

单词 McLuhan, Marshall

Definition of McLuhan, Marshall in English:

McLuhan, Marshall

proper nounməˈkluːənməˈklo͞owən
  • (1911–80), Canadian writer and thinker; full name Herbert Marshall McLuhan. He became famous in the 1960s for his phrase ‘the medium is the message’ and his argument that it is the characteristics of a particular medium rather than the information it disseminates which influence and control society.

Definition of McLuhan, Marshall in US English:

McLuhan, Marshall

proper nounməˈklo͞owən
  • (1911–80), Canadian writer and thinker; full name Herbert Marshall McLuhan. He became known in the 1960s for his phrase “the medium is the message” and for his argument that it is the characteristics of a particular medium rather than the information it disseminates that influence and control society.





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