

单词 accurate

Definition of accurate in English:


adjective ˈakjʊrətˈækjərət
  • 1(especially of information, measurements, or predictions) correct in all details; exact.


    accurate information about the illness is essential


    an accurate assessment
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Distributing free tickets before the event solved the first problem because we now had an accurate measurement of how many students were planning to attend.
    • This information can be used to make more accurate predictions of weather and climate.
    • ‘From measurements on the map and accurate measurements on the ground there is something wrong in that area,’ he said.
    • As shown in these tables, precise and accurate measurement of hair can be made.
    • One of the main problems they face is getting detailed and accurate information from potential companies.
    • The writing is full of exposition and flowery, stilted language that may in fact be historically accurate but in large measure prevents the characters from coming to life.
    • There were no accurate measurements of the weather to call upon during this time but the discovery and colonization of Greenland by Eric the Red supports this hypothesis.
    • At the end of the day, it is precisely by providing accurate news and information that we earn and keep our credibility.
    • At best they distill public information into the most accurate predictions possible.
    • It was a lifeline of accurate news and information for millions.
    • An ongoing two-year preliminary survey of more than 80 women has finely tuned the new equipment to ensure the most accurate measurement can be carried out.
    • Adding to the problems of making accurate measurements is the fact that cold or warm weather patterns can run in cycles, anywhere from a week to even a season.
    • In addition, the effects of a particular treatment can be more precisely calculated and evaluated with accurate measurements.
    • The corrected equation therefore makes a more accurate prediction.
    • The results of this study indicate that these subjects were more accurate in predicting their obesity than their aerobic fitness level.
    • To solve this problem, a combination of detailed structural information and accurate, time-resolved measurements are required.
    • The ratings system can never be a fair and accurate measurement of a player's contribution to a game.
    • Any discrepancies can then be adjusted, ensuring crews have an accurate measurement of their speed.
    • For detailed and accurate information about Bradford trolley buses, I would recommend the several books by J S King.
    • I would have expected that Crikey strongly supports the rapid provision of accurate information to correct errors.
    correct, precise, exact, right, errorless, error-free, without error, faultless, perfect, valid, specific, detailed, minute, explicit, clear-cut, word for word, unambiguous, meticulous, authoritative, reliable, canonical
    British informal spot on, bang on
    North American informal on the money
    1. 1.1 (of an instrument or method) capable of giving accurate information.
      an accurate thermometer


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The oldest and least accurate method is dowsing.
      • There is a more accurate method, but it's high-tech.
      • Greene and his associates have devised a more accurate method for calculating graduation rates.
      • For ketosis, the scientists' goal is to come up with a fast, accurate method of identifying animals less likely to suffer the disorder.
      • Sophisticated and accurate methods of analysing respiratory gases were developed in the twentieth century, and the mechanisms of external respiration are now well defined.
      • Mick Nevin and Pat Dowling executed a slick and accurate interchange of passes that created the space for Paul Dermody to advance and secure a 68th minute lead for Villa.
      • This is probably the most accurate method but requires centrifugation of the sample, analysis of the separated plasma, and use of a moderately complex equation.
      • An unborn baby's developing nose could provide doctors with a more accurate method of screening for Down's syndrome, a new study showed yesterday.
      • These techniques provide a more accurate method of assessing energy expenditure patterns.
      • In terms of the topology scores, the five most accurate methods were not significantly different from one another.
      • The sundial developed into a more accurate instrument with the introduction of the hemispherical sundial around 300 BC.
      • There certainly remains a need for more accurate methods to estimate heritabilities and genetic correlations in the absence of pedigree information.
      • She also explained how coronary angiography is the most accurate method of evaluating and determining the type of surgery a patient needs.
      • But the effects of Einstein's theory in our solar system are very, very small and therefore you have to make very accurate instruments to test them.
      • You could also use a digital thermometer to take an axillary temperature, although this is a less accurate method.
      • Now, rapid, accurate methods are needed to provide information regarding the fat and lean content during the on-line processing of pork carcasses.
      • Present-day performers commonly adopt practices of earlier periods whether or not they use historically accurate instruments.
      • Today, we can reveal we have obtained a draft copy of that very test, a powerful and highly accurate method of assessing individuals for senior positions.
      • There is no accurate method of calculating the city's true population, and tourists also contribute directly to the excess garbage problems, he said.
      • It's all well and good installing gadgets into a house and having researchers test them, but it is not the most accurate method of ascertaining consumers' reactions.
      • The sensor can time this journey down to the nanosecond, ESA says, meaning that the instrument is accurate to within two centimetres.
    2. 1.2 Providing a faithful representation of someone or something.
      the portrait is an accurate likeness of Mozart


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I thought it was an accurate representation of the Gospels.
      • If diaries can't be relied on for accurate representation of the past, as this argument would maintain, then we need to read them much the way we read novels.
      • Even so, they can offer accurate representations of people's beliefs.
      • You might want to take a closer look, because that photo might not be an accurate representation of what you'll get when you check in.
      • I have been asked by quite a few people about this video and whether it was an accurate representation of what I have seen and experienced.
      • It's been described as an epidemic, and I think that's an accurate representation, at this point.
      • It will not be enough for him to hide behind some evasion to the effect that the pictures were an accurate representation of events which the Mirror still believes actually took place.
      • I don't know if this is an accurate visual representation of Gaby, but I'm looking at the picture representing the father here.
      • Who on earth figured they could get an accurate representation of my social studies knowledge by handing me a vague question and giving me an hour and a half to come up with something brilliant?
      • She encouraged Darrel to tell her about the beetle as she drew, describing the legs, the wings, and the antennae, in order to ensure an accurate representation.
      • People expect photographs to be accurate representations or records of reality.
      • He doesn't believe the film to be an accurate representation of his life, but since when did major motion pictures deal in the naked truth?
      • This is a surprisingly accurate artists representation of me, except I don't normally have wings, or a hole in my side.
      • So, knowing you changed nothing on the camera, how many of the images do you think will be an accurate representation of what you saw?
      • Over all I was not disappointed but I could not feel anything other than that the film was an accurate visual representation of what happened even if the characters were flattened.
      • As with the other two extended editions, this version is also a far more faithful and accurate interpretation of the book.
      • I enjoyed it for what it was, but I wasn't overly inspired or captivated by Jo's life - however accurate a representation it really is.
      • Maybe these were accurate representations or interpretations of the original article, or maybe not.
      • Principal Dr David Watkins said students did very well in the college's vocational courses and he criticised the league tables for not giving an accurate representation of their achievements.
      • To Marshall Bertrand, Napoleon's faithful aide, this was the most accurate likeness.
      factual, fact-based, literal, correct, faithful, exact, close, true, truthful, veracious, true to life, telling it like it is, as it really happened, lifelike, authentic, realistic, fair
  • 2(with reference to a weapon, missile, or shot) capable of or successful in reaching the intended target.

    reliable, accurate rifles
    a player who can deliver long accurate passes to the wingers
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Technologically, strong land fortifications ease the security dilemma, and highly accurate but vulnerable nuclear weapons exacerbate it.
    • Hunters had no very accurate weapons for shooting small birds at a distance; they would throw a net over the crouching dog and the birds together.
    • The effort to achieve more accurate weapons began in World War I and approached modern capabilities with PGMs toward the end of the Vietnam War.
    • Since then the US military has claimed its weapons are more accurate and its targets more carefully selected.
    • Now we have weapons that are highly accurate and affordable.
    • The addition of Global Positioning System equipment makes the weapons even more accurate.
    • Stronskiy is an engineer at Izhmash, and known for creating superbly accurate target rifles.
    • In the game, everything was designed to go right for the U.S.: weapons were accurate, soldiers were fast and agile, and the command was all knowing.
    • One is that weapons will be very accurate, because of the guidance provided by GPS, laser-designation, and inertial systems.
    • In an age where ‘getting it right’ is everything, smart, accurate weapons may actually seem more moral, intelligent and correct.
    • And lastly, our future emphasizes advancements in smarter, smaller and more accurate weapons.
    • Yes, we have powerful, accurate weapons; well-trained and humane soldiers; excellent leadership.
    • It is less important for armies to concentrate firepower because modern weapons are so accurate.
    • It's a good all-around weapon with accurate fire.
    • The service pistol is a close personal defense weapon and is deadly accurate.
    • The weapon is accurate at long distances and the projectile moves pretty fast.
    • GPS receivers fitted to munitions transform ‘dumb bombs’ into accurate, all-weather weapons.
    • Mr Rae said the gun was widely used throughout the second world war and was renowned as an extremely mobile and accurate weapon.
    • Police say the weapon used in the shootings was likely an assault rifle or a hunting rifle, accurate up to 650 meters.
    • The weapon is very accurate at close range and you can go through a whole clip of 30 with very little recoil, ensuring that you don't lose sight of your target.
    well aimed, precise, on target, unerring, deadly, lethal, sure, true, on the mark, careful, meticulous, painstaking, precision
    British inch-perfect
    British informal spot on, bang on


Late 16th century: from Latin accuratus 'done with care', past participle of accurare, from ad- 'towards' + cura 'care'.

  • curate from Middle English:

    The word curate, ‘an assistant to a parish priest’, comes from medieval Latin curatus, from Latin cura ‘care’ (because the parishioners are in his care), the source of a number of words including cure (Middle English), curator (Late Middle English), accurate (late 16th century) ‘done with care’, and secure (Late Middle English) ‘free from care’. You can describe something that is partly good and partly bad as a curate's egg. This is one of those rare expressions whose origin can be precisely identified. A cartoon in an 1895 edition of the magazine Punch features a meek curate at the breakfast table with his bishop. The caption reads: ‘BISHOP: “I'm afraid you've got a bad egg, Mr Jones.” CURATE: “Oh no, my Lord, I assure you! Parts of it are excellent!” ’ Only ten years later the phrase had become sufficiently familiar to appear in a publication called Minister's Gazette of Fashion: ‘The past spring and summer season has seen much fluctuation. Like the curate's egg, it has been excellent in parts.’

Definition of accurate in US English:


  • 1(of information, measurements, statistics, etc.) correct in all details; exact.


    accurate information about the illness is essential


    an accurate assessment
    Example sentencesExamples
    • To solve this problem, a combination of detailed structural information and accurate, time-resolved measurements are required.
    • In addition, the effects of a particular treatment can be more precisely calculated and evaluated with accurate measurements.
    • It was a lifeline of accurate news and information for millions.
    • For detailed and accurate information about Bradford trolley buses, I would recommend the several books by J S King.
    • Distributing free tickets before the event solved the first problem because we now had an accurate measurement of how many students were planning to attend.
    • At the end of the day, it is precisely by providing accurate news and information that we earn and keep our credibility.
    • Any discrepancies can then be adjusted, ensuring crews have an accurate measurement of their speed.
    • There were no accurate measurements of the weather to call upon during this time but the discovery and colonization of Greenland by Eric the Red supports this hypothesis.
    • The writing is full of exposition and flowery, stilted language that may in fact be historically accurate but in large measure prevents the characters from coming to life.
    • This information can be used to make more accurate predictions of weather and climate.
    • At best they distill public information into the most accurate predictions possible.
    • One of the main problems they face is getting detailed and accurate information from potential companies.
    • Adding to the problems of making accurate measurements is the fact that cold or warm weather patterns can run in cycles, anywhere from a week to even a season.
    • I would have expected that Crikey strongly supports the rapid provision of accurate information to correct errors.
    • The corrected equation therefore makes a more accurate prediction.
    • The ratings system can never be a fair and accurate measurement of a player's contribution to a game.
    • As shown in these tables, precise and accurate measurement of hair can be made.
    • The results of this study indicate that these subjects were more accurate in predicting their obesity than their aerobic fitness level.
    • ‘From measurements on the map and accurate measurements on the ground there is something wrong in that area,’ he said.
    • An ongoing two-year preliminary survey of more than 80 women has finely tuned the new equipment to ensure the most accurate measurement can be carried out.
    correct, precise, exact, right, errorless, error-free, without error, faultless, perfect, valid, specific, detailed, minute, explicit, clear-cut, word for word, unambiguous, meticulous, authoritative, reliable, canonical
    factual, fact-based, literal, correct, faithful, exact, close, true, truthful, veracious, true to life, telling it like it is, as it really happened, lifelike, authentic, realistic, fair
    1. 1.1 (of an instrument or method) capable of giving accurate information.
      an accurate thermometer


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It's all well and good installing gadgets into a house and having researchers test them, but it is not the most accurate method of ascertaining consumers' reactions.
      • But the effects of Einstein's theory in our solar system are very, very small and therefore you have to make very accurate instruments to test them.
      • There certainly remains a need for more accurate methods to estimate heritabilities and genetic correlations in the absence of pedigree information.
      • This is probably the most accurate method but requires centrifugation of the sample, analysis of the separated plasma, and use of a moderately complex equation.
      • For ketosis, the scientists' goal is to come up with a fast, accurate method of identifying animals less likely to suffer the disorder.
      • Present-day performers commonly adopt practices of earlier periods whether or not they use historically accurate instruments.
      • Greene and his associates have devised a more accurate method for calculating graduation rates.
      • Mick Nevin and Pat Dowling executed a slick and accurate interchange of passes that created the space for Paul Dermody to advance and secure a 68th minute lead for Villa.
      • She also explained how coronary angiography is the most accurate method of evaluating and determining the type of surgery a patient needs.
      • These techniques provide a more accurate method of assessing energy expenditure patterns.
      • Today, we can reveal we have obtained a draft copy of that very test, a powerful and highly accurate method of assessing individuals for senior positions.
      • Sophisticated and accurate methods of analysing respiratory gases were developed in the twentieth century, and the mechanisms of external respiration are now well defined.
      • Now, rapid, accurate methods are needed to provide information regarding the fat and lean content during the on-line processing of pork carcasses.
      • There is a more accurate method, but it's high-tech.
      • The oldest and least accurate method is dowsing.
      • The sensor can time this journey down to the nanosecond, ESA says, meaning that the instrument is accurate to within two centimetres.
      • You could also use a digital thermometer to take an axillary temperature, although this is a less accurate method.
      • The sundial developed into a more accurate instrument with the introduction of the hemispherical sundial around 300 BC.
      • There is no accurate method of calculating the city's true population, and tourists also contribute directly to the excess garbage problems, he said.
      • An unborn baby's developing nose could provide doctors with a more accurate method of screening for Down's syndrome, a new study showed yesterday.
      • In terms of the topology scores, the five most accurate methods were not significantly different from one another.
    2. 1.2 Faithfully or fairly representing the truth about someone or something.
      the portrait is an accurate likeness of Mozart


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Maybe these were accurate representations or interpretations of the original article, or maybe not.
      • She encouraged Darrel to tell her about the beetle as she drew, describing the legs, the wings, and the antennae, in order to ensure an accurate representation.
      • Over all I was not disappointed but I could not feel anything other than that the film was an accurate visual representation of what happened even if the characters were flattened.
      • I thought it was an accurate representation of the Gospels.
      • To Marshall Bertrand, Napoleon's faithful aide, this was the most accurate likeness.
      • Principal Dr David Watkins said students did very well in the college's vocational courses and he criticised the league tables for not giving an accurate representation of their achievements.
      • You might want to take a closer look, because that photo might not be an accurate representation of what you'll get when you check in.
      • Even so, they can offer accurate representations of people's beliefs.
      • Who on earth figured they could get an accurate representation of my social studies knowledge by handing me a vague question and giving me an hour and a half to come up with something brilliant?
      • People expect photographs to be accurate representations or records of reality.
      • I enjoyed it for what it was, but I wasn't overly inspired or captivated by Jo's life - however accurate a representation it really is.
      • As with the other two extended editions, this version is also a far more faithful and accurate interpretation of the book.
      • It's been described as an epidemic, and I think that's an accurate representation, at this point.
      • I have been asked by quite a few people about this video and whether it was an accurate representation of what I have seen and experienced.
      • He doesn't believe the film to be an accurate representation of his life, but since when did major motion pictures deal in the naked truth?
      • I don't know if this is an accurate visual representation of Gaby, but I'm looking at the picture representing the father here.
      • If diaries can't be relied on for accurate representation of the past, as this argument would maintain, then we need to read them much the way we read novels.
      • This is a surprisingly accurate artists representation of me, except I don't normally have wings, or a hole in my side.
      • It will not be enough for him to hide behind some evasion to the effect that the pictures were an accurate representation of events which the Mirror still believes actually took place.
      • So, knowing you changed nothing on the camera, how many of the images do you think will be an accurate representation of what you saw?
      factual, fact-based, literal, correct, faithful, exact, close, true, truthful, veracious, true to life, telling it like it is, as it really happened, lifelike, authentic, realistic, fair
  • 2(with reference to a weapon, missile, or shot) capable of or successful in reaching the intended target.

    reliable, accurate rifles
    a player who can deliver long accurate passes
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The weapon is very accurate at close range and you can go through a whole clip of 30 with very little recoil, ensuring that you don't lose sight of your target.
    • The weapon is accurate at long distances and the projectile moves pretty fast.
    • It is less important for armies to concentrate firepower because modern weapons are so accurate.
    • The service pistol is a close personal defense weapon and is deadly accurate.
    • The addition of Global Positioning System equipment makes the weapons even more accurate.
    • In the game, everything was designed to go right for the U.S.: weapons were accurate, soldiers were fast and agile, and the command was all knowing.
    • Police say the weapon used in the shootings was likely an assault rifle or a hunting rifle, accurate up to 650 meters.
    • Hunters had no very accurate weapons for shooting small birds at a distance; they would throw a net over the crouching dog and the birds together.
    • Technologically, strong land fortifications ease the security dilemma, and highly accurate but vulnerable nuclear weapons exacerbate it.
    • The effort to achieve more accurate weapons began in World War I and approached modern capabilities with PGMs toward the end of the Vietnam War.
    • And lastly, our future emphasizes advancements in smarter, smaller and more accurate weapons.
    • Yes, we have powerful, accurate weapons; well-trained and humane soldiers; excellent leadership.
    • One is that weapons will be very accurate, because of the guidance provided by GPS, laser-designation, and inertial systems.
    • Since then the US military has claimed its weapons are more accurate and its targets more carefully selected.
    • Now we have weapons that are highly accurate and affordable.
    • In an age where ‘getting it right’ is everything, smart, accurate weapons may actually seem more moral, intelligent and correct.
    • Mr Rae said the gun was widely used throughout the second world war and was renowned as an extremely mobile and accurate weapon.
    • GPS receivers fitted to munitions transform ‘dumb bombs’ into accurate, all-weather weapons.
    • It's a good all-around weapon with accurate fire.
    • Stronskiy is an engineer at Izhmash, and known for creating superbly accurate target rifles.
    well aimed, precise, on target, unerring, deadly, lethal, sure, true, on the mark, careful, meticulous, painstaking, precision


Late 16th century: from Latin accuratus ‘done with care’, past participle of accurare, from ad- ‘towards’ + cura ‘care’.





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更新时间:2024/10/19 16:25:49