

单词 accommodation

Definition of accommodation in English:


noun əkɒməˈdeɪʃ(ə)nəˌkɑməˈdeɪʃ(ə)n
  • 1British mass noun A room, group of rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay.


    they were living in temporary accommodation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The council found temporary accommodation for 17 residents, but most have spent the weekend staying with friends and family.
    • Enjoy a lost weekend in Venice this November with Expedia Travel, currently offering flights and three nights accommodation in a four-star hotel for £201.
    • They will be timber framed, so construction will be quick and the first residents, who are now staying in temporary accommodation, should be moving in early next year.
    • The majority of Canadians prefer the package deals, which, in the main, include airfare, hotel accommodation, drinks, food and entertainment.
    • Repairs to the building could take two weeks to complete and residents are living in temporary accommodation while the repairs continue.
    • Travelscope's customers will stay in hotel accommodation in Dungarvan and Tramore.
    • There are now 850 people living in temporary accommodation in Swindon.
    • People are forced to live in temporary accommodation for years because of the shortage of social housing, and people who come to Oxford to work find it very difficult to find anywhere affordable to live.
    • For official figures, a person can be considered homeless while staying in temporary accommodation and not necessarily living on the streets.
    • Children living in temporary accommodation also have to cope with the shame of living in a hostel, a lack of play and leisure facilities and anxiety about the future.
    • During the construction work, nursery school children and staff will be housed in temporary accommodation opposite the existing building.
    • They had to spend at least 18 months living in rented accommodation while their shattered homes were rebuilt.
    • ‘Hopefully, people who want to go and see the ship will be staying in local accommodation, which will benefit the hotels and B and Bs,’ he said.
    • Her 30-year-old sister, Diane, who is living in temporary accommodation just outside the village, is in an even more difficult position.
    • They will live in the temporary accommodation for six to eight weeks while their homes are gutted and replastered.
    • Prices start at £999 for eight days and include four star hotel accommodation, return scheduled flights and a full touring itinerary.
    • The family is now staying in temporary accommodation until their house in Ascension Close is rebuilt.
    • The luxurious trips include fully paid chartered flights and five-star hotel accommodation and lucky staff can even take their spouses or partners and children.
    • ‘We were living in temporary accommodation when it happened,’ she said.
    • Her father would not let her return to the family home in April 2004 and she was forced to live alone in council accommodation.
    housing, lodging(s), living quarters, quarters, rooms, chambers
    place, place to stay, billet
    shelter, board
    a roof over one's head
    informal digs, pad
    formal abode, residence, place of residence, dwelling, dwelling place, habitation
    1. 1.1accommodationsNorth American Lodgings, sometimes also including board.
      the company offers a number of guest house accommodations in Oberammergau


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Most common houses offer laundry facilities, exercise rooms and guest accommodations.
    2. 1.2 The available space for occupants in a building, vehicle, or vessel.
      there was lifeboat accommodation for 1,178 people


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The new plan is set to provide seating accommodation at several spaces and the nice walkway is a very big improvement over the old arrangement.
      • On a bitterly chill day, plenty of accommodation was available for punters in the state-of-the-art stand, and facilities for hospitality were excellent.
      • Peter Sweeney has welcomed the allocation, which will provide accommodation for 40 vehicles.
      • T & T, by virtue of qualifying, has been allocated eight per cent of available seating accommodation at each of the three stadiums.
      • She had lifeboat accommodation for 970 persons.
      • But director Michael Rollins said the interest in the development proved companies would move into the city if the right accommodation was available.
      • Office seekers in Malton often declared a preference for ground floor accommodation with spaces for 50 cars outside the window.
      space, room, seating
    3. 1.3 The provision of a room or lodgings.
      the building is used exclusively for the accommodation of guests


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Brighton, located on the south coast of the UK, is very well provisioned for the accommodation of visitors.
      • In the marina there are also shops, restaurant, terraces, tavern, and ten apartments for the accommodation of guests.
      • There are many other hotels nearby to fit any budget, for the accommodation of guests.
      • No rooms which are below ground level shall be used for the accommodation of guests.
      • The hotel now kept open for the accommodation of guests was built about the year 1808 by Esias Butts.
      • The hotel itself has 100 rooms and 212 beds for the accommodation of visitors.
  • 2A convenient arrangement; a settlement or compromise.


    the prime minister was seeking an accommodation with Labour


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Not all the wishful thinking in the world will change the fact that fundamentalist fanatics who do not seek to make an accommodation with us have declared war on the West.
    • They want the freedom to deny jobs, promotions and accommodations to gay and lesbian people whenever they feel like it.
    • The easy option is of course to seek to reach an accommodation with critics, and, if a compromise can be reached without sacrifice of principle, then this is a preferred course.
    • There were tensions between tradition and Christianity, but there were also compromises and accommodations, a fusion of cultures.
    • Academe was once thought too high-minded for such cheapening accommodations, but apparently that is no longer so.
    • The two sides will now seek an accommodation which will modernise the fire service and which the FBU can sell to its members as not being entirely based on the Bain report.
    • In his second, he sought an accommodation with Moscow, even coming close to agreeing total nuclear disarmament with Mikhail Gorbachev.
    • The rockers preach rigour, and rail against easy accommodations with the hosts of Midian constantly prowling around.
    • Many accommodations can be made for Maori so they can pursue their cultural heritage that make little or no impact on anyone else.
    • The reality is that greater accommodations will be provided to the animal rights activists at the cost of future animal experimentation and discovery.
    • At provincial level both associations rely on local accommodations to prevent fixture clashes in dual counties.
    • Greenspan may even believe this, and has thus embarked on yet another round of extreme accommodation to lessen the economic impact collapsing tech stocks.
    • And, when a conflict becomes defined in religious terms, it also usually becomes more difficult to work out an accommodation or a compromise.
    • The various accommodations are not an immediate effect of unemployment but are gradual and incremental responses over time.
    • The centre provides lecture and exam accommodations to students with disabilities.
    arrangement, understanding, settlement, accord, deal, bargain, compromise
  • 3mass noun The process of adapting or adjusting to someone or something.


    accommodation to a separate political entity was not possible


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Analysis involved teacher/researcher and student reflections on the course in a continuous process of accommodation to scaffold learning.
    • If the system eventually breaks down, it will be primarily because of US resistance to adjustment and accommodation.
    • Since the election, in a mixture of bureaucratic arrogance and accommodation to big business, his government has carried out attacks on the working class on an almost daily basis.
    • The second factor is accommodation to the self-realization ethos, which implies the importance of the individual.
    • The circle is completed by the subject's accommodation to the phenomenal world which he/she has both discovered and constructed.
    • Whatever the explanation, accommodation to slavery does not equal the acceptance of enslavement.
    • Working-class and middle-class mothers of Cuban heritage were questioned about their modes of accommodation to America in terms of language proficiencies.
    • Second, law is, at least in part, a force for accommodation to current social norms, even if it also provides us with a critical edge in its normative concepts such as equality.
    • The history of the decoration of the Escorial is a record of Philip's sometimes reluctant accommodation to circumstances beyond his control.
    • In chronic illness, the meaning and experience of the illness affect not only accommodation to the disease but, in some cases, the progress of the disease itself.
    • This process of accommodation to a western audience may be termed occidisation.
    • Different sets of rights were extended at different periods and this represented a process of gradual accommodation to mass demands.
    • Heresy or not, what was remarkable about Syrian Christianity in India is its accommodation to the Indian or Hindu way of life.
    • There has been much change in small businesses too, but much of this is to be explained as accommodation to changes initiated elsewhere.
    • It belongs to an underdeveloped genre critical of our wholesale accommodation to technology.
    • Blundell refuses to see the process of painting as simply resistance or accommodation to modernity or the commodifying processes of the contemporary global art market.
    • Incoming migrants from rural areas often discard marked dialect forms as part of the process of accommodation to urban speech ways.
    • But cultural accommodation to profoundly changing technological realities is the underlying issue - not security.
    • The second phase of development focuses on consolidation and organization, it is a time of increased accommodation to the secular world.
    • On the other hand preservation is only possible via a more or less flexible accommodation to the change of overall circumstances.
    adjustment, adaptation, attunement, fitting in, habituation, acclimatization, acclimation, acculturation, inurement, hardening, seasoning, conditioning, familiarization, assimilation, integration, domestication, naturalization
    1. 3.1mass noun The automatic adjustment of the focus of the eye by flattening or thickening of the lens.
      the power of accommodation to near objects
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The aging process, or Presbyopia, causes the amplitude of accommodation to decrease in patients over 40 years.
      • Through a process called accommodation, the lens changes its shape to bring objects into focus.
      • It's not so much a matter of overlighting an area as it is making sure there's adequate lighting on the perimeter to allow some accommodation to take place.
      • The eyes need one to two seconds for accommodation before they can focus, so a continuous sweep is useless for identifying targets.
      • Look a little sideways occasionally, but most of all remember accommodation to darkness may take up to a half an hour.
      • People with shortsightedness have poorer ability to focus accurately by accommodation, which leads to even more retinal blur and defocus.
      • In fact, the time needed is the sum of the integration of the eye movement and accommodation.
      • The process of accommodation may bring a distant object into focus; however, near vision is unclear.
      • The lens is important in accommodation because it has the capability of undergoing a change in shape.
      • The power of the lens can be altered by changes in the shape of the lens - a process called accommodation.
      • Ultimately it may be possible to restore natural accommodation after cataract surgery if a soft lens with the appropriate shape memory characteristics could be developed.
      • Fredrick mentioned three possible causes for the development of myopia: retinal blur, accommodation, and familial factors.
      • After randomisation, all children were tested for refractive error with cycloplegic drops to eliminate artefact due to accommodation.
      • By demonstrating the act of accommodation, the lens was clearly differentiated from all other intraocular lenses.


Early 17th century: from Latin accommodatio(n-), from accommodare 'fit one thing to another' (see accommodate).

Definition of accommodation in US English:


  • 1usually accommodationsBritish A room, group of rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay.


    the cost includes airfare and hotel accommodations
    Example sentencesExamples
    • For official figures, a person can be considered homeless while staying in temporary accommodation and not necessarily living on the streets.
    • ‘We were living in temporary accommodation when it happened,’ she said.
    • They will live in the temporary accommodation for six to eight weeks while their homes are gutted and replastered.
    • Repairs to the building could take two weeks to complete and residents are living in temporary accommodation while the repairs continue.
    • The luxurious trips include fully paid chartered flights and five-star hotel accommodation and lucky staff can even take their spouses or partners and children.
    • Her father would not let her return to the family home in April 2004 and she was forced to live alone in council accommodation.
    • They had to spend at least 18 months living in rented accommodation while their shattered homes were rebuilt.
    • Children living in temporary accommodation also have to cope with the shame of living in a hostel, a lack of play and leisure facilities and anxiety about the future.
    • Travelscope's customers will stay in hotel accommodation in Dungarvan and Tramore.
    • Prices start at £999 for eight days and include four star hotel accommodation, return scheduled flights and a full touring itinerary.
    • The council found temporary accommodation for 17 residents, but most have spent the weekend staying with friends and family.
    • They will be timber framed, so construction will be quick and the first residents, who are now staying in temporary accommodation, should be moving in early next year.
    • The majority of Canadians prefer the package deals, which, in the main, include airfare, hotel accommodation, drinks, food and entertainment.
    • There are now 850 people living in temporary accommodation in Swindon.
    • People are forced to live in temporary accommodation for years because of the shortage of social housing, and people who come to Oxford to work find it very difficult to find anywhere affordable to live.
    • ‘Hopefully, people who want to go and see the ship will be staying in local accommodation, which will benefit the hotels and B and Bs,’ he said.
    • During the construction work, nursery school children and staff will be housed in temporary accommodation opposite the existing building.
    • Her 30-year-old sister, Diane, who is living in temporary accommodation just outside the village, is in an even more difficult position.
    • Enjoy a lost weekend in Venice this November with Expedia Travel, currently offering flights and three nights accommodation in a four-star hotel for £201.
    • The family is now staying in temporary accommodation until their house in Ascension Close is rebuilt.
    housing, lodging, lodgings, living quarters, quarters, rooms, chambers
    1. 1.1accommodationsNorth American Lodging; room and board.
      the company offers a number of guesthouse accommodations in Cape Cod


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Most common houses offer laundry facilities, exercise rooms and guest accommodations.
    2. 1.2 The available space for occupants in a building, vehicle, or vessel.
      there was lifeboat accommodation for 1,178 people


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Office seekers in Malton often declared a preference for ground floor accommodation with spaces for 50 cars outside the window.
      • But director Michael Rollins said the interest in the development proved companies would move into the city if the right accommodation was available.
      • The new plan is set to provide seating accommodation at several spaces and the nice walkway is a very big improvement over the old arrangement.
      • On a bitterly chill day, plenty of accommodation was available for punters in the state-of-the-art stand, and facilities for hospitality were excellent.
      • Peter Sweeney has welcomed the allocation, which will provide accommodation for 40 vehicles.
      • She had lifeboat accommodation for 970 persons.
      • T & T, by virtue of qualifying, has been allocated eight per cent of available seating accommodation at each of the three stadiums.
      space, room, seating
    3. 1.3 The provision of a room or lodging.
      the building is used exclusively for the accommodation of guests


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The hotel now kept open for the accommodation of guests was built about the year 1808 by Esias Butts.
      • No rooms which are below ground level shall be used for the accommodation of guests.
      • The hotel itself has 100 rooms and 212 beds for the accommodation of visitors.
      • In the marina there are also shops, restaurant, terraces, tavern, and ten apartments for the accommodation of guests.
      • There are many other hotels nearby to fit any budget, for the accommodation of guests.
      • Brighton, located on the south coast of the UK, is very well provisioned for the accommodation of visitors.
  • 2A convenient arrangement; a settlement or compromise.


    management was seeking an accommodation with labor


    Example sentencesExamples
    • There were tensions between tradition and Christianity, but there were also compromises and accommodations, a fusion of cultures.
    • Greenspan may even believe this, and has thus embarked on yet another round of extreme accommodation to lessen the economic impact collapsing tech stocks.
    • Not all the wishful thinking in the world will change the fact that fundamentalist fanatics who do not seek to make an accommodation with us have declared war on the West.
    • At provincial level both associations rely on local accommodations to prevent fixture clashes in dual counties.
    • The various accommodations are not an immediate effect of unemployment but are gradual and incremental responses over time.
    • The reality is that greater accommodations will be provided to the animal rights activists at the cost of future animal experimentation and discovery.
    • The easy option is of course to seek to reach an accommodation with critics, and, if a compromise can be reached without sacrifice of principle, then this is a preferred course.
    • The two sides will now seek an accommodation which will modernise the fire service and which the FBU can sell to its members as not being entirely based on the Bain report.
    • Many accommodations can be made for Maori so they can pursue their cultural heritage that make little or no impact on anyone else.
    • And, when a conflict becomes defined in religious terms, it also usually becomes more difficult to work out an accommodation or a compromise.
    • Academe was once thought too high-minded for such cheapening accommodations, but apparently that is no longer so.
    • They want the freedom to deny jobs, promotions and accommodations to gay and lesbian people whenever they feel like it.
    • In his second, he sought an accommodation with Moscow, even coming close to agreeing total nuclear disarmament with Mikhail Gorbachev.
    • The rockers preach rigour, and rail against easy accommodations with the hosts of Midian constantly prowling around.
    • The centre provides lecture and exam accommodations to students with disabilities.
    arrangement, understanding, settlement, accord, deal, bargain, compromise
  • 3The process of adapting or adjusting to someone or something.


    accommodation to a separate political entity was not possible


    Example sentencesExamples
    • On the other hand preservation is only possible via a more or less flexible accommodation to the change of overall circumstances.
    • The second factor is accommodation to the self-realization ethos, which implies the importance of the individual.
    • In chronic illness, the meaning and experience of the illness affect not only accommodation to the disease but, in some cases, the progress of the disease itself.
    • It belongs to an underdeveloped genre critical of our wholesale accommodation to technology.
    • Incoming migrants from rural areas often discard marked dialect forms as part of the process of accommodation to urban speech ways.
    • Different sets of rights were extended at different periods and this represented a process of gradual accommodation to mass demands.
    • But cultural accommodation to profoundly changing technological realities is the underlying issue - not security.
    • Second, law is, at least in part, a force for accommodation to current social norms, even if it also provides us with a critical edge in its normative concepts such as equality.
    • Working-class and middle-class mothers of Cuban heritage were questioned about their modes of accommodation to America in terms of language proficiencies.
    • There has been much change in small businesses too, but much of this is to be explained as accommodation to changes initiated elsewhere.
    • The second phase of development focuses on consolidation and organization, it is a time of increased accommodation to the secular world.
    • The history of the decoration of the Escorial is a record of Philip's sometimes reluctant accommodation to circumstances beyond his control.
    • If the system eventually breaks down, it will be primarily because of US resistance to adjustment and accommodation.
    • Whatever the explanation, accommodation to slavery does not equal the acceptance of enslavement.
    • Analysis involved teacher/researcher and student reflections on the course in a continuous process of accommodation to scaffold learning.
    • Since the election, in a mixture of bureaucratic arrogance and accommodation to big business, his government has carried out attacks on the working class on an almost daily basis.
    • This process of accommodation to a western audience may be termed occidisation.
    • Heresy or not, what was remarkable about Syrian Christianity in India is its accommodation to the Indian or Hindu way of life.
    • Blundell refuses to see the process of painting as simply resistance or accommodation to modernity or the commodifying processes of the contemporary global art market.
    • The circle is completed by the subject's accommodation to the phenomenal world which he/she has both discovered and constructed.
    adjustment, adaptation, attunement, fitting in, habituation, acclimatization, acclimation, acculturation, inurement, hardening, seasoning, conditioning, familiarization, assimilation, integration, domestication, naturalization
    1. 3.1 The automatic adjustment of the focus of the eye by flattening or thickening of the lens.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • People with shortsightedness have poorer ability to focus accurately by accommodation, which leads to even more retinal blur and defocus.
      • The power of the lens can be altered by changes in the shape of the lens - a process called accommodation.
      • The lens is important in accommodation because it has the capability of undergoing a change in shape.
      • By demonstrating the act of accommodation, the lens was clearly differentiated from all other intraocular lenses.
      • The process of accommodation may bring a distant object into focus; however, near vision is unclear.
      • After randomisation, all children were tested for refractive error with cycloplegic drops to eliminate artefact due to accommodation.
      • Through a process called accommodation, the lens changes its shape to bring objects into focus.
      • The aging process, or Presbyopia, causes the amplitude of accommodation to decrease in patients over 40 years.
      • It's not so much a matter of overlighting an area as it is making sure there's adequate lighting on the perimeter to allow some accommodation to take place.
      • Ultimately it may be possible to restore natural accommodation after cataract surgery if a soft lens with the appropriate shape memory characteristics could be developed.
      • Fredrick mentioned three possible causes for the development of myopia: retinal blur, accommodation, and familial factors.
      • The eyes need one to two seconds for accommodation before they can focus, so a continuous sweep is useless for identifying targets.
      • Look a little sideways occasionally, but most of all remember accommodation to darkness may take up to a half an hour.
      • In fact, the time needed is the sum of the integration of the eye movement and accommodation.


Early 17th century: from Latin accommodatio(n-), from accommodare ‘fit one thing to another’ (see accommodate).





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