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cultkQltn [C](a group of people who follow) a particular system of religious belief, or (fig.) a strong interest in and liking for a particular person, idea or activity宗教的膜拜仪式,(对人、事、思想的)狂热崇拜the Hindu cult of Shiva印度教湿婆崇拜(disapproving) He's a member of some strange cult which worships the Devil!他是崇拜魔王撒旦的某个异教的教徒。Their son has run away from home and joined a religious cult.他们的儿子出走加入了一个宗教狂热组织。(fig.) During the 1980s the personal fitness cult (=fashion) spread rapidly.二十世纪八十年代,追求个人健康的时尚迅速流传开来。(fig.) There was a personality cult surrounding Stalin during the 1940s.二十世纪四十年代,斯大林周围存在着个人崇拜。If a singer, writer, etc. has a cult following or is a cult figure, they have a small number of extremely loyal followers, rather than general popularity.(前者)偶像追随者,(后者)崇拜对象