

单词 black

Definition of black in English:


adjective blakblæk
  • 1Of the very darkest colour owing to the absence of or complete absorption of light; the opposite of white.


    black smoke


    her long black hair
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The door suddenly swung open and a tall man with short black hair and light brown eyes was staring at me.
    • Bundles of chemical sticks lay ready to be burnt in it, some making black smoke and some white.
    • The first girl, with short black hair and a light, kind sounding voice scampered up to her.
    • Long wavy black hair and light blue eyes created a contrast that was breathtaking.
    • He had blond hair and was wearing a light coloured jacket, white trousers and black shoes.
    • She looked down at the black kitten, and started to pet its head, as it began to purr.
    • Her hair looked almost black in the dim light, but I later found out it was just a sort of dark brown.
    • He has white hair and a black suit and a watch chain across his meagre belly.
    • These men are wearing suits or their coolest black club clothes on a cold evening in November.
    • I quickly strip out of my crisp black suit and dash in the bathroom for a quick shower.
    • Smoothing the mane of her black stallion, she can hear the sigh of her friend.
    • It is coloured golden brown above and white below with a black stripe down the sides of its neck.
    • He had dark coloured hair and was wearing black jeans and white runners.
    • In a shallow depression of granite, I noticed what appeared to be a large black insect.
    • The first attacker was 6ft tall with short blond hair and was wearing black trousers and a white T-shirt.
    • Some chose to outline their sketch with permanent black marker before adding the color.
    • The video showed a white truck exploding and black plumes of smoke billowing into the air.
    • There's no need for our older buildings to remain grey, black and white. Colour is good.
    • I wore a white blouse and a black skirt and I pinned my hair back with a hair pin.
    • The dashboard glows red and white against its black background.
    dark, pitch-black, as black as pitch, pitch-dark, jet-black, inky, coal-black, blackish
    1. 1.1 (of the sky or night) completely dark owing to the sun, moon, or stars not being visible.
      the sky was moonless and black


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He lay suspended in the sky of a black night, a night without stars, without moon.
      • Late winter snow storms had plastered the hills and the sky was black with threat.
      • It had gotten a lot darker and the sky was completely black except with the assortment of stars.
      • The black sky stretched out above her, its hundreds of stars twinkling beneath the wavering light.
      • When the rain came the sky was black, there was thunder and lightning and even a brief hail storm.
      • The sky was black as night and the waves of flames from the oceans licked at the sandy shores.
      • It was a drawing of the black night sky, dotted with tiny yellow stars.
      • Also, flying closely with it was a mottled vision of a bird, almost invisible against the black night sky.
      • Realization was finally beginning to dawn on him like a sunrise after an inky black night.
      • Pulling out of the office car park, the sky was black, the rain was pouring and the sun was shining.
      • And the image of that bright blue globe lost in black space is spinning in your mind right now, isn't it?
      • The sky was black and moonless; the night of the new moon the most terrifying time of the month in these parts.
      • In Buffalo the rain is pouring down, the sky is black and storm/flood warnings abound.
      • Failing that, I might turn off all the lights in the house and stand right in front of the window, staring out into the black night.
      • There were no trees overhead, so he was exposed to the full power of the dark clouds, barely visible in the now black sky.
      • It is so very cold and pretty up here, close to space where the sky is black and I can see the stars.
      • The moon shone brightly overhead and millions of stars twinkled in the velvety black sky.
      • I can see the stars and the sky and the moon and the black sky revolving overhead.
      • I knew right now that it was around noon, even though the sky was black as midnight.
      • Sasha looked up and saw a black sky spotted with stars through the spaces in between the trees.
      unlit, dark, starless, moonless, unlighted, unilluminated
      gloomy, dusky, dim, murky, dingy, shadowy, overcast
      literary crepuscular, tenebrous
      rare Stygian, Cimmerian, Tartarean, caliginous
    2. 1.2 Deeply stained with dirt.
      the walls were black with age and dirt


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Inside the garage door the concrete was stained black with oil and a car was hoisted on a ramp.
      • The decoration on the bridge was spectacular but it was very dirty and black from pollution.
      • From where Cal stands, looking down, each toe seems to smile with a devilish black arc of under nail dirt.
      • Dirty black steps lead up to a deserted platform, blocked off somewhere behind a car repair yard.
      • The workers are black with dirt and perspiration that the four fans on the ceiling do not dry.
      • They tore off his dirty black garments and threw him into the bath.
      • The walls and ceiling of the room were perfectly black, with age and dirt.
      • I took a bung out of one of the drums and looked inside, and it was all black, and not a golden colour like it should have been.
    3. 1.3 (of a plant or animal) dark in colour as distinguished from a lighter variety.
      Japanese black pine


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The breeding pair of black eagles in the Walter Sisulu Botanical Garden are the proud parents of a new chick.
      • The County Council intends to plant black poplars along the River Lune in autumn.
      • The bees are of the old Irish black bee variety which have been revived by the group of beekeepers.
      • Gypsy moth egg hatch occurs at about the time of budburst of red and black oaks.
      • The crested black macque was called the Celebes or black ape by early scientists, because it appeared to have no tail.
      dark, pitch-black, as black as pitch, pitch-dark, jet-black, inky, coal-black, blackish
    4. 1.4 (of coffee or tea) served without milk.
      a mug of black coffee
      Doyle took his coffee black
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The young man was reading a paperback novel and sipping a steaming mug of hot, black coffee.
      • That, and a giant cup of straight black coffee, is the extent of his pregame preparation.
      • He whistled as he poured some rich, black coffee into a stainless cup on the counter.
      • I went downstairs to have a black coffee and think things over.
      • He drank the last of the black coffee and threw the cup in the nearest trash can.
      • Instead, drink lots of water, a cup of skim or soy milk, or a cup of black coffee or tea.
      • I look at my watch and I see that I have enough time to buy a large cup of black coffee.
      • I drink my tea black, but the three sisters have powdered milk although there's fresh milk in the fridge.
      • Trust me, if you're really a caffeine junkie, you're drinking espressos and black coffee.
      • Small amounts of water or black coffee may be safe if taken a sufficient time before your procedure.
      • Mom sipped a cup of black coffee and toyed with the sugar packets on the table.
      • It is considered essential to offer any visitor a small cup of black coffee called a tinto.
      • He brewed a pot of black coffee and inhaled the beautiful aromas of real beans.
      • Bitter tastes like the tastes of black coffee and beer are composed of air and ether.
      • He reached forward to pour himself a cup of black coffee, and fixed one for Celly as well.
      • Alma stood in the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee, black with just a pinch of sugar.
      • Stoker accepted a cup of black coffee and lowered himself into one of the armchairs.
      • Others accepted a plastic cup of black java and continued along.
      • He took a long drink of yet another sweet black coffee and ineffectually wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.
      • If you drink your tea black and sugar free then it could be the death knell for teaspoons in your house.
    5. 1.5 Of or denoting the suits spades and clubs in a pack of cards.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In case there are two or more claimants, the values of their red and black cards are considered separately.
      • A closed red or black canasta is indicated by squaring up the cards with a red or black natural card on top.
      • If it includes one or more wild cards, it is called a mixed or black canasta; it is squared up with a natural black card on top.
      • If your stack happens to be a Male Fish, you put a black card of that rank on top (spades or clubs).
      • Only three cards are needed, two from a black suit, and one from a red suit.
      • Those who get red cards play against those who get black ones.
      • Supervisors handed out plaques to shooters, containing red or black playing cards.
      • Usually players pick their lowest red or black card to represent their bid.
      • Here you play any card of a red or black suit to indicate that you are strong in the other suit of the same colour.
      • The black aces are permanent trumps, independent of which suit otherwise is trumps.
      • If it contains one or more wild cards, it is a mixed canasta, indicated by stacking the cards with a black card on top.
      • If the two Bennies are red and black, the one which is the same colour as the trump suit beats the other one.
      • Suppose you start with an ordered deck in which all the red cards are on top and all the black cards are on the bottom.
      • You can never take the pile if the top card is a wild card or a black three.
    6. 1.6 (of a ski run) of the highest level of difficulty, as indicated by black markers positioned along it.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Base and Run 63 are perfect for beginners, and there are also black ski runs, bumps and jumps for the more advanced.
      • Ski on black slopes and possibly double-black (extreme) slopes.
      • If you currently ski blue and groomed black runs this is the camp for you.
  • 2Belonging to or denoting any human group having dark-coloured skin, especially of African or Australian Aboriginal ancestry.


    black adolescents of Jamaican descent
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He set a big example for the rest of the country and for all black South Africans.
    • He was with a black man aged 18-20 of a similar height, wearing dark clothing and glasses.
    • Less than half of all black citizens think that parliament is interested in what they think.
    • The buzzer sounds and I smile out at a black African with a briefcase.
    • Islam has been seen as a significant part of the African heritage of black Americans.
    • Affirmative action programs aim to provide more black doctors to serve black patients.
    • In the pole vault, he became the first black American to win a major title in the event.
    • He argued that if a few black people get into high profile positions every black person benefits.
    • Many black Americans take great pride in their African ancestry.
    • When we enter the airport, a black man in a suit motions for us to come to him.
    • This question must be answered by the institutions that are now spending million of pounds in support of black artists.
    • Many black writers and professionals live in a similar cultural purgatory today.
    • But I find black people are always open to letting other cultures into their music.
    • We go back in time to trace the tensions between Sudanese, Arabs and black Africans.
    • He is part of a new generation of black artists who are bringing their eclectic cultural experiences to dance.
    • Even if black people are run out of the area, the culture will live through our music and our voice.
    • The next enrolled participant is a black woman aged 52, who is a non-smoker.
    • He falls into this culture and falls in love with a lovely black girl.
    • Few black miners held leadership positions at the level of president of the union local.
    • Human Rights Watch says black Africans are deliberately being driven off the land.
    1. 2.1 Relating to black people.
      black culture


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The other cultural influence was the post-war history of black America.
      • They borrow from Jamaican culture and immerse themselves in a club culture that owes everything to its black origins.
      • This was the African American artistic movement of the 1920s which celebrated black life and culture.
      • But they are shocked by the fact that almost all the victims belong to the black underclass.
      • Anthony says mainstream culture is becoming ripe with curiosity about black culture.
      • He said politicians were not being held to account by the black African, Caribbean and Asian communities.
      • This has very little to do with opprotunity, but a great deal to do with black culture.
      • He is an author of various books on black empowerment and the Zulu culture.
      • The language of democracy, black advancement, and human rights was more strongly emphasized.
      • He thought we were stealing black African music, the Lagos sound.
      • It is a documentary film about a dance culture born in the poor black districts of Los Angeles.
      • Her strong ties to her black culture and oral tradition create a rich foundation for her novels.
      • He is staging a celebration of black history and culture later this month.
      • They identified more with black and Latino American culture than white American culture.
      • Persons of all faiths and of no faith should support black church outreach efforts.
      • Johnson was a banner figure for artists of the great 1960s revival in black culture.
      • It also had a thriving black culture rooted in the blues, gospel and jazz.
      • The tour included visiting newly elected members of the African National Congress and black townships.
      • Its use is often associated with black youth culture, Rastafarianism, and reggae.
      • Haiti's emergence meant much more than a major black victory over whites and the creation of a black state.
  • 3Characterized by tragic or disastrous events; causing despair or pessimism.

    〈喻〉(形势,时期) 暗无天日的,灾难深重的;毫无希望的,悲观的

    five thousand men were killed on the blackest day of the war


    the future looks black


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the North East, once ships stopped being built, a black depression hung over the region.
    • This poll is the conclusion of a very black week in this country's politics.
    • Without tempting fate, no young lives have been lost in road accidents since that black day last year.
    • It was a black mood at a black moment, a spasm that sentient Americans prefer to forget.
    • Perhaps however the truth lies somewhere in between and the situation is not as black as some perceive it to be.
    • But the worst was an old bird who shouted at me about the poll tax and blamed me for Black Wednesday.
    • While he might feel he stands under a black cloud at present, that flash of light you can see is a silver lining for York.
    • There is evidently much that is right, or even outstanding, about France, so one should not paint too black a picture.
    tragic, disastrous, calamitous, catastrophic, cataclysmic, ruinous, devastating, fatal, fateful, wretched, woeful, grievous, lamentable, miserable, dire, unfortunate, awful, terrible
    literary direful
    1. 3.1 (of a person's state of mind) full of gloom or misery; very depressed.
      Jean had disappeared and Mary was in a black mood


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Could it be that this week's black mood is seeping out through my pores?
      • This tarnishes the enjoyment somehow or is that just my own black mood at the moment?
      • Eighteen months later, his black moods returned suddenly and led to his near-suicide attempt just days later.
      • After this incident, Philip seemed friendlier, although he would still have his black moods.
      • Those moments of wild inspiration have a payback time and it comes in periods of black depression.
      • Despite my overall black mood, an occurrence did send me into a fit of raucous laughter.
      • But then young Master Thomas had gone up to Cambridge, and Elsie's black mood had descended.
      • For the past ten years, Joanne had suffered from depression and took medication to control her black moods.
      • I've had no periods of black depression about it, no waking up in cold sweats.
      • I've been in a black mood since September 2001, it's hanging over me like a penumbra.
      • There had to be something someone could do to get him out of this black mood he was in!
      • It's cognitive distortions or faulty thought patterns that often plunge us into black moods.
      • Luckily I can spot the signs so I tend to avoid people when I'm starting to feel low just in case it turns into a black mood.
      • It was only last month that his mood got black enough to merit drowning himself in spirits again.
      miserable, unhappy, sad, wretched, broken-hearted, heartbroken, grief-stricken, grieving, sorrowful, sorrowing, mourning, anguished, distressed, desolate, devastated, despairing, inconsolable, disconsolate, downcast, down, downhearted, dejected, crestfallen, cheerless, depressed, pessimistic, melancholy, morose, gloomy, glum, mournful, funereal, doleful, dismal, forlorn, woeful, woebegone, abject, low-spirited, long-faced
      informal blue, down in the mouth, down in the dumps
      literary dolorous
    2. 3.2 (of humour) presenting tragic or harrowing situations in comic terms.
      ‘Good place to bury the bodies,’ she joked with black humour


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But even the black humour that laced the episodes seemed to get blacker and less humorous as the series went by.
      • He is not the first director to realise that the playwright's famous study of marital hatred is really a black comedy.
      • These people are also kind of childish, and if confronted by the world directly seem to only be able to understand it in terms of black humour.
      • Vindici exclaims at one point in this, the first British black comedy.
      • Transport links were reopening and black humour was resurfacing as well.
      • Over the years I have come to believe that fate either hates me, or has one hell of a black sense of humor.
      • These relationship films found black comedy in the anger of a soured love.
      • For those with a black sense of humour, it was a laughable suggestion.
      • Well, that's going too far - but it is certainly Swiftian satire, black humour or gallows humour.
      • The phrases are sharp, uncluttered, often loaded with an understated black humour.
      • She's got a black sense of humour and she's great company, but you have to be with her on her terms.
      • The performances are flawless, the story laced with black humour.
      • He said the tradition of black humour was unlikely to die out altogether.
      • What ensues is a battle of opinions, highly charged action and black humor.
      • The book is fully documented, and written in a vigorous style with touches of black humour.
      • She also revealed the black humour used in the surgery.
      • These days whole web sites are devoted to this kind of black humour.
      • The film is both a moving coming of age story and a black comedy, said to be as relevant today as when it was written.
      • His black humour and satirical wit are cultural as well as personal traits.
      • In these works the humour is black, the barbs sharp, but there is also a sense of fellow humanity.
      cynical, sick, macabre, weird, unhealthy, ghoulish, morbid, perverted, gruesome, sadistic, cruel, offensive
    3. 3.3 Full of anger or hatred.
      Rory shot her a black look


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Love may not find them if they continue throughout the teen years with a black streak in their minds.
      • Or should they rebut the Democrats' black smear campaign with the evidence at hand?
      • She was going to set him free from all of the evil and black hatred he had brought to the world.
      • He had never lied to her a full black lie; but merely a few small white ones that did no damage at all.
      • I felt a surge of hatred pass through me, black vicious hatred that I had never felt before.
      angry, cross, annoyed, irate, vexed, irritated, exasperated, indignant, aggrieved, irked, piqued, displeased, provoked, galled, resentful, irascible, bad-tempered, tetchy, testy, crabby, waspish, dark, dirty, filthy, furious, outraged
      threatening, menacing, unfriendly, aggressive, belligerent, hostile, antagonistic, evil, evil-intentioned, wicked, nasty, hate-filled, bitter, acrimonious, malevolent, malicious, malignant, malign, venomous, poisonous, vitriolic, vindictive
      British informal shirty, stroppy, narky, ratty, eggy
      literary malefic, maleficent
    4. 3.4archaic Very evil or wicked.
      my soul is steeped in the blackest sin


  • 4Denoting a covert military procedure.


    clearance for black operations came from the highest political level


    secret, furtive, clandestine, surreptitious, stealthy, cloak-and-dagger, hole-and-corner, hole-in-the-corner, closet, behind-the-scenes, backstairs, back-alley, under-the-table, hugger-mugger, concealed, hidden, private
  • 5British dated (of goods or work) not to be handled or undertaken by trade union members, especially so as to express support for an industrial dispute elsewhere.


    the union declared the ship black


noun blakblæk
  • 1mass noun Black colour or pigment.


    a tray decorated in black and green


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The finished article was painted in glossy black, the colour of the original vehicle, to make it look new.
    • Other colours include midnight black, ocean blue, rose pink and olive green.
    • Again, the predominant colours are black and grey and the lighting plot is superb.
    • I was very pleased with my eye make-up, and I only used two colours this time - black and gold.
    • Of all the colours found in the garden, black must be the most underused and the least understood.
    • Her back was arched and her pale skin stood out starkly against the silky black of her gown.
    • Coffee and black are the special colours of Coppelia's collection this season.
    • They come in white, beige or black, with a low-wedge rubber sole to insulate against the icy floor.
    • Splashed with brilliant golds, oranges, reds, and blacks, it was an amazing sight to behold.
    • If I had to make a painting of my life it would only consist of the colour black.
    • The colours are predominantly warm, green on black, black on gold, rich browns and deep reds.
    • This piece of art comes in two colours, natural basket and classic black.
    • The classroom, painted in its sober colours of beige and black, is half-full.
    • It was decorated in oranges, yellows and blacks.
    • Perhaps we can do this by appealing to Europeans' attitudes toward the colour black.
    • Light brown, navy and black are the colours Joseph has in mind for the suits.
    • Like with most of your wardrobe's basic elements, black should be the color of choice.
    • He said the two things they most wanted in our flag was the silver fern and the colour black.
    • It gives a great contrast between the orange colour of the motherboard and the shining black of the internal panels.
    • The sponsor was printed in black on one side and the player in gold on the other.
    1. 1.1 Black clothes or material, typically worn as a sign of mourning.
      only one or two of the mourners were in black


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There stood a woman dressed in flowing black, with a pale complexion and sharp features.
      • She was startled and looked up to see that the man was dressed in all black with a hood on his face.
      • Ten years ago they had worn black, as did so many of the women working and shopping around Lygon Street.
      • She was in her light blue skirt and white jacket, he dressed in all black as usual.
      • He was wearing all black, his shirt clinging onto his body showing of muscles.
      • He was dressed in all black with the exception of a blue topaz that hung around his neck on a silver chain.
      • Guns were aimed at him from the men dressed in all black, masks covering their faces.
      • First, she changed into all black, including a cap, so she would blend in with the night.
      • Also doctors should be banned from wearing all black, with purple doc martins.
      • He remains in regulation black, from the leather jacket to the silk jersey and the chinos he sits in when I meet him.
      • I think your rules, such as not wearing black and colour, are totally artificial, I say.
      • The two men approached, dressed the same as before, all in black with the ski masks on.
      • She was dressed entirely in loose, rippling black with a neckline so low it must have ended at the bottom of her ribs.
      • Wear an embellished belt or glitzy cuffs with a plain knit or skirt, and use black to counterbalance an opulent shoe or bag.
      • As she opened her door, a white robe lay on her bed and Torn stood across the room dressed in solid black.
      • I was wearing black for the ceremony as was the custom at the time, and changed into a white satin dress for the reception.
      • Her last wishes state that there should be no mourning and that no black is to be worn to the service.
      • He was slightly tan and wore all black with a long cape that reached the ground.
      • The boy wore gray and black, his hair had been shaven, and he stood still, like a statue.
      • When you're pressed for time and need to look stylish, black will always save the day.
      black clothes


    2. 1.2 Darkness, especially of night or an overcast sky.
      the only thing visible in the black was the light of the torch


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The cold black of night is penetrated by an alien tone, played upon an inhuman scale.
      • All about her was either the black of night and shadows or the orange of flame.
      • My spot in the grass disappeared and I was left with just darkness and total black.
      • You could see the black of night in between the shafts and it lit up the whole grove.
      • Turning her attention to the dark night, she peered through the window and saw only black.
      • Parties went on into the black of the night and ended the next morning, before the sun had woken up.
      • A darkness was soon filling him and only black could be seen as he closed his eyes.
      • One star to guide us through the black of night, as gray shadows blanket our every move.
    3. 1.3 The player of the black pieces in chess or draughts.
      Black's king's defences are somewhat weakened
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Tha was a very precise move which forces Black to make a passive recapture with the bishop.
      • I have a previous game on record from this position which shows a more violent treatment from Black.
      • Now Black has two rooks covering his back rank, so one of them can be freed up for central duty.
      • While Black's Queen is busy snacking on pawns, White rushes to bring out all his pieces.
      • The move chosen in the game gives Black a slight edge without giving up a pawn.
    4. 1.4count noun A black thing, in particular the black ball in snooker.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • An attempt to extract the black resulted in a pocketed colour off the black.
      • The 1992 UK champion potted the first 12 reds and blacks, but in potting the 13 th red into the middle he over-screwed the cueball.
      • He potted 13 reds and 12 blacks before losing position on the colour.
      • I was so angry that I missed an easy black being careless - I actually hate myself for it.
      • After a close fought frame it was Steve who potted the final black to win 50-42.
  • 2A member of a dark-skinned people, especially one of African or Australian Aboriginal ancestry.


    they tend to identify strongly with other blacks
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I have just put up a paper here that gives the detailed results of a survey of what South African whites thought of blacks during the Apartheid era.
    • For this reason, he says, many young Mexicans ‘prefer to imitate blacks than white people.’
    • In Brazil, the African Brazilian population comprises blacks and mulattos.
    • He is accused of inciting white youth gang members to attack blacks and providing them with ammunition.
    • Thus, blacks and whites are members of a temporarily ‘Integrated’ community.
    • The living conditions for South African whites and blacks were extremely divergent.
    • The remarkable speech galvanized the civil rights movement when discrimination between whites and blacks had been strongly dominant.
    • The company recruited battle-hardened and disciplined South Africans and Zimbabweans, blacks as well as whites.
    • These categories are a product of his mind - here, we never refer to people as whites and blacks.
    • There would be an outcry and lawsuits if any American city tried such tactics against blacks or gays or members of other minority groups.
    • South of the river you tend to get whites, Carribean blacks, African blacks, Indians, and Pakistanis all mixed together.
    • He has also lambasted the European Union and declared verbal war on whites who tell blacks in Africa how to run free and fair elections.
    • The 16-member panel includes eight blacks and eight whites from the business and public sectors.
    • Cystic fibrosis is more common in whites than in blacks, and prostate cancer in people of African descent.
    • Now most South African blacks were then and still are enthusiastic Christians.
    • We did change the way that we talked about blacks and Aboriginal people.
    • Germans don whiteface for Carnival, while urban African blacks paint their faces white in rites of passage.
    • They set up a special signal to alert members as to whether whites or blacks were in approaching cars.
    • This was the first time that whites or blacks had taught black people not to work as a form of civil rights.
    • Copy the solution of South Africa where blacks and whites come together and elect a president and become one state.
  • 3the blackThe situation of not owing money to a bank or of making a profit in a business operation.

    it is hoped the club will be back in the black by the end of the season
    I managed to break even in the first six months—quite a short time for a small business to get into the black
    an insurance company operating in the black will be able to pay for further growth
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It seems odd therefore, that while some clearly remain in the black, others are massively in the red.
    • We should demand that all bank charges are dropped while accounts are in the black.
    • Coupled to a national lottery, the VAT tax could put the government back in the black.
    • During his speech, he pledged to keep the federal books in the black.
    • Also, you've learned that staying out of the red and keeping in the black gives you more money to save and invest.
    • The cash is a welcome boost to its coffers, which are in the black for the first time in four years.
    • The club is in the black, albeit modestly so; its bankers should be amenable.
    • To the markets now, the big stocks were back in the black today, making up all of yesterday's losses.
    • He spent the next two years scraping and clawing his way back into the black.
    • He submits that the formula is working, to the extent that the company moved into the black in January, according to its CEO.
    • When markets bounce back, they bounce back fast, wiping out past losses, and everyone is back in the black.
    • Invest wisely in IT and you'll keep your eternal balance sheet in the black.
    • Many City analysts believe the deal will allow the company to move into the black within six to 12 months,.
    in credit, in funds, debt-free, out of debt, solvent, financially sound, able to pay one's debts, creditworthy, of good financial standing, solid, secure, profit-making, profitable
    rare unindebted
  • 4British informal Blackcurrant cordial.


    a rum and black


verb blakblæk
[with object]
  • 1Make (something) black, especially with polish.


    the steps of the house were neatly blacked


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I lighted the fires and blacked the grates.
    • Guilt is the great disguiser, blacking the white of the sun.
    • We rounded a turn and came upon all at once the tumbled ruins of a cottar's hut, blacked by fire, and trampled down as if by horse's hooves.
    • This stuff doesn't just black the buildings, it causes asthma and stunts the development of children's lungs.
    • His costumed is blacked and smoking places, and his hair is standing on end.
    blacken, darken
    1. 1.1 Make (one's face and other visible parts) black with polish or make-up so as not to be seen at night or to play the role of a black person in a play or film.
      white extras blacking up their faces to play Ethiopians


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She said that on May 1, last year, he blacked his face, put on camouflage clothing and went to the site.
      • I was a little uncomfortable to say the least when I saw members of the cast were blacked up but I assumed they must have been given permission to do so.
      • The theme was ‘colonials and natives’ and some of the guests had blacked their faces.
      • After blacking out my two front teeth, I shaved my head, slapped a giant self-adhesive spider web tattoo across my neck and walked boldly up to the police vehicle.
      • So I blacked myself up - it wouldn't be allowed now - but I forgot the legs.
  • 2British dated Refuse to handle (goods), undertake (work), or have dealings with (a person or business) as a way of taking industrial action.


    the union blacked the film because overtime was not being paid
    Example sentencesExamples
    • By 20 January the cabinet was so desperate to crush the miners it considered sending in troops to move the coal which had been blacked by other workers.
    • Their defiance sparked a huge wave of international solidarity that saw English dockers blacking Irish goods and collections taken in workplaces across Britain.
    • The union decided to vent its frustrations on the radio station's abolishing such institutions as the orchestra during a cost cutting exercise by blacking its music programmes for ten weeks in 1980.
    • The cabinet was horrified when dockers blacked the jets destined for the military rulers.
    • I am surprised that dockers have not done something about blacking these products, which I am sure are exported through some docks in the country.
    boycott, embargo, put/place an embargo on, blacklist, ban, bar, proscribe


Black has been used to refer to African peoples and their descendants since at least the late 14th century. Although the word has been in continuous use ever since, other terms have enjoyed prominence too: in the US coloured was the term adopted in preference by emancipated slaves following the American Civil War, and coloured was itself superseded in the US in the early 20th century by Negro as the term preferred by prominent black American campaigners such as Booker T. Washington. In Britain, on the other hand, coloured was the most widely used and accepted term in the 1950s and early 1960s. With the civil rights and Black Power movements of the 1960s, black was adopted by Americans of African origin to signify a sense of racial pride, and it remains the most widely used and generally accepted term in Britain today. In the US African American replaced black in many contexts during the 1980s, but both are now generally acceptable


  • black someone's eye

    • Hit someone in the eye so as to cause bruising.


      I don't remember him ever blacking anyone's eye
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The most recently documented incident was on 24 April 2004, where the [Claimant] blacked a staff member's eye.
      • ‘That eye should be blacked up nicely,’ muses Corky.
      • He said the one man had severely beaten the other, who was several inches shorter than him, blacking both his eyes and cutting his face.
      • She told how when she said she was leaving, he put a pillow over her face and then punched her, blacking her eye.
      • The logic of the chorus has both eyes blacked each time, and it is no surprise that verse three finds the young man recommending non-engagement, or at least discretion.
      • She said he had grabbed her by the throat and blacked her eye by hurling her on to the settee.
      • These men kicked him, knocked him down, broke his nose, chipped his tooth, blacked both eyes and smashed a glass into his head.
      bruise, contuse
  • in someone's black books

    • informal In disfavour with someone.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • That was the first of many misdemeanors which got me in his black books.
      • But if I reported the call, and it was genuine, then the spooks would have me in their black books forever, as someone whom the Soviets had at some time felt they had good reason to deal with.
      • Jake, our Shetland ram, is in my black books at the moment because, true to type, he will keep ramming Molly's goat hut.
      • Needless to say his comments did not go well with the administrators and from then on he was in their black books.
      • After having been in my black books I tried them for a year, and wrote some good volume biz… alas, they are sooooo back in the bad books.
      • Asked whether he believes that such businessmen were good role models, he takes the diplomatic route: ‘I'm very nervous to name their names, because I'm already in their black books.’
      • I have to stay in her black books as far as this question is concerned.
  • look on the black side

    • informal View a situation from a pessimistic angle.


      I was looking on the black side and thought I would get a sentence of five years
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Then I saw that I was only looking on the black side and started thinking of the fact that escape is always possible.
      • Roland points out that she's looking on the black side again; Shane could also be better by tomorrow.
      • My advice to anyone who has kidney failure is not to be pessimistic and don't look on the black side.
      • Try not to be depressed or look on the black side of things, because that might affect your personal well-being.
      • You shouldn't always look on the black side if you haven't heard from someone for a while though.
      • A suspicious mind always looks on the black side of things.
      • We bankers are a conservative lot, we tend to look on the black side.
      • Are you troubled by negative thoughts - do you feel down a lot of the time - does your mind always look on the black side for the future?
      • You tend to look on the black side of everything, see the worst in yourself, in your life and your future.
      • But, notwithstanding my determination to look on the black side of things, life isn't uniformly bad.
      pessimistic, depressing, downbeat, looking on the black side, disheartening, disappointing, dispiriting, unpromising, unfavourable, bleak, bad, dark, black, sombre, melancholy, saddening, distressing, grim, cheerless, comfortless, hopeless
  • men in black

    • informal Anonymous dark-clothed men who supposedly visit people who have reported an encounter with a UFO or an alien in order to prevent them publicizing it.


      men in black suddenly appear on a UFO witness's doorstep
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Thousand of everyday people worldwide have had experiences with men in black after witnessing UFO related events since the beginning of history.
      • A professor of humanities and folklore at New York's Julliard School didn't tell anybody about his encounter with the Men in Black for years -- for fear of how people would react.
      • Men in black usually travel in groups of three. However, groups of four, two and one have been reported.
      • The modern era of men in black goes back to at least the early 1950s when a man allegedly saw a UFO in Bridgeport, Conn., and was later frightened by a visitation from three men in black.
  • the new black

    • 1A colour that is currently so popular that it rivals the traditional status of black as the most reliably fashionable colour.


      brown is the new black this season


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Or maybe white has always been the new black.
      • He says this holiday season green is the new black.
      • I guess its true what they say: pink is the new black.
      • White, it seems, is the new black.
      • Let me enlighten you, dear: Orange is the new black. "
      • Much like "red is the new black," this season look for two more trends to stand out on the credit catwalk.
      • Listen to me, Megan: brown was the new black like, four years ago.
      • Green goes mainstream: Last year, coming in at No. 3, was "Green is the new black" being green was trendy.
      • You heard it here first: silver is the new black.
      • Where I lived, black was the new black every season.
      1. 1.1Something which is suddenly extremely popular or fashionable.
        retro sci-fi is the new black


        Example sentencesExamples
        • Middle Aged women baring breasts are the new black.
        • Spread betting is the new black in the betting world.
        • Seems to me like sex industry blogging is the new black.
        • Like I said earlier, knitting is the new black.
        • Complaining to blog owners is the new black.
        • Scary films about aeroplanes are the new black.
        • Shopping, it seems, is the new black.
        • Chick peas are the new black, you know.
        • They are sick to death of liberals telling them that gay is the new black.
        • Simply put, choice has become the most important word in British politics; it is the new black.
  • not as black as one is painted

    • informal Not as bad as one is said to be.


      Robert's character could surely not be as black as Dawn had painted
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But in an overall rating and in the face of adversities - natural and manmade - her government is not as black as it is painted to be.
      • Probably the real Bertran was not as black as he is painted by Dante.

Phrasal Verbs

  • black out

    • Undergo a sudden and temporary loss of consciousness.


      they knocked me around and I blacked out
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He could feel his consciousness shutting down, blacking out…
      • His agent, who is planning a controversial exhibit of the photos Alex took just prior to blacking out underwater, is pressuring him to attend the show's opening.
      • Shirley's breathing became so distorted that by the time he faded to just six breaths per minute and then lost consciousness, Shirley was also on the verge of blacking out.
      • He was about to take his first step into the desert when all of a sudden he blacked out.
      • For a second, the world began to spin, and she was afraid she might black out, but that passed.
      • This sort of thing happens to her all the time - and the cure will be more drink, until she blacks out again.
      • He believes he blacked out at least five times before he regained consciousness in the shallows by the river bank.
      • The last thing she heard before she blacked out was a sudden increase in noise and panic.
      • He felt something warm splash him just before he gave up his hold on consciousness and blacked out.
      • The sound of the report still echoed in his ears, and with this as his lullaby, he finally lost consciousness and blacked out.
      faint, lose consciousness, pass out, collapse, keel over
  • black something out

    • 1Extinguish all lights or completely cover windows, especially for protection against an air attack.


      the bombers began to come nightly and the city was blacked out
      a stretch limo with blacked-out windows
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I don't know why but it was not blacked out so you could see in the compartment.
      • The boats were blacked out and you weren't allowed to shine a light.
      • ‘I walked in and the lights had been blacked out,’ he says.
      • She did not have to worry about someone seeing the lights from outside because the windows were blacked out.
      • By then, the windows had been blacked out and the doors were sealed.
      • The police could not confirm the number of attackers involved because the getaway vehicle's windows were blacked out.
      • The windows have been blacked out and in place of the flimsy trade-show stands we have modular screens, creating the feeling of separate rooms.
      • The floodlights will be switched on for afternoon games and the dressing-room windows will be blacked out as his team launch a desperate attempt to avoid relegation.
      • Its rear windows have been blacked out and the rear box is higher than the cab, which is of normal car size.
      • Inside the windows are blacked out; the destination unknown.
      darken, make dark, make darker, shade, turn off the lights in
      1. 1.1Subject a place to an electricity failure.
        Chicago was blacked out yesterday after a freak flood


        Example sentencesExamples
        • Utilities refused to disclose which areas were blacked out, but the effects were obvious - traffic lights went out for a second day across the San Francisco Bay area.
        • Both compartments were blacked out from 1600 h until 0800 h each day so that plants in the two compartments received a similar light integral.
        • It was so dark the whole of the city was blacked out, and the only light was from the fire.
        • Your house is blacked out too; your mom says trees are falling in the streets and she doesn't want you driving.
        • His readers learnt that when gigantic portraits of Stalin were illuminated by electricity entire apartment blocks were blacked out.
        • At midnight, all the city is blacked out, but the giant bronze statue on Chanamsan Hill remains illuminated brilliantly with a spotlight.
        • Just by sheer luck the uniforms had been ironed minutes before the house was blacked out.
        • Then all the lights went out and the building was blacked out.
    • 2Obscure something completely so that it cannot be read or seen.


      the number plate had been blacked out with masking tape


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The mayor's office released several documents related to the lease, but the names and addresses of the city employees involved in the transactions were blacked out.
      • The fact that the names were blacked out, so that he could not immediately tell whose record he was reading, does not seem sufficient to justify allowing him to review the data and still call the study double-blind.
      • In fact, whole sections of these papers are blacked out.
      • The draft report on the wrongful detention of the resident can't be read in it's entirety because sections have been blacked out.
      • Most of the report is blacked out, and the unclassified parts raise questions about the director without providing answers.
      • However, it was heavily redacted: nearly half of the report was blacked out.
      • We can only tell that the informant was a women because there's a 3 letter pronoun that's often mentioned and they black it out and of course if it's a 3 letter pronoun it's a she.
      • The website set up by the company is still online but the freephone number has been blacked out.
      • But their faces and names were blacked out on ABC stations owned by Sinclair Broadcasting.
      • His name evidently appears in the file because he died in 1987; the names of other informants or agents are blacked out.
      darken, make dark, make darker, shade, turn off the lights in
      1. 2.1(of a television company) decide not to broadcast a disputed or controversial programme.
        they blacked out the women's final
        Example sentencesExamples
        • Radio advertisements and a press release leading up to the event had declared the fight would be blacked out unless all seats were sold.
        • One web site apparently blocked commentary and a broadcast on the assault was blacked out.
        • Local games were blacked out by the NFL at the time.
        • The NFL, meanwhile, is concerned that a user could send a copy of a game to someone in another time zone, where the game is blacked out.
        • Although a well-attended press conference took place with reporters from both the American and international press corps, it was blacked out by the US news media.
        censor, suppress, redact, withhold, cover up, hide, conceal, obscure, veil, draw a veil over, pull a veil over, hush up, sweep under the carpet, whitewash


  • blackish

  • adjective ˈblakɪʃ
    • It measures 40-50 cm in length, weighs up to 2kg and has a thick, woolly coat that is dark brown or blackish.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Her wings turned from silver bright to blackish dark.
      • At 11 p.m., it looked like a blackish dark gray B - 2 bomber, but then it shot sharply forward only to slow down and stop.
      • The birds become lethargic, with a staggered gait, their feathers are ruffled, and the comb and wattles turn dark red or blackish.
      • It has a thin, black bill, dark gray to blackish legs, dark patches on either side of the upper breast, and dark ear patches.
  • blackly

  • adverb ˈblakliˈblækli
    • There is a smaller room that shows Goya's pinturas negras, blackly painted at the end of his life, when the artist was suffering from depression and slowly going mad.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There's even a visceral and blackly humorous moment where the actors demonstrate exactly what's going to happen to the planet using a lighter, a peach and a can of air freshener.
      • Of the film, he says, ‘You can either make it more like a horror [film], or you can make it blackly comic.’
      • The majority of left-wing intellectuals, whatever they might say in print, were blackly defeatist in 1940 and again in 1942.
      • I was blackly angry at my boyfriend for not being there.


Old English blæc, of Germanic origin.

  • Since the Middle Ages the word black has had connotations of gloom, foreboding, and anger, and since Shakespeare's time it has been associated with wickedness. It is also a perennially stylish colour, and the little black dress has been a byword of fashion from the very beginning of the 20th century. The car manufacturer Henry Ford was not motivated by any of these associations when he said of his Model T Ford, ‘Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black’—nor was he trying to impose uniformity. Black simply dried quicker than any other paint. To blackball (late 18th century) derives from the practice of registering an adverse vote by placing a black ball in a ballot box. Black sheep (late 18th century) comes from the proverb there is a black sheep in every flock. Blackguard (early 16th century) was originally a two-word phrase for a body of attendants or servants, especially menials who were responsible for the kitchen utensils, but the exact significance of the epithet ‘black’ is uncertain. The sense ‘scoundrel, villain’ dates from the mid 18th century, and was formerly considered highly offensive.

    To be in someone's black books is to be out of favour. Since the 15th century various types of official book were known as black books, especially those used to note down misdemeanours and punishments. The relevant books here are probably the black-bound books in which Henry VIII's commissioners recorded accounts of scandals and corruption within the English monasteries in the 1530s. These books provided the evidence to support Henry's plan of breaking with the Pope and the Church of Rome, allowing him to dissolve the monasteries.

    Not all things called black are black in colour. An aircraft's black box, its flight recorder, for instance, is not. Black here refers to the mystifying nature of the device to anyone but an aeronautical engineer. The first use of black box is as RAF slang for a navigational instrument in an aircraft which allowed the pilot and crew to locate bombing targets in poor visibility. See also plague


aback, alack, attack, back, brack, clack, claque, crack, Dirac, drack, flack, flak, hack, jack, Kazakh, knack, lack, lakh, mac, mach, Nagorno-Karabakh, pack, pitchblack, plaque, quack, rack, sac, sack, shack, shellac, slack, smack, snack, stack, tach, tack, thwack, track, vac, wack, whack, wrack, yak, Zack

Definition of black in US English:


  • 1Of the very darkest color owing to the absence of or complete absorption of light; the opposite of white.


    black smoke


    her hair was black


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Smoothing the mane of her black stallion, she can hear the sigh of her friend.
    • The video showed a white truck exploding and black plumes of smoke billowing into the air.
    • She looked down at the black kitten, and started to pet its head, as it began to purr.
    • These men are wearing suits or their coolest black club clothes on a cold evening in November.
    • The first attacker was 6ft tall with short blond hair and was wearing black trousers and a white T-shirt.
    • The dashboard glows red and white against its black background.
    • He had dark coloured hair and was wearing black jeans and white runners.
    • Bundles of chemical sticks lay ready to be burnt in it, some making black smoke and some white.
    • The door suddenly swung open and a tall man with short black hair and light brown eyes was staring at me.
    • He has white hair and a black suit and a watch chain across his meagre belly.
    • He had blond hair and was wearing a light coloured jacket, white trousers and black shoes.
    • It is coloured golden brown above and white below with a black stripe down the sides of its neck.
    • Long wavy black hair and light blue eyes created a contrast that was breathtaking.
    • I quickly strip out of my crisp black suit and dash in the bathroom for a quick shower.
    • The first girl, with short black hair and a light, kind sounding voice scampered up to her.
    • Her hair looked almost black in the dim light, but I later found out it was just a sort of dark brown.
    • Some chose to outline their sketch with permanent black marker before adding the color.
    • I wore a white blouse and a black skirt and I pinned my hair back with a hair pin.
    • In a shallow depression of granite, I noticed what appeared to be a large black insect.
    • There's no need for our older buildings to remain grey, black and white. Colour is good.
    dark, pitch-black, as black as pitch, pitch-dark, jet-black, inky, coal-black, blackish
    1. 1.1 (of the sky or night) completely dark owing to nonvisibility of the sun, moon, or stars.
      the sky was moonless and black


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In Buffalo the rain is pouring down, the sky is black and storm/flood warnings abound.
      • And the image of that bright blue globe lost in black space is spinning in your mind right now, isn't it?
      • Failing that, I might turn off all the lights in the house and stand right in front of the window, staring out into the black night.
      • Sasha looked up and saw a black sky spotted with stars through the spaces in between the trees.
      • I knew right now that it was around noon, even though the sky was black as midnight.
      • Late winter snow storms had plastered the hills and the sky was black with threat.
      • It is so very cold and pretty up here, close to space where the sky is black and I can see the stars.
      • It had gotten a lot darker and the sky was completely black except with the assortment of stars.
      • The sky was black as night and the waves of flames from the oceans licked at the sandy shores.
      • The sky was black and moonless; the night of the new moon the most terrifying time of the month in these parts.
      • The black sky stretched out above her, its hundreds of stars twinkling beneath the wavering light.
      • He lay suspended in the sky of a black night, a night without stars, without moon.
      • Pulling out of the office car park, the sky was black, the rain was pouring and the sun was shining.
      • It was a drawing of the black night sky, dotted with tiny yellow stars.
      • Also, flying closely with it was a mottled vision of a bird, almost invisible against the black night sky.
      • When the rain came the sky was black, there was thunder and lightning and even a brief hail storm.
      • I can see the stars and the sky and the moon and the black sky revolving overhead.
      • There were no trees overhead, so he was exposed to the full power of the dark clouds, barely visible in the now black sky.
      • Realization was finally beginning to dawn on him like a sunrise after an inky black night.
      • The moon shone brightly overhead and millions of stars twinkled in the velvety black sky.
      unlit, dark, starless, moonless, unlighted, unilluminated
    2. 1.2 Deeply stained with dirt.
      his clothes were absolutely black
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The walls and ceiling of the room were perfectly black, with age and dirt.
      • Dirty black steps lead up to a deserted platform, blocked off somewhere behind a car repair yard.
      • They tore off his dirty black garments and threw him into the bath.
      • From where Cal stands, looking down, each toe seems to smile with a devilish black arc of under nail dirt.
      • The decoration on the bridge was spectacular but it was very dirty and black from pollution.
      • The workers are black with dirt and perspiration that the four fans on the ceiling do not dry.
      • I took a bung out of one of the drums and looked inside, and it was all black, and not a golden colour like it should have been.
      • Inside the garage door the concrete was stained black with oil and a car was hoisted on a ramp.
    3. 1.3 (of a plant or animal) dark in color as distinguished from a lighter variety.
      Japanese black pine


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The crested black macque was called the Celebes or black ape by early scientists, because it appeared to have no tail.
      • The breeding pair of black eagles in the Walter Sisulu Botanical Garden are the proud parents of a new chick.
      • The County Council intends to plant black poplars along the River Lune in autumn.
      • The bees are of the old Irish black bee variety which have been revived by the group of beekeepers.
      • Gypsy moth egg hatch occurs at about the time of budburst of red and black oaks.
      dark, pitch-black, as black as pitch, pitch-dark, jet-black, inky, coal-black, blackish
    4. 1.4 (of coffee or tea) served without milk or cream.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Mom sipped a cup of black coffee and toyed with the sugar packets on the table.
      • Instead, drink lots of water, a cup of skim or soy milk, or a cup of black coffee or tea.
      • He reached forward to pour himself a cup of black coffee, and fixed one for Celly as well.
      • I look at my watch and I see that I have enough time to buy a large cup of black coffee.
      • He brewed a pot of black coffee and inhaled the beautiful aromas of real beans.
      • I drink my tea black, but the three sisters have powdered milk although there's fresh milk in the fridge.
      • I went downstairs to have a black coffee and think things over.
      • He whistled as he poured some rich, black coffee into a stainless cup on the counter.
      • That, and a giant cup of straight black coffee, is the extent of his pregame preparation.
      • Trust me, if you're really a caffeine junkie, you're drinking espressos and black coffee.
      • Small amounts of water or black coffee may be safe if taken a sufficient time before your procedure.
      • He drank the last of the black coffee and threw the cup in the nearest trash can.
      • Stoker accepted a cup of black coffee and lowered himself into one of the armchairs.
      • If you drink your tea black and sugar free then it could be the death knell for teaspoons in your house.
      • Alma stood in the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee, black with just a pinch of sugar.
      • Bitter tastes like the tastes of black coffee and beer are composed of air and ether.
      • The young man was reading a paperback novel and sipping a steaming mug of hot, black coffee.
      • Others accepted a plastic cup of black java and continued along.
      • It is considered essential to offer any visitor a small cup of black coffee called a tinto.
      • He took a long drink of yet another sweet black coffee and ineffectually wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.
    5. 1.5 Of or denoting the suits spades and clubs in a deck of cards.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Usually players pick their lowest red or black card to represent their bid.
      • Suppose you start with an ordered deck in which all the red cards are on top and all the black cards are on the bottom.
      • Only three cards are needed, two from a black suit, and one from a red suit.
      • The black aces are permanent trumps, independent of which suit otherwise is trumps.
      • If it contains one or more wild cards, it is a mixed canasta, indicated by stacking the cards with a black card on top.
      • A closed red or black canasta is indicated by squaring up the cards with a red or black natural card on top.
      • Supervisors handed out plaques to shooters, containing red or black playing cards.
      • If the two Bennies are red and black, the one which is the same colour as the trump suit beats the other one.
      • In case there are two or more claimants, the values of their red and black cards are considered separately.
      • You can never take the pile if the top card is a wild card or a black three.
      • Those who get red cards play against those who get black ones.
      • Here you play any card of a red or black suit to indicate that you are strong in the other suit of the same colour.
      • If it includes one or more wild cards, it is called a mixed or black canasta; it is squared up with a natural black card on top.
      • If your stack happens to be a Male Fish, you put a black card of that rank on top (spades or clubs).
    6. 1.6 (of a ski run) of the highest level of difficulty, as indicated by black markers positioned along it.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Ski on black slopes and possibly double-black (extreme) slopes.
      • The Base and Run 63 are perfect for beginners, and there are also black ski runs, bumps and jumps for the more advanced.
      • If you currently ski blue and groomed black runs this is the camp for you.
  • 2Of any human group having dark-colored skin, especially of African or Australian Aboriginal ancestry.


    black adolescents of Jamaican descent
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Islam has been seen as a significant part of the African heritage of black Americans.
    • He set a big example for the rest of the country and for all black South Africans.
    • We go back in time to trace the tensions between Sudanese, Arabs and black Africans.
    • Many black Americans take great pride in their African ancestry.
    • Affirmative action programs aim to provide more black doctors to serve black patients.
    • The next enrolled participant is a black woman aged 52, who is a non-smoker.
    • He is part of a new generation of black artists who are bringing their eclectic cultural experiences to dance.
    • Even if black people are run out of the area, the culture will live through our music and our voice.
    • Less than half of all black citizens think that parliament is interested in what they think.
    • He falls into this culture and falls in love with a lovely black girl.
    • Many black writers and professionals live in a similar cultural purgatory today.
    • When we enter the airport, a black man in a suit motions for us to come to him.
    • He was with a black man aged 18-20 of a similar height, wearing dark clothing and glasses.
    • But I find black people are always open to letting other cultures into their music.
    • The buzzer sounds and I smile out at a black African with a briefcase.
    • Human Rights Watch says black Africans are deliberately being driven off the land.
    • This question must be answered by the institutions that are now spending million of pounds in support of black artists.
    • He argued that if a few black people get into high profile positions every black person benefits.
    • Few black miners held leadership positions at the level of president of the union local.
    • In the pole vault, he became the first black American to win a major title in the event.
    1. 2.1 Relating to black people.
      black culture


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They borrow from Jamaican culture and immerse themselves in a club culture that owes everything to its black origins.
      • The tour included visiting newly elected members of the African National Congress and black townships.
      • But they are shocked by the fact that almost all the victims belong to the black underclass.
      • Its use is often associated with black youth culture, Rastafarianism, and reggae.
      • It is a documentary film about a dance culture born in the poor black districts of Los Angeles.
      • Anthony says mainstream culture is becoming ripe with curiosity about black culture.
      • He is staging a celebration of black history and culture later this month.
      • This was the African American artistic movement of the 1920s which celebrated black life and culture.
      • He is an author of various books on black empowerment and the Zulu culture.
      • Johnson was a banner figure for artists of the great 1960s revival in black culture.
      • The language of democracy, black advancement, and human rights was more strongly emphasized.
      • This has very little to do with opprotunity, but a great deal to do with black culture.
      • He said politicians were not being held to account by the black African, Caribbean and Asian communities.
      • Her strong ties to her black culture and oral tradition create a rich foundation for her novels.
      • The other cultural influence was the post-war history of black America.
      • Haiti's emergence meant much more than a major black victory over whites and the creation of a black state.
      • They identified more with black and Latino American culture than white American culture.
      • It also had a thriving black culture rooted in the blues, gospel and jazz.
      • Persons of all faiths and of no faith should support black church outreach efforts.
      • He thought we were stealing black African music, the Lagos sound.
  • 3(of a period of time or situation) characterized by tragic or disastrous events; causing despair or pessimism.

    〈喻〉(形势,时期) 暗无天日的,灾难深重的;毫无希望的,悲观的

    five thousand men were killed on the blackest day of the war


    the future looks black for those of us interested in freedom
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Without tempting fate, no young lives have been lost in road accidents since that black day last year.
    • It was a black mood at a black moment, a spasm that sentient Americans prefer to forget.
    • There is evidently much that is right, or even outstanding, about France, so one should not paint too black a picture.
    • While he might feel he stands under a black cloud at present, that flash of light you can see is a silver lining for York.
    • But the worst was an old bird who shouted at me about the poll tax and blamed me for Black Wednesday.
    • This poll is the conclusion of a very black week in this country's politics.
    • Perhaps however the truth lies somewhere in between and the situation is not as black as some perceive it to be.
    • In the North East, once ships stopped being built, a black depression hung over the region.
    tragic, disastrous, calamitous, catastrophic, cataclysmic, ruinous, devastating, fatal, fateful, wretched, woeful, grievous, lamentable, miserable, dire, unfortunate, awful, terrible
    1. 3.1 (of a person's state of mind) full of gloom or misery; very depressed.
      Jean had disappeared and Mary was in a black mood


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There had to be something someone could do to get him out of this black mood he was in!
      • Eighteen months later, his black moods returned suddenly and led to his near-suicide attempt just days later.
      • Those moments of wild inspiration have a payback time and it comes in periods of black depression.
      • Despite my overall black mood, an occurrence did send me into a fit of raucous laughter.
      • Luckily I can spot the signs so I tend to avoid people when I'm starting to feel low just in case it turns into a black mood.
      • I've been in a black mood since September 2001, it's hanging over me like a penumbra.
      • This tarnishes the enjoyment somehow or is that just my own black mood at the moment?
      • Could it be that this week's black mood is seeping out through my pores?
      • It was only last month that his mood got black enough to merit drowning himself in spirits again.
      • It's cognitive distortions or faulty thought patterns that often plunge us into black moods.
      • After this incident, Philip seemed friendlier, although he would still have his black moods.
      • For the past ten years, Joanne had suffered from depression and took medication to control her black moods.
      • I've had no periods of black depression about it, no waking up in cold sweats.
      • But then young Master Thomas had gone up to Cambridge, and Elsie's black mood had descended.
      miserable, unhappy, sad, wretched, broken-hearted, heartbroken, grief-stricken, grieving, sorrowful, sorrowing, mourning, anguished, distressed, desolate, devastated, despairing, inconsolable, disconsolate, downcast, down, downhearted, dejected, crestfallen, cheerless, depressed, pessimistic, melancholy, morose, gloomy, glum, mournful, funereal, doleful, dismal, forlorn, woeful, woebegone, abject, low-spirited, long-faced
    2. 3.2 (of humor) presenting tragic or harrowing situations in comic terms.
      “Good place to bury the bodies,” she joked with black humor


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The book is fully documented, and written in a vigorous style with touches of black humour.
      • But even the black humour that laced the episodes seemed to get blacker and less humorous as the series went by.
      • These people are also kind of childish, and if confronted by the world directly seem to only be able to understand it in terms of black humour.
      • Transport links were reopening and black humour was resurfacing as well.
      • She also revealed the black humour used in the surgery.
      • He is not the first director to realise that the playwright's famous study of marital hatred is really a black comedy.
      • These days whole web sites are devoted to this kind of black humour.
      • In these works the humour is black, the barbs sharp, but there is also a sense of fellow humanity.
      • These relationship films found black comedy in the anger of a soured love.
      • For those with a black sense of humour, it was a laughable suggestion.
      • Over the years I have come to believe that fate either hates me, or has one hell of a black sense of humor.
      • What ensues is a battle of opinions, highly charged action and black humor.
      • The film is both a moving coming of age story and a black comedy, said to be as relevant today as when it was written.
      • Vindici exclaims at one point in this, the first British black comedy.
      • His black humour and satirical wit are cultural as well as personal traits.
      • He said the tradition of black humour was unlikely to die out altogether.
      • She's got a black sense of humour and she's great company, but you have to be with her on her terms.
      • The phrases are sharp, uncluttered, often loaded with an understated black humour.
      • The performances are flawless, the story laced with black humour.
      • Well, that's going too far - but it is certainly Swiftian satire, black humour or gallows humour.
      cynical, sick, macabre, weird, unhealthy, ghoulish, morbid, perverted, gruesome, sadistic, cruel, offensive
    3. 3.3 Full of anger or hatred.
      Roger shot her a black look


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I felt a surge of hatred pass through me, black vicious hatred that I had never felt before.
      • She was going to set him free from all of the evil and black hatred he had brought to the world.
      • Love may not find them if they continue throughout the teen years with a black streak in their minds.
      • Or should they rebut the Democrats' black smear campaign with the evidence at hand?
      • He had never lied to her a full black lie; but merely a few small white ones that did no damage at all.
      angry, cross, annoyed, irate, vexed, irritated, exasperated, indignant, aggrieved, irked, piqued, displeased, provoked, galled, resentful, irascible, bad-tempered, tetchy, testy, crabby, waspish, dark, dirty, filthy, furious, outraged
    4. 3.4archaic Very evil or wicked.
      my soul is steeped in the blackest sin


  • 1Black color or pigment.


    a tray decorated in black and green


    a series of paintings done only in grays and blacks
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The colours are predominantly warm, green on black, black on gold, rich browns and deep reds.
    • Her back was arched and her pale skin stood out starkly against the silky black of her gown.
    • The finished article was painted in glossy black, the colour of the original vehicle, to make it look new.
    • Other colours include midnight black, ocean blue, rose pink and olive green.
    • They come in white, beige or black, with a low-wedge rubber sole to insulate against the icy floor.
    • Splashed with brilliant golds, oranges, reds, and blacks, it was an amazing sight to behold.
    • Like with most of your wardrobe's basic elements, black should be the color of choice.
    • This piece of art comes in two colours, natural basket and classic black.
    • The sponsor was printed in black on one side and the player in gold on the other.
    • Of all the colours found in the garden, black must be the most underused and the least understood.
    • Coffee and black are the special colours of Coppelia's collection this season.
    • It gives a great contrast between the orange colour of the motherboard and the shining black of the internal panels.
    • It was decorated in oranges, yellows and blacks.
    • Perhaps we can do this by appealing to Europeans' attitudes toward the colour black.
    • I was very pleased with my eye make-up, and I only used two colours this time - black and gold.
    • Light brown, navy and black are the colours Joseph has in mind for the suits.
    • Again, the predominant colours are black and grey and the lighting plot is superb.
    • If I had to make a painting of my life it would only consist of the colour black.
    • He said the two things they most wanted in our flag was the silver fern and the colour black.
    • The classroom, painted in its sober colours of beige and black, is half-full.
    1. 1.1 Black clothes or material, typically worn as a sign of mourning.
      dressed in the black of widowhood
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Wear an embellished belt or glitzy cuffs with a plain knit or skirt, and use black to counterbalance an opulent shoe or bag.
      • She was startled and looked up to see that the man was dressed in all black with a hood on his face.
      • When you're pressed for time and need to look stylish, black will always save the day.
      • Also doctors should be banned from wearing all black, with purple doc martins.
      • I was wearing black for the ceremony as was the custom at the time, and changed into a white satin dress for the reception.
      • There stood a woman dressed in flowing black, with a pale complexion and sharp features.
      • The two men approached, dressed the same as before, all in black with the ski masks on.
      • She was in her light blue skirt and white jacket, he dressed in all black as usual.
      • The boy wore gray and black, his hair had been shaven, and he stood still, like a statue.
      • I think your rules, such as not wearing black and colour, are totally artificial, I say.
      • He remains in regulation black, from the leather jacket to the silk jersey and the chinos he sits in when I meet him.
      • As she opened her door, a white robe lay on her bed and Torn stood across the room dressed in solid black.
      • He was slightly tan and wore all black with a long cape that reached the ground.
      • He was dressed in all black with the exception of a blue topaz that hung around his neck on a silver chain.
      • Guns were aimed at him from the men dressed in all black, masks covering their faces.
      • She was dressed entirely in loose, rippling black with a neckline so low it must have ended at the bottom of her ribs.
      • Her last wishes state that there should be no mourning and that no black is to be worn to the service.
      • First, she changed into all black, including a cap, so she would blend in with the night.
      • He was wearing all black, his shirt clinging onto his body showing of muscles.
      • Ten years ago they had worn black, as did so many of the women working and shopping around Lygon Street.
      black clothes


    2. 1.2 Darkness, especially of night or an overcast sky.
      the only thing visible in the black was the light of the lantern


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Parties went on into the black of the night and ended the next morning, before the sun had woken up.
      • Turning her attention to the dark night, she peered through the window and saw only black.
      • All about her was either the black of night and shadows or the orange of flame.
      • My spot in the grass disappeared and I was left with just darkness and total black.
      • A darkness was soon filling him and only black could be seen as he closed his eyes.
      • The cold black of night is penetrated by an alien tone, played upon an inhuman scale.
      • One star to guide us through the black of night, as gray shadows blanket our every move.
      • You could see the black of night in between the shafts and it lit up the whole grove.
    3. 1.3 The player of the black pieces in chess or checkers.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The move chosen in the game gives Black a slight edge without giving up a pawn.
      • While Black's Queen is busy snacking on pawns, White rushes to bring out all his pieces.
      • I have a previous game on record from this position which shows a more violent treatment from Black.
      • Tha was a very precise move which forces Black to make a passive recapture with the bishop.
      • Now Black has two rooks covering his back rank, so one of them can be freed up for central duty.
    4. 1.4 A black thing, especially a ball or piece in a game.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I was so angry that I missed an easy black being careless - I actually hate myself for it.
      • An attempt to extract the black resulted in a pocketed colour off the black.
      • He potted 13 reds and 12 blacks before losing position on the colour.
      • After a close fought frame it was Steve who potted the final black to win 50-42.
      • The 1992 UK champion potted the first 12 reds and blacks, but in potting the 13 th red into the middle he over-screwed the cueball.
  • 2A member of a dark-skinned people, especially one of African or Australian Aboriginal ancestry.


    a coalition of blacks and whites against violence
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Copy the solution of South Africa where blacks and whites come together and elect a president and become one state.
    • The remarkable speech galvanized the civil rights movement when discrimination between whites and blacks had been strongly dominant.
    • The living conditions for South African whites and blacks were extremely divergent.
    • The 16-member panel includes eight blacks and eight whites from the business and public sectors.
    • South of the river you tend to get whites, Carribean blacks, African blacks, Indians, and Pakistanis all mixed together.
    • He is accused of inciting white youth gang members to attack blacks and providing them with ammunition.
    • We did change the way that we talked about blacks and Aboriginal people.
    • In Brazil, the African Brazilian population comprises blacks and mulattos.
    • Germans don whiteface for Carnival, while urban African blacks paint their faces white in rites of passage.
    • This was the first time that whites or blacks had taught black people not to work as a form of civil rights.
    • Now most South African blacks were then and still are enthusiastic Christians.
    • The company recruited battle-hardened and disciplined South Africans and Zimbabweans, blacks as well as whites.
    • These categories are a product of his mind - here, we never refer to people as whites and blacks.
    • There would be an outcry and lawsuits if any American city tried such tactics against blacks or gays or members of other minority groups.
    • For this reason, he says, many young Mexicans ‘prefer to imitate blacks than white people.’
    • I have just put up a paper here that gives the detailed results of a survey of what South African whites thought of blacks during the Apartheid era.
    • They set up a special signal to alert members as to whether whites or blacks were in approaching cars.
    • He has also lambasted the European Union and declared verbal war on whites who tell blacks in Africa how to run free and fair elections.
    • Thus, blacks and whites are members of a temporarily ‘Integrated’ community.
    • Cystic fibrosis is more common in whites than in blacks, and prostate cancer in people of African descent.
  • 3the blackThe situation of not owing money to a bank or of making a profit in a business operation.

    I managed to break even in the first six months—quite a short time for a small business to get into the black
    the company just managed to stay in the black
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He submits that the formula is working, to the extent that the company moved into the black in January, according to its CEO.
    • He spent the next two years scraping and clawing his way back into the black.
    • When markets bounce back, they bounce back fast, wiping out past losses, and everyone is back in the black.
    • Invest wisely in IT and you'll keep your eternal balance sheet in the black.
    • The cash is a welcome boost to its coffers, which are in the black for the first time in four years.
    • Many City analysts believe the deal will allow the company to move into the black within six to 12 months,.
    • Also, you've learned that staying out of the red and keeping in the black gives you more money to save and invest.
    • During his speech, he pledged to keep the federal books in the black.
    • We should demand that all bank charges are dropped while accounts are in the black.
    • The club is in the black, albeit modestly so; its bankers should be amenable.
    • It seems odd therefore, that while some clearly remain in the black, others are massively in the red.
    • Coupled to a national lottery, the VAT tax could put the government back in the black.
    • To the markets now, the big stocks were back in the black today, making up all of yesterday's losses.
    in credit, in funds, debt-free, out of debt, solvent, financially sound, able to pay one's debts, creditworthy, of good financial standing, solid, secure, profit-making, profitable
[with object]
  • 1Make black, especially by the application of black polish.


    blacking the prize bull's hooves
    Example sentencesExamples
    • His costumed is blacked and smoking places, and his hair is standing on end.
    • I lighted the fires and blacked the grates.
    • We rounded a turn and came upon all at once the tumbled ruins of a cottar's hut, blacked by fire, and trampled down as if by horse's hooves.
    • Guilt is the great disguiser, blacking the white of the sun.
    • This stuff doesn't just black the buildings, it causes asthma and stunts the development of children's lungs.
    make black, darken, make dark, make darker
    1. 1.1 Make (one's face, hands, and other visible parts of one's body) black with polish or makeup, so as not to be seen at night or, especially formerly, to play the role of a black person in a musical show, play, or movie.
      white extras blacking up their faces to play Ethiopians


      Example sentencesExamples
      • So I blacked myself up - it wouldn't be allowed now - but I forgot the legs.
      • She said that on May 1, last year, he blacked his face, put on camouflage clothing and went to the site.
      • After blacking out my two front teeth, I shaved my head, slapped a giant self-adhesive spider web tattoo across my neck and walked boldly up to the police vehicle.
      • I was a little uncomfortable to say the least when I saw members of the cast were blacked up but I assumed they must have been given permission to do so.
      • The theme was ‘colonials and natives’ and some of the guests had blacked their faces.


Black, designating Americans of African heritage, became the most widely used and accepted term in the 1960s and 1970s, replacing Negro. It is not usually capitalized: black Americans. Through the 1980s, the more formal African American replaced black in much usage, but both are now generally acceptable. Afro-American, first recorded in the 19th century and popular in the 1960s and 1970s, is now heard mostly in anthropological and cultural contexts. Colored people, common in the early part of the 20th century, is now usually regarded as offensive, although the phrase survives in the full name of the NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. An inversion, people of color, has gained some favor, but is also used in reference to other nonwhite ethnic groups: a gathering spot for African Americans and other people of color interested in reading about their cultures. See also colored and person of color


  • black someone's eye

    • Hit someone in the eye so as to cause bruising.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She said he had grabbed her by the throat and blacked her eye by hurling her on to the settee.
      • The most recently documented incident was on 24 April 2004, where the [Claimant] blacked a staff member's eye.
      • ‘That eye should be blacked up nicely,’ muses Corky.
      • She told how when she said she was leaving, he put a pillow over her face and then punched her, blacking her eye.
      • The logic of the chorus has both eyes blacked each time, and it is no surprise that verse three finds the young man recommending non-engagement, or at least discretion.
      • These men kicked him, knocked him down, broke his nose, chipped his tooth, blacked both eyes and smashed a glass into his head.
      • He said the one man had severely beaten the other, who was several inches shorter than him, blacking both his eyes and cutting his face.
      bruise, contuse
  • look on the black side

    • informal View a situation pessimistically.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Try not to be depressed or look on the black side of things, because that might affect your personal well-being.
      • My advice to anyone who has kidney failure is not to be pessimistic and don't look on the black side.
      • We bankers are a conservative lot, we tend to look on the black side.
      • Roland points out that she's looking on the black side again; Shane could also be better by tomorrow.
      • A suspicious mind always looks on the black side of things.
      • You shouldn't always look on the black side if you haven't heard from someone for a while though.
      • Then I saw that I was only looking on the black side and started thinking of the fact that escape is always possible.
      • But, notwithstanding my determination to look on the black side of things, life isn't uniformly bad.
      • Are you troubled by negative thoughts - do you feel down a lot of the time - does your mind always look on the black side for the future?
      • You tend to look on the black side of everything, see the worst in yourself, in your life and your future.
      pessimistic, depressing, downbeat, looking on the black side, disheartening, disappointing, dispiriting, unpromising, unfavourable, bleak, bad, dark, black, sombre, melancholy, saddening, distressing, grim, cheerless, comfortless, hopeless
  • men in black

    • informal Anonymous dark-clothed men who supposedly visit people who have reported an encounter with a UFO or an alien in order to prevent their publicizing it.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Thousand of everyday people worldwide have had experiences with men in black after witnessing UFO related events since the beginning of history.
      • A professor of humanities and folklore at New York's Julliard School didn't tell anybody about his encounter with the Men in Black for years -- for fear of how people would react.
      • Men in black usually travel in groups of three. However, groups of four, two and one have been reported.
      • The modern era of men in black goes back to at least the early 1950s when a man allegedly saw a UFO in Bridgeport, Conn., and was later frightened by a visitation from three men in black.
  • the new black

    • 1A color that is currently so popular that it rivals the traditional status of black as the most reliably fashionable color.


      brown is the new black this season


      Example sentencesExamples
      • You heard it here first: silver is the new black.
      • Much like "red is the new black," this season look for two more trends to stand out on the credit catwalk.
      • I guess its true what they say: pink is the new black.
      • Let me enlighten you, dear: Orange is the new black. "
      • Or maybe white has always been the new black.
      • Listen to me, Megan: brown was the new black like, four years ago.
      • Green goes mainstream: Last year, coming in at No. 3, was "Green is the new black" being green was trendy.
      • He says this holiday season green is the new black.
      • White, it seems, is the new black.
      • Where I lived, black was the new black every season.
      1. 1.1Something which is suddenly extremely popular or fashionable.
        retro sci-fi is the new black


        Example sentencesExamples
        • Chick peas are the new black, you know.
        • They are sick to death of liberals telling them that gay is the new black.
        • Complaining to blog owners is the new black.
        • Shopping, it seems, is the new black.
        • Middle Aged women baring breasts are the new black.
        • Scary films about aeroplanes are the new black.
        • Simply put, choice has become the most important word in British politics; it is the new black.
        • Seems to me like sex industry blogging is the new black.
        • Like I said earlier, knitting is the new black.
        • Spread betting is the new black in the betting world.
  • not as black as one is painted


    • informal Not as bad as one is said to be.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Probably the real Bertran was not as black as he is painted by Dante.
      • But in an overall rating and in the face of adversities - natural and manmade - her government is not as black as it is painted to be.

Phrasal Verbs

  • black out

    • (of a person) undergo a sudden and temporary loss of consciousness.


      they knocked me around and I blacked out
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Shirley's breathing became so distorted that by the time he faded to just six breaths per minute and then lost consciousness, Shirley was also on the verge of blacking out.
      • For a second, the world began to spin, and she was afraid she might black out, but that passed.
      • This sort of thing happens to her all the time - and the cure will be more drink, until she blacks out again.
      • He was about to take his first step into the desert when all of a sudden he blacked out.
      • The last thing she heard before she blacked out was a sudden increase in noise and panic.
      • He believes he blacked out at least five times before he regained consciousness in the shallows by the river bank.
      • His agent, who is planning a controversial exhibit of the photos Alex took just prior to blacking out underwater, is pressuring him to attend the show's opening.
      • The sound of the report still echoed in his ears, and with this as his lullaby, he finally lost consciousness and blacked out.
      • He felt something warm splash him just before he gave up his hold on consciousness and blacked out.
      • He could feel his consciousness shutting down, blacking out…
      faint, lose consciousness, pass out, collapse, keel over
  • black something out

    • 1Extinguish all lights or completely cover windows, especially for protection against an air attack or in order to provide darkness in which to show a movie.


      the bombers began to come nightly and the city was blacked out
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The floodlights will be switched on for afternoon games and the dressing-room windows will be blacked out as his team launch a desperate attempt to avoid relegation.
      • I don't know why but it was not blacked out so you could see in the compartment.
      • She did not have to worry about someone seeing the lights from outside because the windows were blacked out.
      • The windows have been blacked out and in place of the flimsy trade-show stands we have modular screens, creating the feeling of separate rooms.
      • Inside the windows are blacked out; the destination unknown.
      • Its rear windows have been blacked out and the rear box is higher than the cab, which is of normal car size.
      • The boats were blacked out and you weren't allowed to shine a light.
      • The police could not confirm the number of attackers involved because the getaway vehicle's windows were blacked out.
      • ‘I walked in and the lights had been blacked out,’ he says.
      • By then, the windows had been blacked out and the doors were sealed.
      darken, make dark, make darker, shade, turn off the lights in
      1. 1.1Subject a place to an electricity failure.
        Chicago was blacked out yesterday after a freak flood


        Example sentencesExamples
        • Utilities refused to disclose which areas were blacked out, but the effects were obvious - traffic lights went out for a second day across the San Francisco Bay area.
        • His readers learnt that when gigantic portraits of Stalin were illuminated by electricity entire apartment blocks were blacked out.
        • At midnight, all the city is blacked out, but the giant bronze statue on Chanamsan Hill remains illuminated brilliantly with a spotlight.
        • Then all the lights went out and the building was blacked out.
        • Your house is blacked out too; your mom says trees are falling in the streets and she doesn't want you driving.
        • Both compartments were blacked out from 1600 h until 0800 h each day so that plants in the two compartments received a similar light integral.
        • Just by sheer luck the uniforms had been ironed minutes before the house was blacked out.
        • It was so dark the whole of the city was blacked out, and the only light was from the fire.
    • 2Obscure something completely so that it cannot be read or seen.


      the license plate had been blacked out with masking tape


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In fact, whole sections of these papers are blacked out.
      • However, it was heavily redacted: nearly half of the report was blacked out.
      • Most of the report is blacked out, and the unclassified parts raise questions about the director without providing answers.
      • We can only tell that the informant was a women because there's a 3 letter pronoun that's often mentioned and they black it out and of course if it's a 3 letter pronoun it's a she.
      • His name evidently appears in the file because he died in 1987; the names of other informants or agents are blacked out.
      • The fact that the names were blacked out, so that he could not immediately tell whose record he was reading, does not seem sufficient to justify allowing him to review the data and still call the study double-blind.
      • The mayor's office released several documents related to the lease, but the names and addresses of the city employees involved in the transactions were blacked out.
      • The website set up by the company is still online but the freephone number has been blacked out.
      • But their faces and names were blacked out on ABC stations owned by Sinclair Broadcasting.
      • The draft report on the wrongful detention of the resident can't be read in it's entirety because sections have been blacked out.
      darken, make dark, make darker, shade, turn off the lights in
      1. 2.1(of a television company) suppress the broadcast of a program.
        they blacked out the women's finals on local television
        Example sentencesExamples
        • Local games were blacked out by the NFL at the time.
        • Although a well-attended press conference took place with reporters from both the American and international press corps, it was blacked out by the US news media.
        • One web site apparently blocked commentary and a broadcast on the assault was blacked out.
        • Radio advertisements and a press release leading up to the event had declared the fight would be blacked out unless all seats were sold.
        • The NFL, meanwhile, is concerned that a user could send a copy of a game to someone in another time zone, where the game is blacked out.
        censor, suppress, redact, withhold, cover up, hide, conceal, obscure, veil, draw a veil over, pull a veil over, hush up, sweep under the carpet, whitewash


Old English blæc, of Germanic origin.





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