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cloudklaJdn [C]a usually grey or white mass seen in the sky made of very small floating drops of water, or a mass of something such as dust or smoke that looks like this云,烟云Do you think those are rain clouds on the horizon?你看天边那云是雨云吗?The sky was a perfect blue--not a cloud in sight.天空一片碧蓝,一朵云也没有。On the eastern horizon, a huge cloud of smoke from burning oil tanks stretched across the sky.在东方的地平线上,一团由储油罐燃烧而产生的巨大烟雾散布在空中。Gloria said good night, got in her car, and took off, leaving a cloud of dust.格洛丽亚道过晚安后,钻进车离开了,车后扬起一团尘土。The initial cloud of tear gas had hardly cleared before shots were fired.最初的催泪瓦斯的烟雾刚刚驱散,射击又开始了。Temperatures will continue to be variable, depending on wind direction and cloud cover (=the amount of sky that is covered by clouds).温度将会持续变化无常,取决于风向和云量的情况。(literary) Dark clouds massed on the horizon.大团大团的乌云聚集在地平线上。A cloud bank is a big low mass of cloud.云堤(低而密的云团)A cloud-burst is a sudden heavy fall of rain.(突然的)大暴雨,骤雨Cloud-capped hills or mountains are surrounded at the top by clouds.顶部被云笼罩的(山),高耸入云的(山峰)(specialized) A cloud-chamber is a device containing a gas in which the presence of units of matter smaller than atoms is shown by the small drops of liquid that they produce.云室(充满无尘的空气的蒸汽,是供研究离子的仪器)A cloud hanging over you is something which makes you worry or be unhappy.不悦,有心事It's awful when you're waiting for an operation, because you feel like there's a cloud hanging over you.等待动手术的时候实在是可怕,因为你会觉得忧心忡忡。A cloud on the horizon is something that threatens to cause problems or unhappiness in the future.即将来临的麻烦The only cloud on the horizon is my mother-in-law coming to stay in December.唯一面临的麻烦是我的丈母娘在12月间要来此逗留。If you are under a cloud, you are for some reason not trusted or popular.失宠,受嫌疑The cabinet minister left his office under a cloud after a fraud scandal.在诈骗丑闻之后,该内阁大臣失宠离职。(disapproving) Someone is said to live in cloud-cuckoo-land if they are not realistic and think that things which are completely impossible might happen.虚无飘渺的幻境,理想的完美境界(dated) On cloud nine means extremely happy and excited.高兴极了"Was Helen pleased about getting that job?""Pleased? She was on cloud nine!"“海伦得到工作后高兴吗?”“岂止是高兴,简直是欣喜若狂。”(saying) 'Every cloud has a silver lining' means there is a good side to every difficult or unpleasant situation.黑暗中总有一线光明。"I wandered lonely as a cloud / That floats on high o'er vales and hills, / When all at once I saw a crowd, / A host of golden daffodils" (William Wordsworth in the poem Daffodils, 1807)“我像云霞般只身漫游/高高地飘浮过溪流与山丘/眼底忽见一片繁花连绵/金盏银台的是吐英的水仙”(选自威廉·华兹华斯的诗歌《水仙花》)