An electronic toy that simulates a real pet and with which human interaction is possible.
Also called digipet or virtual pet
Example sentencesExamples
He has motion, devotion, he even has emotion - the new breed of cyberpet will soon be with us and, as far as his creators are concerned, he's only a tooth and claw off the real thing.
Loosely speaking, Creatures were cyberpets called Norns who operated in real time, were born with a few basic drives and had to learn from their environment - including how to deal with the baddies, called Grendels.
The second-generation cyberpet, called ERS - 210, will be available in Japan from November 16 and cost around 150,000 yen - cheaper than the first Aibo which weighed in at $2,300.
The cyberpet will be able to talk in its own special dog robot language and even learn a spot of Japanese.
When you go into a place that everyone dislikes, your cyberpet freaks out.
The cyberpet will now come in gold, silver or black and express more canine traits such as being able to wag its tail and respond to its own name.
Definition of cyberpet in US English:
An electronic toy that simulates a real pet and with which human interaction is possible.
Also called digipet or virtual pet
Example sentencesExamples
He has motion, devotion, he even has emotion - the new breed of cyberpet will soon be with us and, as far as his creators are concerned, he's only a tooth and claw off the real thing.
When you go into a place that everyone dislikes, your cyberpet freaks out.
The cyberpet will be able to talk in its own special dog robot language and even learn a spot of Japanese.
The second-generation cyberpet, called ERS - 210, will be available in Japan from November 16 and cost around 150,000 yen - cheaper than the first Aibo which weighed in at $2,300.
The cyberpet will now come in gold, silver or black and express more canine traits such as being able to wag its tail and respond to its own name.
Loosely speaking, Creatures were cyberpets called Norns who operated in real time, were born with a few basic drives and had to learn from their environment - including how to deal with the baddies, called Grendels.