

单词 blessing

Definition of blessing in English:


noun ˈblɛsɪŋˈblɛsɪŋ
  • 1God's favour and protection.


    may God continue to give us his blessing


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The other essential part of the marriage service is the invocation of divine blessing.
    • But in order to do the practice, you have to meet with the right situation and this meeting itself is the extraordinary blessing of the Dharma.
    • Indeed, He is the source of EVERY spiritual blessing that God has to offer.
    • We are given the blessing that Hashem should bless us, protect us, and favor us.
    • He was filled with a longing for God's glory and for spiritual blessing.
    • Continue to lead me and guide me in that way by the blessing of your Holy Spirit.
    • The song is a prayer for God's blessing on the land and all its people.
    • The oil poured on David's head by Samuel became a vehicle through which the blessing of the Holy Spirit was released in his life to equip him for his task as king.
    • Open our souls and our hearts to the guidance of your Spirit, that your blessing may become our eternal praise of you.
    • In Christ, we have been given every spiritual blessing, and the capacity to hear the Holy Spirit is one of those blessings.
    • Even a number of Muslims come to the mutt for the blessing of His Holiness.
    • These gifts were first a blessing from you to us, God of blessings.
    • It is a way of mutual support - lay people supply food, medicine, and cloth for robes, and monks give spiritual support, blessings, and teachings.
    • This hope is the ultimate blessing of the Holy Spirit to a baptized people.
    • The service begins with: ‘The blessing of our Lord Jesus be on you and on this dwelling place.’
    • I was somewhat baffled as to why a pious Muslim would want a blessing from other spiritual beings.
    • When we make a beginning and exert some effort, a Divine blessing may come.
    • On our own, we are insufficient receptacles to contain the divine blessing.
    • Second, there is no greater happiness possible than the heavenly blessing of Divine sonship in Jesus, the SON of God.
    • Then, by touching keys on a screen, one receives an electronic blessing from the Dharma Master, whose video image is projected on the wall.
    protection, favour
    1. 1.1 A prayer asking for divine favour and protection.
      a priest gave a blessing as the ship was launched


      Example sentencesExamples
      • When a great man like an Isaac makes a blessing, that blessing affects spiritual forces and becomes a reality.
      • The reburials of the bones are to be take place with ‘a very low key service’ with prayers and blessings, said the diocesan spokesman.
      • This past Thanksgiving, she offered a Navajo blessing as the invocation for the Sunday service.
      • It seems as though all those doubts and worries had been transformed into prayers and blessings, which had then been abundantly answered.
      • Gamaliel defined no more than the beginnings and ends of blessings, leaving the prayer leader or individual worshipper to improvise on the set theme.
      • When you say grace, include a blessing for all those you depend on.
      • Sabbath candles are lit and there are Sabbath blessings, prayers, songs and readings.
      • The church now echoed with whimpering cries as the priest said his final prayers and blessings.
      • Jewish spirituality recommends saying a prayer or reciting a blessing whenever you notice, even for a moment, that something is going right.
      • And when it's inserted into our prayer of many blessings, it's specifically inserted into the blessing which describes the unique power of God.
      • If nothing else, but by the sheer magnitude of blessings and prayers for the ‘boys in blue’, India stands a terrific chance of bringing home the Cup!
      • He therefore validated Yaakov's blessings, and recognized Yaakov as the sole spiritual inheritor of the blessings.
      • A long blessing of praise to God for salvation follows.
      • Popes traditionally deliver the blessing at Christmas and Easter.
      • By the time that he was done, the Holy Spirit had caused Balaam to speak a rich blessing upon Israel.
      • ‘It was your blessings and prayers that helped me complete this trick successfully,’ he said.
      • The blessing begins with a prayer for the mother's health.
      • Bishop John McAreavey imparted blessings at a special prayer ceremony in which pupils, special guests, governors, parents and staff took part.
      • After the circumcision, which occurs very quickly and without much pain, a celebration of food, prayers, and blessings follows.
      • God, Allah, the Buddha, or Shiva requires you to offer a sacrifice, a prayer or a blessing.
      prayer, invocation, dedication
    2. 1.2 Grace said before or after a meal.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • If we speak of the celebration as ‘blessing,’ then, we do so in the same sense that saying grace at meals is blessing.
      • Lastly, the master of ceremonies could give the meal blessing.
      • With a quickly prayed prayer of blessing for the food, the two of them began tucking in.
      • The main preparation is the festive meal that follows the Bris, which is accompanied by special blessings during the Grace After Meals.
      • The act of slowing down begins with the blessing of a meal.
      • Quigley and I took our seats and after we had said the blessing over the meal, we dug in.
      • Brother Dave offered a blessing on our evening meal, and asked for guidance in staying focused over the next few days.
      • I prayed a blessing over his meal (cheeseburger, onion rings and a large coffee), fellowshipped with him for half an hour and promised to pray for him to find a job.
      • It is customary on this day to eat from the fruits of trees, and to recite the appropriate blessing of thanksgiving before eating.
      • Therefore, one should not say a blessing over any forbidden or stolen food, since this is not a blessing but a blasphemy.
      • Grace is a short prayer said at mealtime, a blessing and thanksgiving occasioned by eating.
      • The emcee announced that the priest was going to say a blessing and grace before we ate, and as he stood up to do so, I noticed a spider inching along the tablecloth towards me.
      • I say a small blessing before each meal.
      benediction, dedication, consecration, invocation, commendation, prayer for someone, intercession
      grace, thanksgiving, thanks
      Jewish kiddush
      archaic orison
    3. 1.3 A beneficial thing for which one is grateful.
      great intelligence can be a curse as well as a blessing


      it's a blessing we're alive


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The political and economic system achieved a high degree of legitimacy, bringing together classes in support of the blessings of the British constitution and a free trade economy.
      • In his presence at last, I felt overwhelmed with gratitude that not only was I given the blessing of meeting him, but that a pure spirit of love connected us.
      • Halting this form of extinction will be a blessing to creation, and hopefully a blessing to you.
      • The blessings of religion can be ours only when we are ready to live its recommended values.
      • Peace grows when the graces of God and the blessings of Earth are not considered possessions to be protected but divine gifts intended for all.
      • The birth of a child is considered a divine blessing.
      • But the warmth is a blessing and a boon for aching backs after a day of off-road trials.
      • However, ultimately we have to recognize that earnings from business are also a Divine blessing, and not just the fruits of luck or of our own cleverness.
      • These are blessings for which I am grateful every day.
      • They were easier to use, they had sticky tape instead of safety pins and - blessing of blessings - you could just throw them away when they became soiled.
      • Thus the child whom the parents consider unwanted may be a blessing to the family religiously and economically.
      • In doing so, they are depriving themselves of the numerous blessings and rewards of fasting.
      • I DO agree with Roger Perry that we live in a beautiful world and that we have many blessings to be grateful for.
      • Since they do not know how to handle this blessing it is no longer a blessing for them; it is actually a curse!
      • There's also the blessings of a regular prayer time and the habit of prayerful Scripture reading.
      • You give and you take, which is not always that easy or that natural, and having a life where you have to give and have to take is a blessing among all your blessings.
      • These natural blessings supported Cambodia's ancient culture, the glorious vestiges of which can still be clearly seen in the ruins at Angkor Wat.
      • He and Ronny spoke many times about their desire for people everywhere to have the benefit and the blessings of freedom.
      • Falkirk's big home support are a marvellous blessing, but occasionally a curse.
      • One of the great blessings of our time is the symphony of spiritual possibilities available to the seeker.
      advantage, benefit, help, boon, good thing, godsend, favour, gift, convenience
      bonus, plus point, added attraction, additional benefit, extra, added extra
      luck, stroke of luck, piece of luck, good fortune, windfall, gain, profit, virtue, bounty
      informal plus, perk
      literary benison
    4. 1.4 A person's sanction or support.
      he gave the plan his blessing even before it was announced


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In the context of East Timor's first-ever election campaign, there could be nothing more valuable than the blessing of the Catholic Church.
      • Caring for the sick had the blessing of the Christian churches, which urged their members both to be charitable and to care for those suffering.
      • The public consultation period on the Westmead skatepark ended last Thursday, just as Chippenham Town Council gave its blessing for the plans to proceed.
      • And all of this, of course, is aimed at getting a new U.N. blessing for the plan moving forward in Iraq to transfer sovereignty.
      • John Paul is one of the Woodfield area candidates taking part in the mayoral event and he will give his blessings to all who support this venture.
      • English Heritage said it could only give its blessing to the demolition plan, if it was proven there was no market for the grade II listed building by putting it up for sale.
      • The Anglican Church has given its blessing for mobile phone masts to be erected in two of its church towers in Yorkshire - just as long as they're not used to transmit porn.
      • Success of all this depends on the approval and blessings of the prominent religious leaders and institutions.
      • At a meeting on Thursday members of the executive committee will be asked to give a blessing to the improvement plan.
      • So I want you to know that just this once, you have my support and my blessing.
      • The State must be making that statement when it decides, by legislation, to give State sanction and State blessing to unions between two people of the same sex.
      • The plan has received the blessing of Trade and Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt.
      • If he declines to give blessings for an endeavor, they accept that as his blessing and proceed no further.
      • Mama is still upset that money is causing such strife around the house, but refuses to give any money or blessings to anything supporting alcohol.
      • Jones said although her bandmates at Request were sad to see her go, they gave her their blessings and support.
      • The move has the blessing of the Franciscan community in Waterford who have commended the City Council on the proposal to move the Luke Wadding statue to Greyfriars.
      • If you're still sure that you want to make this travel, you'll have all my support and my blessings.
      • Their friends had gone positively nuts at it and all pledged blessings and support.
      • The plans already have the blessing of the town council, but this week doctors at Hathaway surgery declined to speak about the scheme.
      • It recalls the violence and cruelty of medieval military expeditions to conquer the Holy Land, all done in the name of Christ and with the blessing of the church.
      sanction, consent, assent, endorsement, clearance, agreement, concurrence, approval, seal of approval, stamp of approval, imprimatur, backing, support, favour, good wishes
      informal the go-ahead, the thumbs up, the green light, the OK
      formal approbation


  • a blessing in disguise

    • An apparent misfortune that eventually has good results.


      being omitted from the World Cup squad was a blessing in disguise
      Example sentencesExamples
      • However as life unfolds we go from opportunity to opportunity and begin to understand that the cruel blow was really a blessing in disguise.
      • Mayo supporters probably didn't think so at the time but last years championship defeat by Sligo has worked out as a type of blessing in disguise.
      • Bank employees consider the advent of ATMs a blessing in disguise, as it eases their pressure in a vital area of banking.
      • But the eruption was a blessing in disguise for some nearby villages, as it has helped sustain the area's agriculture.
      • Old habits die hard, and I believe the heavy fines imposed can eventually turn out to be a blessing in disguise in two ways.
      • While office tenants might grumble over energy saving measures, building operators see the drive as a blessing in disguise.
      • In a way, September 11 was a blessing in disguise for the US economy; it brought forward the rate cuts we needed to see earlier.
      • The apparent misfortune may turn out to be a blessing in disguise and the seeming stroke of luck the very stuff of tragedy.
      • Disappointments can often turn out to be blessings in disguise.
      • But maybe my complete and utter failure to pick up any French despite having lessons at school for five years is actually a blessing in disguise.


distressing, dressing, Lessing, pressing, unprepossessing

Definition of blessing in US English:


  • 1God's favor and protection.


    may God continue to give us his blessing


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The song is a prayer for God's blessing on the land and all its people.
    • We are given the blessing that Hashem should bless us, protect us, and favor us.
    • This hope is the ultimate blessing of the Holy Spirit to a baptized people.
    • These gifts were first a blessing from you to us, God of blessings.
    • The other essential part of the marriage service is the invocation of divine blessing.
    • But in order to do the practice, you have to meet with the right situation and this meeting itself is the extraordinary blessing of the Dharma.
    • When we make a beginning and exert some effort, a Divine blessing may come.
    • Open our souls and our hearts to the guidance of your Spirit, that your blessing may become our eternal praise of you.
    • Then, by touching keys on a screen, one receives an electronic blessing from the Dharma Master, whose video image is projected on the wall.
    • Continue to lead me and guide me in that way by the blessing of your Holy Spirit.
    • The oil poured on David's head by Samuel became a vehicle through which the blessing of the Holy Spirit was released in his life to equip him for his task as king.
    • Second, there is no greater happiness possible than the heavenly blessing of Divine sonship in Jesus, the SON of God.
    • I was somewhat baffled as to why a pious Muslim would want a blessing from other spiritual beings.
    • In Christ, we have been given every spiritual blessing, and the capacity to hear the Holy Spirit is one of those blessings.
    • On our own, we are insufficient receptacles to contain the divine blessing.
    • The service begins with: ‘The blessing of our Lord Jesus be on you and on this dwelling place.’
    • It is a way of mutual support - lay people supply food, medicine, and cloth for robes, and monks give spiritual support, blessings, and teachings.
    • Indeed, He is the source of EVERY spiritual blessing that God has to offer.
    • Even a number of Muslims come to the mutt for the blessing of His Holiness.
    • He was filled with a longing for God's glory and for spiritual blessing.
    protection, favour
    1. 1.1 A prayer asking for God's favor and protection.
      a priest gave a blessing as the ship was launched


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Bishop John McAreavey imparted blessings at a special prayer ceremony in which pupils, special guests, governors, parents and staff took part.
      • Jewish spirituality recommends saying a prayer or reciting a blessing whenever you notice, even for a moment, that something is going right.
      • After the circumcision, which occurs very quickly and without much pain, a celebration of food, prayers, and blessings follows.
      • Sabbath candles are lit and there are Sabbath blessings, prayers, songs and readings.
      • By the time that he was done, the Holy Spirit had caused Balaam to speak a rich blessing upon Israel.
      • ‘It was your blessings and prayers that helped me complete this trick successfully,’ he said.
      • It seems as though all those doubts and worries had been transformed into prayers and blessings, which had then been abundantly answered.
      • When you say grace, include a blessing for all those you depend on.
      • This past Thanksgiving, she offered a Navajo blessing as the invocation for the Sunday service.
      • If nothing else, but by the sheer magnitude of blessings and prayers for the ‘boys in blue’, India stands a terrific chance of bringing home the Cup!
      • Popes traditionally deliver the blessing at Christmas and Easter.
      • The church now echoed with whimpering cries as the priest said his final prayers and blessings.
      • A long blessing of praise to God for salvation follows.
      • Gamaliel defined no more than the beginnings and ends of blessings, leaving the prayer leader or individual worshipper to improvise on the set theme.
      • When a great man like an Isaac makes a blessing, that blessing affects spiritual forces and becomes a reality.
      • God, Allah, the Buddha, or Shiva requires you to offer a sacrifice, a prayer or a blessing.
      • And when it's inserted into our prayer of many blessings, it's specifically inserted into the blessing which describes the unique power of God.
      • The reburials of the bones are to be take place with ‘a very low key service’ with prayers and blessings, said the diocesan spokesman.
      • The blessing begins with a prayer for the mother's health.
      • He therefore validated Yaakov's blessings, and recognized Yaakov as the sole spiritual inheritor of the blessings.
      prayer, invocation, dedication
    2. 1.2 Grace said before or after a meal.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is customary on this day to eat from the fruits of trees, and to recite the appropriate blessing of thanksgiving before eating.
      • Grace is a short prayer said at mealtime, a blessing and thanksgiving occasioned by eating.
      • I prayed a blessing over his meal (cheeseburger, onion rings and a large coffee), fellowshipped with him for half an hour and promised to pray for him to find a job.
      • Brother Dave offered a blessing on our evening meal, and asked for guidance in staying focused over the next few days.
      • The act of slowing down begins with the blessing of a meal.
      • If we speak of the celebration as ‘blessing,’ then, we do so in the same sense that saying grace at meals is blessing.
      • I say a small blessing before each meal.
      • Quigley and I took our seats and after we had said the blessing over the meal, we dug in.
      • With a quickly prayed prayer of blessing for the food, the two of them began tucking in.
      • Therefore, one should not say a blessing over any forbidden or stolen food, since this is not a blessing but a blasphemy.
      • The main preparation is the festive meal that follows the Bris, which is accompanied by special blessings during the Grace After Meals.
      • The emcee announced that the priest was going to say a blessing and grace before we ate, and as he stood up to do so, I noticed a spider inching along the tablecloth towards me.
      • Lastly, the master of ceremonies could give the meal blessing.
      benediction, dedication, consecration, invocation, commendation, prayer for someone, intercession
    3. 1.3 A beneficial thing for which one is grateful; something that brings well-being.
      great intelligence can be a curse as well as a blessing


      it's a blessing we're alive


      Example sentencesExamples
      • These are blessings for which I am grateful every day.
      • But the warmth is a blessing and a boon for aching backs after a day of off-road trials.
      • One of the great blessings of our time is the symphony of spiritual possibilities available to the seeker.
      • They were easier to use, they had sticky tape instead of safety pins and - blessing of blessings - you could just throw them away when they became soiled.
      • The political and economic system achieved a high degree of legitimacy, bringing together classes in support of the blessings of the British constitution and a free trade economy.
      • In his presence at last, I felt overwhelmed with gratitude that not only was I given the blessing of meeting him, but that a pure spirit of love connected us.
      • However, ultimately we have to recognize that earnings from business are also a Divine blessing, and not just the fruits of luck or of our own cleverness.
      • You give and you take, which is not always that easy or that natural, and having a life where you have to give and have to take is a blessing among all your blessings.
      • Halting this form of extinction will be a blessing to creation, and hopefully a blessing to you.
      • These natural blessings supported Cambodia's ancient culture, the glorious vestiges of which can still be clearly seen in the ruins at Angkor Wat.
      • There's also the blessings of a regular prayer time and the habit of prayerful Scripture reading.
      • Falkirk's big home support are a marvellous blessing, but occasionally a curse.
      • I DO agree with Roger Perry that we live in a beautiful world and that we have many blessings to be grateful for.
      • In doing so, they are depriving themselves of the numerous blessings and rewards of fasting.
      • He and Ronny spoke many times about their desire for people everywhere to have the benefit and the blessings of freedom.
      • Thus the child whom the parents consider unwanted may be a blessing to the family religiously and economically.
      • Peace grows when the graces of God and the blessings of Earth are not considered possessions to be protected but divine gifts intended for all.
      • The blessings of religion can be ours only when we are ready to live its recommended values.
      • The birth of a child is considered a divine blessing.
      • Since they do not know how to handle this blessing it is no longer a blessing for them; it is actually a curse!
      advantage, benefit, help, boon, good thing, godsend, favour, gift, convenience
    4. 1.4 A person's sanction or support.
      he gave the plan his blessing even before it was announced


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The public consultation period on the Westmead skatepark ended last Thursday, just as Chippenham Town Council gave its blessing for the plans to proceed.
      • The State must be making that statement when it decides, by legislation, to give State sanction and State blessing to unions between two people of the same sex.
      • And all of this, of course, is aimed at getting a new U.N. blessing for the plan moving forward in Iraq to transfer sovereignty.
      • Success of all this depends on the approval and blessings of the prominent religious leaders and institutions.
      • English Heritage said it could only give its blessing to the demolition plan, if it was proven there was no market for the grade II listed building by putting it up for sale.
      • The Anglican Church has given its blessing for mobile phone masts to be erected in two of its church towers in Yorkshire - just as long as they're not used to transmit porn.
      • At a meeting on Thursday members of the executive committee will be asked to give a blessing to the improvement plan.
      • Caring for the sick had the blessing of the Christian churches, which urged their members both to be charitable and to care for those suffering.
      • John Paul is one of the Woodfield area candidates taking part in the mayoral event and he will give his blessings to all who support this venture.
      • The plans already have the blessing of the town council, but this week doctors at Hathaway surgery declined to speak about the scheme.
      • So I want you to know that just this once, you have my support and my blessing.
      • The plan has received the blessing of Trade and Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt.
      • It recalls the violence and cruelty of medieval military expeditions to conquer the Holy Land, all done in the name of Christ and with the blessing of the church.
      • If you're still sure that you want to make this travel, you'll have all my support and my blessings.
      • Their friends had gone positively nuts at it and all pledged blessings and support.
      • Mama is still upset that money is causing such strife around the house, but refuses to give any money or blessings to anything supporting alcohol.
      • Jones said although her bandmates at Request were sad to see her go, they gave her their blessings and support.
      • The move has the blessing of the Franciscan community in Waterford who have commended the City Council on the proposal to move the Luke Wadding statue to Greyfriars.
      • In the context of East Timor's first-ever election campaign, there could be nothing more valuable than the blessing of the Catholic Church.
      • If he declines to give blessings for an endeavor, they accept that as his blessing and proceed no further.
      sanction, consent, assent, endorsement, clearance, agreement, concurrence, approval, seal of approval, stamp of approval, imprimatur, backing, support, favour, good wishes


  • a blessing in disguise

    • An apparent misfortune that eventually has good results.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Mayo supporters probably didn't think so at the time but last years championship defeat by Sligo has worked out as a type of blessing in disguise.
      • But maybe my complete and utter failure to pick up any French despite having lessons at school for five years is actually a blessing in disguise.
      • The apparent misfortune may turn out to be a blessing in disguise and the seeming stroke of luck the very stuff of tragedy.
      • While office tenants might grumble over energy saving measures, building operators see the drive as a blessing in disguise.
      • Bank employees consider the advent of ATMs a blessing in disguise, as it eases their pressure in a vital area of banking.
      • Old habits die hard, and I believe the heavy fines imposed can eventually turn out to be a blessing in disguise in two ways.
      • In a way, September 11 was a blessing in disguise for the US economy; it brought forward the rate cuts we needed to see earlier.
      • However as life unfolds we go from opportunity to opportunity and begin to understand that the cruel blow was really a blessing in disguise.
      • Disappointments can often turn out to be blessings in disguise.
      • But the eruption was a blessing in disguise for some nearby villages, as it has helped sustain the area's agriculture.




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