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crude SIMPLEkrU:dadj-r, -st simple and not skilfully done or made粗制的,粗陋的The missile is very crude and rather inaccurate.该导弹制造粗陋,相当不精确。'Keep Out' was painted in crude letters on the door.门上漆着“禁止入内”四个粗而简陋的大字。(disapproving) This is another crude (=obvious) attempt to frighten people into silence.这又是一个企图用恐吓来压制人民言论的明目张胆的举动。Crude or crude oil is oil in a natural state that has not yet been treated.原油,石油70000 tonnes of crude oil has poured out of the damaged tanker into the sea.70000吨的石油从毁坏的油轮中流入大海。