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chan.nel PASSAGE5tFAn7[ln [C]a passage for water or other liquids to flow along, or a part of a river or other area of water which is deep and wide enough to provide a route for ships to travel along沟渠,水道,航道We tried digging a channel to lower the water level but that didn't work.我们试着挖了一道沟渠想降低水位,可是没用。There are drainage/irrigation channels all over this flat agricultural land.在这片平整的农田上,到处分布着排水/灌溉渠。The juice is extracted and runs down this channel here into a large container.果汁榨出来后沿着这个凹槽流到一只大容器中。Wooden posts mark the deep-water/navigable channel into the harbour.木杆标出了进入港口的深水/可通航的航道。The boats all have to pass through this narrow channel.所有船只都必须通过这条狭窄的航道。The Channel or the English Channel is the stretch of sea which separates England from France and Belgium.英吉利海峡We're going to have a day-trip across the Channel.我们将作一次横渡英吉利海峡的一日旅行。We took the car to France overnight on a (cross-) channel ferry.我们头天晚上把汽车在横渡英吉利海峡的渡船上运到了法国。Dover and Portsmouth are two of the channel ports.多佛和朴次茅斯是两个英吉利海峡上的港口。The Channel Tunnel (also infml Chunnel) is the passage built under the English Channel between England and France.(连接英法的)英吉利海峡隧道