

单词 mate


noun ˈmateɪˈmäˌtā
mass noun
  • 1A bitter infusion of the leaves of a South American shrub, which is high in caffeine.

    maté has an agreeable slightly aromatic odor
    Example sentencesExamples
    • We drink it through a bombilla, the little metal suckable strainer they also use in Argentina to drink maté, an exuberantly undrinkable local tea brewed from some violent green shrub.
    • One famous pastime is drinking maté, a Paraguayan tea made from holly leaves.
    • A popular social pastime is the drinking of maté, a tea made from the leaves of a plant related to holly.
    • Other dried plant substances used to make infused drinks are chicory (dried root), cocoa (dried powdered seeds), guarana (dried powdered seeds, made into smoked cakes), cola ‘nut’ (dried powdered seeds), and maté (dried leaves).
    • He might be found lying in bed, drinking a cup of maté with seven sugars and reading a new poem to his friend.
    1. 1.1 The leaves of the maté shrub.
  • 2The South American shrub of the holly family which produces maté leaves.

    Ilex paraguariensis, family Aquifoliaceae

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Drinks made of yerba maté are ubiquitous.


Early 18th century: from Spanish mate, from Quechua mati.


latte, pâté, pattée, satay


noun meɪtmeɪt
  • 1The sexual partner of a bird or other animal.


    a male bird sings to court a mate


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The bird and its mate had built the nest in the bottom of the box and laid five tiny eggs.
    • He then told them that he would take all steps necessary so that the zoo gets new species of animals and mates for those animals that are single now.
    • This was the time when the birds were believed to choose their mate for the spring.
    • The birds attract mates by the color intensity of their feathers - a signal of their desirability.
    • Whenever possible, we selected birds whose mates were present at the nest to ensure that chicks were not left alone.
    • Many are still waiting, but some morning soon they too will wake to the lilt of a backyard bird pleading for a mate.
    • Even animals have their mates, although some just procreate and leave.
    • In medieval times, there was a romantic belief that birds chose their mate in February.
    • This animal, which has lived without a mate for her entire life at the zoo, will always be remembered as one who never fell ill and as one who never threw a tantrum.
    • At this stage males still accept additional mates and are actively courting.
    • The male partner will provision his mate with food but does not go into the maternity den.
    • Both admitted intentionally killing a wild bird, injuring its mate and having a loaded air rifle without lawful authority.
    • It traps pheromones to alert potential mates of sexual receptivity.
    • Birds sing to establish territories and to attract mates.
    • To examine this question, we looked at the age of the mates of birds that did not emigrate.
    • Her mate appeared to counter-sing in response to the song of the female.
    • When an incubating bird is relieved by its returning mate, it leaves the nest immediately and flies away from the island.
    • Andean condor Homer and his mate Marge are love birds again - after vets gave him a blunter beak to save her from the sharp side of his temper.
    • A randy tortoise is on the run after scaling a two-foot wall in search of a new partner after his mate of 38 years died.
    • The bird lives there for free along with his mates and fledglings.
    1. 1.1informal A person's husband, wife, or other sexual partner.
      he couldn't satisfy his frisky young mate
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She said if we treated our husbands / mates like we treated our pet dogs, our marriages would be happier.
      • Image is everything in Hollywood, and one's mate is among one's most important accessories.
      • It is always terrifying to give birth; how much more so without one's mate there to share the moment?
      • Paired with a loving mate, this sign makes a loyal and ever-interesting lover.
      • Her devoted mate of five decades was an insurance agent.
      • I mean, that's terrible to lose a life partner and a mate at any age, but certainly at a young age like that.
      • Focus on muscle control as you stare into your mate's eyes and mirror his moves.
      • Girls should have the confidence to play hard to get, to wait until they find a mate who matches their demands rather than giving in so easily.
      • From this perspective, the problem of your missus or your mate takes on added significance.
      • How did your potential mate treat his/her last girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife?
      • Her devoted mate of six decades is a retired production supervisor.
      • You are a passionate, compassionate, sexual lover, requiring the same qualities from your mate.
      • So, I asked my daughter, do the teachers talk of love - for mate and child - in terms of respect?
      partner, husband, wife, spouse, lover, live-in lover, amour, significant other, inamorato, inamorata, companion, helpmate, helpmeet, consort
    2. 1.2informal One of a matched pair.
      a sock without its mate


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Have you ever wondered as to the whereabouts of the mate to those odd socks you find in the dryer or your sock drawer?
      match, fellow, twin, companion, pair, one of a pair, other half, equivalent, counterpart
  • 2in combination A fellow member or joint occupant of a specified thing.

    同学,同桌,室友 用于合成词,表示指明的同伴

    his table-mates


    partner, husband, wife, spouse, lover, live-in lover, amour, significant other, inamorato, inamorata, companion, helpmate, helpmeet, consort
    informal POSSLQ (person of the opposite sex sharing living quarters), other half, better half, hubby, missus, missis, old man, old lady, old woman
    British informal dutch, trouble and strife
  • 3British informal A friend or companion.


    my best mate Steve


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It's shaping up to be a great party, all of us together at the barbeque, mates, mates of mates and partners of mates.
    • I'm also still in touch with a couple of mates from school.
    • I feel like a dunce in this company, until I get talking to some of my mates in the group who share a lot of my frustrations and aspirations, and are a holy if unruly group.
    • A couple of years ago, I had a bunch of my mates and their respective partners back at my place after we'd all been out at some do or other.
    • We were pals, chums, mates and the bosomiest of bosom buddies.
    • His mates woke him with seconds to spare, and he dressed somewhat hurriedly.
    • He didn't tell his mates at school about all his medical problems and he didn't mention that against all the odds, he was a sporting champion.
    • On the way back we bought fresh mangoes and dragon fruit from a road side stall and my mates made friends with the owner and got double portions.
    • He prepared for the head shave by growing his hair for three months - and putting up with teasing from his mates at school.
    • Anyway, my doctor friend and his golfing mates are welcome to have a cutting.
    • The subdued lighting and stylish interior are perfect for a pre-club swally with mates or an intimate quaff with your latest flame.
    • It's all about meeting up with old mates, making new friends and being part of a massive crowd with one thing in common.
    • More and more anglers are either going solo, or going in partnership with a mate or several mates and buying their own boat.
    • He has few mates, preferring the company of his current partner, two children from different couplings, a hound and local goats.
    • I do really really love going out, particularly with a mate or crowd of mates…
    • The fire glows, venison stew simmers, the hunter and his mates drink beer and yarn on into a New Zealand night.
    • So at the bus stop outside work at 3.30 pm, I ran into an old mate from school.
    • A mate of mine from school is throwing a flat-warming party, which a number of people from school are going to be at.
    • I am now retired, time-rich and have a wealth of good friends and drinking mates.
    • Firemen came in looking for images of their mates who had gone into the blazing buildings.
    friend, companion, boon companion, comrade, intimate, familiar, confidant, alter ego, second self
    playmate, classmate, schoolmate, workmate, team-mate, flatmate, room-mate
    informal pal, chum, buddy, bosom pal, sidekick, cully, spar, crony, main man
    British informal china, mucker, butty, oppo
    North American informal amigo, compadre, paisan, cohort, bro
    South African informal gabba, homeboy
    Scottish &amp Northern English informal marrow, marrer
    archaic compeer
    rare fidus Achates
    1. 3.1 Used as a friendly form of address between men or boys.
      老兄,老弟 用于男人或男孩之间的友善称呼
      ‘See you then, mate.’


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Not on your bloody life, mate, we know what's in it.
      • This one's for you, mate, and I promise never to call your wheels a ‘second division footballer's car’ again.
      • You reach your own conclusions, mate, I don't have to spell it out.
      • Well maybe you should mediate because I wouldn't want to be left alone in a room with her, mate.
      • ‘You shouldn't leave your door open, mate,’ he said as he realised I was right behind him.
      • That trademark murmur of his implies ‘I've seen it all before, mate, and I tell it like is.’
      • ‘These days it's sibling revelry, mate,’ Tim jokes in his soft New Zealand accent.
      • And if you think you can shoot off emails like that without getting an enraged response, you'd better think again, mate.
      • None of that euphemistic glowing or perspiring here, mate.
      • I'm really sorry about this, mate, but it's for your own good, honest.
      • Bear in mind that you can buy without a guilty conscience - it's for charity, mate!
      • Better get that down you then, mate, keep the cold at bay.
      • You want a slap in the face, mate?
      • You will need to watch the thing more than once, mate.
      • Go on the cabbage soup diet, mate, it worked for me.
      • He wound down his window, leant over, and said, ‘What direction you headed in, mate?’
      • It may be just a smear to you, mate, but it's life and death to some poor wretch.
      • The defendant then shouted at the injured driver, ‘There's no damage, mate, you're alright’.
      • I just had the perfect run, mate, it was like I was in the zone, you know, it was just all happening for me, and I just got the best run through.
      • And if I have mistranslated, remember that it's all from my memory, mate.
      man, my friend
      informal pal, chum
      British informal cock, squire, matey
      British informal, dated old fellow, old bean, old boy, old chap, old fruit
      Welsh &amp Irish informal boyo
      North American informal bud, buster, amigo, Mac, bro, bubba, bo, jack, partner
      Australian/New Zealand informal cobber, digger
      Indian informal bhai, yaar
      South African informal jong, okie
  • 4British An assistant or deputy in certain trades.


    a plumber's mate


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She's now an aviation electrician's mate and soon will start in the shop for electricians.
    • We had no lifting training and were not provided with driver's mates to assist with the lifting involved.
    assistant, helper, apprentice, subordinate
    collaborator, accomplice, aider and abetter
    informal sidekick
    1. 4.1 An officer on a merchant ship subordinate to the master.
      大副。参见 FIRST MATE
      See also first mate
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The same applied to the sailing master, his mate, and the carpenter when they also arrived.
      • The ship's mates would be here at any minute, and I would lose my charter to Antwerp if I was caught.
      • Some say they are old mates or boatswains watching to see that your job is done in a proper ship-shape way.
      • Therefore the defendant's fault was not a cause of the collision which occurred while the mate was in charge of the ship.
      • Johnny tried, failed, and eventually gave up on getting the captain and mate to reach peace.
      • When a sailor ‘belonged’ to a ship his main loyalty was to his ship and his mates.
      • It seems likely that there was a minimum crew comprising master, mate, boatswain, at least two seamen and possibly one apprentice.
      • Two are professionally qualified skippers and mates; the others are volunteer crew.
      • This was only to be expected, and it was the mate and second mates' jobs to motivate them with threats and promises.
      • To make matters worse, he put the tanker on autopilot and he left the helm in the hands of a fatigued third mate.
      • Several of the crewmen had heard word of their new expedition, and could not help but to share it with their fellow mates.
      • Perhaps the captain and his mate would like to make me an offer?
verb meɪtmeɪt
  • 1no object (of animals or birds) come together for breeding; copulate.


    successful males may mate with many females


    ovulation occurs only if mating has taken place


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Two of the captive birds successfully mated and produced the first captive-bred condor chick the following year.
    • How do foxes manage to mate with so many animals from other social groups?
    • In the fall, adults gather in the colonies to form pair bonds and mate.
    • White tigers are rare because they only occur when two tigers mate and both carry the gene for white coloring.
    • Music was pumping through the stereo system - some latest hip-hop thing that sounded like two cats mating on a tin roof.
    • Many animals and birds mate for life and this seems to work quite well for them.
    • Members of the same species can mate and breed to produce fertile offspring.
    • For simplicity, we assume that each individual only mates with one partner.
    • Also it has been found that if a farmed fish mates with a wild fish the genetics of their spawn is modified.
    • She just stood there, staring off at some birds mating in a tree.
    • Queenless colonies generally rear male and female sexuals which typically mate in the nest.
    • The big test will come next spring when it is hoped that the birds will mate.
    • In late winter they migrate to selected shallow bays, forming congregations to pair and eventually mate.
    • Researchers have found that the female monkeys and rats mate with multiple males to purposely confuse paternity.
    • It was the hope of the zoo that the gorilla would mate with the female to help further the species.
    • Crouching, with wings outstretched, the huge birds mate, then fly away together to a nearby glade.
    • The pandas only have one mating season per year, and the San Diego pair did not mate.
    • Once a bull mates with a cow, he will look for greener pastures elsewhere and will not mate with the ‘old cow’ again.
    • Albatross are faithful birds and only mate once a year with one regular partner.
    • Two other fly species mated and formed a hybrid, a combined form that cannot mate with its fellow hybrids.
    breed, couple
    formal copulate
    copulation, copulating, coupling, sexual intercourse, intercourse, sex, procreation
    pairing, breeding, union
    formal coitus, coition
    sexually active, breeding
    1. 1.1with object Bring (animals) together for breeding.
      a male is mated to several females
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Then the scientists mated mice deficient in the GIP receptor with mice that lack leptin, a hormone that signals satiety.
      • After selection the chosen males and females were mated at random within line.
      • Following exposure, exposed and control females were mated with intact males.
      • Sex ratio of their progeny was not considered in sire selection, and the bulls were not mated to the same group of cows in consecutive years.
      • After irradiation each male was individually mated with two non-exposed females over a period of 3-4 days and then removed.
      • As well, there is a reluctance on the part of farmers to mate any bulls for fear they will lose their strength and condition.
      • Animals mated this Autumn should be 100% sound.
      • Depending upon the year, 15-40% of males are socially mated with more than one female within a given breeding season.
      • So clean animals are separated from unclean animals, and it is forbidden to sow two kinds of seed in one field, to wear clothes of two kinds of fabric, or to mate two kinds of animals.
      • Owners pay about £60,000 a time to mate their mares with him.
      • Flies were mated for 4 days and eggs laid within the following 5 days were counted.
      • Breeders in England and the United States have been successfully mating the rare species.
      • In the second part of the study, we mated females to males of differing eye span and examined the effects on fecundity and fertility.
      • After this, each female was mated individually with two males from the stem population and kept with them for 3 days.
      • Treated mice were mated with untreated female T-stock mice.
      • To examine sperm transport in the female reproductive tract, males were mated with superovulated females.
      • In a follow-up study, the researchers mated unexposed rats with offspring of treated moms.
      • At different intervals, rabbits were mated with males of proven fertility.
      • The mice were mated systematically to generate the different allelic combinations.
      • He succeeded in mating a cow with the menagerie's bison, but the ensuing pregnancy came to a disastrous end.
      couple, pair, join, bring together
  • 2Connect or be connected mechanically.


    with object the four-cylinder engine is mated to a five-speed gearbox


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A stiff nylon outsole is mated to a mesh and leather upper.
    • The engine is mated to a five-speed manual gearbox while the rack and pinion steering features variable power assistance.
    • The 26-inch, fluted barrel is mated to an action made without magazine cutout for maximum stiffness and accuracy.
    • The engine is mated to a tricky gearbox which gives you the option of being fully automatic, or a clutchless sequential manual.
    • The front end is contained within a tapered bushing that mates with a corresponding taper in the slide.
    • The two power sources are mated to a six-speed automatic transmission that is claimed to have the efficiencies of a manual.
    • The fastest engine in the range, the latter diesel plant is now mated to a 6-speed gearbox.
    • The V6 is mated to a new five-speed transmission.
    • One of the issues is to make sure that the right bodies are mated to the correct chassis.
    • These are mated to 6 speed manual transmissions or 5 speed auto.
    • The hydraulic drive (using a standard travel motor and brake from the excavator) is mated to a planetary gearbox.
    • The engine is mated to a six-speed automatic transaxle - gradually emerging as the new industry standard for luxury cars.
    • Backplanes permit drives to be snapped in and mated to a connector blindly.
    • The fuselage has been removed from the assembly jig and mated to the wing.
    • The reborn engine is then mated to a close ratio six-speed manual transmission and the new powertrain is reunited with the body.
    • And the transmission is mated to a powertrain that wallows in a vast reservoir of torque.
    • While being basically hand-built, they were done on an assembly line, with the mechanicals being mated to the body shell around half way down the line.
    • On the test car, the engine was mated to a six-speed manual gearbox.
    • The two most powerful engines are mated to a six-speed gearbox.
    • It is a 16 valve, four-cylinder 2.0-litre turbo charged engine mated to a six-speed gear box.


  • mates' rates

    • informal Discounted prices or preferential terms offered to friends by the seller of a product or service.

      Rick arranged for the repair to be done at mates' rates
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Joe, tell him George sent you and you'll easily get mates' rates.
      • Paul is offering him some gash about his friend being a printer and giving mates' rates.
      • It provided billions in aid, free military hardware, latest intelligence support and some of the best mates' rates in international politics.
      • However by this time I had the trike finished and with the help of friends and the good old Australian 'mates' rates' it had cost me next to nothing in monetary terms, which pleased Lora to no end.
      • If you're in that area, and want your carpets cleaned, give them a call and say Paddy said to give you a mates' rates price.
      • If Chelle had been a physio like she wanted to when she was a teenager, I could be getting mates' rates.
      • I bought it off a friend at mate's rates.
      • No transparency, no accountability, mates' rates - let's take our money and run.
      • I have to make a website for a friend (mates' rates unfortunately - free).


  • mateless

  • adjective
    • Never fear, secluded mateless types: through some meticulous research I have developed some foolproof methods of wooing.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Single women who find themselves mateless during their usual ‘prime’ years will now have time to build a better life to support themselves and their children (later, and with or without partners).
      • Elsewhere Dylan looks to celebrate freedom for the ‘mistreated mateless mother, the mistitled prostitute’, the ‘gentle and the kind’, and for all those who he sees to be on the outside of a harsh and unkind society.


Late Middle English: from Middle Low German māt(e) 'comrade', of West Germanic origin; related to meat (the underlying concept being that of eating together).

  • meat from Old English:

    Meat is related to mete (Old English), an old word meaning ‘to measure’, and mate (Late Middle English) through the idea of a mate being someone you share food with. It goes back to an ancient root shared with meditate (late 16th century). The earliest sense of meat was simply ‘food’. This survives in the proverb one man's meat is another man's poison, which is recorded in English from the late 16th century but has a parallel in the work of the Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius of the 1st century bc. Other early meanings include ‘an item of food’, now found only in sweetmeat (Late Middle English). See also flesh


abate, ablate, aerate, ait, await, backdate, bait, bate, berate, castrate, collate, conflate, crate, create, cremate, date, deflate, dictate, dilate, distraite, donate, downstate, eight, elate, equate, estate, fate, fête, fixate, freight, frustrate, gait, gate, gestate, gradate, grate, great, gyrate, hate, hydrate, inflate, innate, interrelate, interstate, irate, Kate, Kuwait, lactate, late, locate, lustrate, mandate, migrate, misdate, misstate, mistranslate, mutate, narrate, negate, notate, orate, ornate, Pate, placate, plate, prate, prorate, prostrate, pulsate, pupate, quadrate, rate, rotate, sate, sedate, serrate, short weight, skate, slate, spate, spectate, spruit, stagnate, state, straight, strait, Tate, tête-à-tête, Thwaite, translate, translocate, transmigrate, truncate, underrate, understate, underweight, update, uprate, upstate, up-to-date, vacate, vibrate, wait, weight


noun & verb meɪtmeɪt
  • short for checkmate
    Example sentencesExamples
    • This book starts with mates in one and, around page one million, moves on to mate in twos.
    • For example, the chapter on endgame technique focuses on mating with bishop and knight and the rook and pawn versus rook endgame.
    • Can you find the mate in two for White in today's diagram?
    • He carelessly walked into a mate in five, which he thought was simply drawing.
    • He wasn't paying attention since he saw that a forced mate resulted from the line he actually played.


  • fool's mate

    • A game in which White is mated by Black's queen on the second move.


  • scholar's mate

    • A game in which White mates Black on the fourth move with the queen, supported by the king's bishop.



Middle English: the noun from Anglo-Norman French mat (from the phrase eschec mat 'checkmate'); the verb from Anglo-Norman French mater 'to checkmate'.


  • 1An infusion of the leaves of a South American shrub, which is high in caffeine and bitter.

    maté has an agreeable slightly aromatic odor
    Example sentencesExamples
    • One famous pastime is drinking maté, a Paraguayan tea made from holly leaves.
    • Other dried plant substances used to make infused drinks are chicory (dried root), cocoa (dried powdered seeds), guarana (dried powdered seeds, made into smoked cakes), cola ‘nut’ (dried powdered seeds), and maté (dried leaves).
    • A popular social pastime is the drinking of maté, a tea made from the leaves of a plant related to holly.
    • We drink it through a bombilla, the little metal suckable strainer they also use in Argentina to drink maté, an exuberantly undrinkable local tea brewed from some violent green shrub.
    • He might be found lying in bed, drinking a cup of maté with seven sugars and reading a new poem to his friend.
    1. 1.1 The leaves of the maté shrub.
  • 2The South American shrub of the holly family which produces maté leaves.

    Ilex paraguariensis, family Aquifoliaceae

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Drinks made of yerba maté are ubiquitous.


Early 18th century: from Spanish mate, from Quechua mati.


  • 1Each of a pair of birds or other animals.


    a male bird sings to court a mate


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Birds sing to establish territories and to attract mates.
    • A randy tortoise is on the run after scaling a two-foot wall in search of a new partner after his mate of 38 years died.
    • The male partner will provision his mate with food but does not go into the maternity den.
    • Many are still waiting, but some morning soon they too will wake to the lilt of a backyard bird pleading for a mate.
    • Both admitted intentionally killing a wild bird, injuring its mate and having a loaded air rifle without lawful authority.
    • Even animals have their mates, although some just procreate and leave.
    • This animal, which has lived without a mate for her entire life at the zoo, will always be remembered as one who never fell ill and as one who never threw a tantrum.
    • When an incubating bird is relieved by its returning mate, it leaves the nest immediately and flies away from the island.
    • To examine this question, we looked at the age of the mates of birds that did not emigrate.
    • It traps pheromones to alert potential mates of sexual receptivity.
    • This was the time when the birds were believed to choose their mate for the spring.
    • The birds attract mates by the color intensity of their feathers - a signal of their desirability.
    • At this stage males still accept additional mates and are actively courting.
    • The bird lives there for free along with his mates and fledglings.
    • He then told them that he would take all steps necessary so that the zoo gets new species of animals and mates for those animals that are single now.
    • Her mate appeared to counter-sing in response to the song of the female.
    • The bird and its mate had built the nest in the bottom of the box and laid five tiny eggs.
    • Andean condor Homer and his mate Marge are love birds again - after vets gave him a blunter beak to save her from the sharp side of his temper.
    • In medieval times, there was a romantic belief that birds chose their mate in February.
    • Whenever possible, we selected birds whose mates were present at the nest to ensure that chicks were not left alone.
    1. 1.1informal A person's husband, wife, or other sexual partner.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • So, I asked my daughter, do the teachers talk of love - for mate and child - in terms of respect?
      • You are a passionate, compassionate, sexual lover, requiring the same qualities from your mate.
      • Girls should have the confidence to play hard to get, to wait until they find a mate who matches their demands rather than giving in so easily.
      • She said if we treated our husbands / mates like we treated our pet dogs, our marriages would be happier.
      • I mean, that's terrible to lose a life partner and a mate at any age, but certainly at a young age like that.
      • Focus on muscle control as you stare into your mate's eyes and mirror his moves.
      • Her devoted mate of six decades is a retired production supervisor.
      • Her devoted mate of five decades was an insurance agent.
      • From this perspective, the problem of your missus or your mate takes on added significance.
      • How did your potential mate treat his/her last girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife?
      • Image is everything in Hollywood, and one's mate is among one's most important accessories.
      • Paired with a loving mate, this sign makes a loyal and ever-interesting lover.
      • It is always terrifying to give birth; how much more so without one's mate there to share the moment?
      partner, husband, wife, spouse, lover, live-in lover, amour, significant other, inamorato, inamorata, companion, helpmate, helpmeet, consort
    2. 1.2informal One of a matched pair.
      a sock without its mate


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Have you ever wondered as to the whereabouts of the mate to those odd socks you find in the dryer or your sock drawer?
      match, fellow, twin, companion, pair, one of a pair, other half, equivalent, counterpart
  • 2in combination A fellow member or joint occupant of a specified thing.

    同学,同桌,室友 用于合成词,表示指明的同伴

    his tablemates


    partner, husband, wife, spouse, lover, live-in lover, amour, significant other, inamorato, inamorata, companion, helpmate, helpmeet, consort
  • 3British informal A friend or companion.


    my best mate Steve


    I was with a mate


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We were pals, chums, mates and the bosomiest of bosom buddies.
    • Firemen came in looking for images of their mates who had gone into the blazing buildings.
    • It's all about meeting up with old mates, making new friends and being part of a massive crowd with one thing in common.
    • His mates woke him with seconds to spare, and he dressed somewhat hurriedly.
    • He didn't tell his mates at school about all his medical problems and he didn't mention that against all the odds, he was a sporting champion.
    • On the way back we bought fresh mangoes and dragon fruit from a road side stall and my mates made friends with the owner and got double portions.
    • The fire glows, venison stew simmers, the hunter and his mates drink beer and yarn on into a New Zealand night.
    • More and more anglers are either going solo, or going in partnership with a mate or several mates and buying their own boat.
    • The subdued lighting and stylish interior are perfect for a pre-club swally with mates or an intimate quaff with your latest flame.
    • I feel like a dunce in this company, until I get talking to some of my mates in the group who share a lot of my frustrations and aspirations, and are a holy if unruly group.
    • It's shaping up to be a great party, all of us together at the barbeque, mates, mates of mates and partners of mates.
    • A mate of mine from school is throwing a flat-warming party, which a number of people from school are going to be at.
    • I am now retired, time-rich and have a wealth of good friends and drinking mates.
    • He prepared for the head shave by growing his hair for three months - and putting up with teasing from his mates at school.
    • I'm also still in touch with a couple of mates from school.
    • I do really really love going out, particularly with a mate or crowd of mates…
    • He has few mates, preferring the company of his current partner, two children from different couplings, a hound and local goats.
    • A couple of years ago, I had a bunch of my mates and their respective partners back at my place after we'd all been out at some do or other.
    • So at the bus stop outside work at 3.30 pm, I ran into an old mate from school.
    • Anyway, my doctor friend and his golfing mates are welcome to have a cutting.
    friend, companion, boon companion, comrade, intimate, familiar, confidant, alter ego, second self
    1. 3.1 Used as a friendly form of address between men or boys.
      老兄,老弟 用于男人或男孩之间的友善称呼
      “See you then, mate.”


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I'm really sorry about this, mate, but it's for your own good, honest.
      • I just had the perfect run, mate, it was like I was in the zone, you know, it was just all happening for me, and I just got the best run through.
      • ‘These days it's sibling revelry, mate,’ Tim jokes in his soft New Zealand accent.
      • You want a slap in the face, mate?
      • ‘You shouldn't leave your door open, mate,’ he said as he realised I was right behind him.
      • And if you think you can shoot off emails like that without getting an enraged response, you'd better think again, mate.
      • Go on the cabbage soup diet, mate, it worked for me.
      • It may be just a smear to you, mate, but it's life and death to some poor wretch.
      • He wound down his window, leant over, and said, ‘What direction you headed in, mate?’
      • You will need to watch the thing more than once, mate.
      • Well maybe you should mediate because I wouldn't want to be left alone in a room with her, mate.
      • This one's for you, mate, and I promise never to call your wheels a ‘second division footballer's car’ again.
      • That trademark murmur of his implies ‘I've seen it all before, mate, and I tell it like is.’
      • And if I have mistranslated, remember that it's all from my memory, mate.
      • Better get that down you then, mate, keep the cold at bay.
      • Not on your bloody life, mate, we know what's in it.
      • You reach your own conclusions, mate, I don't have to spell it out.
      • None of that euphemistic glowing or perspiring here, mate.
      • The defendant then shouted at the injured driver, ‘There's no damage, mate, you're alright’.
      • Bear in mind that you can buy without a guilty conscience - it's for charity, mate!
      man, my friend
  • 4British An assistant to a skilled worker.

    a plumber's mate


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We had no lifting training and were not provided with driver's mates to assist with the lifting involved.
    • She's now an aviation electrician's mate and soon will start in the shop for electricians.
    assistant, helper, apprentice, subordinate
    1. 4.1 A deck officer on a merchant ship subordinate to the master.
      大副。参见 FIRST MATE
      See also first mate
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It seems likely that there was a minimum crew comprising master, mate, boatswain, at least two seamen and possibly one apprentice.
      • Johnny tried, failed, and eventually gave up on getting the captain and mate to reach peace.
      • Two are professionally qualified skippers and mates; the others are volunteer crew.
      • This was only to be expected, and it was the mate and second mates' jobs to motivate them with threats and promises.
      • Several of the crewmen had heard word of their new expedition, and could not help but to share it with their fellow mates.
      • Perhaps the captain and his mate would like to make me an offer?
      • Some say they are old mates or boatswains watching to see that your job is done in a proper ship-shape way.
      • The same applied to the sailing master, his mate, and the carpenter when they also arrived.
      • The ship's mates would be here at any minute, and I would lose my charter to Antwerp if I was caught.
      • When a sailor ‘belonged’ to a ship his main loyalty was to his ship and his mates.
      • To make matters worse, he put the tanker on autopilot and he left the helm in the hands of a fatigued third mate.
      • Therefore the defendant's fault was not a cause of the collision which occurred while the mate was in charge of the ship.
  • 1no object (of animals or birds) come together for breeding; copulate.


    successful males may mate with many females


    Example sentencesExamples
    • How do foxes manage to mate with so many animals from other social groups?
    • White tigers are rare because they only occur when two tigers mate and both carry the gene for white coloring.
    • The pandas only have one mating season per year, and the San Diego pair did not mate.
    • Researchers have found that the female monkeys and rats mate with multiple males to purposely confuse paternity.
    • Members of the same species can mate and breed to produce fertile offspring.
    • In late winter they migrate to selected shallow bays, forming congregations to pair and eventually mate.
    • Music was pumping through the stereo system - some latest hip-hop thing that sounded like two cats mating on a tin roof.
    • She just stood there, staring off at some birds mating in a tree.
    • For simplicity, we assume that each individual only mates with one partner.
    • Also it has been found that if a farmed fish mates with a wild fish the genetics of their spawn is modified.
    • The big test will come next spring when it is hoped that the birds will mate.
    • It was the hope of the zoo that the gorilla would mate with the female to help further the species.
    • Once a bull mates with a cow, he will look for greener pastures elsewhere and will not mate with the ‘old cow’ again.
    • In the fall, adults gather in the colonies to form pair bonds and mate.
    • Many animals and birds mate for life and this seems to work quite well for them.
    • Two of the captive birds successfully mated and produced the first captive-bred condor chick the following year.
    • Two other fly species mated and formed a hybrid, a combined form that cannot mate with its fellow hybrids.
    • Crouching, with wings outstretched, the huge birds mate, then fly away together to a nearby glade.
    • Albatross are faithful birds and only mate once a year with one regular partner.
    • Queenless colonies generally rear male and female sexuals which typically mate in the nest.
    copulation, copulating, coupling, sexual intercourse, intercourse, sex, procreation
    sexually active, breeding
    breed, couple
    1. 1.1with object Bring (animals or birds) together for breeding.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • To examine sperm transport in the female reproductive tract, males were mated with superovulated females.
      • Depending upon the year, 15-40% of males are socially mated with more than one female within a given breeding season.
      • After this, each female was mated individually with two males from the stem population and kept with them for 3 days.
      • Flies were mated for 4 days and eggs laid within the following 5 days were counted.
      • After irradiation each male was individually mated with two non-exposed females over a period of 3-4 days and then removed.
      • In a follow-up study, the researchers mated unexposed rats with offspring of treated moms.
      • In the second part of the study, we mated females to males of differing eye span and examined the effects on fecundity and fertility.
      • At different intervals, rabbits were mated with males of proven fertility.
      • Treated mice were mated with untreated female T-stock mice.
      • Owners pay about £60,000 a time to mate their mares with him.
      • The mice were mated systematically to generate the different allelic combinations.
      • So clean animals are separated from unclean animals, and it is forbidden to sow two kinds of seed in one field, to wear clothes of two kinds of fabric, or to mate two kinds of animals.
      • As well, there is a reluctance on the part of farmers to mate any bulls for fear they will lose their strength and condition.
      • Sex ratio of their progeny was not considered in sire selection, and the bulls were not mated to the same group of cows in consecutive years.
      • Following exposure, exposed and control females were mated with intact males.
      • He succeeded in mating a cow with the menagerie's bison, but the ensuing pregnancy came to a disastrous end.
      • Animals mated this Autumn should be 100% sound.
      • Then the scientists mated mice deficient in the GIP receptor with mice that lack leptin, a hormone that signals satiety.
      • After selection the chosen males and females were mated at random within line.
      • Breeders in England and the United States have been successfully mating the rare species.
      couple, pair, join, bring together
  • 2with object Connect or be connected mechanically.


    a four-cylinder engine mated to a five-speed gearbox


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The V6 is mated to a new five-speed transmission.
    • The two power sources are mated to a six-speed automatic transmission that is claimed to have the efficiencies of a manual.
    • The reborn engine is then mated to a close ratio six-speed manual transmission and the new powertrain is reunited with the body.
    • The front end is contained within a tapered bushing that mates with a corresponding taper in the slide.
    • The engine is mated to a six-speed automatic transaxle - gradually emerging as the new industry standard for luxury cars.
    • The engine is mated to a five-speed manual gearbox while the rack and pinion steering features variable power assistance.
    • On the test car, the engine was mated to a six-speed manual gearbox.
    • A stiff nylon outsole is mated to a mesh and leather upper.
    • The fastest engine in the range, the latter diesel plant is now mated to a 6-speed gearbox.
    • These are mated to 6 speed manual transmissions or 5 speed auto.
    • It is a 16 valve, four-cylinder 2.0-litre turbo charged engine mated to a six-speed gear box.
    • The 26-inch, fluted barrel is mated to an action made without magazine cutout for maximum stiffness and accuracy.
    • And the transmission is mated to a powertrain that wallows in a vast reservoir of torque.
    • Backplanes permit drives to be snapped in and mated to a connector blindly.
    • One of the issues is to make sure that the right bodies are mated to the correct chassis.
    • The hydraulic drive (using a standard travel motor and brake from the excavator) is mated to a planetary gearbox.
    • The fuselage has been removed from the assembly jig and mated to the wing.
    • The two most powerful engines are mated to a six-speed gearbox.
    • While being basically hand-built, they were done on an assembly line, with the mechanicals being mated to the body shell around half way down the line.
    • The engine is mated to a tricky gearbox which gives you the option of being fully automatic, or a clutchless sequential manual.


  • mates' rates

    • informal Discounted prices or preferential terms offered to friends by the seller of a product or service.

      Rick arranged for the repair to be done at mates' rates
      Example sentencesExamples
      • However by this time I had the trike finished and with the help of friends and the good old Australian 'mates' rates' it had cost me next to nothing in monetary terms, which pleased Lora to no end.
      • Joe, tell him George sent you and you'll easily get mates' rates.
      • I have to make a website for a friend (mates' rates unfortunately - free).
      • Paul is offering him some gash about his friend being a printer and giving mates' rates.
      • It provided billions in aid, free military hardware, latest intelligence support and some of the best mates' rates in international politics.
      • I bought it off a friend at mate's rates.
      • If Chelle had been a physio like she wanted to when she was a teenager, I could be getting mates' rates.
      • If you're in that area, and want your carpets cleaned, give them a call and say Paddy said to give you a mates' rates price.
      • No transparency, no accountability, mates' rates - let's take our money and run.


Late Middle English: from Middle Low German māt(e) ‘comrade’, of West Germanic origin; related to meat (the underlying concept being that of eating together).


noun & verbmātmeɪt
  • short for checkmate
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He carelessly walked into a mate in five, which he thought was simply drawing.
    • Can you find the mate in two for White in today's diagram?
    • He wasn't paying attention since he saw that a forced mate resulted from the line he actually played.
    • For example, the chapter on endgame technique focuses on mating with bishop and knight and the rook and pawn versus rook endgame.
    • This book starts with mates in one and, around page one million, moves on to mate in twos.


Middle English: the noun from Anglo-Norman French mat (from the phrase eschec mat ‘checkmate’); the verb from Anglo-Norman French mater ‘to checkmate’.





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