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su.i.cide5sU:7I7saIdnthe act of killing yourself intentionally, or a person who has done this自杀,自杀者After several years of mental illness, she committed suicide last month. [U]在患精神病多年之后,她于上个月自杀了。He'd attempted suicide three times before he actually succeeded. [U]他曾三次自杀未遂,这次终于成功了。The suicide rate among men between the ages of 16 and 25 has risen alarmingly in the past five years.过去五年中16至25岁男青年的自杀率增长惊人。She regarded suicide as the ultimate act of escapism. [U]她将自杀视为逃避现实的最后一招。His suicide left us all deeply shocked. [U]他的自杀令我们所有人都万分震惊。There is growing concern over the number of suicides that happen in prisons. [C]人们对于狱中自杀人数的关心与日俱增。Suicide might also refer to any act which has the effect of causing your own defeat.自取灭亡As a leader he knows that it is political suicide to be seen to be weak and indecisive. [U]作为一个领导人他明白若被视为软弱无能和优柔寡断等于政治上自取灭亡。It would be suicide to take the best player off the field at this stage in the game. [U + to infinitive]比赛进行到这阶段却将最好的选手换下场等于是自取灭亡。A suicide pact is an agreement between two or more people to kill themselves together at the same time.集体自杀合约The leader of the religious sect and thirty of his followers killed themselves in a suicide pact last year.去年一个教派领袖和他的30个追随者约定集体自杀了。 ☆MANSLAUGHTER, MURDER