

单词 commission

Definition of commission in English:


noun kəˈmɪʃ(ə)nkəˈmɪʃən
  • 1An instruction, command, or role given to a person or group.


    one of his first commissions was to redesign the Great Exhibition building


    with infinitive he received a commission to act as an informer


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Before Murdoch sailed, Fisher, now the Australian prime minister, gave him an official commission to report on the progress of the Gallipoli campaign.
    • The pirate manages to convince King William III to give him a commission to guard a valuable treasure ship traveling to England.
    • Phil Winskill undertakes commissions of all kinds, including repair and restoration.
    • During World War I, veterinarians won commissions to manage the large population of horses used by the military.
    • Unfortunately, he got drunk after receiving the sacred instruments of his commission and fell asleep by the roadside.
    • Fletcher, along with the treacherous Terrill, is given a commission to hunt down Josey and Jamie.
    • Izzet luxuriated in his roving midfield commission and City could have been two up in the first 10 minutes.
    • A cowardly Jonah fled from God's commission to preach to the Ninevites.
    • He sees opportunities in the corporate and hospitality market in which the firm has already undertaken commissions for events such as the Scottish Politician of the Year.
    • I may not have realised all the dreams and hopes I had in my youthful idealism, but I have Jesus and his commands and his commissions.
    task, employment, job, work, piece of work, project, mission, assignment, undertaking, exercise, enterprise, endeavour, solution
    duty, charge, responsibility, burden
    dated office
    1. 1.1 An order for something, especially a work of art, to be produced specially.
      Mozart at last received a commission to write an opera
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Since choreographing Underland in Sydney, Stephen has been undertaking commissions in Sweden, Denmark, France and England through to 2005.
      • Shortly before Angela's death he took the Four Seasons commission, a major project.
      • Equipped with an English degree and a dossier of poetry, she used to move in circles with short-story writers and poets until she stumbled on a commission to write her first play.
      • Sutherland accepted a commission to paint a Crucifixion for a church in Northampton.
      • He moved to Paris in 1767, and after a couple of years had become so popular that he received regular commissions to write two or three operas a year for various theatres.
      • His massive cycle of mass Propers, built round plainchant melodies, was composed partly in response to the Konstanz commission, partly for use by the imperial chapel choir.
      • In December 1894 Mucha became famous with a commission for a poster for the actress Sarah Bernard.
      • It was only after health problems five years ago that he took early retirement and began painting again, using his business contacts to get commissions.
      • For her premiere commission, she ‘wrote what I knew about’, her experience of working in inner-city primary schools.
      • Cumbria Country Council asked Goldsworthy to undertake a major landscape commission in 1996.
      • The Glasgow-based artist will travel with his dealer, Matthew Flowers, to Italy in June, where he will meet with Catholic officials to discuss the commission.
      • He has done a small number of private commissions but has undertaken no major painting work.
      • The first warning I got from Mil when I landed the commission to write my first book was ‘don't read your reviews.’
      • As well as large and small private commissions, they undertake corporate projects, particularly the decoration of show homes.
      • The Venetian government and the confraternities were the most significant patrons, and their commissions to Venetian artists created a Venetian stylistic tradition.
      • Here, then, Alberti is speaking to would-be patrons and laying the groundwork for enlightened and responsible artistic commissions.
      • This has given the company a solid base on which to expand - selling silver goods wholesale to some of Europe's most prestigious jewellers and undertaking all manner of commissions.
      • His interpretation of Constructivism made him internationally famous, with commissions from all over the world.
      • Le Corbusier, a staunch atheist, at first had refused to accept the commission to rebuild the chapel.
      • I have turned down four other commissions in order to do yours.
      purchase order, request, requisition, demand, call
    2. 1.2 A work produced in response to a commission.
      in that year Zeuxis painted his most famous commission
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Fix, the product of this prestigious commission, will be performed at New Moves, the Glasgow-based international choreography festival.
      • An integral part of the redevelopment is an impressive series of site-specific art commissions by contemporary artists.
      • The firm, which specialises in bespoke commissions in stainless steel and solid timber, will celebrate its first birthday in June.
      • The renowned sculptor Bob Allen, famous for commissions at Canary Wharf and of the late Queen Mother, will launch the event on Saturday with a private preview.
      • Later he worked as composer-in-residence at Glasgow's Tron Theatre, an invaluable experience as far as his later film commissions were concerned.
      • While a variety of moulds are available, new ones are often made as special one-off commissions if requested.
      • Original dark wood panelling and elaborate cornicing are complemented by a patchwork-style velvet bedspread - an original commission by artist Jo Stewart.
      • The shows on offer include seven world premieres and five new special commissions, as well as various eye-catching and imaginative ventures on the visual arts front.
      • Local painter Fiona Curran has her own website detailing all her latest commissions, projects and CV.
      • He believes the 6ft 6in painting was a special commission by the Levy family, probably wealthy members of the Jewish community in Leeds.
      • The foundry was also responsible for many local commissions, including York's first gas lamps and the railings for St Leonard's Place.
      • Recent repertoire has included works by resident choreographer Myers, as well as choreography and commissions by artists Miller, King, and others.
    3. 1.3archaic mass noun The authority to perform a task or certain duties.
      the divine Commission of Christ


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Brown's reforms would retain the commission and the role of the Queen, but would remove the prime minister from the process.
      • It is essential that we start this project with clearly defined commission.
      • The active duty officer has a solemn professional responsibility based on his oath of office and commission for the official tasks he undertakes.
      • What we also found was that at the same time Mr Smith was in the employ and commission of the fishery company.
      warrant, licence, sanction, authority
  • 2A group of people entrusted by a government or other official body with authority to do something.


    a commission was appointed to investigate allegations of police violence
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The commission has the authority to summon anyone, including state officials without the approval of the president.
    • Minority community representatives should be included in all government-appointed educational bodies and commissions.
    • UN officials highlighted initiatives, including the establishment of a new human rights body and a peace-building commission to help nations emerging from war.
    • ‘Funding will have to come from various sources, primarily from funding bodies like the lottery commission and so on,’ he said.
    • The White House turned over 12 of the documents to the commission yesterday, officials said.
    • He said he would ensure that the pay commissions and negotiating bodies covering public sector pay would be told to move towards regional pay.
    • An official commission will investigate the case.
    • Chairman Tony Hams said the authority had accepted the commission's finding and had already put in place new systems within the planning system to bring it up to scratch.
    • The commission, the inspection body for the health service, has undertaken only 15 such reviews nationally in nearly four years - none previously in Yorkshire.
    • The commission praised the authority as well as picking up on a few criticisms, and the council have admitted there is still lots to be done.
    • The commission is an independent body set up in 1999 to consider alleged miscarriages of justice.
    • Business interests were incorporated more fully into commissions and advisory bodies.
    • Dr Liz Kernohan, who will represent the district's directors of public health on the commission, welcomed its creation.
    • Mercosur is run by a Common Market Council and an executive body supported by various commissions.
    • A similar exercise has been performed again in the form of official and voluntary facts-finding commissions and other investigative reports.
    • The duo propose to set up a commission to examine the authorities thoroughly, and they call for reforms in procurement and in government ethics.
    • The commission reworked official figures which showed that the level of pensions savings in Britain had been ‘seriously overestimated’.
    • A British government official told the UN commission for human rights last week that a public inquiry would be held into the murder, but that most witnesses would give evidence in private.
    • The commission is the latest body to complain about access to administration documents.
    • However, according to the BBC report, the review's recommendation for two separate bodies to replace the commission, will not be implemented.
    committee, board, board of commissioners, council, panel, directorate, advisory body, advisorate, convocation, delegation
  • 3A sum, typically a set percentage of the value involved, paid to an agent in a commercial transaction.


    foreign banks may charge a commission


    he sold cosmetics on commission


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He said a standard 6 per cent commission paid to intermediary brokers on every premium would drive up the new insurer's cost base.
    • Football agents are paid mighty commissions on huge sums of money, often earned as middle men, because chairmen won't, or don't, talk to each other.
    • Most agents charge profit-related commissions of up to 7.5 per cent annually but this should lower the annual fees.
    • It allows them trade their shares for a discounted commission fee of 0.5 per cent.
    • After February 28, banks will charge a 0.25 per cent commission on each transaction.
    • The broker earns a commission on this transaction, typically paid by the owner of the list.
    • Some owners are now registering their properties with independent agents who charge lower commissions or a flat fee to sell the property.
    • If you've ever sold a house, you know that real estate agents can charge a commission between 5 and 6 percent.
    • Besides a hefty 6-figure income, Daniel also worked on commission, getting a percentage of the money from a sale.
    • There is a commission charge of 1 per cent of value on each ATM transaction.
    • At the same time, several securities brokers are offering discounts on commission charged for online trades, which is attractive to those who trade frequently.
    • The majority of financial advisers are still paid on a commission basis by the life assurance companies to sell insurance, investment and pension products.
    • If they sell on, a South African agent will charge a commission of 7 per cent.
    • However, they will be remunerated entirely from the commission paid by financial services companies to advisers in return for placing a customer's business with them.
    • Estate agents charge commission of about 7 per cent and a nominal legal fee of around €120 is usually charged.
    • Agents earn commissions based on cruise fares, not including port charges, taxes and other fees.
    • In most cases, lenders pay mortgage brokers a commission, which is usually between 0.5 and 1 per cent of the loan amount.
    • Both buyer and seller pay the auction house a considerable commission for effecting the transaction.
    • The largest publishers would have their own shops, or agents selling books on commission, in other cities as well as their own.
    • Customers should not pay more than a 5 per cent charge on all pension contributions on a commission basis.
    percentage, brokerage, share, portion, dividend, premium, fee, consideration, bonus, gratuity, tip, honorarium
    informal cut, take, whack, rake-off, slice, slice of the cake, piece of the action
    British informal divvy
    rare apportionment, quantum, moiety
  • 4A warrant conferring the rank of officer in an army, navy, or air force.


    he has resigned his commission
    she intended to apply for a commission in the army
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The court heard Cpl Fox was being fast-tracked for a commission with the Army after joining up at 28.
    • He fled France disguised as a woman and was given a commission in the imperial army in 1683.
    • Approximately 250 qualified candidates will attend the school on their way to earning reserve commissions as second lieutenants.
    • Graduates not only receive a Bachelor of Science degree but also a commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army.
    • Effective immediately, I have tendered the resignation of my commission to the Army of the United States.
    • MacSween's first introduction to the world of customer service came in 1987, after he had completed a short commission as a Royal Navy gunnery officer.
    • But their reward was fast-track promotion and a good chance of a commission as an engineer officer.
    • When Parrish tried to resign his commission, the Army told him it was too late.
    • Following ordination he served in Shepparton and in a team ministry in Maryborough, central Victoria and then accepted a commission as an Army Chaplain in the ARA.
    • He went from being a lieutenant in the Soviet ‘Red’ Army to earning a commission in the U.S. Air Force, and has never looked back.
    • He received a Regular Army commission as lieutenant and assistant surgeon at the end of 1886 and over the next several years served in several frontier posts.
    • I resigned my commission and joined the Army National Guard after retiring from a career in finance.
    • When the War of Independence breaks out, Harry joins Washington, and George, who is in the British army, resigns his commission rather than run the risk of fighting against his brother.
    • The 35-year-old claimed the remarks and attitude of her superior officer prevented her from gaining a regular commission in the Army and ended her career in 1999.
    • Did you know that you might be an ideal candidate for becoming an officer through a direct commission?
    • In 1969, he applied for Officer Candidate School and earned a commission as an Infantry officer.
    • After graduating from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1947, he received his commission in the Army Air Corps.
    • Warrant Officers will also be encouraged to take a commission and make their way through the ranks.
    • When the act passed the next year, she became the first non-Medical Corps woman to receive a commission in the Regular Army.
    • He decided to resign his commission in the British army and became the first librarian of the Belfast Society for the Promotion of Knowledge.
  • 5mass noun The action of committing a crime or offence.


    the commission of an arrestable offence
    the errors are of omission rather than commission
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Those charges were commission of a crime with a firearm, abduction of a woman and six charges of rape.
    • We have in mind in particular cases where there is a long interval between the date of commission of the offence and the date of conviction.
    • Generally, with isolated and notable exceptions such as impaired driving, the perceived risk of detection for commission of a crime is low.
    • Furthermore, the evidence relates to the actual commission of the offence, rather than to an admission to an already completed offence.
    • The norms are an amplification of the canons of the Code which are to be applied in cases of alleged commission of canonical crimes.
    • The clear and intentional commission of a crime by one party obviously heightens the difficulty of entering into mediation in good faith.
    • The penalty for these offences of omission is the same as the offences of commission of which the motorist was suspected.
    • The commission of any crime with a gun should be viewed as a more serious crime and the punishment should be adjusted accordingly.
    • Considering this cluster of offenders is important when examining the relationship between drug activities and crime commission.
    • The suspension was prompted by what the SCPO saw as a risk of presumed future commission of criminal offences.
    • Plus, he got five years for using a firearm during commission of a crime.
    • Managing directors Nigel Jackson and John Mather and operations manager Peter Denton each admitted commission of the offence was attributable to their neglect.
    • Your Honours, it is our submission that the object of these proceedings is to punish and to impose punishment for commission of offences.
    • Income from drug distribution was related to both increased frequency of drug-distribution and violent crime, as well as to the overall commission of crime.
    • Your Honour, the scheme of the legislation, as we say, is dealing with commission of indictable offences.
    • Any State was authorized to arrest and bring to justice persons suspected of engaging in piracy, whatever their nationality and the place of commission of the crime.
    • The punishment, as I noted, flows from the actual commission of a specific crime, the requisite elements of which have been proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
    • Knowledge of race redistributes probabilities about past and potential commission of crimes.
    • The Apex Court accepted the contention of the petitioners that mens rea is necessary for commission of offences under these Sections.
    • But does danger to the community mean any more than, another way of saying, risk of commission of further crimes?
    perpetration, committing, committal, execution, performance
verb kəˈmɪʃ(ə)nkəˈmɪʃən
[with object]
  • 1Order or authorize the production of (something)

    the portrait was commissioned by his widow in 1792
    Example sentencesExamples
    • New staff were being trained and new equipment commissioned which, it was hoped, would lead to significant reductions in the next year.
    • Mr Ahern has ordered all port authorities to commission a comprehensive audit of port properties and programme of property management.
    • Central to the programme is a showcase of three captivating fluid dance pieces specially commissioned for the event, performed by international artists at the forefront of the Contact Improvisation scene.
    • The soap/moisturiser manufacturer recently commissioned a survey that pretty much confirmed what we already know.
    • The sculpture will be commissioned from a major artist and it will be erected next year.
    • Each decade since the 1930s the BBC has commissioned lifestyle research in order to find out how and when people watch TV.
    • No expense is spared on costumes, which are lavish and made in-house, often to designs commissioned from artists and stars of the fashion world.
    • His large metal sculptures were commissioned by numerous civic authorities around the country some years ago.
    • Her wealth enabled her to acquire works of art in Rome, where she commissioned a portrait bust of herself from Thorvaldsen for delivery in 1817.
    • After a fruitless one-year search, I commissioned the design and production of smile pins.
    • The client is an industrial designer who commissioned the modern classical piece along with his 3,200-square-foot modernist house.
    • The report is formally made to whoever commissioned the inquiry.
    • Also present on the site and giving the tour was Mr Jim Gill who is chairman of the Authority who commissioned the memorial.
    • In fact the string quartet was Nasa's idea, the product of an arts programme that, over the past 30 years, has commissioned work from artists including Andy Warhol and Robert Rauschenberg.
    • In the USA, a new US $5million production line was commissioned at the New Century Kansas facility.
    • The works discussed here are from the catalogue's first volume, which was produced before the artists had created the pieces that were commissioned for the exhibition.
    • If you've ever entertained the notion of commissioning your very own piece of music, now there's a guide to help you out.
    • She also showed nine portrait miniatures commissioned by Philadelphians.
    • The chief executive of Bradford Vision - the group which commissioned Lord Ouseley's report on race relations in the city - has suddenly quit his job after only six months.
    • The sculpture was commissioned by O'Connor, formerly of North Cork and now resident in the UK.
    order, put in an order for, place an order for, contract for, pay for
    rare bespeak
    1. 1.1with object and infinitive Order or authorize (a person or organization) to do or produce something.
      they commissioned an architect to manage the building project


      he was commissioned to do a series of drawings


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When Cassels, the German architect, came to Sligo in 1730 to build Hazelwood House for the Wynne's, he was also commissioned to build St. John's.
      • The Scottish Executive clearly trusts him too - it has commissioned him to come up with a major event to promote the Highlands in 2007.
      • Yes, I was commissioned by the Government to make 30 documentaries on our freedom struggle starting with the 1857 uprising.
      • No one commissioned him to preach; and he belonged to no church.
      • Recognised for his bush ingenuity, he was soon commissioned to construct mobile camps for mineral exploration companies.
      • He has also commissioned Andrew Roberts, the flamboyant historian, to draw up a list of events children will be obliged to learn about under a Conservative government.
      • He was commissioned by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport to organise the event, which will create a cultural network of events in each of the 12 bidding cities.
      • The former MP had commissioned William Chambers, George III's architectural tutor, and Capability Brown to rebuild his estate, Milton Abbey.
      • We only need to deliver the services that people are commissioning us for.
      • The top Dublin radio station commissioned magician Keith Barry to wow the crowd of loyal listeners with his freakishly spooky illusionist abilities…
      • We met in London and she was commissioned to begin the first-ever modern contemporary state dance company in Turkey, so I moved there.
      • The Heytesbury Village Hall Development Group commissioned Michael Fowler architects to design the hall and nine houses.
      • She's commissioned the Bureau of Statistics to do a study of both male and female violence which will report in a couple of years' time.
      • I have been a trucker and bus driver for 40 years and I think the council would have been better commissioning me or others like myself with some driving experience, it would have been cheaper and better.
      • Hotter has been working on Ned Kelly in various forms since 2002, when he was commissioned by the City Gallery to play the character at the Sidney Noland exhibition for corporate guests.
      • Robbins was an impecunious 27-year-old journalist when he first met Hurst, then aged 80, who commissioned him to pen a screenplay for a biblical blockbuster.
      • But Heggessey, who has commissioned him to front a £3 million series on extreme weather this autumn, may now be questioning whether he can live up to his billing.
      • Miller commissioned the architect John Kinross to refurbish and extend his home in a manner appropriate to a member of the Edwardian nouveau riche.
      • Michael was originally commissioned to research information for a documentary on Braddock, but this was later expanded when interest in a film on the boxer's life began developing.
      • The new company would be commissioning outsiders to produce games.
      engage, contract, charge, employ, hire, recruit, retain, appoint, enlist, co-opt, book, sign up
      authorize, empower
      Military detail
  • 2Bring (something newly produced) into working condition.


    we had a few hiccups getting the heating equipment commissioned


    the aircraft carrier was commissioned in 1945


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I accept the submission that a contributing factor to the need for extra training was the delay by the contractor in having all the equipment in place, commissioned and operating on time.
    • Once the turbine has been erected, it will take several days of tests before the machine is formally commissioned and producing electricity.
    • The other approach, he says, is to determine what systems or equipment should be fully commissioned based on the impact a failure can have on an organization and its reliability needs.
    • VA Tech Hydro will be responsible for the engineering, manufacture, delivery, installation and commissioning of the electromechanical equipment of the power plant.
    • Before the new equipment at Slade Lane is commissioned at Christmas, there will be more weekend closures later in the year to finish it, meaning further disruption.
  • 3Appoint (someone) to the rank of officer in an army, navy, or air force.


    he was commissioned into the Royal Fusiliers


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He was commissioned in the British Army in 1911 and during World War I commanded in frontline action at every echelon from platoon to brigade.
    • In 1847, Congress gave army medical officers commissioned rank; for the first time, they began to use military titles.
    • He was commissioned in the U.S. Army in 1970 after completing Reserve Officer Training.
    • In 1968, he was commissioned as an Infantry officer through ROTC after graduation from the University of Florida.
    • He was commissioned as a pilot officer on October 1 in 1939.
    • The four will be commissioned as Army major generals for an approximate two-year term while serving intermittently in this role.
    • He was commissioned into the US army just in time to see action in the final battles of the Mexican war.
    • Anderson later served as a warrant officer and commissioned officer in the Army Reserve.
    • Born in Yilong, Sichuan Province, he was commissioned into the imperial army and attended the Yunnan military academy.
    • He is a graduate of the U. S. Military Academy and was commissioned into the Aviation branch.
    • He was commissioned into the Infantry from the U.S. Military Academy in 1978.
    • Group Captain Smith was commissioned into the Air Force on April 20, 1970, after working as an accountant.
    • After training, he was commissioned a lieutenant colonel in the new army having made the cut for promotion from his former rank in the old army.
    • After qualifying in dentistry, he was commissioned into the Army Dental Corps, with service in the Middle East.
    • He was commissioned in the Navy the following year.
    • I joined as a private soldier in 1941 and I was commissioned as an officer in 1945.
    • He was commissioned as an armor officer in 1991 from Niagara University.
    • The 27-year-old officer joined the Navy in 1991 as a junior rate, and was commissioned as an officer in 1998.
    • Brooke's poems were published in 1911, and after a year wandering in the North America and the South Seas, he was commissioned into the Royal Navy.
    • Young people who have been commissioned reserve officers know that with very rare exceptions, they will not be called up for active military service.


  • in commission

    • In use or in service.

      a reduced number of ships were retained in commission
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Out of the total of 451 surface warships and submarines in commission during the war, 332 had been sunk by the time Japan surrendered and only 37, or 8.2%, remained operational.
      • My computer is now back in commission, and that makes me happy.
      • During almost ten years in commission, the ship has steamed nearly 110,000 miles and visited 81 ports in 14 countries.
      • Manned by a crew of eight including the Captain, the vessel is one of the largest of its kind in commission at the present time.
      • While the Royal Yacht Britannia was in commission, Patricia was the only ship allowed to sail ahead of her when the Queen was on board, a right which would be exercised annually by escorting the Royal Yacht out of Portsmouth.
      • Well, we know which one that is, since the Republic has only one of those experimental ships in commission right now.
      • During those decades, the reserve provided core crews for ships not in commission and personnel to augment crews of both active U.S. Navy ships and the navy shore establishment upon mobilization for war.
      • The squadron disbanded on October 10, 1945-but reformed on April 17, 1952, and has been in commission ever since.
      • Less than a year in commission and we're already breaking in a new one.
      • He could opt to keep the submarines in commission beyond 2025.
      in service, in use, in employment, in action
  • out of commission

    • 1Not in service; not in working order.


      my car is out of commission until a new clutch arrives
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There were no injuries, but the helicopter was put out of commission until replacement parts arrived.
      • The old steam frigate was taken out of commission in March after 34 years' service.
      • How long do you think your car will be out of commission?
      • The pool was out of commission until the end of May while repairs were carried out.
      • And until they were totally destroyed, and the lab out of commission, the cartel would continue to bring in the shipments in this manner.
      • All of them looked up at the car and Officer Swan came back their way, ‘Well with your car out of commission I thought I'd get you a ride… and this is all they had left.’
      • But an engine defect put the car out of commission at 14, 500 kilometers.
      • Since my car was out of commission, I decided to take a walk, after all the ‘Old Barns’ wasn't very far from my house.
      • Repairs to Orkney's largest fishing vessel, Orcades Viking III, look likely to cost more than one million pounds with the boat being out of commission until May at the earliest.
      • He asked hesitantly, knowing that my car was out of commission at the moment.
      not in service, unavailable for use, not in use, out of action, unserviceable
      1. 1.1(of a person) unable to work or function normally, especially through illness or injury.
        I'm employing her; I have to know how long she's likely to be out of commission
        Example sentencesExamples
        • In the future, an athlete who puts her knee out of commission by tearing the anterior cruciate ligament will be able to obtain a bio-engineered replacement that will be as good, or even better, than the original tissue.
        • Mike Frank will only be out short term, but with Dara and John out of commission for the time being, the opportunity is there for others to make their mark.
        • No federal law governs health-club contracts, but you should be able to cancel if you move more than 25 miles from the club or an injury puts you out of commission.
        • A major injury puts you out of commission for a minimum of four weeks.
        • And so, it puts them out of commission for that period of time.
        • ‘I had broken my wrist playing soccer and that pretty much put me out of commission,’ explains Bromley.
        • He began competing at the national level, but was put out of commission for a while by a knee injury.
        • Her replacement, Joel Ruimy, was sailing along, keeping Arnold at bay until a heart attack took him out of commission several weeks ago.
        • After Jimmy and Mr. Devlin are nearly killed in a car bomb, Devlin is knocked out of commission, leaving Jimmy some big shoes to fill!
        • I do not understand what I thought I was missing; it's not as if I had been rowing for years when my injury put me so out of commission.


Middle English: via Old French from Latin commissio(n-), from committere 'entrust' (see commit).

  • Commission came into English via Old French from Latin committere ‘entrust’. Late Middle English commit is from the same root. Commissionaire (mid 17th century) came via French from medieval Latin commissarius ‘person in charge’, from committere. Committee, however, was formed in the late 15th century directly from commit and originally meant someone entrusting with something.

Definition of commission in US English:


(also comm.)
  • 1An instruction, command, or duty given to a person or group of people.


    he received a commission to act as an informer


    his commission to redesign the building
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Phil Winskill undertakes commissions of all kinds, including repair and restoration.
    • A cowardly Jonah fled from God's commission to preach to the Ninevites.
    • During World War I, veterinarians won commissions to manage the large population of horses used by the military.
    • Unfortunately, he got drunk after receiving the sacred instruments of his commission and fell asleep by the roadside.
    • Before Murdoch sailed, Fisher, now the Australian prime minister, gave him an official commission to report on the progress of the Gallipoli campaign.
    • I may not have realised all the dreams and hopes I had in my youthful idealism, but I have Jesus and his commands and his commissions.
    • Fletcher, along with the treacherous Terrill, is given a commission to hunt down Josey and Jamie.
    • He sees opportunities in the corporate and hospitality market in which the firm has already undertaken commissions for events such as the Scottish Politician of the Year.
    • The pirate manages to convince King William III to give him a commission to guard a valuable treasure ship traveling to England.
    • Izzet luxuriated in his roving midfield commission and City could have been two up in the first 10 minutes.
    task, employment, job, work, piece of work, project, mission, assignment, undertaking, exercise, enterprise, endeavour, solution
    1. 1.1 An order for something, especially a work of art, to be produced.
      Mozart at last received a commission to write an opera
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He has done a small number of private commissions but has undertaken no major painting work.
      • For her premiere commission, she ‘wrote what I knew about’, her experience of working in inner-city primary schools.
      • This has given the company a solid base on which to expand - selling silver goods wholesale to some of Europe's most prestigious jewellers and undertaking all manner of commissions.
      • His interpretation of Constructivism made him internationally famous, with commissions from all over the world.
      • The Glasgow-based artist will travel with his dealer, Matthew Flowers, to Italy in June, where he will meet with Catholic officials to discuss the commission.
      • Here, then, Alberti is speaking to would-be patrons and laying the groundwork for enlightened and responsible artistic commissions.
      • Equipped with an English degree and a dossier of poetry, she used to move in circles with short-story writers and poets until she stumbled on a commission to write her first play.
      • Shortly before Angela's death he took the Four Seasons commission, a major project.
      • I have turned down four other commissions in order to do yours.
      • His massive cycle of mass Propers, built round plainchant melodies, was composed partly in response to the Konstanz commission, partly for use by the imperial chapel choir.
      • The first warning I got from Mil when I landed the commission to write my first book was ‘don't read your reviews.’
      • In December 1894 Mucha became famous with a commission for a poster for the actress Sarah Bernard.
      • Le Corbusier, a staunch atheist, at first had refused to accept the commission to rebuild the chapel.
      • He moved to Paris in 1767, and after a couple of years had become so popular that he received regular commissions to write two or three operas a year for various theatres.
      • Sutherland accepted a commission to paint a Crucifixion for a church in Northampton.
      • It was only after health problems five years ago that he took early retirement and began painting again, using his business contacts to get commissions.
      • Cumbria Country Council asked Goldsworthy to undertake a major landscape commission in 1996.
      • The Venetian government and the confraternities were the most significant patrons, and their commissions to Venetian artists created a Venetian stylistic tradition.
      • Since choreographing Underland in Sydney, Stephen has been undertaking commissions in Sweden, Denmark, France and England through to 2005.
      • As well as large and small private commissions, they undertake corporate projects, particularly the decoration of show homes.
      purchase order, request, requisition, demand, call
    2. 1.2 A work produced in response to a commission.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Local painter Fiona Curran has her own website detailing all her latest commissions, projects and CV.
      • The shows on offer include seven world premieres and five new special commissions, as well as various eye-catching and imaginative ventures on the visual arts front.
      • The renowned sculptor Bob Allen, famous for commissions at Canary Wharf and of the late Queen Mother, will launch the event on Saturday with a private preview.
      • Later he worked as composer-in-residence at Glasgow's Tron Theatre, an invaluable experience as far as his later film commissions were concerned.
      • The foundry was also responsible for many local commissions, including York's first gas lamps and the railings for St Leonard's Place.
      • Fix, the product of this prestigious commission, will be performed at New Moves, the Glasgow-based international choreography festival.
      • Original dark wood panelling and elaborate cornicing are complemented by a patchwork-style velvet bedspread - an original commission by artist Jo Stewart.
      • While a variety of moulds are available, new ones are often made as special one-off commissions if requested.
      • The firm, which specialises in bespoke commissions in stainless steel and solid timber, will celebrate its first birthday in June.
      • Recent repertoire has included works by resident choreographer Myers, as well as choreography and commissions by artists Miller, King, and others.
      • He believes the 6ft 6in painting was a special commission by the Levy family, probably wealthy members of the Jewish community in Leeds.
      • An integral part of the redevelopment is an impressive series of site-specific art commissions by contemporary artists.
    3. 1.3archaic The authority to perform a task or certain duties.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The active duty officer has a solemn professional responsibility based on his oath of office and commission for the official tasks he undertakes.
      • Brown's reforms would retain the commission and the role of the Queen, but would remove the prime minister from the process.
      • It is essential that we start this project with clearly defined commission.
      • What we also found was that at the same time Mr Smith was in the employ and commission of the fishery company.
      warrant, licence, sanction, authority
  • 2A group of people officially charged with a particular function.

    the United Nations High Commission for Refugees
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Dr Liz Kernohan, who will represent the district's directors of public health on the commission, welcomed its creation.
    • Mercosur is run by a Common Market Council and an executive body supported by various commissions.
    • Chairman Tony Hams said the authority had accepted the commission's finding and had already put in place new systems within the planning system to bring it up to scratch.
    • Minority community representatives should be included in all government-appointed educational bodies and commissions.
    • ‘Funding will have to come from various sources, primarily from funding bodies like the lottery commission and so on,’ he said.
    • An official commission will investigate the case.
    • UN officials highlighted initiatives, including the establishment of a new human rights body and a peace-building commission to help nations emerging from war.
    • However, according to the BBC report, the review's recommendation for two separate bodies to replace the commission, will not be implemented.
    • A similar exercise has been performed again in the form of official and voluntary facts-finding commissions and other investigative reports.
    • Business interests were incorporated more fully into commissions and advisory bodies.
    • The duo propose to set up a commission to examine the authorities thoroughly, and they call for reforms in procurement and in government ethics.
    • The commission praised the authority as well as picking up on a few criticisms, and the council have admitted there is still lots to be done.
    • The commission has the authority to summon anyone, including state officials without the approval of the president.
    • The commission reworked official figures which showed that the level of pensions savings in Britain had been ‘seriously overestimated’.
    • The commission is the latest body to complain about access to administration documents.
    • The White House turned over 12 of the documents to the commission yesterday, officials said.
    • He said he would ensure that the pay commissions and negotiating bodies covering public sector pay would be told to move towards regional pay.
    • A British government official told the UN commission for human rights last week that a public inquiry would be held into the murder, but that most witnesses would give evidence in private.
    • The commission, the inspection body for the health service, has undertaken only 15 such reviews nationally in nearly four years - none previously in Yorkshire.
    • The commission is an independent body set up in 1999 to consider alleged miscarriages of justice.
    committee, board, board of commissioners, council, panel, directorate, advisory body, advisorate, convocation, delegation
  • 3An amount of money, typically a set percentage of the value involved, paid to an agent in a commercial transaction.


    foreign banks may charge a commission


    he sold cosmetics on commission


    Example sentencesExamples
    • If they sell on, a South African agent will charge a commission of 7 per cent.
    • In most cases, lenders pay mortgage brokers a commission, which is usually between 0.5 and 1 per cent of the loan amount.
    • Customers should not pay more than a 5 per cent charge on all pension contributions on a commission basis.
    • He said a standard 6 per cent commission paid to intermediary brokers on every premium would drive up the new insurer's cost base.
    • The broker earns a commission on this transaction, typically paid by the owner of the list.
    • Besides a hefty 6-figure income, Daniel also worked on commission, getting a percentage of the money from a sale.
    • However, they will be remunerated entirely from the commission paid by financial services companies to advisers in return for placing a customer's business with them.
    • Both buyer and seller pay the auction house a considerable commission for effecting the transaction.
    • The majority of financial advisers are still paid on a commission basis by the life assurance companies to sell insurance, investment and pension products.
    • The largest publishers would have their own shops, or agents selling books on commission, in other cities as well as their own.
    • After February 28, banks will charge a 0.25 per cent commission on each transaction.
    • If you've ever sold a house, you know that real estate agents can charge a commission between 5 and 6 percent.
    • Most agents charge profit-related commissions of up to 7.5 per cent annually but this should lower the annual fees.
    • Agents earn commissions based on cruise fares, not including port charges, taxes and other fees.
    • Estate agents charge commission of about 7 per cent and a nominal legal fee of around €120 is usually charged.
    • At the same time, several securities brokers are offering discounts on commission charged for online trades, which is attractive to those who trade frequently.
    • Football agents are paid mighty commissions on huge sums of money, often earned as middle men, because chairmen won't, or don't, talk to each other.
    • There is a commission charge of 1 per cent of value on each ATM transaction.
    • Some owners are now registering their properties with independent agents who charge lower commissions or a flat fee to sell the property.
    • It allows them trade their shares for a discounted commission fee of 0.5 per cent.
    percentage, brokerage, share, portion, dividend, premium, fee, consideration, bonus, gratuity, tip, honorarium
  • 4A warrant conferring the rank of officer in an army, navy, or air force.


    he has resigned his commission
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Approximately 250 qualified candidates will attend the school on their way to earning reserve commissions as second lieutenants.
    • I resigned my commission and joined the Army National Guard after retiring from a career in finance.
    • MacSween's first introduction to the world of customer service came in 1987, after he had completed a short commission as a Royal Navy gunnery officer.
    • Did you know that you might be an ideal candidate for becoming an officer through a direct commission?
    • After graduating from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1947, he received his commission in the Army Air Corps.
    • When Parrish tried to resign his commission, the Army told him it was too late.
    • He decided to resign his commission in the British army and became the first librarian of the Belfast Society for the Promotion of Knowledge.
    • He received a Regular Army commission as lieutenant and assistant surgeon at the end of 1886 and over the next several years served in several frontier posts.
    • In 1969, he applied for Officer Candidate School and earned a commission as an Infantry officer.
    • Graduates not only receive a Bachelor of Science degree but also a commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army.
    • Following ordination he served in Shepparton and in a team ministry in Maryborough, central Victoria and then accepted a commission as an Army Chaplain in the ARA.
    • He went from being a lieutenant in the Soviet ‘Red’ Army to earning a commission in the U.S. Air Force, and has never looked back.
    • The 35-year-old claimed the remarks and attitude of her superior officer prevented her from gaining a regular commission in the Army and ended her career in 1999.
    • Warrant Officers will also be encouraged to take a commission and make their way through the ranks.
    • But their reward was fast-track promotion and a good chance of a commission as an engineer officer.
    • He fled France disguised as a woman and was given a commission in the imperial army in 1683.
    • Effective immediately, I have tendered the resignation of my commission to the Army of the United States.
    • The court heard Cpl Fox was being fast-tracked for a commission with the Army after joining up at 28.
    • When the War of Independence breaks out, Harry joins Washington, and George, who is in the British army, resigns his commission rather than run the risk of fighting against his brother.
    • When the act passed the next year, she became the first non-Medical Corps woman to receive a commission in the Regular Army.
  • 5The action of committing a crime or offense.


    use of a deadly weapon in the commission of a felony
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The suspension was prompted by what the SCPO saw as a risk of presumed future commission of criminal offences.
    • Knowledge of race redistributes probabilities about past and potential commission of crimes.
    • Those charges were commission of a crime with a firearm, abduction of a woman and six charges of rape.
    • The punishment, as I noted, flows from the actual commission of a specific crime, the requisite elements of which have been proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
    • Your Honour, the scheme of the legislation, as we say, is dealing with commission of indictable offences.
    • The commission of any crime with a gun should be viewed as a more serious crime and the punishment should be adjusted accordingly.
    • We have in mind in particular cases where there is a long interval between the date of commission of the offence and the date of conviction.
    • Managing directors Nigel Jackson and John Mather and operations manager Peter Denton each admitted commission of the offence was attributable to their neglect.
    • The penalty for these offences of omission is the same as the offences of commission of which the motorist was suspected.
    • Income from drug distribution was related to both increased frequency of drug-distribution and violent crime, as well as to the overall commission of crime.
    • The norms are an amplification of the canons of the Code which are to be applied in cases of alleged commission of canonical crimes.
    • The clear and intentional commission of a crime by one party obviously heightens the difficulty of entering into mediation in good faith.
    • Generally, with isolated and notable exceptions such as impaired driving, the perceived risk of detection for commission of a crime is low.
    • Plus, he got five years for using a firearm during commission of a crime.
    • The Apex Court accepted the contention of the petitioners that mens rea is necessary for commission of offences under these Sections.
    • Your Honours, it is our submission that the object of these proceedings is to punish and to impose punishment for commission of offences.
    • Furthermore, the evidence relates to the actual commission of the offence, rather than to an admission to an already completed offence.
    • Any State was authorized to arrest and bring to justice persons suspected of engaging in piracy, whatever their nationality and the place of commission of the crime.
    • But does danger to the community mean any more than, another way of saying, risk of commission of further crimes?
    • Considering this cluster of offenders is important when examining the relationship between drug activities and crime commission.
    perpetration, committing, committal, execution, performance
[with object]
  • 1Give an order for or authorize the production of (something such as a building, piece of equipment, or work of art)


    the portrait was commissioned by his widow in 1792
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Each decade since the 1930s the BBC has commissioned lifestyle research in order to find out how and when people watch TV.
    • The soap/moisturiser manufacturer recently commissioned a survey that pretty much confirmed what we already know.
    • Her wealth enabled her to acquire works of art in Rome, where she commissioned a portrait bust of herself from Thorvaldsen for delivery in 1817.
    • She also showed nine portrait miniatures commissioned by Philadelphians.
    • The client is an industrial designer who commissioned the modern classical piece along with his 3,200-square-foot modernist house.
    • Also present on the site and giving the tour was Mr Jim Gill who is chairman of the Authority who commissioned the memorial.
    • His large metal sculptures were commissioned by numerous civic authorities around the country some years ago.
    • Mr Ahern has ordered all port authorities to commission a comprehensive audit of port properties and programme of property management.
    • The works discussed here are from the catalogue's first volume, which was produced before the artists had created the pieces that were commissioned for the exhibition.
    • After a fruitless one-year search, I commissioned the design and production of smile pins.
    • No expense is spared on costumes, which are lavish and made in-house, often to designs commissioned from artists and stars of the fashion world.
    • The sculpture was commissioned by O'Connor, formerly of North Cork and now resident in the UK.
    • In fact the string quartet was Nasa's idea, the product of an arts programme that, over the past 30 years, has commissioned work from artists including Andy Warhol and Robert Rauschenberg.
    • In the USA, a new US $5million production line was commissioned at the New Century Kansas facility.
    • The report is formally made to whoever commissioned the inquiry.
    • The sculpture will be commissioned from a major artist and it will be erected next year.
    • New staff were being trained and new equipment commissioned which, it was hoped, would lead to significant reductions in the next year.
    • The chief executive of Bradford Vision - the group which commissioned Lord Ouseley's report on race relations in the city - has suddenly quit his job after only six months.
    • If you've ever entertained the notion of commissioning your very own piece of music, now there's a guide to help you out.
    • Central to the programme is a showcase of three captivating fluid dance pieces specially commissioned for the event, performed by international artists at the forefront of the Contact Improvisation scene.
    order, put in an order for, place an order for, contract for, pay for
    1. 1.1 Order or authorize (a person or organization) to do or produce something.
      they commissioned an architect to manage the building project


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We met in London and she was commissioned to begin the first-ever modern contemporary state dance company in Turkey, so I moved there.
      • But Heggessey, who has commissioned him to front a £3 million series on extreme weather this autumn, may now be questioning whether he can live up to his billing.
      • The former MP had commissioned William Chambers, George III's architectural tutor, and Capability Brown to rebuild his estate, Milton Abbey.
      • Hotter has been working on Ned Kelly in various forms since 2002, when he was commissioned by the City Gallery to play the character at the Sidney Noland exhibition for corporate guests.
      • He was commissioned by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport to organise the event, which will create a cultural network of events in each of the 12 bidding cities.
      • She's commissioned the Bureau of Statistics to do a study of both male and female violence which will report in a couple of years' time.
      • He has also commissioned Andrew Roberts, the flamboyant historian, to draw up a list of events children will be obliged to learn about under a Conservative government.
      • The new company would be commissioning outsiders to produce games.
      • When Cassels, the German architect, came to Sligo in 1730 to build Hazelwood House for the Wynne's, he was also commissioned to build St. John's.
      • The Heytesbury Village Hall Development Group commissioned Michael Fowler architects to design the hall and nine houses.
      • Michael was originally commissioned to research information for a documentary on Braddock, but this was later expanded when interest in a film on the boxer's life began developing.
      • Recognised for his bush ingenuity, he was soon commissioned to construct mobile camps for mineral exploration companies.
      • I have been a trucker and bus driver for 40 years and I think the council would have been better commissioning me or others like myself with some driving experience, it would have been cheaper and better.
      • The top Dublin radio station commissioned magician Keith Barry to wow the crowd of loyal listeners with his freakishly spooky illusionist abilities…
      • Miller commissioned the architect John Kinross to refurbish and extend his home in a manner appropriate to a member of the Edwardian nouveau riche.
      • Robbins was an impecunious 27-year-old journalist when he first met Hurst, then aged 80, who commissioned him to pen a screenplay for a biblical blockbuster.
      • The Scottish Executive clearly trusts him too - it has commissioned him to come up with a major event to promote the Highlands in 2007.
      • Yes, I was commissioned by the Government to make 30 documentaries on our freedom struggle starting with the 1857 uprising.
      • No one commissioned him to preach; and he belonged to no church.
      • We only need to deliver the services that people are commissioning us for.
      engage, contract, charge, employ, hire, recruit, retain, appoint, enlist, co-opt, book, sign up
  • 2Bring (something newly produced, such as a factory or machine) into working condition.


    we had a few hiccups getting the heating equipment commissioned


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Once the turbine has been erected, it will take several days of tests before the machine is formally commissioned and producing electricity.
    • VA Tech Hydro will be responsible for the engineering, manufacture, delivery, installation and commissioning of the electromechanical equipment of the power plant.
    • The other approach, he says, is to determine what systems or equipment should be fully commissioned based on the impact a failure can have on an organization and its reliability needs.
    • I accept the submission that a contributing factor to the need for extra training was the delay by the contractor in having all the equipment in place, commissioned and operating on time.
    • Before the new equipment at Slade Lane is commissioned at Christmas, there will be more weekend closures later in the year to finish it, meaning further disruption.
    1. 2.1 Bring (a warship) into readiness for active service.
      the aircraft carrier Midway was commissioned in 1945


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Six months later, his training completed, he was assigned to the newly commissioned Alabama, one of four battleships of the swift South Dakota class.
      • During World War II she was mobilised with HMS Implacable and both ships were commissioned as HMS Foudroyant for training new entry ratings.
      • The new warship was commissioned on 5th June 2090, and unveiled to everyone abroad Hopson Yard.
      • She was commissioned into the RAN on July 11 1946 and renamed HMAS Tarakan on December 16 1948.
      • The ships were commissioned between 1993 and 1999.
      • In 1963 she was commissioned into the navy as a sail training ship and her first voyage took place on June 19th of the same year.
      • Five Batch 1 vessels were commissioned between 1989 and 1993.
      • The Constitution, which went into service in 1797, is the oldest fully commissioned warship in the world.
      • Laid down on 8 February 1943, the ship was launched and commissioned in just 165 days.
      • The two vessels will be commissioned into the Navy to fly the White Ensign, and will bear the names HMS Scimitar and Sabre.
      • Rushcutter was built at the Carrington Slipways in Newcastle and commissioned on November 1, 1986.
      • The first launch was laid down in September, 1942, and the final and 35th boat, commissioned during April, 1944.
      • But the former HMS Echo, a 160-ton inshore survey vessel commissioned in 1958, met her modern namesake in the English Channel.
      • Commissioning Ladies farewelled and welcomed patrol boats being decommissioned and commissioned within 24 hours in Darwin on June 23 and 24.
      • All four ships were commissioned in October 1995.
      • Glasgow was built at the Swan Hunter yard at Wallsend-on-Tyne and commissioned into the Royal Navy in May 1979, the fifth of 14 Type 42 air defence destroyers.
      • The ship, commissioned in 1955, is already undergoing work docked at Suisan Bay near San Francisco.
      • The flagship of the Italian Navy is the aircraft carrier MM Garibaldi, built by Fincantieri of Genoa and commissioned in 1985.
      • The ship's decommissioning ceremony was held in Great Yarmouth on the same jetty where the ship was commissioned, and representatives of the ship's affiliations were hosted at a reception.
      • She was commissioned into the fleet on February 12, 2000.
  • 3Appoint (someone) to the rank of officer in the armed services.


    he was commissioned after attending midshipman school
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Anderson later served as a warrant officer and commissioned officer in the Army Reserve.
    • He is a graduate of the U. S. Military Academy and was commissioned into the Aviation branch.
    • In 1847, Congress gave army medical officers commissioned rank; for the first time, they began to use military titles.
    • Brooke's poems were published in 1911, and after a year wandering in the North America and the South Seas, he was commissioned into the Royal Navy.
    • He was commissioned in the U.S. Army in 1970 after completing Reserve Officer Training.
    • The 27-year-old officer joined the Navy in 1991 as a junior rate, and was commissioned as an officer in 1998.
    • In 1968, he was commissioned as an Infantry officer through ROTC after graduation from the University of Florida.
    • He was commissioned as a pilot officer on October 1 in 1939.
    • After qualifying in dentistry, he was commissioned into the Army Dental Corps, with service in the Middle East.
    • Young people who have been commissioned reserve officers know that with very rare exceptions, they will not be called up for active military service.
    • Born in Yilong, Sichuan Province, he was commissioned into the imperial army and attended the Yunnan military academy.
    • I joined as a private soldier in 1941 and I was commissioned as an officer in 1945.
    • After training, he was commissioned a lieutenant colonel in the new army having made the cut for promotion from his former rank in the old army.
    • He was commissioned into the US army just in time to see action in the final battles of the Mexican war.
    • He was commissioned into the Infantry from the U.S. Military Academy in 1978.
    • Group Captain Smith was commissioned into the Air Force on April 20, 1970, after working as an accountant.
    • The four will be commissioned as Army major generals for an approximate two-year term while serving intermittently in this role.
    • He was commissioned as an armor officer in 1991 from Niagara University.
    • He was commissioned in the Navy the following year.
    • He was commissioned in the British Army in 1911 and during World War I commanded in frontline action at every echelon from platoon to brigade.


  • in commission

    • (of a ship, vehicle, machine, etc.) in use or in service.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Well, we know which one that is, since the Republic has only one of those experimental ships in commission right now.
      • Out of the total of 451 surface warships and submarines in commission during the war, 332 had been sunk by the time Japan surrendered and only 37, or 8.2%, remained operational.
      • The squadron disbanded on October 10, 1945-but reformed on April 17, 1952, and has been in commission ever since.
      • During almost ten years in commission, the ship has steamed nearly 110,000 miles and visited 81 ports in 14 countries.
      • My computer is now back in commission, and that makes me happy.
      • Less than a year in commission and we're already breaking in a new one.
      • During those decades, the reserve provided core crews for ships not in commission and personnel to augment crews of both active U.S. Navy ships and the navy shore establishment upon mobilization for war.
      • While the Royal Yacht Britannia was in commission, Patricia was the only ship allowed to sail ahead of her when the Queen was on board, a right which would be exercised annually by escorting the Royal Yacht out of Portsmouth.
      • He could opt to keep the submarines in commission beyond 2025.
      • Manned by a crew of eight including the Captain, the vessel is one of the largest of its kind in commission at the present time.
      in service, in use, in employment, in action
  • out of commission

    • 1Not in service; not in working order.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • All of them looked up at the car and Officer Swan came back their way, ‘Well with your car out of commission I thought I'd get you a ride… and this is all they had left.’
      • And until they were totally destroyed, and the lab out of commission, the cartel would continue to bring in the shipments in this manner.
      • But an engine defect put the car out of commission at 14, 500 kilometers.
      • How long do you think your car will be out of commission?
      • Since my car was out of commission, I decided to take a walk, after all the ‘Old Barns’ wasn't very far from my house.
      • He asked hesitantly, knowing that my car was out of commission at the moment.
      • The pool was out of commission until the end of May while repairs were carried out.
      • Repairs to Orkney's largest fishing vessel, Orcades Viking III, look likely to cost more than one million pounds with the boat being out of commission until May at the earliest.
      • There were no injuries, but the helicopter was put out of commission until replacement parts arrived.
      • The old steam frigate was taken out of commission in March after 34 years' service.
      not in service, unavailable for use, not in use, out of action, unserviceable
      1. 1.1(of a person) unable to work or function normally, especially through illness or injury.
        Example sentencesExamples
        • And so, it puts them out of commission for that period of time.
        • Mike Frank will only be out short term, but with Dara and John out of commission for the time being, the opportunity is there for others to make their mark.
        • He began competing at the national level, but was put out of commission for a while by a knee injury.
        • ‘I had broken my wrist playing soccer and that pretty much put me out of commission,’ explains Bromley.
        • Her replacement, Joel Ruimy, was sailing along, keeping Arnold at bay until a heart attack took him out of commission several weeks ago.
        • In the future, an athlete who puts her knee out of commission by tearing the anterior cruciate ligament will be able to obtain a bio-engineered replacement that will be as good, or even better, than the original tissue.
        • After Jimmy and Mr. Devlin are nearly killed in a car bomb, Devlin is knocked out of commission, leaving Jimmy some big shoes to fill!
        • I do not understand what I thought I was missing; it's not as if I had been rowing for years when my injury put me so out of commission.
        • A major injury puts you out of commission for a minimum of four weeks.
        • No federal law governs health-club contracts, but you should be able to cancel if you move more than 25 miles from the club or an injury puts you out of commission.


Middle English: via Old French from Latin commissio(n-), from committere ‘entrust’ (see commit).





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