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sub.sis.tencesEb5sIs7t[ntsn [U] fmlSubsistence is what a person needs in order to stay alive.最低生活需要The money is intended to provide a basic subsistence and should not be paid to someone who receives other income.这些钱是为提供最低生活需要的,不能发给有其它收入的人。Most people lived on communal land, producing food only for their own subsistence.大多数人靠公有土地过活,生产的食物只供维持最基本的生活。Subsistence also means producing enough food or earning enough money to keep yourself alive.维持生活subsistence farming生存农业(自耕自给农业)subsistence wages维持生活的最低工资The family were living at subsistence level.这家人的生活处于勉强糊口的水平。