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crykraIn [C]A cry is a loud high sound that expresses an emotion.(因某种情感而发出的)呼喊声She gave a cry of pleasure when she saw them.看到他们,她发出一声欢呼。A cry is also a shout made to attract people's attention.(希望引起注意的)喊叫声They were wakened by cries of'Fire!'from the next room.他们被隔壁房间里传来的“着火了”的叫声惊醒了。Most suicide attempts are really a cry for help (=a way of saying that you need help).大多数企图自杀的行为实际上是一种需要帮助的表现。A cry is also something said loudly in public to give information or encourage people to do something.呼吁'Equal rights for women' was their cry.“争取妇女的平等权利”是他们的呼声。A cry is also the noise that a bird or animal makes.(鸟,兽)鸣,叫The new-born kittens'cries were coming from the cupboard.橱里传来新生小猫发出的叫声。If someone is in full cry, they are talking continuously about something in a noisy or eager way.激烈议论The opposition was in full cry in Parliament last night over the proposed changes to the education bill.昨晚议会中关于修改教育法案的提议引起反对党的激烈讨论。If a group of animals are in full cry, they are noisily chasing after something.动物追杀时发出的叫声