

单词 crowd

Definition of crowd in English:


noun kraʊdkraʊd
  • 1A large number of people gathered together in a disorganized or unruly way.


    a huge crowd gathered in the street outside


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Each evening, the crowds gather to party, drink and dance.
    • Large crowds have gathered to protest the decision.
    • Soldiers were positioned at strategic points in the city and at election rallies where huge crowds gathered.
    • On its evening newscast, state television showed ambulances rushing to the scene as huge crowds of people gathered outside the main gate of the mine.
    • With each new action, meetings convened, crowds gathered, and messengers raced back and forth between the colonies.
    • He looks out the front window to where crowds gathered to meet them every evening they came home from the stadium.
    • A huge crowd had gathered at the venue and a TV crew, which had also arrived, found it too noisy to shoot.
    • And over at the Haji Sophia - Istanbul's famous mosque - crowds were gathering to celebrate the end of Ramadan.
    • All day the crowds had gathered, families and groups of friends picking their spots on the hill in front of the great marquee which housed the stage, or under its protecting canvas.
    • A huge crowd gathered to cheer us on and salute our achievement and more than any other time it was greatly appreciated.
    • She was about to hit her again but a crowd gathered around, staring at Anna's bleeding nose.
    • A huge crowd had gathered in the town centre for the service.
    • A huge crowd has gathered around the building, which has been cordoned off by the police.
    • A huge crowd gathered from all over the area to honour their dead on this special occasion.
    • Apart from the crowds which gathered outside the magistrates court to catch a glimpse of the self-confessed killer, thousands more went to the disused and flooded quarry.
    • I returned to meet up with them and found a crowd gathered and my brother's best friend screaming out for me.
    • The news was immediately announced to huge crowds gathered in the famous square in Rome.
    • Within an hour, a huge crowd had gathered to watch it enter the new harbour and berth at the quay.
    • Huge crowds gathered to witness a host of snakes on St Patrick's Day, not all of them were non-venomous.
    • It used to be that if there was a crowd of people gathered together and having a conversation, Jeff tended not to join in.
    throng, horde, mob, rabble, large number, mass, multitude, host, army, herd, flock, drove, swarm, sea, stream, troupe, pack, press, crush, flood, collection, company, gathering, assembly, assemblage, array, congregation, convention, concourse
    informal gaggle
    British informal shower
    archaic rout
    1. 1.1 An audience, especially one at a sporting event.
      they played before a 25,000 crowd


      as modifier a match marred by crowd trouble


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A crowd of over 10,000 attended an entertaining programme of games and song.
      • The game itself had some exciting moments but for the most part the small crowd of spectators had very little to cheer about.
      • Watched by a crowd of onlookers three firefighters went into the water and used a canal side crane to hoist the shivering animal out.
      • But it was the opening event that had drawn a healthy crowd of onlookers.
      • The match had attracted a crowd of more than 3,500-the biggest of the season.
      • A large crowd of spectators are expected, so get your tickets early.
      • A large crowd of spectators attended and thoroughly enjoyed horses and riders being put through their paces.
      • More than 200 bands from across the planet gathered for the event, which saw a crowd of over 32,000 spectators.
      • His motorcade arrived at the back of the hotel but a small crowd of onlookers spotted him.
      • The level of skill and commitment by both sides was warmly applauded by the large crowd of parents and spectators that showed up for the game.
      • The day of safety demonstrations drew a large crowd of spectators.
      • Guess who were causing the most congestion, with the biggest crowd of onlookers?
      • They too are expecting a capacity crowd on the night.
      • Do you recall the feelings you experienced as a member of a crowd at a sporting event, a music concert, or a political rally?
      • A capacity crowd of 10,000 spectators is expected on the last day of competition.
      • The weather on the day was beautiful and a great crowd of spectators attended.
      • The opening quarter of the match was extremely disappointing, especially with a bumper crowd of 8,131 in attendance.
      • Yesterday drew the largest crowd of the three-day event, 55,000 people descending on the site for the final day.
      • The bands performed for a small yet appreciative crowd, and did not compromise on energy or passion.
      • It attracted a huge crowd of onlookers who were keen to see us set the record.
      audience, spectators, watchers, listeners, viewers, onlookers, patrons, house, gallery, stalls
      turnout, attendance, gate
      informal punters
    2. 1.2derogatory, informal A group of people who are linked by a common interest or activity.
      I've broken away from that whole junkie crowd


      Example sentencesExamples
      • As the band came on to a squall of screams, the whole crowd surged to their feet - even where we were, up in the circle.
      • The whole crowd were in tears laughing at him - myself and the other fifty people in the audience.
      • Conal did three encores and the whole crowd got to their feet, clapped, cheered and just refused to sit down.
      • The programme that drew the glamour-struck crowd was the weakest link in the cultural show.
      • The difference now is that the best of the younger crowd seem to regard the screen as more attractive.
      • It's only when you retire to the loos and find a whole crowd smoking there that you realise that the flight has been delayed two hours.
      • The museum consistently draws a crowd interested in connecting art and philosophy through lifelong learning.
      • An even more interesting thing is the crowd's reaction to the fight.
      • And in Belgrade's cafés and clubs, the party crowd gathers every day, noisy and unashamedly happy.
      • And when that time came the whole crowd roared and sang at full volume.
      set, group, band, circle, company, fraternity, clique, coterie
      camp, league, faction
      informal lot, gang, bunch, pack, crew, posse, tribe
      rare sodality, confraternity
    3. 1.3the crowd The mass or multitude of ordinary people.
      you have to set yourself apart from the crowd
      free-thinkers who don't follow the crowd
      he'd become just another face in the crowd
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In times marked by uncertainty and fear, it's easy to succumb to the comfort of the crowd.
      • All in all, this song is a piece of hip-hop that stands pretty far apart from the rest of the crowd.
      • Those trying to separate themselves from the crowd are inadvertently joining a large crowd of people who no one would want to be associated with in the first place.
      • Unless the manager reaches a level of excellence and effectiveness that sets him apart from the others whom he is managing, he will be merely a face in the crowd and not an achiever.
      • I try to be humble in my martial arts, but in my movie career I can not be like that or I will get lost in the crowd.
      • For gaming this motherboard can keep up with the rest of the crowd without issue, putting out the numbers we expect it to.
      • You had the crowd behind you and everything!
      • She must face the ghosts of her past, swallow her pride, and compete with a handful of less talented dancers for the opportunity to be just another pair of legs in the crowd.
      • As with most things, I'm not interested in following the crowd or doing the same things as other people.
      • How do you stand out from the crowd when the crowd is among the loudest, wildest concentrations of extrovert party animals on the face of the Earth?
      • What is striking about the book is where it did not follow the crowd.
      majority, multitude, common people, populace, general public, mob, masses, riff-raff, proletariat, rank and file, the commonality, the hoi polloi, the canaille, the great unwashed
      informal the proles, the plebs
    4. 1.4 A large number of things regarded collectively.
      the crowd of tall buildings


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The band doesn't really turn in a single bad song here, though a few stand especially tall above the crowd.
      a lot, a great number, a large number, a great quantity, a large quantity, host, horde, mass, mountain, droves, swarm, army, legion, sea, abundance, profusion
verb kraʊdkraʊd
[with object]
  • 1(of a number of people) fill (a space) almost completely, leaving little or no room for movement.


    the dance floor was crowded with revellers


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This woman's entire extended family visited for extended periods, crowding the room, and making it noisy and very hot.
    • Jeddah led them off into one of the side mazes of the market, a less crowded area.
    • This was a very close and exciting game with a large number of supporters crowding the field to cheer on their teams.
    • Tempting to send them off in the wrong direction I know, but the pavements are crowded enough round here as it is.
    • But a V-shaped column crowds the central area, and the heavy structure oppresses the space.
    • Instead of a healthy quota of 40 trees an acre, the region is crowded with as many as 568 an acre.
    • We moved to rural Norfolk from Hong Kong, which at that point was the most crowded city in the world.
    • In the very crowded skies of north-east America, planes are restricted to very tightly controlled lanes.
    • Still, flu sufferers are crowding emergency rooms all across the country.
    • In the center of the small bedroom is a double bed draped with handmade quilts, and the small group of women crowds the narrow spaces surrounding it.
    • Jones has a cherubic face, a gappy smile and a loud voice, which probably comes in handy when he is shouting across crowded rooms.
    • Fire engines, police cars and ambulances crowded the area cordoned off to the public.
    • York has also the tourist network to deal with the massive influx in numbers crowding the city's hotels.
    • The bus was very crowded with a number of people standing as all the seats were occupied.
    • Four hundred other destitute families crowd a relief camp in a school a few kilometres up the road.
    • A few head south for university, but find it hard to adjust to crowded cities and often return within weeks.
    • The first couple of times, I dismissed it as being an accidental brush because the bar areas were crowded, as usual.
    • By now the room is crowded, potential bidders making sure they have a good view of the auctioneer.
    • Two strides take a visitor into the only other room, where a bed, TV, couch and computer table crowd the compact space.
    • It didn't hurt that large numbers of both buyers and sellers have crowded the field.
    throng, pack, jam, cram, fill, overfill, congest, pervade, occupy all of
    packed, congested, crushed, cramped, overcrowded, full, filled to capacity, full to bursting, overfull, overflowing, teeming, swarming, thronged, populous, overpopulated, overpeopled, busy
    North American mobbed
    informal stuffed, jam-packed, chock-a-block, chock-full, bursting at the seams, bulging at the seams, full to the gunwales, wall-to-wall
    British informal like Piccadilly Circus
    Australian/New Zealand informal chocker
    1. 1.1crowd intono object (of a number of people) move into (a restricted space)
      they crowded into the cockpit


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Scores of people, including some from the dress circle, left their seats and crowded into the space at the front of the stage where they danced the night away.
      • Indeed it is a busy time for those in the running as a great deal of work has to be crowded into a very small space of time.
      • We crowd into the living room, squashed up in our common friendship.
      • Not wanting to be completely outdone, the men hurried uneasily after her and crowded into the cramped space of the dank cave.
      • ‘People from wealthier neighbourhoods have benefited most from the expansion of higher education - they are the ones who are crowding into universities,’ said an independent report.
      • Pediatricians are once again extremely busy this winter as patients with asthma symptoms - the most common disease among children - are crowding into respiratory clinics.
      • Soldiers had to get their protective suits and respirators on within nine seconds, and then crowded into vehicles and underground shelters.
      • You can just imagine the wind howling round outside while everyone crowds into a stone cottage, a fire roaring in the grate and a group of friends simply playing together for the sheer fun of it.
      • An estimated one million people crowded into the city centre for the closing weekend of the festival, which dates back to the 16th century.
      • We crowded into the theatre space and took a place on the concrete floor, crouching in the darkness in anticipation.
      • Hundreds of people were crowding into the chapel.
      • Giant lanterns in the shapes of roosters, fish and dragons illuminated the night of February 23, with families crowding into the City God Temple to see the lanterns, solve the lantern puzzles and burn incense.
      • ‘There are so many people crowding into this market these days, it's really important to do something special,’ says Pierre.
      • One of my earliest memories is of all the neighbours and family crowding into our living room to gaze at a six-inch square black and white fuzzy picture of the Queen being crowned.
      • We giddily crowded into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor.
      • Four of us were crowded into the back seat of my dad's 1927 Chevy.
      • There are 30 men crowding into houses in residential neighborhoods.
      • Around 300 farmers and hauliers crowded into the building.
      • Hundreds of thousands visit York every year: most of them crowding into Coney Street on Saturday afternoon.
      • Everyone parades onto the plane, crowding into 25 rows each only four seats wide. All the tourists promptly make themselves known by nicking the in-flight magazines as souvenirs.
      surge, push one's way, shove, push, thrust forward, jostle, elbow, elbow one's way, shoulder, nudge, bulldoze
      squeeze, pile, pack, jam, cram
    2. 1.2crowd roundno object (of a group of people) form a tightly packed mass around.
      photographers crowded round him


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Loads of people crowded round him to watch him demonstrate his fireproof coating by setting fire to his hands.
      • People crowded round the bar frantically shouting their orders over the noise of the band.
      • If you think about World Cups, you get women and kids crowding round the TV to watch Scotland who wouldn't usually be interested.
      • People always crowd round afterwards, wanting to know more.
      • ‘We had a really good turnout, with lots of people crowding round the cars and getting some ideas,’ she said.
      • Yes, she'll miss the glamour, the gaggle of schoolgirls crowding round for autographs.
      • The bar where the band was playing emptied instantly and we all crowded round the big screen in the other bar.
      • I guess that was so they didn't disturb the scrum of journalist crowded round a wide-screen telly watching the football.
      • The crucial thing is to stick to our jobs and not all crowd round the first problem that comes in.
      • People were crowding round her but it was Stuart who ran to her aid.
      • There was silence for a few seconds and then everyone crowded round.
      • The idol was, and is, annually dragged forth in procession on a monstrous car, and as masses of excited pilgrims crowded round to drag or accompany it, accidents occurred.
      • Or maybe you vividly remember watching the occasion unfold in monochrome as you crowded round a black and white TV with family and friends.
      • Although Paul loves cooking, he doesn't like the idea of a separate dining-room, which he feels detracts from the social aspect of preparing food, and likes to have his friends crowd round the large table.
      • When the referee made a decision there was no crowding round him, no voices yelling in his face.
      • They crowded round and watched the water boil for hours, and afterward they poured the water into a glass.
      • During the interval, the audience trickles out of the capsule into the vast darkness of the encompassing Exchange hall, crowding round the various bars for drinks.
      • There were shouts of excitement that had us all running and crowding round.
      • Before I knew it I was sitting out in the hallway with half the family crowded round, trying to help stop the blood flow that simply wouldn't clot.
      • I followed her into the back room and there were about 50 guys crowded round a small black & white TV.
      cluster, gather, flock, swarm, throng, huddle, assemble, concentrate, congregate, come together, collect, amass, accumulate
      rare foregather
  • 2Move too close to (someone)

    don't crowd her, she needs air


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Tell her that you want to be her friend, but she crowds you too much.
    • I was use to working in the warehouse where there was lots of room and you were never crowded.
    • Dara and Mac don't need me crowding their space when they return from their honeymoon.
    • It stands to reason that when you're waiting to use a cash machine, try not to crowd the person who's already using it.
    • He walked over and sat beside her with enough room that he wasn't crowding her.
    • We were getting on really well, but our conversation had got really heavy and I didn't know whether I was crowding her or not.
    • When I return to the flat from my clinic I crouch down and the dogs crowd me, shoving and licking my face.
    • Though we were separated by a large teak desk, Bur still managed to crowd me in somehow.
    • The man simply moved closer, crowding her until she was backed up against the wall.
    • Avoid crowding your planted pots close together, as your plants need good air circulation and growing room.
    • She had chosen not to live in California so she could be her own person and avoid crowding him.
    • They'll crowd so close to the wagon that sometimes you've got to ask them to step back.
    • It is difficult to describe. I feel as though I have a whole pile of tasks and chores crowding me.
    • At break I saw her and smiled but didn't go over as I was afraid of crowding her.
    • I was partly awakened by noise and a couple of guys crowding me as they sat on the edge of my cot.
    • Because he's a cat everyone intrinsically likes him, but he doesn't really like people crowding him.
    • He tried crowding him and using his strength and that had no effect.
    • A rush ensues while I bag everything as the next customer usually starts crowding me.
    • But when I think that we might have to move, the negatives crowd in and overwhelm me.
    1. 2.1crowd in onno object Overwhelm and preoccupy (someone)
      as demands crowd in on you it becomes difficult to keep things in perspective


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There's no way that the players or management staff, or those who still man the offices and shop, are immune to the confusion crowding in on their place of work.
      • Support drifts away into nostalgia and conspiracy theories as other parties crowd in on key policies
      • She sat with her hands on the steering wheel as the implications of what she'd heard crowded in on her.
      • The artist making the colourful beads and ornaments from polymer clay has people crowding in on her so much that it looks as if the table might tip.
      • The demands of his latest job have crowded in on his social life to the extent he has still to find time for a fishing trip to Inverness.
      • Brandon had longed for solitude for the last four weeks - but now he had been finally left alone, all his thoughts were racing, crowding in on him, emotions that he couldn't handle.
      • The heat of asphalt, the lunacy of traffic and the depravity of narrow alleys crowd in on the characters.
  • 3crowd someone/something outExclude someone or something by taking their place.


    rampant plants will crowd out the less vigorous


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The building was tall and thin, and in subsequent decades it was crowded out by gargantuan neighbors.
    • The reason you have such a low lamprey count is the leeches crowded them out.
    • Unfortunately, the bit-players tend to crowd him out of the narrative.
    • There are the people who let piles of paper and garbage crowd them out of their houses.
    • American scientists and researchers, frustrated that the internet's popularity has crowded them out and slowed serious research, are building their own new information superhighway.
    • Lymphocytes increase in number until normal marrow cells are crowded out.
    • However this game can be tricky at the best of times and lo an behold the favourite was crowded out at this stage being put back to near last.
    • Again, other music crowded it out, to the point where this recording amounts to a revival.
    • The tendency of men to intimidate women drivers by constant honking and crowding them out needs to be dealt with strictly.
    • Countries like Sudan are crowded out of the sugar market in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
    • Also, since rows are planted closer together, cotton crowds the weeds out, reducing the need for midseason herbicide applications.
    • He had a refined judgement in poetry, and at one time had a fine library of English literature, before his mathematical collection crowded it out.
    • However, this vision will not be achieved if public health targets are crowded out by hospital waiting lists.
    oust, overthrow, remove, topple, unseat, depose, dethrone, eject, dispel


  • stand out from the crowd

    • Be clearly better than or noticeably different from ordinary people or things.

      to be successful we need to stand out from the crowd
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The vocals are delivered in thick accents, making the band stand out from the crowd.
      • The movie is competently constructed and decently acted but it doesn't do much different to make it stand out from the crowd.
      • Our willingness to be different and stand out from the crowd works to our good.
      • Only self-discipline, perseverance, and the willingness to work hard can make a person stand out from the crowd and achieve remarkable results.
      • We don't like to stand out from the crowd so we're not very good at promoting ourselves.
      • I want to see a band that has the talent to play their instruments and a singer with a unique voice that stands out from the crowd.
      • People want their wedding to stand out from the crowd.
      • A game needs something special to stand out from the crowd.
      • The actress certainly stood out from the crowd as she arrived in a silver belted jacket.
      • These women have overcome many obstacles to make their business stand out from the crowd.
      • A letter itself is not always sufficient—particularly if you want to stand out from the crowd and make your voice heard.


Old English crūdan 'press, hasten', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch kruien 'push in a wheelbarrow'. In Middle English the senses 'move by pushing' and 'push one's way' arose, leading to the sense 'congregate', and hence (mid 16th century) to the noun.

  • Old English crūdan meant ‘to press, hasten’. In Middle English the senses ‘move by pushing’ and ‘push one's way’ arose, leading to the sense ‘congregate’, and hence (mid 16th century) to the noun.


aloud, becloud, cloud, enshroud, loud, Macleod, proud, shroud, Stroud, unavowed, unbowed, unendowed, unploughed (US unplowed)

Definition of crowd in US English:


  • 1A large number of people gathered together in a disorganized or unruly way.


    a huge crowd gathered in the street outside


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Apart from the crowds which gathered outside the magistrates court to catch a glimpse of the self-confessed killer, thousands more went to the disused and flooded quarry.
    • A huge crowd had gathered at the venue and a TV crew, which had also arrived, found it too noisy to shoot.
    • She was about to hit her again but a crowd gathered around, staring at Anna's bleeding nose.
    • A huge crowd gathered to cheer us on and salute our achievement and more than any other time it was greatly appreciated.
    • Huge crowds gathered to witness a host of snakes on St Patrick's Day, not all of them were non-venomous.
    • And over at the Haji Sophia - Istanbul's famous mosque - crowds were gathering to celebrate the end of Ramadan.
    • A huge crowd had gathered in the town centre for the service.
    • A huge crowd gathered from all over the area to honour their dead on this special occasion.
    • All day the crowds had gathered, families and groups of friends picking their spots on the hill in front of the great marquee which housed the stage, or under its protecting canvas.
    • The news was immediately announced to huge crowds gathered in the famous square in Rome.
    • He looks out the front window to where crowds gathered to meet them every evening they came home from the stadium.
    • Within an hour, a huge crowd had gathered to watch it enter the new harbour and berth at the quay.
    • With each new action, meetings convened, crowds gathered, and messengers raced back and forth between the colonies.
    • On its evening newscast, state television showed ambulances rushing to the scene as huge crowds of people gathered outside the main gate of the mine.
    • I returned to meet up with them and found a crowd gathered and my brother's best friend screaming out for me.
    • Large crowds have gathered to protest the decision.
    • Soldiers were positioned at strategic points in the city and at election rallies where huge crowds gathered.
    • It used to be that if there was a crowd of people gathered together and having a conversation, Jeff tended not to join in.
    • Each evening, the crowds gather to party, drink and dance.
    • A huge crowd has gathered around the building, which has been cordoned off by the police.
    throng, horde, mob, rabble, large number, mass, multitude, host, army, herd, flock, drove, swarm, sea, stream, troupe, pack, press, crush, flood, collection, company, gathering, assembly, assemblage, array, congregation, convention, concourse
    1. 1.1 An audience.
      a crowd of 500 filled the synagogue
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Guess who were causing the most congestion, with the biggest crowd of onlookers?
      • But it was the opening event that had drawn a healthy crowd of onlookers.
      • The game itself had some exciting moments but for the most part the small crowd of spectators had very little to cheer about.
      • Do you recall the feelings you experienced as a member of a crowd at a sporting event, a music concert, or a political rally?
      • A crowd of over 10,000 attended an entertaining programme of games and song.
      • More than 200 bands from across the planet gathered for the event, which saw a crowd of over 32,000 spectators.
      • Yesterday drew the largest crowd of the three-day event, 55,000 people descending on the site for the final day.
      • The day of safety demonstrations drew a large crowd of spectators.
      • A capacity crowd of 10,000 spectators is expected on the last day of competition.
      • The bands performed for a small yet appreciative crowd, and did not compromise on energy or passion.
      • The level of skill and commitment by both sides was warmly applauded by the large crowd of parents and spectators that showed up for the game.
      • Watched by a crowd of onlookers three firefighters went into the water and used a canal side crane to hoist the shivering animal out.
      • His motorcade arrived at the back of the hotel but a small crowd of onlookers spotted him.
      • They too are expecting a capacity crowd on the night.
      • The weather on the day was beautiful and a great crowd of spectators attended.
      • The match had attracted a crowd of more than 3,500-the biggest of the season.
      • A large crowd of spectators are expected, so get your tickets early.
      • The opening quarter of the match was extremely disappointing, especially with a bumper crowd of 8,131 in attendance.
      • A large crowd of spectators attended and thoroughly enjoyed horses and riders being put through their paces.
      • It attracted a huge crowd of onlookers who were keen to see us set the record.
      audience, spectators, watchers, listeners, viewers, onlookers, patrons, house, gallery, stalls
    2. 1.2derogatory, informal A group of people who are linked by a common interest or activity.
      I've broken away from that whole junkie crowd


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The difference now is that the best of the younger crowd seem to regard the screen as more attractive.
      • The whole crowd were in tears laughing at him - myself and the other fifty people in the audience.
      • The programme that drew the glamour-struck crowd was the weakest link in the cultural show.
      • And when that time came the whole crowd roared and sang at full volume.
      • And in Belgrade's cafés and clubs, the party crowd gathers every day, noisy and unashamedly happy.
      • Conal did three encores and the whole crowd got to their feet, clapped, cheered and just refused to sit down.
      • The museum consistently draws a crowd interested in connecting art and philosophy through lifelong learning.
      • It's only when you retire to the loos and find a whole crowd smoking there that you realise that the flight has been delayed two hours.
      • An even more interesting thing is the crowd's reaction to the fight.
      • As the band came on to a squall of screams, the whole crowd surged to their feet - even where we were, up in the circle.
      set, group, band, circle, company, fraternity, clique, coterie
    3. 1.3the crowd The mass or multitude of people, especially those considered to be drearily ordinary or anonymous.
      you have to set yourself apart from the crowd
      free-thinkers who don't follow the crowd
      he'd become just another face in the crowd
      Example sentencesExamples
      • As with most things, I'm not interested in following the crowd or doing the same things as other people.
      • Unless the manager reaches a level of excellence and effectiveness that sets him apart from the others whom he is managing, he will be merely a face in the crowd and not an achiever.
      • All in all, this song is a piece of hip-hop that stands pretty far apart from the rest of the crowd.
      • Those trying to separate themselves from the crowd are inadvertently joining a large crowd of people who no one would want to be associated with in the first place.
      • You had the crowd behind you and everything!
      • She must face the ghosts of her past, swallow her pride, and compete with a handful of less talented dancers for the opportunity to be just another pair of legs in the crowd.
      • What is striking about the book is where it did not follow the crowd.
      • In times marked by uncertainty and fear, it's easy to succumb to the comfort of the crowd.
      • I try to be humble in my martial arts, but in my movie career I can not be like that or I will get lost in the crowd.
      • For gaming this motherboard can keep up with the rest of the crowd without issue, putting out the numbers we expect it to.
      • How do you stand out from the crowd when the crowd is among the loudest, wildest concentrations of extrovert party animals on the face of the Earth?
      majority, multitude, common people, populace, general public, mob, masses, riff-raff, proletariat, rank and file, the commonality, the hoi polloi, the canaille, the great unwashed
    4. 1.4 A large number of things regarded collectively.
      the crowd of tall buildings


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The band doesn't really turn in a single bad song here, though a few stand especially tall above the crowd.
      a lot, a great number, a large number, a great quantity, a large quantity, host, horde, mass, mountain, droves, swarm, army, legion, sea, abundance, profusion
[with object]
  • 1(of a number of people) fill (a space) almost completely, leaving little or no room for movement.


    the dance floor was crowded with revelers


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A few head south for university, but find it hard to adjust to crowded cities and often return within weeks.
    • York has also the tourist network to deal with the massive influx in numbers crowding the city's hotels.
    • Instead of a healthy quota of 40 trees an acre, the region is crowded with as many as 568 an acre.
    • Fire engines, police cars and ambulances crowded the area cordoned off to the public.
    • Four hundred other destitute families crowd a relief camp in a school a few kilometres up the road.
    • Jones has a cherubic face, a gappy smile and a loud voice, which probably comes in handy when he is shouting across crowded rooms.
    • In the center of the small bedroom is a double bed draped with handmade quilts, and the small group of women crowds the narrow spaces surrounding it.
    • We moved to rural Norfolk from Hong Kong, which at that point was the most crowded city in the world.
    • Jeddah led them off into one of the side mazes of the market, a less crowded area.
    • It didn't hurt that large numbers of both buyers and sellers have crowded the field.
    • Still, flu sufferers are crowding emergency rooms all across the country.
    • But a V-shaped column crowds the central area, and the heavy structure oppresses the space.
    • This woman's entire extended family visited for extended periods, crowding the room, and making it noisy and very hot.
    • This was a very close and exciting game with a large number of supporters crowding the field to cheer on their teams.
    • Tempting to send them off in the wrong direction I know, but the pavements are crowded enough round here as it is.
    • The bus was very crowded with a number of people standing as all the seats were occupied.
    • Two strides take a visitor into the only other room, where a bed, TV, couch and computer table crowd the compact space.
    • The first couple of times, I dismissed it as being an accidental brush because the bar areas were crowded, as usual.
    • By now the room is crowded, potential bidders making sure they have a good view of the auctioneer.
    • In the very crowded skies of north-east America, planes are restricted to very tightly controlled lanes.
    packed, congested, crushed, cramped, overcrowded, full, filled to capacity, full to bursting, overfull, overflowing, teeming, swarming, thronged, populous, overpopulated, overpeopled, busy
    throng, pack, jam, cram, fill, overfill, congest, pervade, occupy all of
    1. 1.1crowd intono object (of a number of people) move into (a space, especially one that seems too small)
      they crowded into the cockpit


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Hundreds of people were crowding into the chapel.
      • You can just imagine the wind howling round outside while everyone crowds into a stone cottage, a fire roaring in the grate and a group of friends simply playing together for the sheer fun of it.
      • We crowd into the living room, squashed up in our common friendship.
      • An estimated one million people crowded into the city centre for the closing weekend of the festival, which dates back to the 16th century.
      • Around 300 farmers and hauliers crowded into the building.
      • One of my earliest memories is of all the neighbours and family crowding into our living room to gaze at a six-inch square black and white fuzzy picture of the Queen being crowned.
      • ‘People from wealthier neighbourhoods have benefited most from the expansion of higher education - they are the ones who are crowding into universities,’ said an independent report.
      • Scores of people, including some from the dress circle, left their seats and crowded into the space at the front of the stage where they danced the night away.
      • Giant lanterns in the shapes of roosters, fish and dragons illuminated the night of February 23, with families crowding into the City God Temple to see the lanterns, solve the lantern puzzles and burn incense.
      • Not wanting to be completely outdone, the men hurried uneasily after her and crowded into the cramped space of the dank cave.
      • Indeed it is a busy time for those in the running as a great deal of work has to be crowded into a very small space of time.
      • We crowded into the theatre space and took a place on the concrete floor, crouching in the darkness in anticipation.
      • Four of us were crowded into the back seat of my dad's 1927 Chevy.
      • Pediatricians are once again extremely busy this winter as patients with asthma symptoms - the most common disease among children - are crowding into respiratory clinics.
      • There are 30 men crowding into houses in residential neighborhoods.
      • Everyone parades onto the plane, crowding into 25 rows each only four seats wide. All the tourists promptly make themselves known by nicking the in-flight magazines as souvenirs.
      • We giddily crowded into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor.
      • Soldiers had to get their protective suits and respirators on within nine seconds, and then crowded into vehicles and underground shelters.
      • Hundreds of thousands visit York every year: most of them crowding into Coney Street on Saturday afternoon.
      • ‘There are so many people crowding into this market these days, it's really important to do something special,’ says Pierre.
      surge, push one's way, shove, push, thrust forward, jostle, elbow, elbow one's way, shoulder, nudge, bulldoze
    2. 1.2crowd aroundno object (of a group of people) form a tightly packed mass around (someone or something)
      photographers crowded around him


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Before I knew it I was sitting out in the hallway with half the family crowded round, trying to help stop the blood flow that simply wouldn't clot.
      • People always crowd round afterwards, wanting to know more.
      • There were shouts of excitement that had us all running and crowding round.
      • Loads of people crowded round him to watch him demonstrate his fireproof coating by setting fire to his hands.
      • I guess that was so they didn't disturb the scrum of journalist crowded round a wide-screen telly watching the football.
      • Although Paul loves cooking, he doesn't like the idea of a separate dining-room, which he feels detracts from the social aspect of preparing food, and likes to have his friends crowd round the large table.
      • The idol was, and is, annually dragged forth in procession on a monstrous car, and as masses of excited pilgrims crowded round to drag or accompany it, accidents occurred.
      • The bar where the band was playing emptied instantly and we all crowded round the big screen in the other bar.
      • ‘We had a really good turnout, with lots of people crowding round the cars and getting some ideas,’ she said.
      • Yes, she'll miss the glamour, the gaggle of schoolgirls crowding round for autographs.
      • During the interval, the audience trickles out of the capsule into the vast darkness of the encompassing Exchange hall, crowding round the various bars for drinks.
      • If you think about World Cups, you get women and kids crowding round the TV to watch Scotland who wouldn't usually be interested.
      • When the referee made a decision there was no crowding round him, no voices yelling in his face.
      • People were crowding round her but it was Stuart who ran to her aid.
      • I followed her into the back room and there were about 50 guys crowded round a small black & white TV.
      • They crowded round and watched the water boil for hours, and afterward they poured the water into a glass.
      • People crowded round the bar frantically shouting their orders over the noise of the band.
      • The crucial thing is to stick to our jobs and not all crowd round the first problem that comes in.
      • Or maybe you vividly remember watching the occasion unfold in monochrome as you crowded round a black and white TV with family and friends.
      • There was silence for a few seconds and then everyone crowded round.
      cluster, gather, flock, swarm, throng, huddle, assemble, concentrate, congregate, come together, collect, amass, accumulate
  • 2Move too close to (someone)

    don't crowd her, she needs air


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Dara and Mac don't need me crowding their space when they return from their honeymoon.
    • I was partly awakened by noise and a couple of guys crowding me as they sat on the edge of my cot.
    • Because he's a cat everyone intrinsically likes him, but he doesn't really like people crowding him.
    • It stands to reason that when you're waiting to use a cash machine, try not to crowd the person who's already using it.
    • The man simply moved closer, crowding her until she was backed up against the wall.
    • They'll crowd so close to the wagon that sometimes you've got to ask them to step back.
    • A rush ensues while I bag everything as the next customer usually starts crowding me.
    • Avoid crowding your planted pots close together, as your plants need good air circulation and growing room.
    • He tried crowding him and using his strength and that had no effect.
    • I was use to working in the warehouse where there was lots of room and you were never crowded.
    • At break I saw her and smiled but didn't go over as I was afraid of crowding her.
    • When I return to the flat from my clinic I crouch down and the dogs crowd me, shoving and licking my face.
    • She had chosen not to live in California so she could be her own person and avoid crowding him.
    • Tell her that you want to be her friend, but she crowds you too much.
    • Though we were separated by a large teak desk, Bur still managed to crowd me in somehow.
    • It is difficult to describe. I feel as though I have a whole pile of tasks and chores crowding me.
    • But when I think that we might have to move, the negatives crowd in and overwhelm me.
    • We were getting on really well, but our conversation had got really heavy and I didn't know whether I was crowding her or not.
    • He walked over and sat beside her with enough room that he wasn't crowding her.
    1. 2.1Baseball (of a batter) stand very close to (the plate) when batting.
    2. 2.2crowd in onno object Overwhelm and preoccupy (someone)
      as demands crowd in on you it becomes difficult to keep things in perspective


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The demands of his latest job have crowded in on his social life to the extent he has still to find time for a fishing trip to Inverness.
      • Support drifts away into nostalgia and conspiracy theories as other parties crowd in on key policies
      • Brandon had longed for solitude for the last four weeks - but now he had been finally left alone, all his thoughts were racing, crowding in on him, emotions that he couldn't handle.
      • The artist making the colourful beads and ornaments from polymer clay has people crowding in on her so much that it looks as if the table might tip.
      • There's no way that the players or management staff, or those who still man the offices and shop, are immune to the confusion crowding in on their place of work.
      • She sat with her hands on the steering wheel as the implications of what she'd heard crowded in on her.
      • The heat of asphalt, the lunacy of traffic and the depravity of narrow alleys crowd in on the characters.
  • 3crowd someone/something outExclude someone or something by taking their place.


    grass invading the canyon has crowded out native plants
    Example sentencesExamples
    • American scientists and researchers, frustrated that the internet's popularity has crowded them out and slowed serious research, are building their own new information superhighway.
    • Also, since rows are planted closer together, cotton crowds the weeds out, reducing the need for midseason herbicide applications.
    • There are the people who let piles of paper and garbage crowd them out of their houses.
    • Unfortunately, the bit-players tend to crowd him out of the narrative.
    • The tendency of men to intimidate women drivers by constant honking and crowding them out needs to be dealt with strictly.
    • The building was tall and thin, and in subsequent decades it was crowded out by gargantuan neighbors.
    • Lymphocytes increase in number until normal marrow cells are crowded out.
    • However this game can be tricky at the best of times and lo an behold the favourite was crowded out at this stage being put back to near last.
    • He had a refined judgement in poetry, and at one time had a fine library of English literature, before his mathematical collection crowded it out.
    • The reason you have such a low lamprey count is the leeches crowded them out.
    • However, this vision will not be achieved if public health targets are crowded out by hospital waiting lists.
    • Countries like Sudan are crowded out of the sugar market in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
    • Again, other music crowded it out, to the point where this recording amounts to a revival.
    oust, overthrow, remove, topple, unseat, depose, dethrone, eject, dispel


  • stand out from the crowd

    • Be clearly better than or noticeably different from ordinary people or things.

      to be successful we need to stand out from the crowd
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A game needs something special to stand out from the crowd.
      • People want their wedding to stand out from the crowd.
      • The movie is competently constructed and decently acted but it doesn't do much different to make it stand out from the crowd.
      • Our willingness to be different and stand out from the crowd works to our good.
      • These women have overcome many obstacles to make their business stand out from the crowd.
      • The actress certainly stood out from the crowd as she arrived in a silver belted jacket.
      • We don't like to stand out from the crowd so we're not very good at promoting ourselves.
      • The vocals are delivered in thick accents, making the band stand out from the crowd.
      • A letter itself is not always sufficient—particularly if you want to stand out from the crowd and make your voice heard.
      • I want to see a band that has the talent to play their instruments and a singer with a unique voice that stands out from the crowd.
      • Only self-discipline, perseverance, and the willingness to work hard can make a person stand out from the crowd and achieve remarkable results.


Old English crūdan ‘press, hasten’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch kruien ‘push in a wheelbarrow’. In Middle English the senses ‘move by pushing’ and ‘push one's way’ arose, leading to the sense ‘congregate’, and hence (mid 16th century) to the noun.





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