The use of living plants as an integral part of the design of buildings.
Example sentencesExamples
He was there to help Michael Reynoldssince the 1970s a guru of so-called biotectureto build by hand a completely self-sufficient home out of discarded tires and packed earth.
The aim is to give people an 'instant' biotecture-type structure, which would otherwise take many years to grow.
Biotecture also extends to the use of shelterbelts and windbreaks to modify the climate around and within a dwelling without modifying the dwelling itself.
The timing proved fortuitous: this was during the greatest habitat building boom in known history, and the demand for ecodesign and biotecture was immense.
German landscape architect, Rudolf Doernach, used pleaching and other techniques in what he broadly called "biotecture" or "agritecture."
1980s: from bio- 'of living organisms' + a shortened form of architecture.