

单词 butt


[with object]
  • 1(of a person or animal) hit (someone or something) with the head or horns.


    she butted him in the chest


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A footballer faces jail after butting another player during a match, a court heard.
    • But if you didn't butt your way toward the front of the line, you wouldn't get there.
    • A case of mistaken identity led to an innocent bystander being butted and punched in a Pewsey pub.
    • One of the bulls retorted with an angry snort by butting a wolf with his head.
    • The goat butted him over; Guidry's rowan garland tumbled loose.
    • A calf sauntered up behind the eminent historian and butted him, taking him unawares.
    • A man who butted a police officer after a chase through the streets of Clacton has been jailed.
    • We were told in the first few days he was butted and kicked in the chest.
    • Bastard butted me in the leg while I was escaping.
    • He had returned to the home they rented and was let in but he became fairly agitated and he butted the wall.
    • Before 1897, Igun Street butted the southeastern corner of the palace.
    • Then the gazelle butted my face with pointed horns.
    • The other week I had a dream, I was with my ex-girlfriend and we were being butted by a calf.
    • A man who butted someone at a railway station and assaulted police officers sent to investigate was told he was lucky not to have been sent to prison.
    • Then he lowered his horns, galloped along the bridge and butted the ugly troll.
    • They all left, but returned shortly afterwards and when Mr Jacobs spoke to them, he was suddenly butted and a scuffle started.
    • Each time her strength flagged the little lamb butted her until she moved again.
    • Peck is randy and rambunctious, especially in the crazy scene where his horse keeps butting him from behind.
    • On one memorable occasion Vince butted a police horse.
    • A drunken man who wanted to fight with his father butted a police officer on the jaw as he was being arrested, a court was told.
    ram, headbutt, bunt
    1. 1.1 Strike (one's head) against something.
      he butts his head against a wall


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The hotel manager come up to yell at him, but was just freaked out by this long-haired dirt butting a little 15-year-old's head into the wall.
      • A goat is butting its horns against the crooked door.
      • You're butting your head against a seriously-hard concrete wall.
      • The mare gently butted her nose against the extended palm, wuffling softly.
      • More than honest, it's the image of a major artist courageously butting her head against the furtiveness and sadism of Stalinist and post-Stalinist bureaucracy.
      • Frank Davis, a prisoner at the Court Jail, died yesterday afternoon from concussion of the brain, caused by butting his head against the wall of his cell.
      • All would be well if the animals stayed where they belonged, but Vixen seemed to take delight in butting his head against the door of his stall so that Nicholas had to rebuild it three times.
      • Now, supposing we were called upon to examine the body of a man, who, after violently butting his head against a wall, had thus dropped down dead.
      • He also butted his head vainly against the British and by 1949 he was despised at home and abroad as an ineffectual playboy.
      • You can have all the best tactical ideas for on-field performance but if you do not have the structure in place to facilitate the best outcomes you end up butting your head against the proverbial brick wall.
      • He smashed Imperfect Mountain by butting his head against it.
      ram, headbutt, bunt
  • A push or blow, especially one given with the head.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • You don't have to be an expert in martial arts to use a head butt effectively.
    • The least serious are the routine shoves and butts that seem to accompany almost every NFL play.
    • The characters can fight hand to hand using punches, kicks, nudges, butts, combos…
    • There were a couple of butts, but none of the dirty tactics both pugilists have used in some past fights.


  • butt heads

    • informal Engage in conflict or be in strong disagreement.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Scientists achieve great things, he argued, because, like rams butting heads on the African veldt, they're attempting to woo mates and ensure their genetic heritage.
      • A sequence of senior staff members butted heads with the charismatic editor, but the magazine's intellectual identity was as recalcitrant as its finances.
      • Who should have done what was clearly the issue for debate as the Brechin men butted foreheads and debated the point.
      • Swinging Sinatra butts heads with button down Robinson until a quick ending and easy solution are found.
      • And if they're butting heads in there, and they do call for the bailiff or whatever, then the judge will interview each one of them and try to see if there's any - if there's any way any one of them could change their minds in this.
      • But though they are a team publicly, they continue to butt heads privately over ideas, people, and the nature of the future, in a relationship that is both a rare love affair and intellectual warfare.
      • He can be cocky and arrogant, always butting heads with local medical professionals.
      • I wrote an essay once and it was really extremely violent, about a CIA guy and a KGB guy butting horns.
      • Secretary Powell was known for the one who was butting heads and really trying to push in certain instances a different agenda.
      • I believe having the a-pawns continue to butt heads is better for White.
      • I'm not sure, however, how much a someone who joyfully butts heads with opponents actually wins in Washington, DC.
      • I had so many examples of our butting heads about design.
      • We're still going to physical therapy to try to get you to put weight on your legs, but I think we're butting heads with the most stubborn part of your personality.
      • Well, the leader of UNHCR will always be butting heads with world governments.
      • Well, this is around the time I also started butting heads a lot with Richard, among others.
      • And you could challenge him on those opinions, and sometimes we kind of butted heads about stuff, but we always managed to work it out.
      • The elected president of her campus Hillel, she tried to pull together a balanced panel discussion on the conflict, but soon butted heads with her supervisor at the local Jewish Community Center.
      • The cycle of negativity has to be broken, and I think it's time to take another approach at making things work, because butting heads is obviously not working.
      • And it's very intense, and it's good to have somebody really strong to butt heads against.
      • Maybe that's the BIG MYSTERY of why journalists and bloggers are butting heads.

Phrasal Verbs

  • butt in

    • Interrupt or intrude on a conversation or activity.

      sorry to butt in on you


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘You never said that,’ I say, butting in on our own conversation.
      • I asked and noticed that practically every girl was listening in and some were trying to butt in on the conversation.
      • At the tail end of this conversation colleague number two butts in uninvited, with a little gem aimed in my direction.
      • Somehow, at the dinner table, I found myself butting in on their conversations like I'd been with them all my life.
      • And now these so-called friends of his are butting their way into his re-election campaign and attacking his opponent's combat record.
      • Kyle mock glared at Jack for butting in on his little conversation starter.
      • ‘Your teachers have no business butting their noses into my personal life,’ Sean said through gritted teeth.
      • Don't butt in on a conversation your girlfriend is having with a cute boy!
      • Yeah, anyway, the butting in randomly into the conversation really wasn't working.
      • Suddenly, Dave Hill - who was sitting in on the conversation - butted in and offered his opinion.
      interrupt, break in, cut in, chime in, interject, interpose, intervene
      interfere (with), put one's oar in
      informal poke one's nose in/into
      British informal chip in
  • butt out

    • Stop interfering.


      politicians should butt out of these cases
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Until government butts out, reduces taxes and allows a level playing field, the system isn't going to work.
      • Basically, she told me to butt out, which I thought was a bit ungrateful of her, because I was only trying to help.
      • Maybe I should try to party Christmas away, and then butt out, since it was beginning to feel like the end of the world.
      • These are personal decisions and the government should butt out, plain and simple.
      • Both should butt out, stop blocking the view and start letting their top players get on with the game.
      • Sometimes it's best if the originator of the piece butts out and lets the professionals take over.
      • On the other hand, I recall a caller asking Dr. Laura what to do about the fact that she found out that her kid's teachers was gay, and Dr. Laura replied that it was none of her business, to butt out.
      • Be able to tell your parents when to butt out and when to come riding to the rescue.
      • Well, as more celebrities join Cindy Sheehan's antiwar movement, some say stars have no place in this and other anti-war causes and they should just butt out.
      • Far more than wanting smokers to stub their fags out, I want the illiberal liberals now running health policy to butt out of people's personal habits.


Middle English: from Old French boter, of Germanic origin.

  • Butt meaning an end, such as a cigarette stub or the part of a rifle that you hold, is related to Dutch bot ‘stumpy’. It is the same word as butt for your bottom, a meaning that goes back to medieval England. The word is related to Old English buttock. See also bottle


abut, but, cut, glut, gut, hut, intercut, jut, Mut, mutt, phut, putt, rut, scut, shortcut, shut, slut, smut, strut, tut, undercut


  • 1The person or thing at which criticism or ridicule is directed.


    his singing is the butt of dozens of jokes


    Example sentencesExamples
    • N is also for Neville, Harry's cowardly, bumbling but well-meaning friend and the butt of most of Malfoy's bullying, although he wins out in the end.
    • All the old jokes that had politicians as their butt and target are turning out to be true and not so funny anymore.
    • Or you wanted to be a proctologist and your name was the butt of toilet humour jokes throughout your childhood.
    • I've seen musical performances that combine virtuosity with buffoonery as well as exhibitions by photographers who use their own images as the butts of jokes.
    • Undoubtedly, by treating the two Kings they served as butts for their jokes, and by supporting the cause of American freedom against the monarch.
    • For a long time, he was the butt not only of his mentor's jokes but of critics like Macaulay, who thought him a fool.
    • An unlikely pair, we were often the butts of jokes around Franklin High School.
    • So sad for all of you, Mr. Mills and constituents, but all Ralph's jokes must have butts, and this time - it's you.
    • They became the butt of a lot of latenight talk show jokes.
    • He had his own, perhaps strange, sense of humour and he could chuckle at those who were the butt of his ire without for a moment compromising his view of how things should be.
    • But in their defence, the butts of their jokes are generally treated more with affection than ridicule.
    • Journalists then, are set to become the butt of criticism and jokes, even as they sally forth to the frontlines.
    • They became targets for fans and the media, the butts of jokes.
    • Interest rates are so low now that people who ‘save’ have become the butt of jokes at the water fountain at work.
    • In his incommunicable world of silence, made the more sordid by isolation and discrimination, he find himself the butt of everybody's abuse and insult.
    • At the other end of the vertebrate scale, hominoids have similarly provided the butt for many a joke, while Darwin himself has not escaped completely the humorists' pen or pencil.
    • The butt of Reid's remarks were those experts who are so bent on attempting to regulate every aspect of our lives that they are branded ‘health fascists’.
    • As Ramon Vega and Chris Sutton have illustrated, being out of sorts in England and the butt of abuse from fans is no barrier to succeeding in Scotland.
    • For rookies, being the butt of pranks and fulfilling the demands of older players are necessary evils on the path to earning respect and becoming one of the guys.
    • The Canadians are watching our election problems and laughing their butts off.
    target, victim, object, subject, recipient, laughing stock, Aunt Sally
  • 2usually buttsAn archery or shooting target or range.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In this kind of shooting there is generally a leader, who fixes on the objects to be aimed at; and it is frequently practised after butt or target-shooting.
    • Saboteurs plan to either occupy the shooting butts and force shooters to pack up, or ‘beat’ the birds away from the guns.
    • 4. shooting at a blank target butt at a short distance with eyes shut
    • Practice butts open 8.30am.
    • They are also agreed that the last great years of grouse shooting were in the late 1980s, when the birds made the August skies black as they thundered high over the shooting butts.
    1. 2.1 A mound on or in front of which a target is set up for archery or shooting.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In the ancestor of Olympic target archery, bowmen aimed at targets mounted on earthen butts at ranges of 100 to 140 yards.
      • Everyone must return to the shooting line and the range checked to make sure no-one is behind the target butts or in the safety zone before the signal to commence shooting is given.
      • Always walk up to the side of the target butt, so as to not to accidentally walk into the rear of the arrows lodged in the target.
      • Outdoor and sometimes indoor ranges have earth or sand butts.
    2. 2.2 A grouse-shooter's stand, screened by low turf or a stone wall.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A quarter an hour later we were back on course up a gill, passing rush beds, grouse butts and, at an interesting bit of lead mine landscaping, connecting to the first of many a mile of Landrover track.
      • The area we have circled is grouse moor, liberally scattered with boulders and crags and with ‘shooters shelters’, as grouse butts are curiously called here on my new map.
      • We take the lower ground between, past a line of grouse butts.
      • Also there are various generations of grouse butts, the latest new, semi-subterranean, wood-lined, gravel-floored and drained by plastic pipe.
      • After passing a canary-yellow barn, we crossed a small moor with three-star grouse butts and ended up at the hamlet of Ilton.
      • After second cross path dips just east of north and heads towards wooden and stone grouse butts.
      • Dotted across the moor are the grouse butts, wooden structures behind which the guns hide - making their profiles invisible to the grouse as they skitter and jink across the landscape, inches above the ground.
      • A while later at a crossroads, there were exquisite sunken doughnuts of stone and bilberry: i.e. four-star grouse butts, five star but for the nearby quarry.
      • Streams and standing winter water are pretty, grouse butts are everywhere, and with three sweeps of its scimitar wings a raptor slid into the next valley.
      • Then it's up to the moor itself where the guns take their balloted positions in the butts, simple stone hides screened by turf, where they await the arrival of the birds.


Middle English (in the archery sense): from Old French but, of unknown origin; perhaps influenced by French butte 'rising ground'.


  • 1The thicker end of something, especially a tool or a weapon.


    a rifle butt


    Example sentencesExamples
    • On the day we were shooting with Tom Selleck, he noticed I always grounded the rifle's butt on my toe instead of in the dirt.
    • Without warning, he grabbed for his spear, using the butt to smack against the lone two chair legs that were supporting the napping man.
    • The visitors were left off the hook a minute later when Dara O'Cinneide chipped up a ball that was sent in by Moynihan and, after infiltrating the cover, his low shot hit the butt of the post.
    • He pressed the butt hard into his shoulder, closed one eye and aimed into the distance.
    • He placed the butt against his shoulder and sighted down the barrels.
    • He put the gun butt to his shoulder and started trying to finish the job by shooting at the ambassador, who was not going down without a fight.
    • The houses were jammed together butt to butt, each one with a fence separating them.
    • Handguns with curved butts made aimed fire possible.
    • Most pool parlors wisely ban jump shots that require the butt to be elevated above the shoulder.
    • Several guards finally used the butts of their crossbows to shut me up.
    • Others were knocked to the ground with rifle butts, kicked and beaten with handcuffs.
    • I ordered holsters to hang straight so they could be worn butts to the front or to the rear and I also wanted a deep dark brown color to match the buffalo horn grips.
    • The remaining weapons ranged from manufactured guns to others that had home-carved butts and door claps for bolts.
    • In direct fire, the manual suggests positioning the butt under the armpit rather than on the shoulder.
    • Unpadded, the butt jarred into my shoulder every time I pulled the trigger on the accursed gun, causing no small amount of pain.
    • He shortened the pistol at the front and at the butt, streamlining the gun and reducing weight.
    • On a good uptide rod, the reel seat will be positioned about 25-ins above the butt cap.
    • I remember trying to block a blow from a rifle butt.
    • The gun is short enough that in such a holster, properly made, neither grip tang nor butt protrudes at the front.
    • At one point he used his pistol butt to knock on a tank turret to get the driver's attention.
    stock, shaft, shank, end, handle, hilt, haft, grip, helve
    1. 1.1 The square end of a plank or plate meeting the end or side of another, as in the side of a ship.
      as modifier a butt joint
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Install with alternate overlaps and with two nails on each side 6 to 7 inches above the butt edge.
      • With a satisfying clunk, the gimbal fitting slotted into the wide butt pad.
      • It was a Polyethylene butt fusion joint linking two sections of medium pressure pipe.
      • When welding weakens the weldment, the weak zone is about an inch either side of the center of the butt or fillet welds.
      • Use a butt marker to score the hinge location on the door and jamb.
    2. 1.2 The thicker or hind end of a hide used for leather.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The leather nearest the butt and spine is the best on the hide.
      • A butt is roughly 4½ ft by 4½ft and is ideal for sturdy straps.
      • Production is derived from prime Australian steer hides and only the superior Butt portion of the hide is used to produce first grade cricket ball leather.
      • My heart goes out especially to the leathermen, who sadly refasten the butts on their buttless chaps.
      • Cut down the back bone from neck to butt.
  • 2The stub of a cigar or a cigarette.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The driver flicked his cigarette butt toward an ashtray and missed.
    • Powder throughout the years ignored Skiing's attempts and acted like the cool kid at school, nonchalant, smoking butts, greased back hair.
    • Divson sighed, putting his cigarette down on a small ash-tray on the table, already sporting more than a dozen of his own butts.
    • ‘Cigarette butts also present a threat to wildlife,’ said Proctor.
    • Sid threw her butt onto the ground and stomped it out.
    • The group will urge smokers to bin rather than fling their old cigarette butts since these were seen at 80% of areas examined.
    • I asked who will clean up the cigarette butts, and who will provide ashtrays for people standing on the pavement and smoking.
    • For now, I'm just wondering if I can still smoke those cigarette butts…
    • Dropping her spent butt to the ground, Becky furiously stomped out the cigarette spark.
    • A smoker caught red-handed throwing a butt on the ground would also be fined, he said.
    • A recurring problem highlighted by these inspectors was the number of butts thrown on paths, roadways and parks.
    • Alex chucked her butt to the ground and stamped it out, reaching into her purse and pulling out an empty pack of cigarettes.
    • You smoked cigarettes and flicked the butts into the dark, and you let a whole full minute pass before you fired up another one.
    • The three ashtrays were overflowing with cigarette butts on the desk and on the deck.
    • When I flicked the lit butt directly at you, you didn't budge, you didn't flinch.
    • If I give them a bag of nickels and an ashtray full of cigarette butts, will they tell me my future?
    • Michael took a long draw on his cigarette, dropped it and ground the butt under the heel of his boot.
    • I was now grinding the cigarette butt into an ash tray on the coffee table.
    • There are 6 cigarette butts on the floor around my seat and an ash tray in the lid of every rubbish bin.
    • There were ashtray bins on many street-corners, and scarcely any butts on the ground.
    stub, end, tail end, stump, remnant, remains, remainder
    informal fag end, dog end
  • 3North American informal A person's buttocks or anus.


    I was being paid to sit on my butt and watch television
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I simply sat there, butt on the ground, staring at the bronze, sun-streaked walls, as if it were the most intriguing activity on earth.
    • You're going to go down and touch your butt to the ground and fire back up.
    • Finally I walked over there and nudged his butt with the toe of my boot, and he jumped up.
    • I stared at her retreating butt until she disappeared.
    • One of his hands ran down her back to rest next to the other, right above her butt.
    • All I got to see were some naked butts disappearing into the distance, through a window.
    • But not all students participate in these optional programs; the great majority of us sit on our butts.
    • So now I'm looking ridiculous falling on my butt again and again.
    • I felt my butt hit the ground and found myself staring up at Ryan, who was looking down at me.
    • The back, the shoulders, the butt and the calves are quite important according to this article.
    • She landed on her butt on the ground and then scampered away from the next attack.
    • Sitting on our butts watching television can be dangerous.
    • She smacked me in the butt to get me to move faster and I glared at her.
    • We both hit the grass and he kept on rolling until he rolled, butt first, into the nearest tree trunk.
    • The two others had already their butts flat on the ground.
    • The back though was low, showing off her entire bare back and cut down to just above the top of her butt.
    • I grabbed his hands and pushed them on my back, right above my butt.
    • He tapped me on the forehead, smacked my butt, and even stuck his finger in my ear.
    • He smacked my butt once again as I walked out the door.
    rear, rump, rear end, backside, seat
    rear, rump, rear end, backside, seat
  • 4The trunk of a tree, especially the part just above the ground.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We've processed our fair share behind the buncher in the 38-to 40-in. range at the butt.
    • The ground burns just scorched the butts a bit, whereas the crown fires damaged the stems.
    • Instead, it tends to tear them out as the tooth forces its way through the tree, consuming much more energy and producing a much rougher, uneven tree butt.
    • He finds that trees with a butt diameter of about 12 inches are ideal for top production.
    • Pick the tree up and tap the butt on the ground a few times, notice how many needles fall off the tree.
    • It has proven faster than the Hornet, he says, adding that the use of a photocell to find the butt on each new log has helped pick up extra production.
    • The locations of burnt tree butts and charred logs were recorded within 2.5 m on either side of the line.
    • Irving came up with the idea of installing a grapple saw on the chipper cranes to select and buck the prime butt sawlogs before chipping the rest of the tree.
    • And he's designed a special grapple to lift log butts off the ground to snake them out instead of tearing up the forest floor by dragging them.
[no object]
  • 1Adjoin or meet end to end.


    the shop butted up against the row of houses


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I wanted to put the unit into my lowest drive bay, but couldn't since in my case it butted up against one of the capacitors on the motherboard.
    • Our little boat butted against the waves, sending up clouds of spray.
    • Mary Lynn butted up against his side, her blue eyes wide, her smile shy, as if she expected to be pounced on and handcuffed.
    • These two subjects are butting up against one another, and the values of Canadians are about to be put to the test.
    • Remember to add a slight slope away from your house for drainage if the patio is butting against it.
    • However, the joints at the ends of the siding where the pieces butt into one another should fall over a stud.
    • Staaten National Park, one of Queensland's biggest, butts up to Strathmore's northern boundary, adjoining the Red River section.
    • Ware's own pieces that subvert the form of the old Sunday-funnies page - with a bunch of tiny, existentially grim comic strips butting up against each other - are great.
    • Mr. Johnston discovered as well that the inner block wall simply butted up to the vertical column and did not engage the column flange.
    • Where regions are back-to-back, click over the two markers that butt up against each other.
    • Meticulously realistic painting butted up against raucous videos, fine handcraftsmanship shared the stage with works assembled of found objects.
    • It is not essential that the ends of the strips butt right up against each other.
    • Used to be, there was a section of land out there to the west that butted up against the west shore of that there lake, and it grazed sheep.
    • I veered right, where the backs of a few stores butted up against our subdivision.
    • Where there should have been a wide open space butting up to a keep, there was instead of a large, luxuriously appointed reception room.
    • And, we butt up against these cliffs, you know, that tower anywhere between 250 to 500 feet tall.
    • Some weeds in the stone and where it butts to the road were evident.
    • The range butts up against the glorious Yellowstone National Park.
    • Don't allow text to butt up against graphic elements on your site or photographs, etc.
    • The north side neighbor's back yard is butting into ours, ever so slowly.
    adjoin, abut, butt up to, be next to, be adjacent to, border (on), neighbour, verge on, bound on, be contiguous with, be connected to, communicate with, link up with, extend as far as, extend to
    join, conjoin, connect with/to, touch, meet
    1. 1.1with object Join (pieces of stone, timber, and other building materials) with the ends or sides flat against each other.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The halves are then placed over the row and are butted up against each other.
      • Now place the second board, butted at right angles to the first, and transfer its profile onto the end of the first board with a pencil.
      • These can be ugly and tend to pull apart if merely butted up against each other.
      • The ventilation underneath is welcome, but not especially useful, especially when it's butted up against the side handle in a rather ugly fashion.
      • They were designed that way, lengths of bronze tubing, with columnar supports butted to the sides of the coffin.
      • Workers butted the panels together and sealed the joints with special seaming tape.
      • If the end butts a wall, attach a square-corner end splash to the end of the countertop with screws before you install the top.
      • The lenses could be butted up against each other.
      • It's their edges that give the entire construction its form and its solidity: edges butted up against other edges.
      • That ought not to have happened as slabs should not butt each other.
      • The beach has a vast grassed area butting the seashore and attracts thousands of visitors and residents in the summer.
      • He loves the way the narrow two storeyed homes are butted up close together in the city but he wanted to put them into a Waiheke landscape where they would have room to play.
      • Two nearly identical low walls are butted end-to-end to form a very open angle, as though mirroring each other.
      • To assemble each frame for the screen, I placed the framed art face down, butting one straight-cut piece against the top of each frame and three together against the bottom of each frame.
      • It was so tough that to lengthen a sleeve, for example, you simply butted the new section to the old and sewed them together.


Late Middle English: the noun apparently related to Dutch bot 'stumpy', also to buttock; the verb partly from butt2, reinforced by abut.


  • 1A cask, typically used for wine, beer, or water.


    a butt of malmsey


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Why a butt of wine should be a cask of wine of 570 litres whereas a butt of beer is a keg of eighty litres less is questionable.
    • The cedar butt has a large capacity of 65 gallons (approx).
    • The Sheriff of Nottingham proclaimed a shooting match and offered a prize of a butt of ale to whosoever should shoot the best shaft in Nottinghamshire.
    • We should all be thinking about collecting more water in butts and larger tanks during the wetter winters to come, and the building of ponds and other water-design features.
    • George's treacherous intriguing persisted until in 1478 Edward sent him to the Tower where, according to tradition, he was drowned in a butt of malmsey wine.
    • Modern plastic butts hold about 190 litres of rainwater.
    cask, keg, vat, tun, tub, drum, tank, firkin, hogshead, kilderkin, pin, pipe, barrique
    barrel, cask, keg, vat, tun, pipe
  • 2US A liquid measure equal to 126 US gallons (equivalent to 477.5 litres).


    Example sentencesExamples
    • They are marked with a "C" and a balance, and were sold at $120 a butt of 110 imperial gallons.
    • The pension was originally stipulated at £100 and a butt of sack (108 gallons of sweet wine) yearly.
    • When imperial measure was introduced in 1825, the gallon and thus the butt were redefined.


Late Middle English: from Old French bot, from late Latin buttis.


[with object]
  • 1(of a person or animal) hit (someone or something) with the head or horns.


    she butted him in the chest with her head


    Example sentencesExamples
    • A case of mistaken identity led to an innocent bystander being butted and punched in a Pewsey pub.
    • But if you didn't butt your way toward the front of the line, you wouldn't get there.
    • A drunken man who wanted to fight with his father butted a police officer on the jaw as he was being arrested, a court was told.
    • Before 1897, Igun Street butted the southeastern corner of the palace.
    • Then the gazelle butted my face with pointed horns.
    • Bastard butted me in the leg while I was escaping.
    • Then he lowered his horns, galloped along the bridge and butted the ugly troll.
    • The goat butted him over; Guidry's rowan garland tumbled loose.
    • A calf sauntered up behind the eminent historian and butted him, taking him unawares.
    • Peck is randy and rambunctious, especially in the crazy scene where his horse keeps butting him from behind.
    • Each time her strength flagged the little lamb butted her until she moved again.
    • They all left, but returned shortly afterwards and when Mr Jacobs spoke to them, he was suddenly butted and a scuffle started.
    • We were told in the first few days he was butted and kicked in the chest.
    • A footballer faces jail after butting another player during a match, a court heard.
    • The other week I had a dream, I was with my ex-girlfriend and we were being butted by a calf.
    • On one memorable occasion Vince butted a police horse.
    • He had returned to the home they rented and was let in but he became fairly agitated and he butted the wall.
    • One of the bulls retorted with an angry snort by butting a wolf with his head.
    • A man who butted a police officer after a chase through the streets of Clacton has been jailed.
    • A man who butted someone at a railway station and assaulted police officers sent to investigate was told he was lucky not to have been sent to prison.
    ram, headbutt, bunt
    1. 1.1 Strike (the head) against something.
      he butts his head against a wall


      Example sentencesExamples
      • More than honest, it's the image of a major artist courageously butting her head against the furtiveness and sadism of Stalinist and post-Stalinist bureaucracy.
      • The hotel manager come up to yell at him, but was just freaked out by this long-haired dirt butting a little 15-year-old's head into the wall.
      • You can have all the best tactical ideas for on-field performance but if you do not have the structure in place to facilitate the best outcomes you end up butting your head against the proverbial brick wall.
      • He smashed Imperfect Mountain by butting his head against it.
      • Now, supposing we were called upon to examine the body of a man, who, after violently butting his head against a wall, had thus dropped down dead.
      • You're butting your head against a seriously-hard concrete wall.
      • The mare gently butted her nose against the extended palm, wuffling softly.
      • He also butted his head vainly against the British and by 1949 he was despised at home and abroad as an ineffectual playboy.
      • All would be well if the animals stayed where they belonged, but Vixen seemed to take delight in butting his head against the door of his stall so that Nicholas had to rebuild it three times.
      • Frank Davis, a prisoner at the Court Jail, died yesterday afternoon from concussion of the brain, caused by butting his head against the wall of his cell.
      • A goat is butting its horns against the crooked door.
      ram, headbutt, bunt
  • A push or blow, typically given with the head.


    he would follow up with a butt from his head


    Example sentencesExamples
    • You don't have to be an expert in martial arts to use a head butt effectively.
    • The characters can fight hand to hand using punches, kicks, nudges, butts, combos…
    • There were a couple of butts, but none of the dirty tactics both pugilists have used in some past fights.
    • The least serious are the routine shoves and butts that seem to accompany almost every NFL play.


  • butt heads

    • informal Engage in conflict or be in strong disagreement.


      the residents continue to butt heads with the mall developers
      Example sentencesExamples
      • And you could challenge him on those opinions, and sometimes we kind of butted heads about stuff, but we always managed to work it out.
      • The elected president of her campus Hillel, she tried to pull together a balanced panel discussion on the conflict, but soon butted heads with her supervisor at the local Jewish Community Center.
      • I'm not sure, however, how much a someone who joyfully butts heads with opponents actually wins in Washington, DC.
      • We're still going to physical therapy to try to get you to put weight on your legs, but I think we're butting heads with the most stubborn part of your personality.
      • The cycle of negativity has to be broken, and I think it's time to take another approach at making things work, because butting heads is obviously not working.
      • Who should have done what was clearly the issue for debate as the Brechin men butted foreheads and debated the point.
      • Well, this is around the time I also started butting heads a lot with Richard, among others.
      • I believe having the a-pawns continue to butt heads is better for White.
      • Secretary Powell was known for the one who was butting heads and really trying to push in certain instances a different agenda.
      • And if they're butting heads in there, and they do call for the bailiff or whatever, then the judge will interview each one of them and try to see if there's any - if there's any way any one of them could change their minds in this.
      • I had so many examples of our butting heads about design.
      • And it's very intense, and it's good to have somebody really strong to butt heads against.
      • Well, the leader of UNHCR will always be butting heads with world governments.
      • But though they are a team publicly, they continue to butt heads privately over ideas, people, and the nature of the future, in a relationship that is both a rare love affair and intellectual warfare.
      • A sequence of senior staff members butted heads with the charismatic editor, but the magazine's intellectual identity was as recalcitrant as its finances.
      • Maybe that's the BIG MYSTERY of why journalists and bloggers are butting heads.
      • Scientists achieve great things, he argued, because, like rams butting heads on the African veldt, they're attempting to woo mates and ensure their genetic heritage.
      • He can be cocky and arrogant, always butting heads with local medical professionals.
      • Swinging Sinatra butts heads with button down Robinson until a quick ending and easy solution are found.
      • I wrote an essay once and it was really extremely violent, about a CIA guy and a KGB guy butting horns.

Phrasal Verbs

  • butt in

    • Take part in a conversation or activity, or enter somewhere, without being invited or expected.


      sorry to butt in on you


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Somehow, at the dinner table, I found myself butting in on their conversations like I'd been with them all my life.
      • ‘You never said that,’ I say, butting in on our own conversation.
      • Don't butt in on a conversation your girlfriend is having with a cute boy!
      • Suddenly, Dave Hill - who was sitting in on the conversation - butted in and offered his opinion.
      • ‘Your teachers have no business butting their noses into my personal life,’ Sean said through gritted teeth.
      • At the tail end of this conversation colleague number two butts in uninvited, with a little gem aimed in my direction.
      • Yeah, anyway, the butting in randomly into the conversation really wasn't working.
      • And now these so-called friends of his are butting their way into his re-election campaign and attacking his opponent's combat record.
      • Kyle mock glared at Jack for butting in on his little conversation starter.
      • I asked and noticed that practically every girl was listening in and some were trying to butt in on the conversation.
      interrupt, break in, cut in, chime in, interject, interpose, intervene
  • butt out

    • Stop interfering.


      anyone who tries to cut across our policies should butt out


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Basically, she told me to butt out, which I thought was a bit ungrateful of her, because I was only trying to help.
      • Maybe I should try to party Christmas away, and then butt out, since it was beginning to feel like the end of the world.
      • Both should butt out, stop blocking the view and start letting their top players get on with the game.
      • On the other hand, I recall a caller asking Dr. Laura what to do about the fact that she found out that her kid's teachers was gay, and Dr. Laura replied that it was none of her business, to butt out.
      • Well, as more celebrities join Cindy Sheehan's antiwar movement, some say stars have no place in this and other anti-war causes and they should just butt out.
      • Sometimes it's best if the originator of the piece butts out and lets the professionals take over.
      • Until government butts out, reduces taxes and allows a level playing field, the system isn't going to work.
      • These are personal decisions and the government should butt out, plain and simple.
      • Far more than wanting smokers to stub their fags out, I want the illiberal liberals now running health policy to butt out of people's personal habits.
      • Be able to tell your parents when to butt out and when to come riding to the rescue.


Middle English: from Old French boter, of Germanic origin.


  • 1The person or thing at which criticism or humor, typically unkind, is directed.


    his singing is the butt of dozens of jokes


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I've seen musical performances that combine virtuosity with buffoonery as well as exhibitions by photographers who use their own images as the butts of jokes.
    • But in their defence, the butts of their jokes are generally treated more with affection than ridicule.
    • The butt of Reid's remarks were those experts who are so bent on attempting to regulate every aspect of our lives that they are branded ‘health fascists’.
    • He had his own, perhaps strange, sense of humour and he could chuckle at those who were the butt of his ire without for a moment compromising his view of how things should be.
    • In his incommunicable world of silence, made the more sordid by isolation and discrimination, he find himself the butt of everybody's abuse and insult.
    • Interest rates are so low now that people who ‘save’ have become the butt of jokes at the water fountain at work.
    • The Canadians are watching our election problems and laughing their butts off.
    • Journalists then, are set to become the butt of criticism and jokes, even as they sally forth to the frontlines.
    • Or you wanted to be a proctologist and your name was the butt of toilet humour jokes throughout your childhood.
    • N is also for Neville, Harry's cowardly, bumbling but well-meaning friend and the butt of most of Malfoy's bullying, although he wins out in the end.
    • For rookies, being the butt of pranks and fulfilling the demands of older players are necessary evils on the path to earning respect and becoming one of the guys.
    • An unlikely pair, we were often the butts of jokes around Franklin High School.
    • For a long time, he was the butt not only of his mentor's jokes but of critics like Macaulay, who thought him a fool.
    • So sad for all of you, Mr. Mills and constituents, but all Ralph's jokes must have butts, and this time - it's you.
    • As Ramon Vega and Chris Sutton have illustrated, being out of sorts in England and the butt of abuse from fans is no barrier to succeeding in Scotland.
    • They became the butt of a lot of latenight talk show jokes.
    • They became targets for fans and the media, the butts of jokes.
    • All the old jokes that had politicians as their butt and target are turning out to be true and not so funny anymore.
    • At the other end of the vertebrate scale, hominoids have similarly provided the butt for many a joke, while Darwin himself has not escaped completely the humorists' pen or pencil.
    • Undoubtedly, by treating the two Kings they served as butts for their jokes, and by supporting the cause of American freedom against the monarch.
    target, victim, object, subject, recipient, laughing stock, aunt sally
    1. 1.1usually butts An archery or shooting target or range.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • 4. shooting at a blank target butt at a short distance with eyes shut
      • In this kind of shooting there is generally a leader, who fixes on the objects to be aimed at; and it is frequently practised after butt or target-shooting.
      • Saboteurs plan to either occupy the shooting butts and force shooters to pack up, or ‘beat’ the birds away from the guns.
      • They are also agreed that the last great years of grouse shooting were in the late 1980s, when the birds made the August skies black as they thundered high over the shooting butts.
      • Practice butts open 8.30am.
    2. 1.2 A mound on or in front of which a target is set up for archery or shooting.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Always walk up to the side of the target butt, so as to not to accidentally walk into the rear of the arrows lodged in the target.
      • Outdoor and sometimes indoor ranges have earth or sand butts.
      • Everyone must return to the shooting line and the range checked to make sure no-one is behind the target butts or in the safety zone before the signal to commence shooting is given.
      • In the ancestor of Olympic target archery, bowmen aimed at targets mounted on earthen butts at ranges of 100 to 140 yards.


Middle English (in the archery sense): from Old French but, of unknown origin; perhaps influenced by French butte ‘rising ground’.


  • 1The thicker end of something, especially a tool or a weapon.


    a rifle butt


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In direct fire, the manual suggests positioning the butt under the armpit rather than on the shoulder.
    • Unpadded, the butt jarred into my shoulder every time I pulled the trigger on the accursed gun, causing no small amount of pain.
    • He shortened the pistol at the front and at the butt, streamlining the gun and reducing weight.
    • Handguns with curved butts made aimed fire possible.
    • The visitors were left off the hook a minute later when Dara O'Cinneide chipped up a ball that was sent in by Moynihan and, after infiltrating the cover, his low shot hit the butt of the post.
    • Without warning, he grabbed for his spear, using the butt to smack against the lone two chair legs that were supporting the napping man.
    • On the day we were shooting with Tom Selleck, he noticed I always grounded the rifle's butt on my toe instead of in the dirt.
    • At one point he used his pistol butt to knock on a tank turret to get the driver's attention.
    • Several guards finally used the butts of their crossbows to shut me up.
    • Others were knocked to the ground with rifle butts, kicked and beaten with handcuffs.
    • On a good uptide rod, the reel seat will be positioned about 25-ins above the butt cap.
    • He placed the butt against his shoulder and sighted down the barrels.
    • The remaining weapons ranged from manufactured guns to others that had home-carved butts and door claps for bolts.
    • I remember trying to block a blow from a rifle butt.
    • He put the gun butt to his shoulder and started trying to finish the job by shooting at the ambassador, who was not going down without a fight.
    • He pressed the butt hard into his shoulder, closed one eye and aimed into the distance.
    • The gun is short enough that in such a holster, properly made, neither grip tang nor butt protrudes at the front.
    • I ordered holsters to hang straight so they could be worn butts to the front or to the rear and I also wanted a deep dark brown color to match the buffalo horn grips.
    • The houses were jammed together butt to butt, each one with a fence separating them.
    • Most pool parlors wisely ban jump shots that require the butt to be elevated above the shoulder.
    stock, shaft, shank, end, handle, hilt, haft, grip, helve
    1. 1.1 The square end of a plank or plate meeting the end or side of another, as in the side of a ship.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • With a satisfying clunk, the gimbal fitting slotted into the wide butt pad.
      • It was a Polyethylene butt fusion joint linking two sections of medium pressure pipe.
      • Install with alternate overlaps and with two nails on each side 6 to 7 inches above the butt edge.
      • When welding weakens the weldment, the weak zone is about an inch either side of the center of the butt or fillet welds.
      • Use a butt marker to score the hinge location on the door and jamb.
    2. 1.2 The thicker or hinder end of a hide used for leather.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Production is derived from prime Australian steer hides and only the superior Butt portion of the hide is used to produce first grade cricket ball leather.
      • A butt is roughly 4½ ft by 4½ft and is ideal for sturdy straps.
      • The leather nearest the butt and spine is the best on the hide.
      • My heart goes out especially to the leathermen, who sadly refasten the butts on their buttless chaps.
      • Cut down the back bone from neck to butt.
  • 2The stub of a cigar or a cigarette.


    the ashtray was crammed with cigarette butts


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Divson sighed, putting his cigarette down on a small ash-tray on the table, already sporting more than a dozen of his own butts.
    • A recurring problem highlighted by these inspectors was the number of butts thrown on paths, roadways and parks.
    • The three ashtrays were overflowing with cigarette butts on the desk and on the deck.
    • The group will urge smokers to bin rather than fling their old cigarette butts since these were seen at 80% of areas examined.
    • I asked who will clean up the cigarette butts, and who will provide ashtrays for people standing on the pavement and smoking.
    • ‘Cigarette butts also present a threat to wildlife,’ said Proctor.
    • You smoked cigarettes and flicked the butts into the dark, and you let a whole full minute pass before you fired up another one.
    • Alex chucked her butt to the ground and stamped it out, reaching into her purse and pulling out an empty pack of cigarettes.
    • For now, I'm just wondering if I can still smoke those cigarette butts…
    • Powder throughout the years ignored Skiing's attempts and acted like the cool kid at school, nonchalant, smoking butts, greased back hair.
    • I was now grinding the cigarette butt into an ash tray on the coffee table.
    • When I flicked the lit butt directly at you, you didn't budge, you didn't flinch.
    • The driver flicked his cigarette butt toward an ashtray and missed.
    • Michael took a long draw on his cigarette, dropped it and ground the butt under the heel of his boot.
    • Dropping her spent butt to the ground, Becky furiously stomped out the cigarette spark.
    • There were ashtray bins on many street-corners, and scarcely any butts on the ground.
    • A smoker caught red-handed throwing a butt on the ground would also be fined, he said.
    • If I give them a bag of nickels and an ashtray full of cigarette butts, will they tell me my future?
    • There are 6 cigarette butts on the floor around my seat and an ash tray in the lid of every rubbish bin.
    • Sid threw her butt onto the ground and stomped it out.
    stub, end, tail end, stump, remnant, remains, remainder
  • 3North American informal The buttocks or anus.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We both hit the grass and he kept on rolling until he rolled, butt first, into the nearest tree trunk.
    • She smacked me in the butt to get me to move faster and I glared at her.
    • I felt my butt hit the ground and found myself staring up at Ryan, who was looking down at me.
    • The back though was low, showing off her entire bare back and cut down to just above the top of her butt.
    • I simply sat there, butt on the ground, staring at the bronze, sun-streaked walls, as if it were the most intriguing activity on earth.
    • He smacked my butt once again as I walked out the door.
    • She landed on her butt on the ground and then scampered away from the next attack.
    • So now I'm looking ridiculous falling on my butt again and again.
    • One of his hands ran down her back to rest next to the other, right above her butt.
    • He tapped me on the forehead, smacked my butt, and even stuck his finger in my ear.
    • The two others had already their butts flat on the ground.
    • You're going to go down and touch your butt to the ground and fire back up.
    • Sitting on our butts watching television can be dangerous.
    • All I got to see were some naked butts disappearing into the distance, through a window.
    • But not all students participate in these optional programs; the great majority of us sit on our butts.
    • I grabbed his hands and pushed them on my back, right above my butt.
    • Finally I walked over there and nudged his butt with the toe of my boot, and he jumped up.
    • I stared at her retreating butt until she disappeared.
    • The back, the shoulders, the butt and the calves are quite important according to this article.
    rear, rump, rear end, backside, seat
    rear, rump, rear end, backside, seat
  • 4The trunk of a tree, especially the part just above the ground.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We've processed our fair share behind the buncher in the 38-to 40-in. range at the butt.
    • It has proven faster than the Hornet, he says, adding that the use of a photocell to find the butt on each new log has helped pick up extra production.
    • Instead, it tends to tear them out as the tooth forces its way through the tree, consuming much more energy and producing a much rougher, uneven tree butt.
    • And he's designed a special grapple to lift log butts off the ground to snake them out instead of tearing up the forest floor by dragging them.
    • The ground burns just scorched the butts a bit, whereas the crown fires damaged the stems.
    • He finds that trees with a butt diameter of about 12 inches are ideal for top production.
    • The locations of burnt tree butts and charred logs were recorded within 2.5 m on either side of the line.
    • Pick the tree up and tap the butt on the ground a few times, notice how many needles fall off the tree.
    • Irving came up with the idea of installing a grapple saw on the chipper cranes to select and buck the prime butt sawlogs before chipping the rest of the tree.
[no object]
  • 1Adjoin or meet end to end.


    the church butted up against the row of houses


    a garden that butted up to the neighbor's


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Remember to add a slight slope away from your house for drainage if the patio is butting against it.
    • Meticulously realistic painting butted up against raucous videos, fine handcraftsmanship shared the stage with works assembled of found objects.
    • I veered right, where the backs of a few stores butted up against our subdivision.
    • Mary Lynn butted up against his side, her blue eyes wide, her smile shy, as if she expected to be pounced on and handcuffed.
    • Don't allow text to butt up against graphic elements on your site or photographs, etc.
    • It is not essential that the ends of the strips butt right up against each other.
    • These two subjects are butting up against one another, and the values of Canadians are about to be put to the test.
    • Mr. Johnston discovered as well that the inner block wall simply butted up to the vertical column and did not engage the column flange.
    • Where there should have been a wide open space butting up to a keep, there was instead of a large, luxuriously appointed reception room.
    • The range butts up against the glorious Yellowstone National Park.
    • Used to be, there was a section of land out there to the west that butted up against the west shore of that there lake, and it grazed sheep.
    • Some weeds in the stone and where it butts to the road were evident.
    • Staaten National Park, one of Queensland's biggest, butts up to Strathmore's northern boundary, adjoining the Red River section.
    • The north side neighbor's back yard is butting into ours, ever so slowly.
    • Where regions are back-to-back, click over the two markers that butt up against each other.
    • Ware's own pieces that subvert the form of the old Sunday-funnies page - with a bunch of tiny, existentially grim comic strips butting up against each other - are great.
    • Our little boat butted against the waves, sending up clouds of spray.
    • However, the joints at the ends of the siding where the pieces butt into one another should fall over a stud.
    • And, we butt up against these cliffs, you know, that tower anywhere between 250 to 500 feet tall.
    • I wanted to put the unit into my lowest drive bay, but couldn't since in my case it butted up against one of the capacitors on the motherboard.
    adjoin, abut, butt up to, be next to, be adjacent to, border, border on, neighbour, verge on, bound on, be contiguous with, be connected to, communicate with, link up with, extend as far as, extend to
    1. 1.1with object Join (pieces of stone, lumber, and other building materials) with the ends or sides flat against each other.
      the floorboards will be butted up against each other to make tight seams
      Example sentencesExamples
      • That ought not to have happened as slabs should not butt each other.
      • The halves are then placed over the row and are butted up against each other.
      • It's their edges that give the entire construction its form and its solidity: edges butted up against other edges.
      • These can be ugly and tend to pull apart if merely butted up against each other.
      • The beach has a vast grassed area butting the seashore and attracts thousands of visitors and residents in the summer.
      • Two nearly identical low walls are butted end-to-end to form a very open angle, as though mirroring each other.
      • If the end butts a wall, attach a square-corner end splash to the end of the countertop with screws before you install the top.
      • They were designed that way, lengths of bronze tubing, with columnar supports butted to the sides of the coffin.
      • The ventilation underneath is welcome, but not especially useful, especially when it's butted up against the side handle in a rather ugly fashion.
      • The lenses could be butted up against each other.
      • He loves the way the narrow two storeyed homes are butted up close together in the city but he wanted to put them into a Waiheke landscape where they would have room to play.
      • Now place the second board, butted at right angles to the first, and transfer its profile onto the end of the first board with a pencil.
      • Workers butted the panels together and sealed the joints with special seaming tape.
      • It was so tough that to lengthen a sleeve, for example, you simply butted the new section to the old and sewed them together.
      • To assemble each frame for the screen, I placed the framed art face down, butting one straight-cut piece against the top of each frame and three together against the bottom of each frame.


Late Middle English: the noun apparently related to Dutch bot ‘stumpy’, also to buttock; the verb partly from butt, reinforced by abut.


  • 1A cask, typically used for wine, ale, or water.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The Sheriff of Nottingham proclaimed a shooting match and offered a prize of a butt of ale to whosoever should shoot the best shaft in Nottinghamshire.
    • George's treacherous intriguing persisted until in 1478 Edward sent him to the Tower where, according to tradition, he was drowned in a butt of malmsey wine.
    • The cedar butt has a large capacity of 65 gallons (approx).
    • We should all be thinking about collecting more water in butts and larger tanks during the wetter winters to come, and the building of ponds and other water-design features.
    • Modern plastic butts hold about 190 litres of rainwater.
    • Why a butt of wine should be a cask of wine of 570 litres whereas a butt of beer is a keg of eighty litres less is questionable.
    cask, keg, vat, tun, tub, drum, tank, firkin, hogshead, kilderkin, pin, pipe, barrique
    1. 1.1US A liquid measure equal to 2 hogsheads (equivalent to 126 US gallons).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The pension was originally stipulated at £100 and a butt of sack (108 gallons of sweet wine) yearly.
      • When imperial measure was introduced in 1825, the gallon and thus the butt were redefined.
      • They are marked with a "C" and a balance, and were sold at $120 a butt of 110 imperial gallons.


Late Middle English: from Old French bot, from late Latin buttis.





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