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coalHkEJl, $koJlna hard black substance, dug from the earth in lumps which can be burnt to produce heat or power煤A lot of coal used to be mined in this part of the country. [U]这个国家的这个地区曾经采掘出很多煤。Useful chemicals can be extracted from coal. [U]从煤中能提炼出有用的化学物质。In her rage she threw a burning hot coal (=single piece of coal) at him. [C]她怒火中烧,把一块烧得灼热的煤块向他扔去。To haul/drag someone over the coals is to speak to them severely and often angrily about something they have done.责备,申斥He was hauled over the coals for coming in late for work three times in a week.他因一星期迟到了三次而被责骂了一顿。To carry/take coals to Newcastle is to supply goods to a place or a person that already has a lot of those particular goods.运煤至产煤地,多此一举Exporting pine to Scandanavia seems a bit like carrying coals to Newcastle.往斯堪的那维亚出口松木看来是多此一举。Coal black means pure black.漆黑,乌黑She stared into his coal black eyes.她盯着他那双乌黑的眼睛。A coal bunker is a large container, esp. outside a house, for storing coal.煤舱,堆煤处The coal face is the surface from which coal is cut.煤层中的采掘工作面(Br and Aus fig.) At the coal face (=In real working conditions) with thirty-five kids in a class, you sometimes feel under a lot of pressure.当真正面对有35个孩子的一个班级时,你有时会感到压力很大。A coal field is an area in which there is a lot of coal.煤田,煤矿区If something is coal-fired, it is fuelled by coal.以煤为燃料的a coal-fired boiler烧煤的锅炉coal-fired central-heating燃煤的中央暖气装置A coal mine is the deep hole or system of holes under the ground from which coal is removed.煤矿A coal miner is a person who works in a coal mine removing coal from the ground.煤矿工人A coal scuttle is a small container in which coal is kept inside a house.(房屋里的)煤斗,煤桶Coal tar is the sticky black substance made from coal which is used to make particular chemical products.煤焦油