

单词 cusp

Definition of cusp in English:


noun kʌspkəsp
  • 1A point of transition between two different states.

    those on the cusp of adulthood


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In a city like Vancouver, straddling the cusp between becoming beautiful, and settling for uninspired drab, it is projects like this one that can tip it one way or the other.
    • The paradox of the work's title tells of a world at the cusp of a new era, one characterized as ‘crepuscular.’
    • One of the annoying things about the indie world is having to be on the cusp of whatever is brand new.
    • ‘We're right at the cusp of understanding this,’ said Sherry Willis of Pennsylvania State University.
    • It teeters on the cusp of the Mediterranean, offering endless vistas of blue-green sea, bucketfuls of fresh air, and crumbling, salty buildings of the old town that still manage to retain their elegance.
    • His 1945 inauguration was right at the cusp of the critical events that put an end to World War II.
    • Conceptually, the case-study firms are situated at a critical cusp between a regional production system with its division of labor and an international supply chain.
    • We are on the cusp of a great set of decisions around what will happen to the world's water.
    • Mind you, sometimes, now and again, Nature confounds us by letting an early break of fair skies extend itself a little, hover on the cusp of change and then, once the weather men are completely confused, settle in for a long hot summer.
    • ‘The economy is virtually firing on all cylinders again, and is on the cusp of a new era,’ he says.
    • The disease saw him go from super-fit athletic to pain-racked and bloated from bouts of chemo and steroids; from a young man on the cusp of his grown-up life to someone doubting if he would ever see 30.
    • This fashion conscious teenager, short fingernails perfectly painted in metallic baby blue, is a young girl but on the cusp of womanhood; a child still at the back of her own mind and absolutely so in the eyes of the law.
    • Burgon's right on a cusp: stodgy, well-built traditional orchestration on one hand, weirdo avant-garderies and period electronics on the other.
    • He's a man who likes to contemplate the cusp between the realistic and the fanciful.
    • I wanted to capture Ireland as it is now, on the cusp of this huge social change it's going through.
    • He is also a black man coming-of-age on the cusp of two shockingly different decades, the 1950s and the 1960s.
    • It is one of rapid change, on the cusp of something new, different, and exciting.
    • It spotlights the 23-year-old Bob teetering on the cusp of acoustic folk music and the mind-expanding new horizons offered by acid, free verse and electricity.
    • It carries the simple and honest pleasure of infant laughter and the wonder of watching a new mind on the cusp of a profound understanding: things don't disappear when you can't see them.
    • They're on the cusp of changing the focus of society from the young to the old.
  • 2A pointed end where two curves meet.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The edges of many of the sheets were rolled, and cusps formed where two oppositely scrolled edges met.
    • The protoloph meets the base of the protocone, not the cusp itself.
    • Apparatus of at least three morphotypes (a, b, e) of simple coniforms with greatly elongated, curved to twisted cusps.
    • The cusp has a curved anterior margin and the base is short.
    • The enlarged surface and finer occlusion also permitted the development of complex series of subsidiary cusps and other accoutrements.
    • Concepts like century roses, starlines, cusps, Myiepan spores, among others which become clear by the end of the novel.
    1. 2.1Architecture A moulded projection at the point of a small arch in Gothic tracery.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Lingually, these cusps are flat or slightly concave from apex to base, while their labial sides are convex along their height and in cross section.
      • Fictive architectural molding, now incomplete but presumably once framing the image, rises between the two groups at the bottom to form an elongated trefoil with an ogival cusp.
      • Weak crests run between the main cusp tip and the apex and along the posterior border. p4 is strongly asymmetric, with an extremely long posterolingual wing.
      • Additional heraldic shields float in the foregrounds below the flanking scenes, as well as in the lancet cusps and the adjacent tracery openings above them.
      • Pronounced cusps at each side embellish the conventional New England Queen Anne vase splat design.
      • From a high central half-round, the skirt descends along cyma or ogee curves to cusps that set off shallow arches with small half-rounds in the middle.
      • The crests are strongest at the apex of each cusp, and become weaker as they bifurcate or trifurcate towards the base of the crown.
      corner, intersection, point, apex
    2. 2.2 A cone-shaped prominence on the surface of a tooth.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The numerous small teeth have three or five cusps, a unique characteristic among Pterosaurs.
      • This matching of the cusps allowed the teeth to occlude, or meet, in a precision bite.
      • The tooth is well worn with the individual cusps of each lobe indistinguishable.
      • Nevertheless, the parallel sequential budding characteristic of largest to smallest tooth cusps and vascular horns indicate that the two are closely correlated.
      • Nobody doubted these were sharks' teeth, as they had two curved cusps and a well-developed root.
      • The interlocking mechanism stabilized the molars, putting the lateral forces to work to scrape sharp, regular edges on the molar cusps rather than simply loosening the teeth over time.
      • Given this level of fine control, it became possible, and advantageous, to evolve teeth with fixed and definite patterns of cusps.
      • In the crown, the pulp has small conical extensions (pulp horns) into the cusps of the tooth, and in the root it extends along one or more canals to the tooth apex, where the nerves and blood vessels enter.
      • The pattern of cusps in the definitive tooth is primarily controlled by timing.
      • The peculiar cheek teeth, ornate with tiny, interlocking cusps, stand out boldly in their highly evolved but useless efficiency.
      • Instead, the cusps within the developing tooth arise as the result of a patterning cascade of control centers that ultimately direct the position, and timing, of both onset and offset of development.
      • Lateral teeth are flatter and wider at the base of the cusp compared to anterior teeth and often lack lateral cusplets.
      • Each molar has three distinct cusps that interlock when their jaw is closed, forming a sieve for straining krill from the water.
      • Cheekteeth are brachydont, and their occlusal surfaces are made up of a series of cusps and basins or parallel enamel ridges.
      • Laterally, a shallow groove borders the lingual side of the tooth from the laterocone to the laterobasal cusp.
      • Megadermatids lack upper incisors, and their large canines have a secondary cusp.
      • However, they do have two parallel rows of cusps on their molariform teeth.
      • The second cusp is sometimes mistaken for an additional tooth.
      • The cheek teeth have a W pattern of cusps and ridges, which is good for breaking up the insects they eat.
      • Strange cusps on the upper molars could be interpreted as either large neometaconules and paraconules, or lingually-displaced metacones and paracones with very large stylar cusps on the buccal shelf.
    3. 2.3Anatomy A pocket or fold in the wall of the heart or a major blood vessel that fills and distends if the blood flows backwards, so forming part of a valve.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The cusps of the external row are flat on their internal walls and rounded labially, while those of the middle row are four-sided anteriorly but become larger and more crescentic posteriorly.
      • Two dimensional echocardiography allows the assessment of valve structure and identifies thickening of cusps, leaflet prolapse, cusp fusion, and calcification.
      • At the same time, these cusps get filled with blood, which then flows through the coronary arteries.
      • Thus, the vein wall is inherently weak in varicose veins, which leads to dilatation and separation of valve cusps so that they become incompetent.
    4. 2.4Mathematics A point at which the direction of a curve is abruptly reversed.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The pedal curve of the cissoid, when the pedal point is on the axis beyond the asymptote, at distance from the cusp four times that of the asymptote, is a cardioid.
      • If the cusp of the cardioid is taken as the centre of inversion, the cardioid inverts to a parabola.
      • Increasing the number of cusps, curves are produced that touch all n + 1 lines for greater n's.
      • The algorithms that Taubin developed worked well even in the vicinity of cusps and other singularities.
      bend, curve, arc, kink, dog-leg, crook, deviation, turn, turning, junction, fork, intersection
    5. 2.5 Each of the pointed ends of the crescent moon.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • With my 10X50 binoculars, we were able to see Saber's Beads on the lower cusp of the moon.
      • This is measured from the Northern or Southern cusp of the Moon in the direction of the unlit part of the Moon.
      • The moon's cusps point toward the stars Pollux and Castor.
    6. 2.6Botany A sharp rigid point of a leaf.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The recurve of the leaf blade will focus the sun's rays and increase the heat slightly within the leaf's cusp.
  • 3Astrology
    The initial point of an astrological sign or house.


    he was Aries on the cusp with Taurus


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is true that the sign on the cusp of the 7th house is an important clue to this and the influence of any planets within this house are also very important.
    • One factor that largely determined the ancient recognition of house strength is the aspectual relationship that naturally exists between house cusps and the ascendant.
    • You do have Mars on the cusp of your 2nd house at 8 degrees Leo.
    • The sign on the cusp and its ruler help to describe the locality of the item and in particular the quality of ground it lies upon.
    • Virgo on your 7th house cusp indicates that you do want a long-term, stable partnership, with someone you can trust and remain faithful to.
    • You have Mars right on the cusp of your midheaven.
    • Mars is powerfully placed on the 4th house cusp.
    • If there are no planets in a house, we observe the sign on the cusp of the house and ask what planet rules that sign.
    • Your relationship issues may remain a bit less clear for the next year or so, as Neptune has been sitting right on the cusp of your 7th house of partners.
    • Mars sits on the cusp of his 6th house of illness.
    • In fact, your Gemini solar return for this year has the sun placed exactly on the partnership house cusp, a positive sign for a relationship developing some time this year.
    • In addition, the sign on the cusp of your 5th house of children is Virgo, another negative indicator.
    • Saturn, ruler of Aquarius on the cusp of the 9th house of ‘overseas travel’.
    • It is described by the house that naturally governs that matter and it is signified by the planet that rules the cusp of that house.
    • With Neptune on the 2nd cusp, no modern astrologer would be surprised to learn that he had no head for figures or account books.
    • The Moon on the cusp of the 5th house relates to the mother's concern for her daughter and acts as a general co-significator.
    • It's not much used in modern astrology, to be honest, apart from as the cusp of the 7th house, the whole of the 7th house dealing with relationships.
    • This good sense is shown by Saturn in Capricorn on the cusp of the 6th house opposing Sun-Venus in Cancer.
    • My Moon is at 2 degrees Sagittarius on the 4th house cusp.
    • The 5th house cusp is almost exactly conjunct your son's natal 4 degree Pisces sun, so it is clear he is signified in this chart.


  • cuspate

  • adjective ˈkʌspeɪt
    • The linear to cuspate sinter rim locally projects up to 30 cm over the water surface.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Their macrostructures are similar to those of present-day soils, with pseudo-anticlinal structures and cuspate structures comparable to those produced by the expansion and contraction of swelling clays.
      • The heads of bays, spits, and cuspate forelands provide breeding areas for fish such as sand lance and surf smelt.
      • The asymmetry of folds at shallower levels in the overburden sequence suggest that the original anticlinal ridges at the base of the overburden sequence were cuspate.
      • Examples include the hook-shaped cuspate spits on the shore of the Sea of Azov in the Ukraine.
      • In any case, Punta Catalina is a truncate cuspate spit formed during the late Holocene.
      • Behind the cuspate sand bar is a low-tide lagoon, which is completely submerged during high tide.
      • This cuspate foreland on Oak Island in Apostle Islands National Lakeshore is one of many coastal features comprising the park's 17 significant sandscapes.
      • Tidal-estuarine, arcuate, cuspate, lobate, and birdfoot deltas have been mentioned in the literature.
      • Beach changes around Futtsu-misaki cuspate spit located at the mouth of Tokyo Bay and protruding west are investigated through the comparison of aerial photographs.
      • The Effingham beach ridges are distinctive in that they show a series of cuspate forelands of dimension similar to Merritt Island and Cape Canaveral.
      • Few distributaries are found in cuspate deltas.
      • Concentric folds of high amplitude, cuspate, and angular folds occur together in the Inner Foothills.
      • A regional sediment budget of cuspate foreland shorelines and the ‘missing’ element.
      • A cuspate foreland, ‘Flakket’, is situated in the Northwestern corner of the island.
  • cusped

  • adjective
    • Rajasthani palaces with their open-sided rooms and fluid spaces were admirably adapted to the hot, dry climate, and the ornamental features such as cusped arches and bangladar roofs represent a fusion of Hindu and Mughal styles.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It turns out that there were crocodiles with multiple cusped teeth.
      • A few cusped arches and some broken pillars were all that was left of what had clearly once been a rather magnificent structure.
      • The boss at the center of the vault, arranged as a decorative six-pointed star with cusped tracery, here provides the sculptural element.
      • In an era of height classes, he dominated his fellow short men, and his sharply cusped biceps and deeply horseshoed triceps dwarfed those of much taller bodybuilders.
      • The architectural moldings divide the wall into rectangular fields and cusped trefoils, rigorously inscribed by straightedge and compass.
      • In the older bazaars, the great cusped gateways of the old Hyderabadi havelis still stand, but now lead nowhere, except to a half-built matrix of foundations and concrete piles.
      • Here the cusped arches open to the playful breeze and the women whiled away their time here.
      • Soon came bolder, larger forms using stone spokes (hence ‘wheels’), or small, cusped roundels set in a ring, like an old telephone dial.
      • The central arch at Ajmer is straighter - Tudor Gothic - and the side arches are multifoil and cusped, a common feature in other Islamic work outside India.
      • The mihrab arch was cusped into the same trefoil shape as the club-symbol on a pack of playing cards, while the capitals were carved with a band of kufic commemorating the building of the mosque eight hundred years previously.
  • cuspidate

  • adjective ˈkʌspɪdeɪtˈkəspəˌdeɪt
    • A gland cell is often associated with a sensory spot, a cuspidate spine, a seta, or an adhesive spine in segment 4 of male Pycnophyes and Kinorhynchus.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The premolars are characteristically very slender, sharp, and cuspidate.
      • The ridge summit is usually worn along its length, but on UALVP 22646 and ROM 05624, much of it is unworn and seen to be weakly cuspidate, with up to three poorly developed cuspules or thickenings along the summit.
  • cuspidal

  • adjective ˈkʌspɪd(ə)l


Late 16th century (in sense 2): from Latin cuspis 'point or apex'.

  • When we say someone is on the cusp of something we mean that they are at a point of transition between two states. This probably comes from the astrological use of cusp as the term for the division between one astrological sign and another. The word comes from Latin cuspis, meaning ‘a point’, and can also be applied to the pointed end where two curves meet, such as the tip of a crescent moon.

Definition of cusp in US English:


  • 1A point of transition between two different states.

    those on the cusp of adulthood


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Conceptually, the case-study firms are situated at a critical cusp between a regional production system with its division of labor and an international supply chain.
    • The paradox of the work's title tells of a world at the cusp of a new era, one characterized as ‘crepuscular.’
    • His 1945 inauguration was right at the cusp of the critical events that put an end to World War II.
    • I wanted to capture Ireland as it is now, on the cusp of this huge social change it's going through.
    • He is also a black man coming-of-age on the cusp of two shockingly different decades, the 1950s and the 1960s.
    • They're on the cusp of changing the focus of society from the young to the old.
    • In a city like Vancouver, straddling the cusp between becoming beautiful, and settling for uninspired drab, it is projects like this one that can tip it one way or the other.
    • Burgon's right on a cusp: stodgy, well-built traditional orchestration on one hand, weirdo avant-garderies and period electronics on the other.
    • He's a man who likes to contemplate the cusp between the realistic and the fanciful.
    • One of the annoying things about the indie world is having to be on the cusp of whatever is brand new.
    • ‘The economy is virtually firing on all cylinders again, and is on the cusp of a new era,’ he says.
    • We are on the cusp of a great set of decisions around what will happen to the world's water.
    • The disease saw him go from super-fit athletic to pain-racked and bloated from bouts of chemo and steroids; from a young man on the cusp of his grown-up life to someone doubting if he would ever see 30.
    • It carries the simple and honest pleasure of infant laughter and the wonder of watching a new mind on the cusp of a profound understanding: things don't disappear when you can't see them.
    • ‘We're right at the cusp of understanding this,’ said Sherry Willis of Pennsylvania State University.
    • This fashion conscious teenager, short fingernails perfectly painted in metallic baby blue, is a young girl but on the cusp of womanhood; a child still at the back of her own mind and absolutely so in the eyes of the law.
    • It is one of rapid change, on the cusp of something new, different, and exciting.
    • It spotlights the 23-year-old Bob teetering on the cusp of acoustic folk music and the mind-expanding new horizons offered by acid, free verse and electricity.
    • Mind you, sometimes, now and again, Nature confounds us by letting an early break of fair skies extend itself a little, hover on the cusp of change and then, once the weather men are completely confused, settle in for a long hot summer.
    • It teeters on the cusp of the Mediterranean, offering endless vistas of blue-green sea, bucketfuls of fresh air, and crumbling, salty buildings of the old town that still manage to retain their elegance.
  • 2A pointed end where two curves meet.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The protoloph meets the base of the protocone, not the cusp itself.
    • The edges of many of the sheets were rolled, and cusps formed where two oppositely scrolled edges met.
    • Apparatus of at least three morphotypes (a, b, e) of simple coniforms with greatly elongated, curved to twisted cusps.
    • The cusp has a curved anterior margin and the base is short.
    • The enlarged surface and finer occlusion also permitted the development of complex series of subsidiary cusps and other accoutrements.
    • Concepts like century roses, starlines, cusps, Myiepan spores, among others which become clear by the end of the novel.
    1. 2.1Architecture A projecting point between small arcs in Gothic tracery.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Fictive architectural molding, now incomplete but presumably once framing the image, rises between the two groups at the bottom to form an elongated trefoil with an ogival cusp.
      • Additional heraldic shields float in the foregrounds below the flanking scenes, as well as in the lancet cusps and the adjacent tracery openings above them.
      • The crests are strongest at the apex of each cusp, and become weaker as they bifurcate or trifurcate towards the base of the crown.
      • Pronounced cusps at each side embellish the conventional New England Queen Anne vase splat design.
      • Weak crests run between the main cusp tip and the apex and along the posterior border. p4 is strongly asymmetric, with an extremely long posterolingual wing.
      • Lingually, these cusps are flat or slightly concave from apex to base, while their labial sides are convex along their height and in cross section.
      • From a high central half-round, the skirt descends along cyma or ogee curves to cusps that set off shallow arches with small half-rounds in the middle.
      corner, intersection, point, apex
    2. 2.2 A cone-shaped prominence on the surface of a tooth, especially of a molar or premolar.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This matching of the cusps allowed the teeth to occlude, or meet, in a precision bite.
      • However, they do have two parallel rows of cusps on their molariform teeth.
      • The cheek teeth have a W pattern of cusps and ridges, which is good for breaking up the insects they eat.
      • Strange cusps on the upper molars could be interpreted as either large neometaconules and paraconules, or lingually-displaced metacones and paracones with very large stylar cusps on the buccal shelf.
      • The pattern of cusps in the definitive tooth is primarily controlled by timing.
      • Instead, the cusps within the developing tooth arise as the result of a patterning cascade of control centers that ultimately direct the position, and timing, of both onset and offset of development.
      • Cheekteeth are brachydont, and their occlusal surfaces are made up of a series of cusps and basins or parallel enamel ridges.
      • The interlocking mechanism stabilized the molars, putting the lateral forces to work to scrape sharp, regular edges on the molar cusps rather than simply loosening the teeth over time.
      • Nevertheless, the parallel sequential budding characteristic of largest to smallest tooth cusps and vascular horns indicate that the two are closely correlated.
      • Lateral teeth are flatter and wider at the base of the cusp compared to anterior teeth and often lack lateral cusplets.
      • Nobody doubted these were sharks' teeth, as they had two curved cusps and a well-developed root.
      • Megadermatids lack upper incisors, and their large canines have a secondary cusp.
      • The tooth is well worn with the individual cusps of each lobe indistinguishable.
      • Given this level of fine control, it became possible, and advantageous, to evolve teeth with fixed and definite patterns of cusps.
      • In the crown, the pulp has small conical extensions (pulp horns) into the cusps of the tooth, and in the root it extends along one or more canals to the tooth apex, where the nerves and blood vessels enter.
      • The numerous small teeth have three or five cusps, a unique characteristic among Pterosaurs.
      • Each molar has three distinct cusps that interlock when their jaw is closed, forming a sieve for straining krill from the water.
      • The peculiar cheek teeth, ornate with tiny, interlocking cusps, stand out boldly in their highly evolved but useless efficiency.
      • Laterally, a shallow groove borders the lingual side of the tooth from the laterocone to the laterobasal cusp.
      • The second cusp is sometimes mistaken for an additional tooth.
    3. 2.3Anatomy A pocket or fold in the wall of the heart or a major blood vessel that fills and distends if the blood flows backward, so forming part of a valve.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The cusps of the external row are flat on their internal walls and rounded labially, while those of the middle row are four-sided anteriorly but become larger and more crescentic posteriorly.
      • Two dimensional echocardiography allows the assessment of valve structure and identifies thickening of cusps, leaflet prolapse, cusp fusion, and calcification.
      • At the same time, these cusps get filled with blood, which then flows through the coronary arteries.
      • Thus, the vein wall is inherently weak in varicose veins, which leads to dilatation and separation of valve cusps so that they become incompetent.
    4. 2.4Mathematics A point at which the direction of a curve is abruptly reversed.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The algorithms that Taubin developed worked well even in the vicinity of cusps and other singularities.
      • If the cusp of the cardioid is taken as the centre of inversion, the cardioid inverts to a parabola.
      • The pedal curve of the cissoid, when the pedal point is on the axis beyond the asymptote, at distance from the cusp four times that of the asymptote, is a cardioid.
      • Increasing the number of cusps, curves are produced that touch all n + 1 lines for greater n's.
      bend, curve, arc, kink, dog-leg, crook, deviation, turn, turning, junction, fork, intersection
    5. 2.5 Each of the pointed ends of the crescent moon.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This is measured from the Northern or Southern cusp of the Moon in the direction of the unlit part of the Moon.
      • With my 10X50 binoculars, we were able to see Saber's Beads on the lower cusp of the moon.
      • The moon's cusps point toward the stars Pollux and Castor.
  • 3Astrology
    The initial point of an astrological sign or house.


    he was Aries on the cusp with Taurus


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is described by the house that naturally governs that matter and it is signified by the planet that rules the cusp of that house.
    • Virgo on your 7th house cusp indicates that you do want a long-term, stable partnership, with someone you can trust and remain faithful to.
    • Saturn, ruler of Aquarius on the cusp of the 9th house of ‘overseas travel’.
    • My Moon is at 2 degrees Sagittarius on the 4th house cusp.
    • This good sense is shown by Saturn in Capricorn on the cusp of the 6th house opposing Sun-Venus in Cancer.
    • In addition, the sign on the cusp of your 5th house of children is Virgo, another negative indicator.
    • It is true that the sign on the cusp of the 7th house is an important clue to this and the influence of any planets within this house are also very important.
    • The Moon on the cusp of the 5th house relates to the mother's concern for her daughter and acts as a general co-significator.
    • With Neptune on the 2nd cusp, no modern astrologer would be surprised to learn that he had no head for figures or account books.
    • The sign on the cusp and its ruler help to describe the locality of the item and in particular the quality of ground it lies upon.
    • You have Mars right on the cusp of your midheaven.
    • It's not much used in modern astrology, to be honest, apart from as the cusp of the 7th house, the whole of the 7th house dealing with relationships.
    • One factor that largely determined the ancient recognition of house strength is the aspectual relationship that naturally exists between house cusps and the ascendant.
    • Your relationship issues may remain a bit less clear for the next year or so, as Neptune has been sitting right on the cusp of your 7th house of partners.
    • If there are no planets in a house, we observe the sign on the cusp of the house and ask what planet rules that sign.
    • Mars is powerfully placed on the 4th house cusp.
    • You do have Mars on the cusp of your 2nd house at 8 degrees Leo.
    • In fact, your Gemini solar return for this year has the sun placed exactly on the partnership house cusp, a positive sign for a relationship developing some time this year.
    • The 5th house cusp is almost exactly conjunct your son's natal 4 degree Pisces sun, so it is clear he is signified in this chart.
    • Mars sits on the cusp of his 6th house of illness.


Late 16th century (in cusp (sense 3)): from Latin cuspis ‘point or apex’.





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