJE7ri7Es, $5kjJr7i-adjstrange and unexpected; PECULIAR稀奇的,古怪的,不寻常的There was a curious-looking old man standing outside.有个容貌古怪的老人站在外面。A curious thing happened to me yesterday.昨天我碰到件怪事。How curious! When I went to the door, no one was there!多怪哪!当我走到门口时,那儿竟没人。It's curious (that) Brian hasn't phoned when he promised he would. [+ (that) clause]布莱恩没有按他许诺的那样打电话来,真叫人觉得奇怪。"Curiouser and curiouser" (Lewis Caroll in his book Alice in Wonderland, 1865)“越来越奇怪”(选自《爱丽斯漫游仙境》,刘易斯·卡罗尔作)