

单词 shear

Definition of shear in English:


verb ʃɪəʃɪr
  • 1with object Cut the wool off (a sheep or other animal)


    Paul has never sheared a sheep before
    demonstrations of sheep shearing
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Or they are removed from the wool prior to processing, once the sheep is shorn.
    • The sheep are sheared and their wool sold; dogs, cats and rabbits provide a warm cuddle even while teaching responsibility.
    • Children looked on as farmers sheared sheep in less than five minutes, while parents picked up tips on how to look after unusual creatures from specialist groups such as Essex Beekeepers.
    • And there was a man in Maon, whose possessions were in Carmel; and the man was very great, and he had three thousand sheep, and a thousand goats: and he was shearing his sheep in Carmel.
    • And wool prices are so low it no longer pays to shear the sheep.
    • Entrants in Geraldton Speed Shears had to demonstrate they could shear a sheep quickly and cleanly within a set time.
    • Romano-British innovations in land-use went hand-in-hand with new tools: shears also occur for the first time as new breeds of sheep are shorn rather than plucked.
    • In seconds the wound is closed, the rest of the sheep is shorn, and the bloody wool cast out a nearby window.
    • Greyling said farmers who prefer shearing their sheep during winter should be ‘extremely careful’ this winter.
    • During the 1897 season more than 28,000 sheep were shorn at the Etadunna shed which had sixteen stands, eight for native shearers and eight for the whites.
    • One notable exception is that only women shear sheep and only men shear goats.
    • I'm no longer quite able to shear a sheep or crutch a ram or do as I used to, and it's foolish to think that you remain young forever.
    • They came to get their passports stamped, for the entertainment, to see a sheep being shorn, throw a gumboot or three, place a bet on the Whanga Cup, brave a bath full of eels, and sample the local fare.
    • When they arrived at Charlotte Waters it was time to shear the sheep, resulting in 200 bales of wool which were sent back by camel to Port Augusta.
    • During its 1864 season 41,000 sheep were shorn, providing work for an army of musterers, shearers, woolclassers, packers and teamsters.
    • Farmers who want to employ someone to shear their sheep will have to seek permission from the Government's divisional veterinary manager.
    • Consequently, the cost of shearing a sheep sometimes exceeds the price at which the wool can be sold.
    • Competitors are required to demonstrate they can shear a sheep quickly and cleanly within a set time.
    • Often they are in partnership, and one of the reasons - apart from the fact that they both milk the cows and shear the sheep - is that they can income split.
    • ‘I would like to advise farmers who are shearing their sheep and goats to cover their livestock as it looks like we are going to have a cold winter,’ Greyling said.
    1. 1.1 Cut off (something such as hair, wool, or grass), with scissors or shears.
      I'll shear off all that fleece


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The reason for the sharp is they shear the hair instead of splintering it.
      • ‘We keep the rabbits, shear the wool off them and then knit the garments from the spun yarn,’ he said.
      • It is one year and two days since I sheared my hair off.
      • When he rose it was to shear off all his hair, and to order to have all the ornaments in the city taken off the walls and the manes and tails of all the horses sheared as well.
      • While he scrubbed himself from head to toe, she sheared his hair, leaving just enough in back to cover his branded neck.
      • Alex had spoken the truth - Drake had sheared his blonde hair to something that resembled Alex's hair cut, minus the spikes.
      • She remains comically naive even when she is put in a straightjacket and has her hair shorn.
      • It was as if Garbo had shorn her hair and entered a nunnery.
      • The price of wool is still very low and it still hardly covers the cost of shearing the wool off a sheep's back.
      • She alleged she was kept in solitary confinement on occasions, deprived of food and sustenance, had her hair shorn and was stripped of her clothes on a number of occasions.
      • As his hair is shorn off, the young boy feels he is moving into a new stage.
      • The unsettling Self-Portrait with Braid was painted the year after Frida had shorn her hair following the divorce.
      • I've had my hair shorn that day and, with the barber's little razor cuts adorning my dome, I'm looking at my baddest.
      • It made the whole venture seem like a device for the Big Three to shear the wool of suppliers, which, by the way, was fairly transparent to the supply community.
      • A young man, tan-skinned, with his hair shorn down to a round fuzz, opened the passenger door.
      • This is not the kind of classroom where you can sit up the back and not be noticed - students are expected to know the entire process in shearing the wool and getting the product ready for market or export.
      • The uneven ends of her hair were shorn to a neat, straight line.
      • They went barefoot, their hair was shorn, and they each wore only a single garment.
      • The early settlers kept small flocks from which they sheared wool that was needed to clothe their families to protect them from the severe cold.
      • And as of today I have had my hair shorn down to a more manageable length again.
      cut off, sever, remove, remove surgically, saw off, chop off, lop off, hack off, dock, cleave, hew off, shear off, slice off
    2. 1.2be shorn of Have something cut off.
      they were shorn of their hair


      figurative the richest man in the US was shorn of nearly $2 billion


      Example sentencesExamples
      • His material is shorn of all excess baggage and his ability to lock on a small aspect of everybody's lives and turn it askew is priceless.
      • Fran, in particular, is a monstrous delight; watching her being shorn of her lousy dreadlocks was laugh-out-loud schadenfreude television.
      • Never mind if the hill is shorn of dense greenery.
      • The new Commons will be smaller than the old 659-seat House, which has been shorn of 13 Scottish constituencies because of devolution.
      • His frames are bare, his narrative is shorn of pretension.
      • Norwegian royalty is shorn of regalia but is safety ensconced in respect.
      • After Waterloo, France was shorn of more territory, and had to pay an indemnity and suffer an army of occupation for five years.
      • We were shorn of all our hair; you wouldn't have known your top from your bottom.
      • A bun sale has also been arranged and Years 5 and 6 teacher Andrew Suitor could be shorn of his locks during school assembly if the necessary £250 of donations is raised.
      • After years of operating an autocratic regime, he faces the prospect of being shorn of his dominant position should the banks succeed.
      • For all intents and purposes he was a citizen, yet he was shorn of that margin of real initiative that determines the conditions of his existence, such as the right to act upon the political options of the nation.
      • ‘We go forward with complete confidence in the eventual triumph of freedom,’ he said in remarks that were shorn of all but the most glancing references to the dominant political issues of the day.
      • It needs to be shorn of zingers and rage and allowed to make the point clearly.
      • It is terraced and dotted with houses almost to the top, which is shorn of trees, revealing a red streaked rock that takes on a coppered hue in the setting sun.
      • Rome has not been shorn of its potential for glory but Scotland must finish the championship on a high.
      • Somehow, his voice has been shorn of its trademark vibrato and rendered unrecognisable.
      • Their Marxism has been shorn of even the most basic understanding of historical materialism, of the progress of and changes to societies throughout the ages.
      • The Buildings Directorate, which once had responsibility for supervising the construction of prisons, housing and one-off buildings, helping ensure they did not waste money, was shorn of its role and its experienced operators.
      • Ellipses must not be used to omit relevant material; interpolations must be aids to clarity of exposition and not editorial devices; passages must not be shorn of context that would alter their meaning.
      • Without Ronaldo, United were shorn of a cutting edge.
  • 2Break off or cause to break off, owing to a structural strain.


    no object the gear sheared and jammed in the rear wheel


    with object the left wing had been almost completely sheared off


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Bulldozers had systematically sheared off one home after another between theirs and the border.
    • The entire front part of the figure, including the hands and knees, has sheared off, but otherwise it is in excellent condition and is a rare example of royal sculpture of the later Twentieth Dynasty.
    • In race two he burst from ninth on the grid to hold an excellent third place before his gear change sheared off in a close tangle with second placed Rick Ellis, leaving him in fourth gear for the rest of the race.
    • This allowed it to swing down and strike the forward outflow valve and another fiberglass duct, which in turn sheared off the top of the vacuum pump.
    • The historic election sheared off a thin facade of wartime national unity and reinforced ethnic and sectarian tensions that have plagued the country for centuries.
    • The witness further stated that the gear became stuck in the sand and was sheared off at the shock strut.
    • The truck, which was not overloaded, came to a stop after a front wheel sheared off.
    • The bow sheared off the wreck about 30m from the end, and slid down the slope to 45m where it now lies on its port side.
    • An accidental dropping of one magazine on the concrete floor of the indoor firing range sheared off a piece of plastic leaving the magazine in pieces, nonrepairable and unusable.
    • Thousands of gallons of water gushed over the top of the dam downstream of Jowler Mill, causing damage to the front of the dam as stones sheared off.
    • At the last moment possible, the shoe sheared off, narrowly missing my head, and instead contacting my left shoulder.
    • Most of the studs holding the cylinder on had sheared off.
    • The grain structure of the metal is stretched and torn, not sheared off as it would be from a true detonation.
    • The Lynx came down on its right-hand side, with the main rotor and tail sheared off by the impact and the cabin ablaze.
    • The best tools, cutters that use square blocks as jaws, actually shear or break the bar, leaving the strength of the bars unaltered.
    • The main landing gear had been sheared off and the nosegear was twisted, bent backwards and jammed into the fuselage aft of the wheelwell.
    • The original cornice was sheared off from the existing backup stone and replaced with new marble.
    • Several hull plates buckled outward and sheared off completely, exposing the innards of the fiddleship.
    • The jury heard how a vital gearbox component had sheared off, possibly due to oil starvation, leading to a chain of events that saw the gearbox disintegrate and a bolt fired into a fuel tank.
    • A large part of one of its jumbo jet engines sheared off shortly after it landed at Manchester from New York.
noun ʃɪəʃɪr
mass noun
  • A strain produced by pressure in the structure of a substance, when its layers are laterally shifted in relation to each other.

    切变;剪应力。参见WIND SHEAR

    the water from the upper source is emitted at the same speed as the main flow; there is thus no shear
    See also wind shear
    as modifier aluminium is not very resilient to shear forces
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The application of a negative pressure could further increase shear forces resulting in lung damage.
    • Hansen also notes that there can be significant wind loads in industrial projects, resulting in large shear and uplift forces.
    • A key element in these force and torque balances is the hydrodynamic shear force and torque that the cell experiences when stationary on a planar surface.
    • The viscosity is defined as the ratio of shear stress to strain rate, and is thus a measure of the internal friction of a fluid: the more viscous a fluid, the more resistant it is to flow.
    • These cells are found in a mechanically active environment and are required to withstand shear stress, blood pressure, and changes in pressure due to breathing cycles.
    • Generally, the sand stiffness decreases by decreasing the effective confining pressure or increasing the shear strains.
    • The shear for the entire structure was applied through the elevator shafts, so the connections and foundation support had to be solid.
    • Neither the normal stress nor the frictional shear stress acting on the cone tip surface is uniformly distributed.
    • A possible measure of drag is shear stress, but normal forces for inviscid flow can be viewed as responsible for most of the power loss.
    • Friction and shear are mechanical forces contributing to pressure ulcer formation.
    • Immobilization of a wound often reduces pressure and shear forces and reduces the number of cycles of injury to which the wound is exposed.
    • Based on simple limit equilibrium and an elastoplastic interface shear relation, pull-out test results are predicted in terms of the relative interface bond resistances.
    • Although greatly attenuated in shear zones, layers may still be continuous from footwall to hanging wall.
    • A related question is why plate boundary faults are weaker - slipping with less shear stress - than faults in plate interiors.
    • Pain can also limit the individuals ability to recognize new areas of discomfort that may be developing related to pressure, friction, or shear forces.
    • As noted, other extrinsic factors for skin injury are shear forces and friction.
    • Seismic down-hole tests were performed to measure the speed of compression wave and shear wave at different layers.
    • Use proper positioning, transferring, and turning techniques to minimize skin injury caused by friction and shear forces.
    • This means that, on the one hand, it depends on the polymer viscosity (and shear force) and, on other hand, it relates to the roughness of the metallic surface.
    • The advantage of the new approach is that the elastic modulus associated with shear waves varies greatly between different types of tissue.
    cut, trim, crop, haircut, shortening


The two verbs shear and sheer are sometimes confused: see sheer


  • shearer

  • noun ˈʃɪərəˈʃɪrər
    • A new ‘dead man’ switch in the handpiece used to shear sheep may start to reduce the injuries suffered by shearers.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • People have always talked about their shearers coming here, but now we are bucking the trend.
      • The rest of the year they got casual work, often as shearers.
      • The four shearers only have a few left in the yards.
      • All shearers, including farmers or farm employees helping out on farms other than their own, must hold a red licence allowing them to shear sheep in an infected area.


Old English sceran (originally in the sense 'cut through with a weapon'), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German scheren, from a base meaning 'divide, shear, shave'.


adhere, Agadir, Anglosphere, appear, arrear, auctioneer, austere, balladeer, bandolier, Bashkir, beer, besmear, bier, blear, bombardier, brigadier, buccaneer, cameleer, career, cashier, cavalier, chandelier, charioteer, cheer, chevalier, chiffonier, clavier, clear, Coetzee, cohere, commandeer, conventioneer, Cordelier, corsetière, Crimea, dear, deer, diarrhoea (US diarrhea), domineer, Dorothea, drear, ear, electioneer, emir, endear, engineer, fear, fleer, Freer, fusilier, gadgeteer, Galatea, gazetteer, gear, gondolier, gonorrhoea (US gonorrhea), Greer, grenadier, hand-rear, hear, here, Hosea, idea, interfere, Izmir, jeer, Judaea, Kashmir, Keir, kir, Korea, Lear, leer, Maria, marketeer, Medea, Meir, Melilla, mere, Mia, Mir, mishear, mountaineer, muleteer, musketeer, mutineer, near, orienteer, pamphleteer, panacea, paneer, peer, persevere, pier, Pierre, pioneer, pistoleer, privateer, profiteer, puppeteer, racketeer, ratafia, rear, revere, rhea, rocketeer, Sapir, scrutineer, sear, seer, sere, severe, Shamir, sheer, sincere, smear, sneer, sonneteer, souvenir, spear, sphere, steer, stere, summiteer, Tangier, tear, tier, Trier, Tyr, veer, veneer, Vere, Vermeer, vizier, volunteer, Wear, weir, we're, year, Zaïre

Definition of shear in US English:


  • 1with object Cut the wool off (a sheep or other animal).


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Farmers who want to employ someone to shear their sheep will have to seek permission from the Government's divisional veterinary manager.
    • ‘I would like to advise farmers who are shearing their sheep and goats to cover their livestock as it looks like we are going to have a cold winter,’ Greyling said.
    • They came to get their passports stamped, for the entertainment, to see a sheep being shorn, throw a gumboot or three, place a bet on the Whanga Cup, brave a bath full of eels, and sample the local fare.
    • And there was a man in Maon, whose possessions were in Carmel; and the man was very great, and he had three thousand sheep, and a thousand goats: and he was shearing his sheep in Carmel.
    • Romano-British innovations in land-use went hand-in-hand with new tools: shears also occur for the first time as new breeds of sheep are shorn rather than plucked.
    • During the 1897 season more than 28,000 sheep were shorn at the Etadunna shed which had sixteen stands, eight for native shearers and eight for the whites.
    • Competitors are required to demonstrate they can shear a sheep quickly and cleanly within a set time.
    • The sheep are sheared and their wool sold; dogs, cats and rabbits provide a warm cuddle even while teaching responsibility.
    • In seconds the wound is closed, the rest of the sheep is shorn, and the bloody wool cast out a nearby window.
    • When they arrived at Charlotte Waters it was time to shear the sheep, resulting in 200 bales of wool which were sent back by camel to Port Augusta.
    • Entrants in Geraldton Speed Shears had to demonstrate they could shear a sheep quickly and cleanly within a set time.
    • I'm no longer quite able to shear a sheep or crutch a ram or do as I used to, and it's foolish to think that you remain young forever.
    • Children looked on as farmers sheared sheep in less than five minutes, while parents picked up tips on how to look after unusual creatures from specialist groups such as Essex Beekeepers.
    • One notable exception is that only women shear sheep and only men shear goats.
    • Or they are removed from the wool prior to processing, once the sheep is shorn.
    • Consequently, the cost of shearing a sheep sometimes exceeds the price at which the wool can be sold.
    • During its 1864 season 41,000 sheep were shorn, providing work for an army of musterers, shearers, woolclassers, packers and teamsters.
    • Greyling said farmers who prefer shearing their sheep during winter should be ‘extremely careful’ this winter.
    • And wool prices are so low it no longer pays to shear the sheep.
    • Often they are in partnership, and one of the reasons - apart from the fact that they both milk the cows and shear the sheep - is that they can income split.
    1. 1.1 Cut off (something such as hair, wool, or grass), with scissors or shears.
      I'll shear off all that fleece


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is one year and two days since I sheared my hair off.
      • It made the whole venture seem like a device for the Big Three to shear the wool of suppliers, which, by the way, was fairly transparent to the supply community.
      • This is not the kind of classroom where you can sit up the back and not be noticed - students are expected to know the entire process in shearing the wool and getting the product ready for market or export.
      • The price of wool is still very low and it still hardly covers the cost of shearing the wool off a sheep's back.
      • The reason for the sharp is they shear the hair instead of splintering it.
      • While he scrubbed himself from head to toe, she sheared his hair, leaving just enough in back to cover his branded neck.
      • ‘We keep the rabbits, shear the wool off them and then knit the garments from the spun yarn,’ he said.
      • The early settlers kept small flocks from which they sheared wool that was needed to clothe their families to protect them from the severe cold.
      • I've had my hair shorn that day and, with the barber's little razor cuts adorning my dome, I'm looking at my baddest.
      • The uneven ends of her hair were shorn to a neat, straight line.
      • They went barefoot, their hair was shorn, and they each wore only a single garment.
      • A young man, tan-skinned, with his hair shorn down to a round fuzz, opened the passenger door.
      • She remains comically naive even when she is put in a straightjacket and has her hair shorn.
      • Alex had spoken the truth - Drake had sheared his blonde hair to something that resembled Alex's hair cut, minus the spikes.
      • The unsettling Self-Portrait with Braid was painted the year after Frida had shorn her hair following the divorce.
      • As his hair is shorn off, the young boy feels he is moving into a new stage.
      • It was as if Garbo had shorn her hair and entered a nunnery.
      • She alleged she was kept in solitary confinement on occasions, deprived of food and sustenance, had her hair shorn and was stripped of her clothes on a number of occasions.
      • And as of today I have had my hair shorn down to a more manageable length again.
      • When he rose it was to shear off all his hair, and to order to have all the ornaments in the city taken off the walls and the manes and tails of all the horses sheared as well.
      cut off, sever, remove, remove surgically, saw off, chop off, lop off, hack off, dock, cleave, hew off, shear off, slice off
    2. 1.2be shorn of Have something cut off.
      they were shorn of their hair


      figurative the richest man in the U.S. was shorn of nearly $2 billion


      Example sentencesExamples
      • For all intents and purposes he was a citizen, yet he was shorn of that margin of real initiative that determines the conditions of his existence, such as the right to act upon the political options of the nation.
      • ‘We go forward with complete confidence in the eventual triumph of freedom,’ he said in remarks that were shorn of all but the most glancing references to the dominant political issues of the day.
      • His frames are bare, his narrative is shorn of pretension.
      • The new Commons will be smaller than the old 659-seat House, which has been shorn of 13 Scottish constituencies because of devolution.
      • After years of operating an autocratic regime, he faces the prospect of being shorn of his dominant position should the banks succeed.
      • A bun sale has also been arranged and Years 5 and 6 teacher Andrew Suitor could be shorn of his locks during school assembly if the necessary £250 of donations is raised.
      • Somehow, his voice has been shorn of its trademark vibrato and rendered unrecognisable.
      • Never mind if the hill is shorn of dense greenery.
      • It needs to be shorn of zingers and rage and allowed to make the point clearly.
      • Fran, in particular, is a monstrous delight; watching her being shorn of her lousy dreadlocks was laugh-out-loud schadenfreude television.
      • After Waterloo, France was shorn of more territory, and had to pay an indemnity and suffer an army of occupation for five years.
      • Without Ronaldo, United were shorn of a cutting edge.
      • Ellipses must not be used to omit relevant material; interpolations must be aids to clarity of exposition and not editorial devices; passages must not be shorn of context that would alter their meaning.
      • Their Marxism has been shorn of even the most basic understanding of historical materialism, of the progress of and changes to societies throughout the ages.
      • The Buildings Directorate, which once had responsibility for supervising the construction of prisons, housing and one-off buildings, helping ensure they did not waste money, was shorn of its role and its experienced operators.
      • We were shorn of all our hair; you wouldn't have known your top from your bottom.
      • It is terraced and dotted with houses almost to the top, which is shorn of trees, revealing a red streaked rock that takes on a coppered hue in the setting sun.
      • Rome has not been shorn of its potential for glory but Scotland must finish the championship on a high.
      • His material is shorn of all excess baggage and his ability to lock on a small aspect of everybody's lives and turn it askew is priceless.
      • Norwegian royalty is shorn of regalia but is safety ensconced in respect.
  • 2Break off or cause to break off, owing to a structural strain.


    no object the derailleur sheared and jammed in the rear wheel


    with object the left wing had been almost completely sheared off


    Example sentencesExamples
    • An accidental dropping of one magazine on the concrete floor of the indoor firing range sheared off a piece of plastic leaving the magazine in pieces, nonrepairable and unusable.
    • The original cornice was sheared off from the existing backup stone and replaced with new marble.
    • The Lynx came down on its right-hand side, with the main rotor and tail sheared off by the impact and the cabin ablaze.
    • Most of the studs holding the cylinder on had sheared off.
    • In race two he burst from ninth on the grid to hold an excellent third place before his gear change sheared off in a close tangle with second placed Rick Ellis, leaving him in fourth gear for the rest of the race.
    • The bow sheared off the wreck about 30m from the end, and slid down the slope to 45m where it now lies on its port side.
    • A large part of one of its jumbo jet engines sheared off shortly after it landed at Manchester from New York.
    • The main landing gear had been sheared off and the nosegear was twisted, bent backwards and jammed into the fuselage aft of the wheelwell.
    • This allowed it to swing down and strike the forward outflow valve and another fiberglass duct, which in turn sheared off the top of the vacuum pump.
    • Several hull plates buckled outward and sheared off completely, exposing the innards of the fiddleship.
    • The witness further stated that the gear became stuck in the sand and was sheared off at the shock strut.
    • The best tools, cutters that use square blocks as jaws, actually shear or break the bar, leaving the strength of the bars unaltered.
    • The grain structure of the metal is stretched and torn, not sheared off as it would be from a true detonation.
    • The jury heard how a vital gearbox component had sheared off, possibly due to oil starvation, leading to a chain of events that saw the gearbox disintegrate and a bolt fired into a fuel tank.
    • The truck, which was not overloaded, came to a stop after a front wheel sheared off.
    • Bulldozers had systematically sheared off one home after another between theirs and the border.
    • Thousands of gallons of water gushed over the top of the dam downstream of Jowler Mill, causing damage to the front of the dam as stones sheared off.
    • At the last moment possible, the shoe sheared off, narrowly missing my head, and instead contacting my left shoulder.
    • The entire front part of the figure, including the hands and knees, has sheared off, but otherwise it is in excellent condition and is a rare example of royal sculpture of the later Twentieth Dynasty.
    • The historic election sheared off a thin facade of wartime national unity and reinforced ethnic and sectarian tensions that have plagued the country for centuries.
  • A strain in the structure of a substance produced by pressure, when its layers are laterally shifted in relation to each other.

    切变;剪应力。参见WIND SHEAR

    See also wind shear
    Example sentencesExamples
    • A key element in these force and torque balances is the hydrodynamic shear force and torque that the cell experiences when stationary on a planar surface.
    • Pain can also limit the individuals ability to recognize new areas of discomfort that may be developing related to pressure, friction, or shear forces.
    • The advantage of the new approach is that the elastic modulus associated with shear waves varies greatly between different types of tissue.
    • The shear for the entire structure was applied through the elevator shafts, so the connections and foundation support had to be solid.
    • A related question is why plate boundary faults are weaker - slipping with less shear stress - than faults in plate interiors.
    • The viscosity is defined as the ratio of shear stress to strain rate, and is thus a measure of the internal friction of a fluid: the more viscous a fluid, the more resistant it is to flow.
    • These cells are found in a mechanically active environment and are required to withstand shear stress, blood pressure, and changes in pressure due to breathing cycles.
    • Based on simple limit equilibrium and an elastoplastic interface shear relation, pull-out test results are predicted in terms of the relative interface bond resistances.
    • Although greatly attenuated in shear zones, layers may still be continuous from footwall to hanging wall.
    • A possible measure of drag is shear stress, but normal forces for inviscid flow can be viewed as responsible for most of the power loss.
    • Neither the normal stress nor the frictional shear stress acting on the cone tip surface is uniformly distributed.
    • Seismic down-hole tests were performed to measure the speed of compression wave and shear wave at different layers.
    • As noted, other extrinsic factors for skin injury are shear forces and friction.
    • Use proper positioning, transferring, and turning techniques to minimize skin injury caused by friction and shear forces.
    • Generally, the sand stiffness decreases by decreasing the effective confining pressure or increasing the shear strains.
    • Friction and shear are mechanical forces contributing to pressure ulcer formation.
    • The application of a negative pressure could further increase shear forces resulting in lung damage.
    • This means that, on the one hand, it depends on the polymer viscosity (and shear force) and, on other hand, it relates to the roughness of the metallic surface.
    • Immobilization of a wound often reduces pressure and shear forces and reduces the number of cycles of injury to which the wound is exposed.
    • Hansen also notes that there can be significant wind loads in industrial projects, resulting in large shear and uplift forces.
    cut, trim, crop, haircut, shortening


The two verbs shear and sheer are sometimes confused: see sheer


Old English sceran (originally in the sense ‘cut through with a weapon’), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German scheren, from a base meaning ‘divide, shear, shave’.





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更新时间:2024/10/19 11:37:18