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cir.cle (obj)H5sV:7k6, $5sV:r-v盘旋The plane circled (=travelled in a circle around the area) for an hour before receiving permission to land. [I]飞机在接到允许着陆的命令以前盘旋了一个小时。Security staff circled the grounds of the house with guard dogs every hour. [T]保安人员每个小时都带着警犬在那幢房子的周围巡逻。She circled (=drew a circle round) the initials at the top of the page. [T]她在书页上方的(姓名)首字母上画圈。(fig.) Once the leader's position started to look weak, the vultures began to circle looking for any advantage. [I]一旦首领的地位出现弱化迹象, 秃鹫就开始盘旋, 看是否有机可乘。[ENCIRCLE]