

单词 Orleanist

Definition of Orleanist in English:


noun ˈɔːlɪənɪstɔːˈliːənɪstˈôrlēənəst
  • A person supporting the claim to the French throne of the descendants of the Duke of Orleans (1640–1701), younger brother of Louis XIV, especially Louis Philippe (King of France, 1830–48).

    〈史〉奥尔良派成员(支持路易十四的弟弟奥尔良公爵[1640-1701]的后裔继承法国王位的人,尤指路易斯·菲力普 法国国王1830-1848

    Example sentencesExamples
    • A staunch Orleanist, he played a decisive role in convincing Louis-Philippe to accept the crown and later served as president of the Chamber of Deputies from 1832 to 1840.
    • Behind the scenes both Bonapartists and Orleanists saw the opportunity to exploit the mass support that Boulanger's campaign generated and use him as a Trojan Horse for the restoration of their own claimants.
    • As Joan herself recalled during her trials, while her own village of Domremy was predominantly Orleanist, the nearby village of Maxey was Burgundian in allegiance.
    • Bourbons, Orleanists, Bonapartists, and Republicans all struggled to imagine France as a site of glory based on its historic achievements and providential tasks, a mythic ideal of social and religious harmony.
    • She devoted herself entirely to Prince Talleyrand and acted as his hostess when he became ambassador to London after the Orleanist Louis-Philippe was made king of the French in 1830.


From French Orléaniste, from Orléans.

Definition of Orleanist in US English:


  • A person supporting the claim to the French throne of the descendants of the Duke of Orleans (1640–1701), younger brother of Louis XIV, especially Louis Philippe (King of France, 1830–48).

    〈史〉奥尔良派成员(支持路易十四的弟弟奥尔良公爵[1640-1701]的后裔继承法国王位的人,尤指路易斯·菲力普 法国国王1830-1848

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Behind the scenes both Bonapartists and Orleanists saw the opportunity to exploit the mass support that Boulanger's campaign generated and use him as a Trojan Horse for the restoration of their own claimants.
    • As Joan herself recalled during her trials, while her own village of Domremy was predominantly Orleanist, the nearby village of Maxey was Burgundian in allegiance.
    • A staunch Orleanist, he played a decisive role in convincing Louis-Philippe to accept the crown and later served as president of the Chamber of Deputies from 1832 to 1840.
    • She devoted herself entirely to Prince Talleyrand and acted as his hostess when he became ambassador to London after the Orleanist Louis-Philippe was made king of the French in 1830.
    • Bourbons, Orleanists, Bonapartists, and Republicans all struggled to imagine France as a site of glory based on its historic achievements and providential tasks, a mythic ideal of social and religious harmony.


From French Orléaniste, from Orléans.





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