

单词 commend

Definition of commend in English:


verb kəˈmɛndkəˈmɛnd
[with object]
  • 1Praise formally or officially.


    he was commended by the judge for his courageous actions


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She said: ‘I enjoy my job so it's an honour to be commended for doing something I love.’
    • You've also been a great help and even an inspiration to many people, and I commend you and actually admire you for that.
    • However, I think she holds her own well, and I commend her for taking a role in such a challenging film.
    • A York youngster who helped to rescue a woman from a burning flat has been commended for his bravery by the city's most senior judge.
    • She commended the staff and students for their commitment to recycling.
    • Restored Victorian buildings and innovative new designs have been officially commended in a town watchdog's annual awards.
    • Fire officers plan to officially commend Jonathan for his bravery.
    • An aspect commended and praised only last year by the senior chief inspector of schools, in a report on school standards.
    • He should be commended and judges in other former dictatorships should follow his lead.
    • Senior control operators are now looking at the possibility of officially commending Fiona for her efforts.
    • When good decisions are taken people get praised and they get commended, and rightly so.
    • I commend the Government and the officials responsible.
    • Well done on a presentation of excellence - all involved are to be commended.
    • Stuart gave evidence at the trial and was commended by the judge for his ‘quite extraordinary’ actions.
    • The film's cast is acquitted, and most are commended for fine work.
    • The use of longer words is probably rewarded, praised or at least commended.
    • The judge commended Hazel for the degree of detailed information in her project.
    • I wanted to commend you on your excellent review of the film, and the moving artistic commentary.
    • The judge surprisingly commends him for his fine civic performance and bids him continue with his good work.
    • Judge Hastie greeted me warmly in his chambers and commended me on my academic achievement.
    praise, compliment, congratulate, applaud, clap, cheer, toast, salute, admire, honour, glorify, extol, eulogize, sing the praises of, praise to the skies, heap praise on, go into raptures about, wax lyrical about, speak highly of, look on with favour, pay homage to, pay tribute to, take one's hat off to, pat on the back
    British informal big someone up
    North American informal ballyhoo
    dated cry someone up
    archaic emblazon
    rare laud, panegyrize
  • 2Present as suitable for approval or acceptance; recommend.


    I commend her to you without reservation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I thank the select committee for its consideration of the bill, and I commend the committee's report to the House.
    • I commend this motion to the House as a declaration of support for the McCartney family and their pursuit for justice.
    • Cynical consultants would expect the Department of Health to suggest such a move, but it is quite astonishing that the BMA should not just suggest but commend this to us and at standard rates of pay.
    • Her gentle, good humoured and obliging nature, mild manner and unassuming disposition commended her to all fortunate enough to make her acquaintance.
    • I applaud the work that has been done by the select committee, and I commend this work, as it is shaped, to the House.
    • With that, I commend it very firmly to the Committee.
    • With those few remarks, I commend the revised Standing Orders and the committee's recommendation to this House.
    • A decision is expected to be made in early July when the Prime Minster commends his choice to the Queen.
    • I commend the story to your attention, for no reason other than that I think it's funny.
    • I commend this suggestion to your readers, to the national park, and to the owners of the site.
    • It is not one that commended itself to the judge originally dealing with the paper application.
    • But on the other hand, what commends us to God is not how good we are, because we just can't be good enough.
    • We get to that point in racing that commends horses to us by their winning or at least giving it their best shot.
    • Your Honour, what has just fallen from your Honour is exactly what commended itself to the learned President.
    • We commend this constitution to the Prime Minister, his Cabinet, the opposition, the judiciary and all Government officials.
    • Your reviewer commends the book to the reader of these pages.
    • We commend the book to your attention and will provide our own take on it as soon as we have had a chance to read it.
    • I commend this bill, as reported back from the select committee, to the House.
    • This reviewer accepts that conclusion and commends the book to readers with three observations.
    • We commend our readers to the advertisement which appears in this issue.
    recommend, suggest, put forward, propose, advance
    approve, endorse, advocate, vouch for, speak for, stand up for, champion, support, back
    informal plug, push
    1. 2.1 Make (something) acceptable or pleasing.
      the emphasis on peace will commend itself to all


      most one-roomed flats have little to commend them


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Nevertheless, the claims which the Secretary-General was making surely have quite a lot to commend them.
      • Neither view commends itself very strongly to the present author.
      • It has a lot of opportunity and a lot to commend it.
      • The red pulse of the watchtower/lighthouse glows over the darkening scene, and this is what particularly commended the setting to Jan Kott, at a past performance which began at dusk.
  • 3commend someone toarchaic, formal Entrust someone or something to.


    as they set out on their journey I commend them to your care


    Example sentencesExamples
    • And like untold hundreds of men and woman have done throughout the Conference's 57-year history, I closed my eyes, commended my soul to God, and accepted the invitation.
    • In the case of the dead, we commend them to the mercy of God (as the Pope did) and ask that he judge them mercifully.
    • I was so hoping I was on my way out, that I commended my spirit to death and passed out.
    • I commended my soul to God and said in a quaking voice, ‘Yes.’
    • Farewell, Julia Child, I commend you to the place of happy memories for my generation, Rest In Peace.
    • Mr. O'Neal thanked God for the life of the deceased and the service he rendered and commended his soul to God.
    • There is something right about commending the body to the care of the earth, letting the earth from which we came work its quiet dissolution.
    • At the end of Jesus' life his commended his spirit to God.
    • We commend Jim to these things, to a God who loves him and welcomes him home, to a God who loves us and welcomes us home.
    • I commend the guidelines to you as a practical tool to assist you in preventing discrimination happening and for dealing with it if it does occur.
    entrust, trust, deliver, commit, hand over, give, give over, turn over, consign, assign
    1. 3.1commend someone to Pass on someone's good wishes to.
      commend me to my son, and bid him rule better than I
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Let not my disappearance upset you at all, for I am hurrying off to commend you to Christ.
      • When her Son saw her and his other friends weeping with a tearful voice he commended her to John.
      • Please commend me to my cousin.
      • And for this I commend them to their station commander.
      • My dear and well beloved father, I commend me to you, doing you to wit that I have but a little while to go and am like within a short time with the grace of God to be delivered of child.


  • highly commended

    • Failing to win a prize but nevertheless considered meritorious.


      the winner gets £2,000, and two other projects will be highly commended
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Although she missed out on the top prize, she was highly commended for her enthusiasm and drive by the judges.
      • Craig, 25, was highly commended in the weekly newspaper reporter of the year section at the Newsquest Editorial Awards.
      • The firm was also highly commended for its Travelnews publication, produced and delivered in conjunction with the Bolton Evening News.
      • Dean attained first prize in his section, while Shane's work was highly commended by the judges.
      • Ingleton's St Mary's churchyard was also highly commended.
      • It faced competition from specialist firms from around the globe, but still walked away with two golds, one silver, two bronzes and three highly commended awards.
      • We would have been happy to get highly commended but this result is tremendous and the lads can feel proud.
      • He added there had been a lot of preparation work and praised local schoolchildren who were highly commended for their debut in the young persons category.
      • ‘She was highly commended by school inspectors and was a first class teacher and a lovely person,’ said Mrs Jones.
      • The adjudicator - Sean Clerkin was so impressed that he expressed a desire to give all the commended and highly commended poets a cash prize.


Middle English: from Latin commendare, from com- (expressing intensive force) + mandare 'commit, entrust'. Compare with command.

  • commando from early 19th century:

    In early use commando was a word for an armed unit of Boer horsemen in South Africa. During the Second World War the name was adopted to describe troops specially trained to repel the threatened German invasion of England. The word came into English from Portuguese, but is based on Latin commandare ‘to command’ from com- (giving emphasis) and mandare ‘commit, command, entrust’. To go commando is to wear no underpants, said to be common among commandos. This curious phrase dates back to the 1980s and probably originated as American college slang, although it was popularized by its use in an episode of the 1990s TV comedy Friends. Also from South Africa and the same period is commandeer from Afrikaans. Command itself came into use in Middle English, taken from the Latin via French. From the same root come remand (Late Middle English) ‘command back’; commend (Middle English), formed in the same way as command, but with the sense ‘entrust’ and recommend (Late Middle English); and demand (Middle English) ‘command formally’.


amend, append, apprehend, ascend, attend, befriend, bend, blend, blende, comprehend, condescend, contend, defriend, depend, emend, end, expend, extend, fend, forfend, friend, impend, interdepend, lend, mend, misapprehend, misspend, offend, on-trend, Oostende, Ostend, perpend, portend, rend, reprehend, scrag-end, send, spend, subtend, suspend, tail end, tend, transcend, trend, underspend, unfriend, upend, vend, weekend, wend

Definition of commend in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Praise formally or officially.


    he was commended by the judge for his courageous actions


    Example sentencesExamples
    • An aspect commended and praised only last year by the senior chief inspector of schools, in a report on school standards.
    • She said: ‘I enjoy my job so it's an honour to be commended for doing something I love.’
    • Well done on a presentation of excellence - all involved are to be commended.
    • Stuart gave evidence at the trial and was commended by the judge for his ‘quite extraordinary’ actions.
    • You've also been a great help and even an inspiration to many people, and I commend you and actually admire you for that.
    • I commend the Government and the officials responsible.
    • Fire officers plan to officially commend Jonathan for his bravery.
    • Restored Victorian buildings and innovative new designs have been officially commended in a town watchdog's annual awards.
    • Judge Hastie greeted me warmly in his chambers and commended me on my academic achievement.
    • A York youngster who helped to rescue a woman from a burning flat has been commended for his bravery by the city's most senior judge.
    • When good decisions are taken people get praised and they get commended, and rightly so.
    • The film's cast is acquitted, and most are commended for fine work.
    • He should be commended and judges in other former dictatorships should follow his lead.
    • The judge surprisingly commends him for his fine civic performance and bids him continue with his good work.
    • I wanted to commend you on your excellent review of the film, and the moving artistic commentary.
    • However, I think she holds her own well, and I commend her for taking a role in such a challenging film.
    • The use of longer words is probably rewarded, praised or at least commended.
    • The judge commended Hazel for the degree of detailed information in her project.
    • Senior control operators are now looking at the possibility of officially commending Fiona for her efforts.
    • She commended the staff and students for their commitment to recycling.
    praise, compliment, congratulate, applaud, clap, cheer, toast, salute, admire, honour, glorify, extol, eulogize, sing the praises of, praise to the skies, heap praise on, go into raptures about, wax lyrical about, speak highly of, look on with favour, pay homage to, pay tribute to, take one's hat off to, pat on the back
  • 2Present as suitable for approval or acceptance; recommend.


    I commend her to you without reservation


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I thank the select committee for its consideration of the bill, and I commend the committee's report to the House.
    • I commend this bill, as reported back from the select committee, to the House.
    • Cynical consultants would expect the Department of Health to suggest such a move, but it is quite astonishing that the BMA should not just suggest but commend this to us and at standard rates of pay.
    • Your Honour, what has just fallen from your Honour is exactly what commended itself to the learned President.
    • I commend the story to your attention, for no reason other than that I think it's funny.
    • It is not one that commended itself to the judge originally dealing with the paper application.
    • We commend our readers to the advertisement which appears in this issue.
    • Her gentle, good humoured and obliging nature, mild manner and unassuming disposition commended her to all fortunate enough to make her acquaintance.
    • We commend the book to your attention and will provide our own take on it as soon as we have had a chance to read it.
    • This reviewer accepts that conclusion and commends the book to readers with three observations.
    • Your reviewer commends the book to the reader of these pages.
    • A decision is expected to be made in early July when the Prime Minster commends his choice to the Queen.
    • I commend this suggestion to your readers, to the national park, and to the owners of the site.
    • I commend this motion to the House as a declaration of support for the McCartney family and their pursuit for justice.
    • With that, I commend it very firmly to the Committee.
    • With those few remarks, I commend the revised Standing Orders and the committee's recommendation to this House.
    • We get to that point in racing that commends horses to us by their winning or at least giving it their best shot.
    • But on the other hand, what commends us to God is not how good we are, because we just can't be good enough.
    • I applaud the work that has been done by the select committee, and I commend this work, as it is shaped, to the House.
    • We commend this constitution to the Prime Minister, his Cabinet, the opposition, the judiciary and all Government officials.
    recommend, suggest, put forward, propose, advance
    1. 2.1 Cause to be acceptable or pleasing.
      this recording has a lot to commend it
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Neither view commends itself very strongly to the present author.
      • It has a lot of opportunity and a lot to commend it.
      • Nevertheless, the claims which the Secretary-General was making surely have quite a lot to commend them.
      • The red pulse of the watchtower/lighthouse glows over the darkening scene, and this is what particularly commended the setting to Jan Kott, at a past performance which began at dusk.
  • 3commend someone/something toformal, archaic Entrust someone or something to.


    I commend them to your care
    Example sentencesExamples
    • We commend Jim to these things, to a God who loves him and welcomes him home, to a God who loves us and welcomes us home.
    • I commended my soul to God and said in a quaking voice, ‘Yes.’
    • And like untold hundreds of men and woman have done throughout the Conference's 57-year history, I closed my eyes, commended my soul to God, and accepted the invitation.
    • I commend the guidelines to you as a practical tool to assist you in preventing discrimination happening and for dealing with it if it does occur.
    • At the end of Jesus' life his commended his spirit to God.
    • In the case of the dead, we commend them to the mercy of God (as the Pope did) and ask that he judge them mercifully.
    • Mr. O'Neal thanked God for the life of the deceased and the service he rendered and commended his soul to God.
    • There is something right about commending the body to the care of the earth, letting the earth from which we came work its quiet dissolution.
    • I was so hoping I was on my way out, that I commended my spirit to death and passed out.
    • Farewell, Julia Child, I commend you to the place of happy memories for my generation, Rest In Peace.
    entrust, trust, deliver, commit, hand over, give, give over, turn over, consign, assign


  • commend me to

    • archaic Remember me kindly to (someone)


      commend me to my son, and bid him rule better than I


Middle English: from Latin commendare, from com- (expressing intensive force) + mandare ‘commit, entrust’. Compare with command.





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