

单词 heredity

Definition of heredity in English:


noun hɪˈrɛdɪtihəˈrɛdədi
mass noun
  • 1The passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from one generation to another.


    the relative influence of heredity and environment
    Example sentencesExamples
    • So, thousands of years before Gregor Mendel postulated his theories on genetics and heredity, indigenous Americans were breeding corn to select for desirable traits.
    • At the time of your birth, in 1946, the scientific community was not yet generally aware that our heredity is stored in sequences of ‘letters’ within the chemical called DNA.
    • When asked about the role of heredity in the Wyeth-Hurd family, Michael believes strongly that it plays an unquestionably vital part in producing artists.
    • According to Doctor Robert Mtonga, a health practitioner, obesity can come as a result of nutritional habits or in some cases it is due to heredity in families.
    • At one extreme, advocates of nature contend that intelligence is a function of heredity of genetics; you are either smart or not.
    • Moreover, Watson is among the many geneticists who see heredity as the source of most social problems and who believe the solutions are to be found in genetic research.
    • Indeed, it formed the basis for the Mendelian chromosome theory of heredity and ultimately the theory of the gene.
    • Billed as ‘an animated primer on the basics of DNA, genes, and heredity,’ the site is also a wonderful place to learn about the men and women who made the key discoveries.
    • Rollin's delightful playfulness came out often in the most serious contexts, and I cannot resist describing something he said at the 1963 symposium on the control of human heredity.
    • Fertilization therefore results in an egg carrying a nucleus with contributions from both parents, and it was concluded that the cell nucleus must contain the physical basis of heredity.
    • Long before we knew anything about the physical basis of heredity, factors or genes were identified in terms of their functional or phenotypic effects.
    • Genes are the physical units of heredity and are located along each chromosome in the cells of the human body.
    • As the ultimate failed father, David Banner exemplifies the personification of heredity, of the passing down of not only mental and physical but even genetic imprints from father to child.
    • In black rats, resistance was supposed to be multifactorial, judging from its unstable heredity.
    • By the age of nineteen, in 1909, Muller had already become committed to genetics and to the chromosome theory of heredity.
    • For decades now, psychologists and geneticists alike have thought of heredity and environment as interactive - hence, the title of this article.
    • Their biology teacher has just given them an assignment about genes and heredity, expecting them to pass a five-page term paper by Wednesday.
    • These two ardent atheists are being honored this year on the 50th anniversary of their discovery of the double helix structure of the molecule of heredity, DNA.
    • On the one hand, his excursions into the mechanics of heredity and population genetics provide a valuable background for his rejection of racial and eugenic theories.
    • The units of heredity, or genes, are DNA sequences that code for the synthesis of proteins.
    congenital characteristics, congenital traits, genetics, genetic make-up, genes
    ancestry, descent, extraction, parentage
    1. 1.1 A person's ancestry.
      he wears a Cossack tunic to emphasize his Russian heredity


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Many other factors can lead to and exacerbate health problems, including heredity, family eating habits and a lack of exercise, he said.
      • He did something about it: knowing that he could not change his heredity and genes, he transformed his lifestyle instead.
      • If the development of a certain disease is due to heredity, then genetic researchers would expect more of the identical twins to share the disease as compared to the same-sex fraternal twins.
      • That's the implication from one of the largest ever studies comparing the influence of environment and heredity on cancer incidence.
      • Energy expenditure is influenced by heredity; age; sex; body size; fat-free mass; and the intensity, frequency, and duration of exercise.
      • No studies on the respective roles of heredity and environment on the chemotype expression were performed.
      • Bone loss from the osteoporotic condition can result in a healthy population for a variety of reasons, including insufficient dietary intake, pollutants, toxins, menopause, lack of physical activity and heredity.
      • Data mining capabilities will allow physicians to study the effects of environment, heredity and lifestyle on breast cancer.
      • I do not pretend to know why the documentation of unbroken heredity through generations of forebears brings us so swiftly to tears and to such a secure sense of rightness, definition, membership, and meaning.
      • The manner in which someone ages depends almost entirely on factors relating to heredity, physical and mental health, and nutrition.
      • Individual natal astrology constitutes the third division where, like Ptolemy, al-Biruni was fully aware that considerations of heredity and environment should modify any astrological indications.
      • The individual human becomes an ethical person by means of two primary mechanisms: heredity and environmental influences.
      • Peak bone density is heavily influenced by heredity, nutrition, hormonal effects, and environment.
      • Boyishly reared by an emancipated mother and a suicidal father, she is the victim of heredity, environment and her own anachronistic position as an outsider in the new socialist England.
      • And all questioned whether it was one thing or many, produced by heredity or environment, and shared with animals or uniquely human.
      • He said that while there are a few indigenous reasons like genes, heredity etc for obesity, there are more exogenous reasons for the problem.
      • Meanwhile, relative influences of heredity and environment on many behaviors remain obscure.
      • Presumably, it is partially influenced by heredity.
      • The argument for heredity having a relatively strong influence on this disease rests primarily in studies involving families, adoptees and twins.
      • Some of the factors influencing heart disease are high fat diets, cigarette smoking, lack of exercise, stress, not controlling diabetes or high blood pressure, obesity and heredity.
      ancestors, forebears, forefathers, progenitors, antecedents
  • 2The inheritance of a title, office, or right.


    a second chamber whose membership is largely based on heredity


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the highly traditional society which existed in medieval England, a society bound by ties of blood and heredity, wealth and landholding alone were not enough to make a man noble - at least in the eyes of his contemporaries.
    • Neither could have inherited by heredity alone, since it was not clear that a woman was allowed to succeed, and both were illegitimate under English law.
    • His view is simple: all real power must stay in the Commons - a laudable idea when the second chamber is a mix of heredity and appointment, but indefensible where it is democratically elected.
    • Strictly, a scion in terms of human heredity is the descendant of a noble or storied lineage, whereas what is significant about the subject of the article is the specific circumstance of her conception.
    • And yet, the introduction of pluralistic democracy itself is a clear break with the past - a break from systems in which rights over others are based on gender, class, tribal affiliation or heredity.
    • Mohawk may have overstated the case for Native democracy, since heredity played a major role in office-holding in many Indian societies.
    • But this doctrine that souls are acquired by heredity carried more physical implications than at least some Platonists could feel at ease with.
    • Under these arrangements, the king received money in return for granting tenure, heredity, and free disposal of their offices to his judges and other servants.
    • If our patriotism is refracted through a system based on hierarchy and heredity, it affects the way we see our country in subtle ways.
    • Power in the Mamluk realm was not based on heredity.
    • There is no longer venality or heredity of public office.
    • The social position of each individual is fixed by heredity and not by personal qualifications and material considerations.


Late 18th century: from French hérédité, from Latin hereditas 'heirship', from heres, hered- 'heir'.

Definition of heredity in US English:


  • 1The passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from one generation to another.


    few scientists dispute that heredity can create a susceptibility to alcoholism
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Billed as ‘an animated primer on the basics of DNA, genes, and heredity,’ the site is also a wonderful place to learn about the men and women who made the key discoveries.
    • Genes are the physical units of heredity and are located along each chromosome in the cells of the human body.
    • By the age of nineteen, in 1909, Muller had already become committed to genetics and to the chromosome theory of heredity.
    • According to Doctor Robert Mtonga, a health practitioner, obesity can come as a result of nutritional habits or in some cases it is due to heredity in families.
    • Long before we knew anything about the physical basis of heredity, factors or genes were identified in terms of their functional or phenotypic effects.
    • Indeed, it formed the basis for the Mendelian chromosome theory of heredity and ultimately the theory of the gene.
    • Moreover, Watson is among the many geneticists who see heredity as the source of most social problems and who believe the solutions are to be found in genetic research.
    • In black rats, resistance was supposed to be multifactorial, judging from its unstable heredity.
    • Fertilization therefore results in an egg carrying a nucleus with contributions from both parents, and it was concluded that the cell nucleus must contain the physical basis of heredity.
    • At one extreme, advocates of nature contend that intelligence is a function of heredity of genetics; you are either smart or not.
    • As the ultimate failed father, David Banner exemplifies the personification of heredity, of the passing down of not only mental and physical but even genetic imprints from father to child.
    • For decades now, psychologists and geneticists alike have thought of heredity and environment as interactive - hence, the title of this article.
    • When asked about the role of heredity in the Wyeth-Hurd family, Michael believes strongly that it plays an unquestionably vital part in producing artists.
    • Their biology teacher has just given them an assignment about genes and heredity, expecting them to pass a five-page term paper by Wednesday.
    • At the time of your birth, in 1946, the scientific community was not yet generally aware that our heredity is stored in sequences of ‘letters’ within the chemical called DNA.
    • So, thousands of years before Gregor Mendel postulated his theories on genetics and heredity, indigenous Americans were breeding corn to select for desirable traits.
    • The units of heredity, or genes, are DNA sequences that code for the synthesis of proteins.
    • Rollin's delightful playfulness came out often in the most serious contexts, and I cannot resist describing something he said at the 1963 symposium on the control of human heredity.
    • On the one hand, his excursions into the mechanics of heredity and population genetics provide a valuable background for his rejection of racial and eugenic theories.
    • These two ardent atheists are being honored this year on the 50th anniversary of their discovery of the double helix structure of the molecule of heredity, DNA.
    congenital characteristics, congenital traits, genetics, genetic make-up, genes
    1. 1.1 A person's ancestry.
      he wears a Cossack tunic to emphasize his Russian heredity


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The manner in which someone ages depends almost entirely on factors relating to heredity, physical and mental health, and nutrition.
      • Presumably, it is partially influenced by heredity.
      • Energy expenditure is influenced by heredity; age; sex; body size; fat-free mass; and the intensity, frequency, and duration of exercise.
      • If the development of a certain disease is due to heredity, then genetic researchers would expect more of the identical twins to share the disease as compared to the same-sex fraternal twins.
      • No studies on the respective roles of heredity and environment on the chemotype expression were performed.
      • Individual natal astrology constitutes the third division where, like Ptolemy, al-Biruni was fully aware that considerations of heredity and environment should modify any astrological indications.
      • That's the implication from one of the largest ever studies comparing the influence of environment and heredity on cancer incidence.
      • Bone loss from the osteoporotic condition can result in a healthy population for a variety of reasons, including insufficient dietary intake, pollutants, toxins, menopause, lack of physical activity and heredity.
      • Boyishly reared by an emancipated mother and a suicidal father, she is the victim of heredity, environment and her own anachronistic position as an outsider in the new socialist England.
      • I do not pretend to know why the documentation of unbroken heredity through generations of forebears brings us so swiftly to tears and to such a secure sense of rightness, definition, membership, and meaning.
      • And all questioned whether it was one thing or many, produced by heredity or environment, and shared with animals or uniquely human.
      • Peak bone density is heavily influenced by heredity, nutrition, hormonal effects, and environment.
      • Some of the factors influencing heart disease are high fat diets, cigarette smoking, lack of exercise, stress, not controlling diabetes or high blood pressure, obesity and heredity.
      • He said that while there are a few indigenous reasons like genes, heredity etc for obesity, there are more exogenous reasons for the problem.
      • Meanwhile, relative influences of heredity and environment on many behaviors remain obscure.
      • The argument for heredity having a relatively strong influence on this disease rests primarily in studies involving families, adoptees and twins.
      • The individual human becomes an ethical person by means of two primary mechanisms: heredity and environmental influences.
      • Data mining capabilities will allow physicians to study the effects of environment, heredity and lifestyle on breast cancer.
      • Many other factors can lead to and exacerbate health problems, including heredity, family eating habits and a lack of exercise, he said.
      • He did something about it: knowing that he could not change his heredity and genes, he transformed his lifestyle instead.
      ancestors, forebears, forefathers, progenitors, antecedents
  • 2The inheritance of a title, office, or right.


    membership is largely based on heredity


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The social position of each individual is fixed by heredity and not by personal qualifications and material considerations.
    • But this doctrine that souls are acquired by heredity carried more physical implications than at least some Platonists could feel at ease with.
    • Power in the Mamluk realm was not based on heredity.
    • Mohawk may have overstated the case for Native democracy, since heredity played a major role in office-holding in many Indian societies.
    • His view is simple: all real power must stay in the Commons - a laudable idea when the second chamber is a mix of heredity and appointment, but indefensible where it is democratically elected.
    • There is no longer venality or heredity of public office.
    • Neither could have inherited by heredity alone, since it was not clear that a woman was allowed to succeed, and both were illegitimate under English law.
    • If our patriotism is refracted through a system based on hierarchy and heredity, it affects the way we see our country in subtle ways.
    • In the highly traditional society which existed in medieval England, a society bound by ties of blood and heredity, wealth and landholding alone were not enough to make a man noble - at least in the eyes of his contemporaries.
    • Under these arrangements, the king received money in return for granting tenure, heredity, and free disposal of their offices to his judges and other servants.
    • Strictly, a scion in terms of human heredity is the descendant of a noble or storied lineage, whereas what is significant about the subject of the article is the specific circumstance of her conception.
    • And yet, the introduction of pluralistic democracy itself is a clear break with the past - a break from systems in which rights over others are based on gender, class, tribal affiliation or heredity.


Late 18th century: from French hérédité, from Latin hereditas ‘heirship’, from heres, hered- ‘heir’.





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