

单词 assignment

Definition of assignment in English:


noun əˈsʌɪnm(ə)ntəˈsaɪnmənt
  • 1A task or piece of work allocated to someone as part of a job or course of study.


    a homework assignment


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The use of family exercises and homework assignments is imperative in enacting permanent change.
    • No wonder our students are puzzled by the disjunction between course readings and academic writing assignments.
    • There was an assignment over the course of the two days.
    • The multicultural day was part of a school assignment, where students studied every aspect of a chosen culture.
    • In addition to the in-class exercises, each session concluded with a homework assignment.
    • Undue demands in terms of course content, assignments and examinations should not be made.
    • Since they were studying poetry at the moment, they had an in-class assignment to write an original poem in any style or meter.
    • Each week in my print culture course we have little assignments related to the topic of the week.
    • The books include writing assignments, as well as activities that link to social studies and science.
    • Parents can teach a child study skills with reading directions, study examples and writing down assignments.
    • It is a viable technique that we use in many of our courses and assignments.
    • This means that she scored 6.5 or higher out of a possible seven in assignments throughout her course.
    • In this discussion we offer an overview of the guiding premises and the reading and writing assignments of the course.
    • Course assignments must be completed within one year of enrolling.
    • Within the course, there were also five written case scenario homework assignments for the students to complete.
    • Writing a research paper was the second assignment in the course.
    • I just hope I can keep the momentum going and not be tempted to procrastinate on assignments and tasks.
    • One of the highlights of the site is a set of sample exercises and assignments used in online courses at various campuses.
    • We both have people to talk to occasionally, and to call if we forgot a homework assignment, and study with and such, but neither us have had a real, actual friend since middle school.
    • You've got to do your homework, complete class assignments and study for tests.
    task, piece of work, piece of business, job, duty, chore, charge, labour, function, commission, mission, errand, engagement, occupation, undertaking, exercise, business, office, responsibility, detail, endeavour, enterprise
    piece of research, project, homework, prep
    1. 1.1mass noun The allocation of a job or task to someone.
      the effective assignment of tasks


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They expect employees will be out on assignment for much of their time so they will not need the space which would once have been their base.
      • The film then blurs space-time boundaries as it sends the two filmmakers on assignment to interview the key characters surrounding the hero's life.
      • Regardless of availability, career development in an officer's functional area is an important piece in the assignment process.
      • She's come to Australia on assignment and to visit her best friend Catherine.
      • The memorial pays tribute to 1,606 reporters, editors, photographers and broadcasters who died or were killed on assignment.
      • Marriage, and the birth of a son in 1875, did not hold him back from touring to faraway places on assignment, including the Arctic and Spain.
      • And actually, I think Matt will be doing that interview, because I'll be traveling on assignment that day.
      • Her conduct on assignment bordered on the unethical.
      • Many of you will have seen some permutation of the mass e-mail joke bouncing around where the narrator is a news photographer, on assignment, having to make a tough call.
      • I had to decline as I'm going to be on assignment, either in Switzerland or Washington.
      • What is the typical field worker's task assignment for the day?
      • A National Geographic journalist will be on assignment around the area as well.
      • A person whose performance has slacked off may be reacting to changes in the work environment, management, work task or assignment.
      • This would make a great difference in a situation where a destroyer developed critical problems while on assignment away from its base.
      • I spent Saturday morning roving around the neighborhood looking for yard sales… not because I wanted to buy anything, but because I was on assignment.
      • The majority of foreign workers come to India on assignment with their parent companies.
      • All the senior reporters working from the Chicago Tribune were out on assignment.
      • I have on occasion met some of my superiors on assignment, but they are usually in disguise or there is limited light.
      • A weary group of well-known Tasmanian nature photographers has just walked out of there, on assignment for the World Wide Fund for Nature.
      • He was sent there on assignment and she tagged along.
  • 2mass noun The allocation of someone or something as belonging to a particular group or category.


    the assignment of individuals to particular social positions


    Example sentencesExamples
    • But I also don't want to toss out controlled vocabularies, or expert assignment of categories.
    • Smears were taken using the same technique in both groups and interpreted by technicians who were not aware of the patient assignment in the study.
    • Because these projected experiments had never been done, assignment to a risk category was, of course, somewhat speculative and subjective.
    • They will cooperate in budget and financial management, staffing and assignment, medical information and information technology systems.
    • The combat data system carries out automatic threat evaluation and weapon assignment, target designation, and hard and soft kill co-ordination.
    • An assignment to this category is straightforward for duplicates with amino acid sequences of identical length.
    • Each derived categorical instrument has its own rules for status assignment.
    • One drawback to the study was the nonrandom assignment to intervention and nonintervention groups.
    • The assignment of objects across cultures to any one of these categories ranged from the arbitrary and humorous to the disturbing and offensive.
    • The patient pathography is included as an integral part of the patient assignment for these courses.
    • Thus, current district policies on school assignment are likely to need a major overhaul.
    • Assembly, filling of gaps, and verification of ambiguous organism assignment would probably be performed most efficiently at one central laboratory.
    • These reviewers were not aware of the study group assignments of the patients.
    • It is also the event which explains more clearly than any other the place of assignment, designation and organization in the life of mankind.
    • This study is intended to generate hypotheses that can be tested using prospective research designs and/or random assignment to a controlled clinical trial.
    • Since not all the taxa included in the second group have been studied, the assignment of rank as subsections or sections requires more data.
    • No statistically significant difference existed in knowledge by task assignment of driver versus navigator.
    • All parties involved in vehicle assignment, issue, and maintenance should participate.
    • Altion is in the area of network capacity management, administration and circuit assignment.
    • Other issues include specific assignment of what equipment is required, and who provides the equipment for the contract.
    allocation, allotment, issuing, issuance, awarding, grant, granting, administration, earmarking, designation, setting aside, budgeting
    sharing out, apportionment, distribution, handing out, dealing out, doling out, giving out, dishing out, parcelling out, rationing out, dividing out, dividing up, dispensation, measuring out, meting out
    informal divvying up
  • 3An act of making a legal transfer of a right or liability.


    an assignment of leasehold property


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Sub-lettings, assignments, lease flexibility and concessions to tenants are now becoming the norm.
    • I therefore find that the assignment was valid and the assignee could sue in its own name.
    • There was no conveyance, assignment or transfer.
    • Moreover, transferees under an equitable assignment need to join the transferor when suing the debtor/obligor.
    • An assignment by the mortgagee is not such an action or proceeding.
    transfer, making over, giving, passing on, handing down, conveyance, consignment, alienation
    Law demise, devise, attornment
    1. 3.1 A document effecting a legal transfer of a right or liability.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The employer executes a deed of assignment in standard form assigning legal ownership of the policies to each of the employees concerned and the insurers are notified accordingly.
      • The directors have incorporated the effect of the deed of assignment in these financial statements as they consider this gives a correct reflection of the nature of the underlying transactions.
      • It is important to note that para 25 does no more, but no less, than to preserve the legal effect of a pre-commencement assignment or agreement to assign.
      • The Court disregards the opinion of any witness for either side as to what constitutes an assignment document!
      • At this stage there is a lot of paper work to be completed such as, direct debits, life assignments, legal documents.


Late Middle English: from Old French assignement, from medieval Latin assignamentum, from Latin assignare 'allot' (see assign).

Definition of assignment in US English:


  • 1A task or piece of work assigned to someone as part of a job or course of study.


    a homework assignment


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The books include writing assignments, as well as activities that link to social studies and science.
    • Writing a research paper was the second assignment in the course.
    • Each week in my print culture course we have little assignments related to the topic of the week.
    • One of the highlights of the site is a set of sample exercises and assignments used in online courses at various campuses.
    • There was an assignment over the course of the two days.
    • The use of family exercises and homework assignments is imperative in enacting permanent change.
    • We both have people to talk to occasionally, and to call if we forgot a homework assignment, and study with and such, but neither us have had a real, actual friend since middle school.
    • I just hope I can keep the momentum going and not be tempted to procrastinate on assignments and tasks.
    • You've got to do your homework, complete class assignments and study for tests.
    • In addition to the in-class exercises, each session concluded with a homework assignment.
    • No wonder our students are puzzled by the disjunction between course readings and academic writing assignments.
    • Since they were studying poetry at the moment, they had an in-class assignment to write an original poem in any style or meter.
    • Within the course, there were also five written case scenario homework assignments for the students to complete.
    • Parents can teach a child study skills with reading directions, study examples and writing down assignments.
    • In this discussion we offer an overview of the guiding premises and the reading and writing assignments of the course.
    • This means that she scored 6.5 or higher out of a possible seven in assignments throughout her course.
    • Course assignments must be completed within one year of enrolling.
    • It is a viable technique that we use in many of our courses and assignments.
    • Undue demands in terms of course content, assignments and examinations should not be made.
    • The multicultural day was part of a school assignment, where students studied every aspect of a chosen culture.
    task, piece of work, piece of business, job, duty, chore, charge, labour, function, commission, mission, errand, engagement, occupation, undertaking, exercise, business, office, responsibility, detail, endeavour, enterprise
    1. 1.1 The allocation of a job or task to someone.
      the effective assignment of tasks


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Many of you will have seen some permutation of the mass e-mail joke bouncing around where the narrator is a news photographer, on assignment, having to make a tough call.
      • The film then blurs space-time boundaries as it sends the two filmmakers on assignment to interview the key characters surrounding the hero's life.
      • I have on occasion met some of my superiors on assignment, but they are usually in disguise or there is limited light.
      • A person whose performance has slacked off may be reacting to changes in the work environment, management, work task or assignment.
      • The majority of foreign workers come to India on assignment with their parent companies.
      • All the senior reporters working from the Chicago Tribune were out on assignment.
      • I spent Saturday morning roving around the neighborhood looking for yard sales… not because I wanted to buy anything, but because I was on assignment.
      • The memorial pays tribute to 1,606 reporters, editors, photographers and broadcasters who died or were killed on assignment.
      • I had to decline as I'm going to be on assignment, either in Switzerland or Washington.
      • And actually, I think Matt will be doing that interview, because I'll be traveling on assignment that day.
      • He was sent there on assignment and she tagged along.
      • Marriage, and the birth of a son in 1875, did not hold him back from touring to faraway places on assignment, including the Arctic and Spain.
      • Regardless of availability, career development in an officer's functional area is an important piece in the assignment process.
      • They expect employees will be out on assignment for much of their time so they will not need the space which would once have been their base.
      • What is the typical field worker's task assignment for the day?
      • Her conduct on assignment bordered on the unethical.
      • A weary group of well-known Tasmanian nature photographers has just walked out of there, on assignment for the World Wide Fund for Nature.
      • This would make a great difference in a situation where a destroyer developed critical problems while on assignment away from its base.
      • She's come to Australia on assignment and to visit her best friend Catherine.
      • A National Geographic journalist will be on assignment around the area as well.
    2. 1.2US The task or post to which one has been appointed.
      his assignment was to the County Court
      I was on assignment for a German magazine


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Balmain photographer, on assignment in the Big Apple, was staying at his agent's eighth-floor apartment a little more than a kilometre from the tragedy.
      • On assignment for the Mirror, I decided to lurk around various pieces to see whether anyone was paying attention.
      • Wool's post in New York City seemed the perfect assignment for the general to finish out his remarkable career.
      • It was an assignment that changed the course of his life.
      • A point of contact for each position posts the requirements and location of the assignment, and anyone can view the job listings and apply if interested.
      • At least 4 journalists from the mainstream media have already died on assignment this year.
      • Graduating from West Point in 1907, Arnold earnestly desired an assignment to the cavalry but instead was posted to the infantry.
      • Also, 164 employees were attending training programs, and 189 were on assignment outside their office.
      • Her favorite assignment, though, is working the window at the post office.
      • The company has a number of Irish people on assignment from its Fab 24 facility in various locations across the US including Oregon and Arizona.
      • He has been busy on assignment in the Brazilian Mission for the past six an a half years.
      • Before he arrived in Bulgaria last October, Roel was posted on a similar assignment, on social dialogue, in Slovakia.
      • The trainees will spend an additional two weeks on assignment in Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts / Nevis and St Vincent and the Grenadines.
      • Charlotte has been married to Jon, a hip young photographer on assignment in Japan, for two years.
      • Kell had served 13 years before his assignment to the communications post at Kamiseya, Japan, in 1966.
      • People who attended the public events were mostly expatriate wives who are raising families while their husbands are on assignment in Shanghai.
      • Carl had fallen in love with them in Bangalore where he had been posted on an assignment.
      • Bob Dunlop, who formerly filled that post, moved to another assignment at the beginning of the season, and his former position has yet to be filled.
  • 2The attribution of someone or something as belonging.


    the assignment of individuals to particular social positions


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Smears were taken using the same technique in both groups and interpreted by technicians who were not aware of the patient assignment in the study.
    • Assembly, filling of gaps, and verification of ambiguous organism assignment would probably be performed most efficiently at one central laboratory.
    • It is also the event which explains more clearly than any other the place of assignment, designation and organization in the life of mankind.
    • The combat data system carries out automatic threat evaluation and weapon assignment, target designation, and hard and soft kill co-ordination.
    • They will cooperate in budget and financial management, staffing and assignment, medical information and information technology systems.
    • An assignment to this category is straightforward for duplicates with amino acid sequences of identical length.
    • Since not all the taxa included in the second group have been studied, the assignment of rank as subsections or sections requires more data.
    • These reviewers were not aware of the study group assignments of the patients.
    • Other issues include specific assignment of what equipment is required, and who provides the equipment for the contract.
    • But I also don't want to toss out controlled vocabularies, or expert assignment of categories.
    • Because these projected experiments had never been done, assignment to a risk category was, of course, somewhat speculative and subjective.
    • Altion is in the area of network capacity management, administration and circuit assignment.
    • Each derived categorical instrument has its own rules for status assignment.
    • All parties involved in vehicle assignment, issue, and maintenance should participate.
    • One drawback to the study was the nonrandom assignment to intervention and nonintervention groups.
    • This study is intended to generate hypotheses that can be tested using prospective research designs and/or random assignment to a controlled clinical trial.
    • No statistically significant difference existed in knowledge by task assignment of driver versus navigator.
    • The patient pathography is included as an integral part of the patient assignment for these courses.
    • The assignment of objects across cultures to any one of these categories ranged from the arbitrary and humorous to the disturbing and offensive.
    • Thus, current district policies on school assignment are likely to need a major overhaul.
    allocation, allotment, issuing, issuance, awarding, grant, granting, administration, earmarking, designation, setting aside, budgeting
  • 3An act of making a legal transfer of a right, property, or liability.


    an assignment of leasehold property


    Example sentencesExamples
    • An assignment by the mortgagee is not such an action or proceeding.
    • I therefore find that the assignment was valid and the assignee could sue in its own name.
    • Moreover, transferees under an equitable assignment need to join the transferor when suing the debtor/obligor.
    • Sub-lettings, assignments, lease flexibility and concessions to tenants are now becoming the norm.
    • There was no conveyance, assignment or transfer.
    transfer, making over, giving, passing on, handing down, conveyance, consignment, alienation
    1. 3.1 A document effecting the legal transfer of a right or property.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Court disregards the opinion of any witness for either side as to what constitutes an assignment document!
      • The directors have incorporated the effect of the deed of assignment in these financial statements as they consider this gives a correct reflection of the nature of the underlying transactions.
      • At this stage there is a lot of paper work to be completed such as, direct debits, life assignments, legal documents.
      • It is important to note that para 25 does no more, but no less, than to preserve the legal effect of a pre-commencement assignment or agreement to assign.
      • The employer executes a deed of assignment in standard form assigning legal ownership of the policies to each of the employees concerned and the insurers are notified accordingly.


Late Middle English: from Old French assignement, from medieval Latin assignamentum, from Latin assignare ‘allot’ (see assign).





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