

单词 matter of fact

Definition of matter of fact in English:

matter of fact

  • 1A fact as distinct from an opinion or conjecture.


    it's a matter of fact that they had a relationship


    Example sentencesExamples
    • These matters of fact aside, the fear of Greenland melting is itself misplaced.
    • Some were matters of opinion, others were matters of fact.
    • An interpretation is a matter of opinion; it is not a matter of fact.
    • You don't have debates about whether the earth goes round the sun or not; it's a matter of fact.
    • The extent of flooding is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact.
    • The awfulness of it all is a matter of fact and no one feels the need to flourish a lot of adjectives to describe their feelings.
    • So far as the head teacher is concerned, it is a matter of fact that he did exclude him.
    • You have raised a matter of fact and I have no reason to doubt you.
    practical, matter-of-fact, realistic, sensible, down-to-earth, commonsensical, hard-headed, expedient, businesslike, with both feet on the ground, with one's feet on the ground, rational, reasonable, no-nonsense, unsentimental, unidealistic
    1. 1.1Law The part of a judicial inquiry concerned with the truth of alleged facts.
      〔律〕事实问题。常与 MATTER OF LAW 相对
      Often contrasted with matter of law
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In the end it becomes a matter of fact for the judge to decide.
      • So how can they rule against me on a matter of fact when the facts were there?
      • It is an inquiry into matters of fact, just as a civil trial is an inquiry into matters of fact, and then a determination of whether negligence existed, for example.
      • Certain matters of fact and law are common to the two applications and motions, as will be apparent from the reasons for decision on the two motions.
      • The second is that it is a matter of fact what caused the specific loss.
  • 1Unemotional and practical.


    she tried to keep her tone light and matter-of-fact
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The key to the technique is to describe ‘in a matter-of-fact way’ what's happening on screen when no one's talking without giving away the plot.
    • The exercise evokes no emotion, only matter-of-fact acknowledgment.
    • ‘Nobody made a great deal about it, but it was generally accepted in a matter-of-fact way,’ he said.
    • They are so matter-of-fact about it all that you never really get the sense of desperation or abjection that we're used to seeing in heroin narratives.
    • How can one so young be so matter-of-fact about death?
    • He tried to keep his tone matter-of-fact and business-like, but he couldn't completely hide the quiver of emotion as he spoke of leaving her.
    • That, once again, was enough to generate peels of laughter as the crowd appreciated the new minister's matter-of-fact approach to life and business.
    • If something embarrassing or exciting happens, the film presents it in a matter-of-fact, straightforward way.
    • He had reached the matter-of-fact realisation that law was, simply, a form of alchemy.
    • He was just being matter-of-fact, tossing out a number that seems like a distant memory, like gas under $2.
    • Steely and matter-of-fact, the Commonwealth super middleweight champion is part of an exciting wave of British talent set to swell on the world scene over the next two years.
    • The greatest trump card that he has to offer is his practical, matter-of-fact approach to tackling world poverty.
    • The doctor was matter-of-fact but considerate.
    • A down to-earth matter-of-fact approach devoid of judgment is best, no matter how horrific the details.
    • She is blunt, matter-of-fact and, as a result, inspiring.
    • And the work you did was more practical, more matter-of-fact than a liberal cause or a conservative crusade.
    • You're speaking about this in a very calm, matter-of-fact way, but it must have been a very strange, even emotional, experience.
    • He is very matter-of-fact about this, and I feel sorry for him when he looks at the state of the country, for which he fought so bravely, with so much disappointment.
    • His callous, matter-of-fact handling of the ropes, straps and paraphernalia of violent death was a despicable sight to see.
    • Younger Europeans take Europe for granted in a matter-of-fact way.
    unemotional, practical, down-to-earth, sensible, realistic, rational, sober, unsentimental, pragmatic, businesslike, commonsensical, level-headed, hard-headed, no-nonsense, factual, literal, straightforward, plain, unembellished, unvarnished, unadorned, prosaic, mundane, unimaginative, uncreative, deadpan, flat, dull, dry, pedestrian, lifeless, humdrum
    1. 1.1 Concerned only with factual content rather than style or expression.
      the text is written in a breezy matter-of-fact manner


      Example sentencesExamples
      • That last short sentence is so matter-of-fact, and describes such an everyday event, that I bet you hardly noticed it.
      • It is an apologetic note, but the matter-of-fact detail telling how the gang smashed a window and helped themselves to beer and crisps is a perfect example of how yobs are curtailing the work of the church.
      • Incredibly, both of them survived to tell the tale, and they do so here in the same detailed, matter-of-fact language you imagine Scott of the Antarctic would have used.
      • It's an affecting albeit matter-of-fact portrayal.
      • The sober and matter-of-fact presentation makes his discussion seem like just common sense.
      • The sentences were short and direct and, unsurprising in a letter to a stranger, largely matter-of-fact.
      • Some are straightforward and matter-of-fact, while others are essayistic.
      • These seemingly matter-of-fact, prosaic pictures are frequently animated by a quality that suggests the spiritual.
      • But much of the detail lies lost between his matter-of-fact lines.
      • Beyond that, her soprano is strangely colorless, and her projection of the text flat and matter-of-fact.
      • In a matter-of-fact style, great violence is done, but little action.
      • His own description of his ‘enlightenment’ is, in fact, remarkably prosaic and matter-of-fact.
      • It is expressed not in high-flown language but as a down-to-earth matter-of-fact promise.
      • The visual style is matter-of-fact and almost cinéma vérité, as if the camera is as furtive a spectator as the kidnapper with his telescopic sight.
      • It's not an insult, simply a matter-of-fact statement.
      truthful, true, accurate, authentic, historical, genuine, fact-based, realistic, real


  • as a matter of fact

    • In reality (used especially to correct a falsehood or misunderstanding)


      as a matter of fact, I was talking to him this afternoon


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I was at that show and, as a matter of fact, I saw your bike getting smashed.
      • Everyone did quite well on their own, as a matter of fact, and I was extraneous, to say the least.
      • Yes, as a matter of fact, I had been given kind of the death sentence back at the beginning of the year.
      • I was in the Caribbean, as a matter of fact, on a vacation and I called him right away.
      • Now as a matter of fact there are few better times and places to set a novel than in Victorian England.
      • It sent out cards, this card as a matter of fact, wishing a holiday season of hope and happiness.
      • I think that particular someone may have been me, as a matter of fact - but I do know what he means.
      • No one has ever made a factual objection to anything that appears in my movie or my book, as a matter of fact.
      • The police will tell you, as a matter of fact, that they are extremely interested in this guy.
      • Just tonight, as a matter of fact, we were up in Buffalo and we had a dinner of several hundred people.
      actually, in actual fact, in fact, in point of fact, as it happens, really, believe it or not, in reality, in truth, to tell the truth, truly


  • matter-of-factness

  • noun ˌmatərəvˈfaktnəs
    • The statement is made with a common-sense matter-of-factness that resonates, even as part of me says it doesn't work that way.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • These quotations might seem rather naïve and simplistic contributions to an argument, but I believe they are instead extremely important and effective in their very simplicity and matter-of-factness.
      • It moves in the opposite direction to most post-war poetry and prose, which sought practicality, matter-of-factness, accessibility.
      • The characters' matter-of-factness in using a fake gem signals their resignation to the absence of the original and awareness that it can only be restored through a copy.
      • Here are matters of immense religious complexity being discussed with complete matter-of-factness by garage mechanics and shop hands.

Definition of matter of fact in US English:

matter of fact

  • 1Something that belongs to the sphere of fact as distinct from opinion or conjecture.


    it's a matter of fact that they had a relationship


    Example sentencesExamples
    • An interpretation is a matter of opinion; it is not a matter of fact.
    • You don't have debates about whether the earth goes round the sun or not; it's a matter of fact.
    • So far as the head teacher is concerned, it is a matter of fact that he did exclude him.
    • Some were matters of opinion, others were matters of fact.
    • The extent of flooding is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact.
    • You have raised a matter of fact and I have no reason to doubt you.
    • These matters of fact aside, the fear of Greenland melting is itself misplaced.
    • The awfulness of it all is a matter of fact and no one feels the need to flourish a lot of adjectives to describe their feelings.
    practical, matter-of-fact, realistic, sensible, down-to-earth, commonsensical, hard-headed, expedient, businesslike, with both feet on the ground, with one's feet on the ground, rational, reasonable, no-nonsense, unsentimental, unidealistic
    1. 1.1Law The part of a judicial inquiry concerned with the truth of alleged facts.
      〔律〕事实问题。常与 MATTER OF LAW 相对
      Often contrasted with matter of law
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Certain matters of fact and law are common to the two applications and motions, as will be apparent from the reasons for decision on the two motions.
      • In the end it becomes a matter of fact for the judge to decide.
      • It is an inquiry into matters of fact, just as a civil trial is an inquiry into matters of fact, and then a determination of whether negligence existed, for example.
      • The second is that it is a matter of fact what caused the specific loss.
      • So how can they rule against me on a matter of fact when the facts were there?
  • 1Unemotional and practical.


    he was characteristically calm and matter-of-fact


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He had reached the matter-of-fact realisation that law was, simply, a form of alchemy.
    • The key to the technique is to describe ‘in a matter-of-fact way’ what's happening on screen when no one's talking without giving away the plot.
    • The greatest trump card that he has to offer is his practical, matter-of-fact approach to tackling world poverty.
    • The exercise evokes no emotion, only matter-of-fact acknowledgment.
    • If something embarrassing or exciting happens, the film presents it in a matter-of-fact, straightforward way.
    • He tried to keep his tone matter-of-fact and business-like, but he couldn't completely hide the quiver of emotion as he spoke of leaving her.
    • How can one so young be so matter-of-fact about death?
    • Younger Europeans take Europe for granted in a matter-of-fact way.
    • Steely and matter-of-fact, the Commonwealth super middleweight champion is part of an exciting wave of British talent set to swell on the world scene over the next two years.
    • He was just being matter-of-fact, tossing out a number that seems like a distant memory, like gas under $2.
    • A down to-earth matter-of-fact approach devoid of judgment is best, no matter how horrific the details.
    • And the work you did was more practical, more matter-of-fact than a liberal cause or a conservative crusade.
    • ‘Nobody made a great deal about it, but it was generally accepted in a matter-of-fact way,’ he said.
    • You're speaking about this in a very calm, matter-of-fact way, but it must have been a very strange, even emotional, experience.
    • They are so matter-of-fact about it all that you never really get the sense of desperation or abjection that we're used to seeing in heroin narratives.
    • His callous, matter-of-fact handling of the ropes, straps and paraphernalia of violent death was a despicable sight to see.
    • That, once again, was enough to generate peels of laughter as the crowd appreciated the new minister's matter-of-fact approach to life and business.
    • She is blunt, matter-of-fact and, as a result, inspiring.
    • He is very matter-of-fact about this, and I feel sorry for him when he looks at the state of the country, for which he fought so bravely, with so much disappointment.
    • The doctor was matter-of-fact but considerate.
    unemotional, practical, down-to-earth, sensible, realistic, rational, sober, unsentimental, pragmatic, businesslike, commonsensical, level-headed, hard-headed, no-nonsense, factual, literal, straightforward, plain, unembellished, unvarnished, unadorned, prosaic, mundane, unimaginative, uncreative, deadpan, flat, dull, dry, pedestrian, lifeless, humdrum
    1. 1.1 Concerned only with factual content rather than style or expression.
      the text is written in a breezy matter-of-fact manner


      Example sentencesExamples
      • That last short sentence is so matter-of-fact, and describes such an everyday event, that I bet you hardly noticed it.
      • It is an apologetic note, but the matter-of-fact detail telling how the gang smashed a window and helped themselves to beer and crisps is a perfect example of how yobs are curtailing the work of the church.
      • It is expressed not in high-flown language but as a down-to-earth matter-of-fact promise.
      • In a matter-of-fact style, great violence is done, but little action.
      • The visual style is matter-of-fact and almost cinéma vérité, as if the camera is as furtive a spectator as the kidnapper with his telescopic sight.
      • Incredibly, both of them survived to tell the tale, and they do so here in the same detailed, matter-of-fact language you imagine Scott of the Antarctic would have used.
      • These seemingly matter-of-fact, prosaic pictures are frequently animated by a quality that suggests the spiritual.
      • It's an affecting albeit matter-of-fact portrayal.
      • But much of the detail lies lost between his matter-of-fact lines.
      • The sentences were short and direct and, unsurprising in a letter to a stranger, largely matter-of-fact.
      • It's not an insult, simply a matter-of-fact statement.
      • Some are straightforward and matter-of-fact, while others are essayistic.
      • The sober and matter-of-fact presentation makes his discussion seem like just common sense.
      • Beyond that, her soprano is strangely colorless, and her projection of the text flat and matter-of-fact.
      • His own description of his ‘enlightenment’ is, in fact, remarkably prosaic and matter-of-fact.
      truthful, true, accurate, authentic, historical, genuine, fact-based, realistic, real


  • as a matter of fact

    • In reality (used especially to correct a falsehood or misunderstanding)


      as a matter of fact, I was talking to him this afternoon


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Now as a matter of fact there are few better times and places to set a novel than in Victorian England.
      • I was at that show and, as a matter of fact, I saw your bike getting smashed.
      • The police will tell you, as a matter of fact, that they are extremely interested in this guy.
      • I was in the Caribbean, as a matter of fact, on a vacation and I called him right away.
      • Yes, as a matter of fact, I had been given kind of the death sentence back at the beginning of the year.
      • Everyone did quite well on their own, as a matter of fact, and I was extraneous, to say the least.
      • I think that particular someone may have been me, as a matter of fact - but I do know what he means.
      • Just tonight, as a matter of fact, we were up in Buffalo and we had a dinner of several hundred people.
      • It sent out cards, this card as a matter of fact, wishing a holiday season of hope and happiness.
      • No one has ever made a factual objection to anything that appears in my movie or my book, as a matter of fact.
      actually, in actual fact, in fact, in point of fact, as it happens, really, believe it or not, in reality, in truth, to tell the truth, truly




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