

单词 cynical

Definition of cynical in English:


adjective ˈsɪnɪk(ə)lˈsɪnək(ə)l
  • 1Believing that people are motivated purely by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.


    he was brutally cynical and hardened to every sob story under the sun
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Is it cynical to believe that it was a political gesture and that the minister wanted the credit for driving down the oil price?
    • Many are cynical about democracy - they say it's a scam, and that the real decisions aren't taken in democratic institutions.
    • A lot of people are cynical and believe it's a money-making exercise, but it's not.
    • Residents will be wealthier, early retirement will be common and people will be better informed, but more cynical, distrusting and suspicious.
    • I've had a cynical attitude to relationships for 10 years.
    • Outwardly tough, aloof and cynical, she does a good deal of nail-chewing and fiddling with a cigarette as she decides whether Jack can be trusted.
    • One cynical commentator dismissed his promises on health and education as ‘not worth the paper they are printed on’.
    • Australians are very cynical about the political process, and the extent to which secrecy and falsehood are used to justify policy decisions.
    • Glass concedes it is harder not to become more cynical about the game as he gets older.
    • Ranald observed that Claudio progresses from a cynical attitude toward marriage to an appreciation of its worth.
    • Of course, I have always been cynical of any reporting since everyone has a vested interest in something.
    • If I was cynical I would believe that he was trying to frighten us into compliance with his own authoritarian, dictatorial agenda.
    • Americans tend to be pretty cynical about politicians and think corruption is widespread.
    • At a time when the public is growing increasingly cynical about politics and politicians, all parties struggle for issues that allow them to take the moral high ground.
    • I confess to a somewhat more cynical view of human nature than Mr. Wilkinson.
    • Such cynical micro-analysts of human behaviour must suffer when the ravenous critic inevitably turns inward.
    • I read the rest of this report, looking at why we're increasingly cynical about elections and governments.
    • We don't have language even to describe it to each other, so sceptical and cynical of human motivation have we become, but we all know it when we meet it and it is the greatest of riches.
    • His limited opportunities add to his bitter, cynical attitude towards life.
    • It's kind of sad that people are so skeptical and cynical of human decency and if they aren't, that they, at the least, don't believe in the ideal of it.
    bitter, resentful, soured, distorted, disenchanted, disillusioned, disappointed, pessimistic, sceptical, distrustful, suspicious, misanthropic
    1. 1.1 Doubtful as to whether something will happen or whether it is worthwhile.
      most residents are cynical about efforts to clean mobsters out of their city


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When you're younger, you're less cynical; you believe love will be forever.
      • But it wasn't ever really about meeting people; I've always been pretty cynical about the prospects of that.
      • He's cynical about whether the new inquiry will get closer to the truth or whether it is mere window-dressing.
      • They're quite cynical about some of this new technology.
      • Johnson smirked in a manner that's typical of a player who's cynical and distrustful of a new head coach.
      • I wasn't as cynical about being able to influence political decisions as I am now.
      • As you know, I've been getting pretty cynical about my job over the last 6 months, although at the end of the day I wouldn't trade it in for another one.
      • Mittal is equally cynical about a corporate biotech revolution.
      • Many are cynical about the preventative measures and question whether hand-washing can do much to limit the spread of disease.
      • For all his talk about the power of positivity, I confess I'm cynical about whether things will get better in our lifetime.
      sceptical, doubtful, distrustful, suspicious, disbelieving, unbelieving, scoffing, doubting, incredulous
      pessimistic, negative, hard-bitten, hardened, hard, world-weary, disillusioned, disenchanted, jaundiced, sardonic, black, bleak
      informal hard-boiled
    2. 1.2 Contemptuous; mocking.
      he gave a cynical laugh


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The event is not coldly cynical or sneering, but humorous and engaging.
      • Kurt let out a harsh, short cynical laugh.
      • It's perhaps no surprise that the project has already attracted its share of cynical derision.
      • Sometimes she gave insightful and wonderful advice and at other times she used her cynical charm to make him laugh till his sides hurt.
      • Many of the young people are cynical, even derisive, about their religion.
      • His hands clenched tightly, yet a soft cynical laugh escaped from his lips.
      • She is so sarcastic and cynical that I am happy to take the smile off her face.
      • People tend to be cynical and derisive towards romantic comedies.
      • Even Sarah, usually caustic and cynical, had to admit that Josh really did look happy.
      • He's trying to do away with the cynical sneer and make a genuine film with heartfelt emotion.
      • As a protagonist, she is witty, humorously cynical, and completely human.
      • Seamus was already out of the car and, once free of it, resumed his cynical sneer.
      • Mark laughed, a strangely cynical laugh from one so young.
      • Betty is at the center of the film's assembly of cynical, contemptuous characterizations.
      • Kitsch, I decided, is art that bears a cynical or dismissive relation to life.
      • The surprising thing is that a declaration of this kind from Singleton is no longer dismissed with a cynical laugh.
      • Cursing under his breath he aimed and missed, prompting a cynical laugh from Simon.
      • I'm cynical and sarcastic because that's often the safest way to go in many situations.
      • He laughed, a cynical heartless sort of laugh and then squinted at me.
      • He started laughing and mocked the old man with cynical derision.
      mocking, satirical
  • 2Concerned only with one's own interests and typically disregarding accepted standards in order to achieve them.


    a cynical manipulation of public opinion
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The thoughtless and cynical attitude displayed by the ruling elite regarding its own legal norms is an international phenomenon.
    • This sudden ‘concern’ is entirely cynical and has nothing to do with defending democratic rights.
    • I am not suggesting that his apology was cynical or purely tactical.
    • The accomplice to cynical, self-interested Western governments here are TV networks, who crave conflict to boost ratings.
    • What sort of cynical human being would go into something as important as marriage simply because she was entering politics?
    • Russians, he continued, should drop their illusions about the West and be quite pragmatic and even cynical in dealing with the West.
    • This sudden shift in the focus of American politics should not be dismissed merely as a cynical election gimmick.
    • Even by the double-dealing standards of international diplomacy this is a breathtakingly cynical bargain.
    • This light-minded and cynical attitude of the ruling elite towards its own legal norms is an international phenomenon.
    • There is no doubt that the protest against the concert was a cynical ploy aimed at trying to revive the party's sagging fortunes.
    • Whether the government's motivations are cynical or sincere makes no difference to the way its advice is interpreted.
    • Their self-obsession is matched only by their cynical contempt and disregard for anyone who is not part of their world.
    • Was the magazine acting in the general interest or merely indulging in a cynical attempt to increase its circulation?
    • The newspaper's sudden interest in the anti-war movement is cynical and self-serving.
    • He had reason to believe his cynical tactics would work.
    • The reaction of the so-called French left to the first revelations exposes its cynical and self-serving attitude.
    • The government's decision is a cynical manipulation of policy purely for election purposes.
    • This exercise tells us nothing about their ability to improve the lot of the subsistence farmer and everything about their lack of corporate integrity and cynical opportunism.
    • They get away with it because their opponents are, in fact, generally cynical compromisers or self-interest business boys.
    • There are some who have tried to buy their peace with rather cynical deals.


clinical, dominical, finical, Jacobinical, pinnacle, rabbinical

Definition of cynical in US English:


  • 1Believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.


    her cynical attitude


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Australians are very cynical about the political process, and the extent to which secrecy and falsehood are used to justify policy decisions.
    • Is it cynical to believe that it was a political gesture and that the minister wanted the credit for driving down the oil price?
    • Residents will be wealthier, early retirement will be common and people will be better informed, but more cynical, distrusting and suspicious.
    • One cynical commentator dismissed his promises on health and education as ‘not worth the paper they are printed on’.
    • It's kind of sad that people are so skeptical and cynical of human decency and if they aren't, that they, at the least, don't believe in the ideal of it.
    • Americans tend to be pretty cynical about politicians and think corruption is widespread.
    • Many are cynical about democracy - they say it's a scam, and that the real decisions aren't taken in democratic institutions.
    • I've had a cynical attitude to relationships for 10 years.
    • Ranald observed that Claudio progresses from a cynical attitude toward marriage to an appreciation of its worth.
    • I read the rest of this report, looking at why we're increasingly cynical about elections and governments.
    • We don't have language even to describe it to each other, so sceptical and cynical of human motivation have we become, but we all know it when we meet it and it is the greatest of riches.
    • Glass concedes it is harder not to become more cynical about the game as he gets older.
    • A lot of people are cynical and believe it's a money-making exercise, but it's not.
    • Such cynical micro-analysts of human behaviour must suffer when the ravenous critic inevitably turns inward.
    • Of course, I have always been cynical of any reporting since everyone has a vested interest in something.
    • If I was cynical I would believe that he was trying to frighten us into compliance with his own authoritarian, dictatorial agenda.
    • I confess to a somewhat more cynical view of human nature than Mr. Wilkinson.
    • His limited opportunities add to his bitter, cynical attitude towards life.
    • At a time when the public is growing increasingly cynical about politics and politicians, all parties struggle for issues that allow them to take the moral high ground.
    • Outwardly tough, aloof and cynical, she does a good deal of nail-chewing and fiddling with a cigarette as she decides whether Jack can be trusted.
    bitter, resentful, soured, distorted, disenchanted, disillusioned, disappointed, pessimistic, sceptical, distrustful, suspicious, misanthropic
    1. 1.1 Doubtful as to whether something will happen or whether it is worthwhile.
      most residents are cynical about efforts to clean mobsters out of their city


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They're quite cynical about some of this new technology.
      • He's cynical about whether the new inquiry will get closer to the truth or whether it is mere window-dressing.
      • But it wasn't ever really about meeting people; I've always been pretty cynical about the prospects of that.
      • I wasn't as cynical about being able to influence political decisions as I am now.
      • Many are cynical about the preventative measures and question whether hand-washing can do much to limit the spread of disease.
      • Johnson smirked in a manner that's typical of a player who's cynical and distrustful of a new head coach.
      • Mittal is equally cynical about a corporate biotech revolution.
      • For all his talk about the power of positivity, I confess I'm cynical about whether things will get better in our lifetime.
      • When you're younger, you're less cynical; you believe love will be forever.
      • As you know, I've been getting pretty cynical about my job over the last 6 months, although at the end of the day I wouldn't trade it in for another one.
      sceptical, doubtful, distrustful, suspicious, disbelieving, unbelieving, scoffing, doubting, incredulous
    2. 1.2 Contemptuous; mocking.
      he gave a cynical laugh


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Betty is at the center of the film's assembly of cynical, contemptuous characterizations.
      • Kitsch, I decided, is art that bears a cynical or dismissive relation to life.
      • As a protagonist, she is witty, humorously cynical, and completely human.
      • Seamus was already out of the car and, once free of it, resumed his cynical sneer.
      • Sometimes she gave insightful and wonderful advice and at other times she used her cynical charm to make him laugh till his sides hurt.
      • I'm cynical and sarcastic because that's often the safest way to go in many situations.
      • Kurt let out a harsh, short cynical laugh.
      • He laughed, a cynical heartless sort of laugh and then squinted at me.
      • It's perhaps no surprise that the project has already attracted its share of cynical derision.
      • She is so sarcastic and cynical that I am happy to take the smile off her face.
      • He started laughing and mocked the old man with cynical derision.
      • The surprising thing is that a declaration of this kind from Singleton is no longer dismissed with a cynical laugh.
      • Even Sarah, usually caustic and cynical, had to admit that Josh really did look happy.
      • Many of the young people are cynical, even derisive, about their religion.
      • People tend to be cynical and derisive towards romantic comedies.
      • Mark laughed, a strangely cynical laugh from one so young.
      • His hands clenched tightly, yet a soft cynical laugh escaped from his lips.
      • Cursing under his breath he aimed and missed, prompting a cynical laugh from Simon.
      • He's trying to do away with the cynical sneer and make a genuine film with heartfelt emotion.
      • The event is not coldly cynical or sneering, but humorous and engaging.
      mocking, satirical
  • 2Concerned only with one's own interests and typically disregarding accepted or appropriate standards in order to achieve them.


    a cynical manipulation of public opinion
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The reaction of the so-called French left to the first revelations exposes its cynical and self-serving attitude.
    • I am not suggesting that his apology was cynical or purely tactical.
    • Russians, he continued, should drop their illusions about the West and be quite pragmatic and even cynical in dealing with the West.
    • This sudden ‘concern’ is entirely cynical and has nothing to do with defending democratic rights.
    • There are some who have tried to buy their peace with rather cynical deals.
    • He had reason to believe his cynical tactics would work.
    • Whether the government's motivations are cynical or sincere makes no difference to the way its advice is interpreted.
    • What sort of cynical human being would go into something as important as marriage simply because she was entering politics?
    • The accomplice to cynical, self-interested Western governments here are TV networks, who crave conflict to boost ratings.
    • The government's decision is a cynical manipulation of policy purely for election purposes.
    • Their self-obsession is matched only by their cynical contempt and disregard for anyone who is not part of their world.
    • There is no doubt that the protest against the concert was a cynical ploy aimed at trying to revive the party's sagging fortunes.
    • The newspaper's sudden interest in the anti-war movement is cynical and self-serving.
    • Was the magazine acting in the general interest or merely indulging in a cynical attempt to increase its circulation?
    • The thoughtless and cynical attitude displayed by the ruling elite regarding its own legal norms is an international phenomenon.
    • Even by the double-dealing standards of international diplomacy this is a breathtakingly cynical bargain.
    • This exercise tells us nothing about their ability to improve the lot of the subsistence farmer and everything about their lack of corporate integrity and cynical opportunism.
    • This sudden shift in the focus of American politics should not be dismissed merely as a cynical election gimmick.
    • This light-minded and cynical attitude of the ruling elite towards its own legal norms is an international phenomenon.
    • They get away with it because their opponents are, in fact, generally cynical compromisers or self-interest business boys.




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