A small piece of plant stem with a bud, prepared for grafting on to another plant.
Example sentencesExamples
Buds (taken from budsticks or budwood) are inserted under the bark of small seedling stock plants a few inches above ground level.
A scion is prepared by shaping the budstick to a thin wedge, leaving two complete whorls of buds above the point of entry.
Leaving a short portion of the petiole in place as a ‘handle’, wrap the budsticks in moist cloth, in plastic bags, or place them with the basal end in water in a container.
For tree training, it is best if the lower bud is located to the outside of the budstick near the top of the wedge cut.
Include thin layer of wood from the budstick and insert this into the slit made on the rootstock until it is even with the crosscut.