

单词 clap


verbclapped, clapping, claps klapklæp
[with object]
  • 1Strike the palms of (one's hands) together repeatedly, typically in order to applaud someone or something.


    Agnes clapped her hands in glee


    no object the crowd was clapping and cheering


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The crowd, while clapping their hands, also tapped their foot to the music, as the models pranced around showing off the jewellery.
    • The audience clapped loudly at the end of the lecture.
    • The crowd clapped their hands and stomped their feet.
    • In fact, they didn't speak a word till it was over and once it was over, they clapped.
    • Everyone clapped for joy and Mr. Grint began cutting pieces for everyone to eat.
    • The audience clapped loudly as more flashes were made by the parents' cameras.
    • And once everyone began clapping, they couldn't bring themselves to stop.
    • He goes into a long Bush-bashing tirade, and we see the audience cracking up and clapping.
    • People were clapping in time to the beat.
    • People clapped again and they began to play the music.
    • The couple clapped with the rest of the room as the band finished the first song.
    • Cary clapped in appreciation, and found that others on the beach were cheering as well.
    • The older students clapped enthusiastically while the newcomer were still a bit hesitant, confused.
    • We all clapped politely and a wave of whispers went through the crowd.
    • Blake pointed at the King and once more the audience clapped and cheered, satisfied by his choice.
    • And they clapped politely when we scored, instead of screaming at the referee!
    • The crowd claps loudly and doesn't end till Cliff comes on stage.
    • The crowd cheered, whistling and clapping their hands.
    • Once inside, audience members were clapping, singing, tapping their hands and feet, and moving to the rhythm.
    • She was dancing around the room, clapping with glee.
    applaud, clap one's hands, give someone a round of applause, put one's hands together
    1. 1.1 Show approval of (a person or action) by clapping.
      Louisa clapped his performance
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In fact, it is a miracle those fans clapped their team at all.
      • He makes sick children or elderly patients laugh and ends up with everyone clapping him.
      • Both sets of fans clapped the players at the end.
      • Afterwards there was a small reception party of supporters at the door of the Kildare dressing room, to clap the returning players in from their warm-down.
      • What is more concerning is a member who claps his leader when he says he will get tough on crime and build more prisons, and opposes a prison when it is to be built in his own electorate.
      • He was clapped through the Ribble Valley by residents who came out of their cottages and farmhouses to wave at the bus.
      • Then strolled out of the airport with my cousin who was clapping me on my performance.
      • I watched him on stage with the band in Moy in Tyrone last week and he was clapped for every song.
      • What no-one has asked yet is, why is the President speaking the next day, and will everyone be lining up to clap him?
      • Cars hooted approval, crowds cheered and clapped the heroes.
      • But I tell the doctor that as his members are clapping him, they are busy planning his downfall.
      • In a rare display of enthusiasm, they clapped the Liberal Democrat spokesman, who called for an outright ban.
      • He beamed - and the prime minister looked like a man having to clap his chief rival for much longer than he found comfortable.
      • If Maurice missed a free he was clapped but more than often he answered hecklers by putting the ball over the bar.
      • The whips were the first out, running, hyped up, clapping the prime minister as the doors opened and looking as if they were coming out of the tunnel and on to the pitch for battle.
      • He even had one or two on the other side of the House clapping him at the end of his presentation.
      • I was clapped afterwards anyway and Pedro smiled and kissed me.
      • His father Gordon, a former York City star, asked the congregation to stand for a minute to applaud and clap Thomas, and ‘say thank you for knowing him’.
      • With a great sense of irony - and no little spontaneous fun - the City players, as one, ran to the empty end and clapped their absent friends from the north.
      • Carlow's rugby coach emphasised on how even their beaten teams were clapped off the field, and how the players appreciated the support.
      applaud, clap one's hands, give someone a round of applause, put one's hands together
    2. 1.2 Strike the palms of (one's hands) together once, especially as a signal.
      the teacher clapped his hands to restore discipline
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I said it's probably one of those clapper lights - if you clap you turn it on.
      • Once he was done, he turned around and clapped his hands once.
      • Andy joined in at the last minute and clapped her hands together once.
      • He clapped his hands once and two beefy dragons came in, dragging Beylaan in, tied and gagged.
      • She clapped her hands once, and ropes appeared out of thin air and twisted themselves around the men.
      • The door clicked shut behind her, and she clapped her hands once to activate the lights.
      • Mrs. Stanley clapped her hands as a signal for them to start.
      • He passed out the ribbons and then clapped his hands once.
      • ‘I think it is time that you leave this ignorant state’ she clapped her hands once.
      • Although different methods have been tried in the past, the current rules call for the referee to clap once with arms outstretched in front.
      • My mother clapped her hands once, very loudly, to make sure we were listening.
      • Anna clapped her hands together once.
      • She gestured to the pillows next to her, for him to sit, sitting herself down and clapping her hands once, for her serving women to bring goblets, and drink.
      • He clapped his hands once more and serving men and women, after kneeling, came forward with a table and refreshments.
      • He laughed happily, clapping his hands once before taking a deep gulp of his coke.
      • Mr. Yu clapped his hands to signal his butler to come into the room.
      • He clapped his hands once, and as one troll gripped me, the other punched me hard in the side.
      • Maybe you should clap your hands once and knock your heels together three times.
      • She smirked a bit, and clapped her hands once more as she rose from her kneeling position and bowed to the idol.
      • Just then, Mr Tokmier clapped his hands, signaling the end of the discussion.
    3. 1.3 (of a bird) flap (its wings) audibly.
      the hawk shook itself and clapped its wings
      Example sentencesExamples
      • At the sound, the birds rise from their night places; they clap their wide, black wings and settle again.
      • Big sodden bales sat in the small high-hedged fresh-cut fields, a pigeon clapped in the alders and misty rain filled a steel grey sky.
      flap, beat, flutter
  • 2Slap (someone) encouragingly on the back or shoulder.


    as they parted, he clapped Owen on the back


    Example sentencesExamples
    • People rushed over to clap Jeff on the back, hug Bethany, and congratulate the both of them.
    • He clapped me on the back and turned to embrace his sister.
    • He reached up, clapping me on the shoulder, oddly bridging the awkward distance in height.
    • Finally I broke down and grinned, clapping him on the shoulder.
    • Michael glanced almost nervously at James, who smiled and clapped him on the shoulder.
    • McGinley clapped me on the shoulder, escorting me out of the building.
    • Blair laughed lightly and reached out, clapping Jim on the shoulder.
    • She smiled and clapped me on the shoulder before walking away.
    • He stuffed the wallet back into Cale's pocket and clapped him on the shoulder.
    • He didn't expect people to be running around clapping him on the back.
    • With a crooked smile, he claps Doug on the shoulder.
    • The big guy laughed and playfully clapped Adam on the shoulder.
    • The men laughed and clapped him on the shoulder.
    • Suddenly someone came up behind me and clapped me on the shoulder.
    • Back in my seat I was clapped on the shoulder by several boys.
    • Lee strolled over and clapped me on the shoulder, shaking me out of the daze I was drifting in.
    • They all wanted to congratulate him and clap him on the back, not really understanding why he was running away from Tabitha.
    • So very, very, quietly… Drew claps Emily on the shoulder.
    • Wyatt nodded sympathetically, clapping him on the shoulder.
    • He laughed heartily and clapped the boy's shoulder with vigor.
    slap, strike, hit, smack, crack, bang, thump, cuff
    1. 2.1 Place (a hand) briefly against or over one's mouth or forehead as a gesture of dismay or regret.
      he swore and clapped a hand to his forehead


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Another hand was clapped over his mouth, muffling the sound.
      • I give a short yell of exasperation, which is muffled as Jessie claps a hand over my mouth.
      • She was grabbed again from behind and this time a big, scaly, clawed hand was clapped over her mouth.
      • Then she started with a loud gasp, pulled her hand out of his, and tried to sit up while clapping her hand against her forehead at the same time.
      • She snorted, clapping a hand over her mouth to keep herself from giggling out loud.
      • When she hears a baby's soft whimper, Daphne claps a hand over her mouth to stifle a gasp of surprise.
      • You clap your hand to your forehead and trot back upstairs to change into a pair of jeans.
      • Conch was just barely able to prevent her laughter from loudly escaping by clapping her hands over her mouth.
      • I groaned to my brother while clapping a hand to my forehead.
      • Clay hiccuped loudly and clapped his hand over his mouth.
      • Ian sat straight up in bed, clapped his hand to his forehead.
      • Kylie gasped, clapping her hand to her mouth, when she heard the news.
      • I jumped up and down, clapping my hands over my mouth.
      • He paused, and caught an arrow in midair, inches from Salyn's face; she inhaled sharply in surprise, clapping a hand over her mouth.
      • At the sanctuary someone claps a hand across her mouth, pulls her away.
      • Lydia let a out a giggle before clapping her hand over her mouth, and glancing around to make sure no one had heard.
      • I clapped my hand over my mouth, immediately sorry for yelling.
      • Aaewin asked without thinking, clapping her hands over her mouth after the words escaped.
      • Maura let out a nervous guffaw before clapping her hand over her mouth again, keeping her giggles silent.
      slap, strike, hit, smack, crack, bang, thump, cuff
nounPlural claps klapklæp
  • 1An act of striking together the palms of the hands.


    when they stop I give them a clap
    there was no crescendo of applause, just a lone volley of claps
    round of applause, hand, handclap
    standing ovation
    1. 1.1 A friendly slap or pat on the back or shoulder.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Bill Hogan designed it and he really does deserve a clap on the back.
      • There came a hearty clap on my shoulder and I half-turned to come face to face with a ruddy-complexioned bloke about my own age, perhaps a little less.
      • This announcement earned him a smile and a clap on the shoulder before Aurelio began chopping the potatoes into neat little cubes.
      • With a friendly clap on the back, he sent Josh over to a group of elderly gentlemen, who all happily shook Josh's hand.
      • Those involved would be the first to accept a clap on the back if they had won.
      • Ally stood up and gave Brian a clap on the shoulder.
      • Mark gave him a friendly clap on the shoulder, ‘ah, don't worry about it, you'll find out sooner or later right?’
      • He gave me a soft clap on the shoulder, which nearly sent me tumbling to the floor.
      • At his age I'd say he deserved a massive clap on the back.
      • Feeling the claps of a hand on his shoulder Ben turned and could not resist a smile as Jack took out his trademark deck of cards and shuffled it in mid air.
      • She smiled, giving both of them a friendly clap on the shoulder.
      • Sam snivelled and nodded, earning himself a clap on the shoulder.
      • As he was about to get to the part of fighting, when he felt a strong clap on the back of his shoulder.
      • ‘This is a gesture done for reassurance and a sort of transfer of strength,’ he said, demonstrating the shoulder clap again.
      • His heart nearly jumped out of his chest when a hand suddenly descended on his shoulder with a loud clap.
      • More than the traditional acknowledgement - a clap on the back - which usually went to sponsors in the past.
      • With a clap on the shoulder for me and a kiss for Willow, he went to bed.
      slap, blow, smack, crack, thump, cuff
      informal whack, thwack
  • 2An explosive sound, especially of thunder.


    a clap of thunder echoed through the valley


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Sometime around 2 a.m. a loud clap of thunder awakened me.
    • Eric said: ‘There was a clap of thunder and that was the last I saw of her.’
    • Just as I was about to power up the mower, there was a clap of thunder and the rain started.
    • Before the two could get on with their innocent, child-like play, however, a loud clap of thunder echoed throughout the skies, which had turned dark from a while ago.
    • Suddenly, there was a loud clap of thunder, followed by a low rumbling that shook the house.
    • The showers continued on and off all evening and we had some of the loudest claps of thunder we've ever witnessed.
    • About three this morning, though, I was woken by heavy rain on the window, quickly followed by a massive clap of thunder as the good weather finally broke.
    • You'll also love when storms come, because the crashes and claps of thunder and lightning, not to mention the downpour of rain, will be enough to make you want to seek cover for yourself until the tempest subsides.
    • When I got off the train there was a clap of thunder and a flash of lightening.
    • A loud clap of thunder sounded and rain could be heard pelting against the roof.
    • But a mid-afternoon clap of thunder and the presence of dark, rainy skies sent this reporter scurrying for the safety of his car.
    • There was a strained silence for a while and then in the distance there was a clap of thunder.
    • All of a sudden, a clap of thunder roared in their ears, jolting them back into the world of the living.
    • ‘At the front desk we heard the explosion starting like a clap of thunder and then it kept rolling,’ she said.
    • ‘Okay, great,’ I mumbled to my empty room, but the sound of my voice was drowned out by a loud clap of thunder.
    • Just then there was a deafening clap of thunder.
    • A clap of thunder echoed around, making me jump.
    • Five minutes ago I was sitting here and was blinded by a white light which was followed by the loudest clap of thunder I've heard for a few years.
    • A second later, the sky is split by lightning that illuminates the hillside, followed by an earsplitting clap.
    • I ran out of the shop and as I did so there was a loud clap of thunder and a flash of lightning.
    crack, crash, bang, boom


  • clap hold of

    • informal Grab someone or something roughly or abruptly.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The men, without saying a word, clapped hold of him and marched him off.
  • clap someone in jail (or irons)

    • Put someone in prison (or in chains)


      the ship's captain had the mutineers clapped in irons
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There are no rehabilitation homes here and the police certainly cannot clap small children in jail just because they ask for money.
      • The dissident has said he aims to run for president against 24-year incumbent, although the president clapped him in jail for a lesser act of defiance only a few years ago.
      • A cynical immigration official claps James in jail upon his arrival.
      • The Parliamentarians were clapped in irons and taken away to Oxford to gaol.
      • He may as well have clapped me in irons and commenced flogging in front of the herds of law-abiding legal visitors.
      • A group of officers descends on him, reads the arrest warrant, puts a bag over his head, and claps him in cuffs.
      • The new king was able to clap two members of his father's ageing Council in the Tower before handing them over to the axe.
      • If you even think about forming a labor union, you'll be clapped in irons.
      fling, cast, put, place

Phrasal Verbs

  • clap back

    • Respond quickly to critical remarks or unfair treatment.

      she is not afraid to clap back at the haters when they use homophobic slurs
  • clap something on

    • Abruptly impose a restrictive or punitive measure.


      most countries clapped on tariffs to protect their farmers


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Along busy streets, bright signs for Coke, Pepsi, Citibank, Bell South, Papa John's, KFC, Marriott - even Starbucks - could vanish if Peru chose to clap tariffs on those products.
      fling, cast, put, place


Old English clappan 'throb, beat', of imitative origin. sense 1 of the verb dates from late Middle English.

  • rap from Middle English:

    The word rap, in the sense of a blow, is of Scandinavian origin and is probably like clap (Late Middle English) and flap (Middle English), meant to imitate the sound. Since the end of the 18th century rap has been associated with rebuke and punishment, as in the phrase a rap on the knuckles for a sharp criticism. In early 20th-century American English the word developed the further meanings of ‘a criminal charge’ and ‘a prison sentence’. If you were acquitted you were said to beat the rap. To take the rap was to be punished or blamed, especially for something where other people were wholly or partly responsible. Performers of rap music tend to have a dangerous, bad-boy image, but the root of the term is not the ‘criminal charge’ or ‘prison’ senses but the old northern English sense ‘conversation, chat’. This was carried over the Atlantic, and rap in the sense ‘a talk or discussion’ is now an American use. The first reference to rap music comes in 1979.


bap, cap, chap, dap, entrap, enwrap, flap, frap, gap, giftwrap, hap, knap, lap, Lapp, map, nap, nappe, pap, rap, sap, schappe, scrap, slap, snap, strap, tap, trap, wrap, yap, zap


nounPlural claps klapklæp
mass nounusually the clapinformal
  • A venereal disease, especially gonorrhoea.


    she has given him the clap
    he was told he had a mild dose of clap


Late 16th century: from Old French clapoir 'venereal bubo'.


[with object]
  • 1Strike the palms of (one's hands) together repeatedly, typically in order to applaud.


    Agnes clapped her hands in glee


    no object the crowd was clapping and cheering


    Example sentencesExamples
    • People were clapping in time to the beat.
    • The older students clapped enthusiastically while the newcomer were still a bit hesitant, confused.
    • The couple clapped with the rest of the room as the band finished the first song.
    • People clapped again and they began to play the music.
    • She was dancing around the room, clapping with glee.
    • He goes into a long Bush-bashing tirade, and we see the audience cracking up and clapping.
    • We all clapped politely and a wave of whispers went through the crowd.
    • Blake pointed at the King and once more the audience clapped and cheered, satisfied by his choice.
    • The crowd claps loudly and doesn't end till Cliff comes on stage.
    • The audience clapped loudly at the end of the lecture.
    • And once everyone began clapping, they couldn't bring themselves to stop.
    • In fact, they didn't speak a word till it was over and once it was over, they clapped.
    • The crowd clapped their hands and stomped their feet.
    • The crowd, while clapping their hands, also tapped their foot to the music, as the models pranced around showing off the jewellery.
    • Everyone clapped for joy and Mr. Grint began cutting pieces for everyone to eat.
    • The audience clapped loudly as more flashes were made by the parents' cameras.
    • Cary clapped in appreciation, and found that others on the beach were cheering as well.
    • Once inside, audience members were clapping, singing, tapping their hands and feet, and moving to the rhythm.
    • And they clapped politely when we scored, instead of screaming at the referee!
    • The crowd cheered, whistling and clapping their hands.
    applaud, clap one's hands, give someone a round of applause, put one's hands together
    1. 1.1 Show approval of (a person or action) by clapping.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Afterwards there was a small reception party of supporters at the door of the Kildare dressing room, to clap the returning players in from their warm-down.
      • Cars hooted approval, crowds cheered and clapped the heroes.
      • If Maurice missed a free he was clapped but more than often he answered hecklers by putting the ball over the bar.
      • What no-one has asked yet is, why is the President speaking the next day, and will everyone be lining up to clap him?
      • He beamed - and the prime minister looked like a man having to clap his chief rival for much longer than he found comfortable.
      • He was clapped through the Ribble Valley by residents who came out of their cottages and farmhouses to wave at the bus.
      • The whips were the first out, running, hyped up, clapping the prime minister as the doors opened and looking as if they were coming out of the tunnel and on to the pitch for battle.
      • With a great sense of irony - and no little spontaneous fun - the City players, as one, ran to the empty end and clapped their absent friends from the north.
      • In fact, it is a miracle those fans clapped their team at all.
      • In a rare display of enthusiasm, they clapped the Liberal Democrat spokesman, who called for an outright ban.
      • Both sets of fans clapped the players at the end.
      • He makes sick children or elderly patients laugh and ends up with everyone clapping him.
      • Carlow's rugby coach emphasised on how even their beaten teams were clapped off the field, and how the players appreciated the support.
      • What is more concerning is a member who claps his leader when he says he will get tough on crime and build more prisons, and opposes a prison when it is to be built in his own electorate.
      • But I tell the doctor that as his members are clapping him, they are busy planning his downfall.
      • He even had one or two on the other side of the House clapping him at the end of his presentation.
      • His father Gordon, a former York City star, asked the congregation to stand for a minute to applaud and clap Thomas, and ‘say thank you for knowing him’.
      • I watched him on stage with the band in Moy in Tyrone last week and he was clapped for every song.
      • I was clapped afterwards anyway and Pedro smiled and kissed me.
      • Then strolled out of the airport with my cousin who was clapping me on my performance.
      applaud, clap one's hands, give someone a round of applause, put one's hands together
    2. 1.2 Strike the palms of (one's hands) together once, especially as a signal.
      the teacher clapped his hands to restore discipline
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She smirked a bit, and clapped her hands once more as she rose from her kneeling position and bowed to the idol.
      • He passed out the ribbons and then clapped his hands once.
      • The door clicked shut behind her, and she clapped her hands once to activate the lights.
      • Anna clapped her hands together once.
      • ‘I think it is time that you leave this ignorant state’ she clapped her hands once.
      • Once he was done, he turned around and clapped his hands once.
      • Andy joined in at the last minute and clapped her hands together once.
      • She gestured to the pillows next to her, for him to sit, sitting herself down and clapping her hands once, for her serving women to bring goblets, and drink.
      • Mr. Yu clapped his hands to signal his butler to come into the room.
      • Just then, Mr Tokmier clapped his hands, signaling the end of the discussion.
      • She clapped her hands once, and ropes appeared out of thin air and twisted themselves around the men.
      • He clapped his hands once, and as one troll gripped me, the other punched me hard in the side.
      • He clapped his hands once and two beefy dragons came in, dragging Beylaan in, tied and gagged.
      • He laughed happily, clapping his hands once before taking a deep gulp of his coke.
      • Mrs. Stanley clapped her hands as a signal for them to start.
      • He clapped his hands once more and serving men and women, after kneeling, came forward with a table and refreshments.
      • Maybe you should clap your hands once and knock your heels together three times.
      • I said it's probably one of those clapper lights - if you clap you turn it on.
      • My mother clapped her hands once, very loudly, to make sure we were listening.
      • Although different methods have been tried in the past, the current rules call for the referee to clap once with arms outstretched in front.
    3. 1.3 Slap (someone) encouragingly on the back or shoulder.
      as they parted, he clapped Owen on the back


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He clapped me on the back and turned to embrace his sister.
      • The men laughed and clapped him on the shoulder.
      • So very, very, quietly… Drew claps Emily on the shoulder.
      • Blair laughed lightly and reached out, clapping Jim on the shoulder.
      • Michael glanced almost nervously at James, who smiled and clapped him on the shoulder.
      • He laughed heartily and clapped the boy's shoulder with vigor.
      • They all wanted to congratulate him and clap him on the back, not really understanding why he was running away from Tabitha.
      • McGinley clapped me on the shoulder, escorting me out of the building.
      • Wyatt nodded sympathetically, clapping him on the shoulder.
      • She smiled and clapped me on the shoulder before walking away.
      • People rushed over to clap Jeff on the back, hug Bethany, and congratulate the both of them.
      • Finally I broke down and grinned, clapping him on the shoulder.
      • Suddenly someone came up behind me and clapped me on the shoulder.
      • He reached up, clapping me on the shoulder, oddly bridging the awkward distance in height.
      • The big guy laughed and playfully clapped Adam on the shoulder.
      • Lee strolled over and clapped me on the shoulder, shaking me out of the daze I was drifting in.
      • He stuffed the wallet back into Cale's pocket and clapped him on the shoulder.
      • With a crooked smile, he claps Doug on the shoulder.
      • He didn't expect people to be running around clapping him on the back.
      • Back in my seat I was clapped on the shoulder by several boys.
      slap, strike, hit, smack, crack, bang, thump, cuff
    4. 1.4 Place (a hand) briefly against or over one's mouth or forehead as a gesture of dismay or regret.
      he swore and clapped a hand to his forehead


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Maura let out a nervous guffaw before clapping her hand over her mouth again, keeping her giggles silent.
      • Clay hiccuped loudly and clapped his hand over his mouth.
      • I clapped my hand over my mouth, immediately sorry for yelling.
      • I give a short yell of exasperation, which is muffled as Jessie claps a hand over my mouth.
      • Lydia let a out a giggle before clapping her hand over her mouth, and glancing around to make sure no one had heard.
      • I jumped up and down, clapping my hands over my mouth.
      • Ian sat straight up in bed, clapped his hand to his forehead.
      • She snorted, clapping a hand over her mouth to keep herself from giggling out loud.
      • When she hears a baby's soft whimper, Daphne claps a hand over her mouth to stifle a gasp of surprise.
      • He paused, and caught an arrow in midair, inches from Salyn's face; she inhaled sharply in surprise, clapping a hand over her mouth.
      • At the sanctuary someone claps a hand across her mouth, pulls her away.
      • I groaned to my brother while clapping a hand to my forehead.
      • Then she started with a loud gasp, pulled her hand out of his, and tried to sit up while clapping her hand against her forehead at the same time.
      • Aaewin asked without thinking, clapping her hands over her mouth after the words escaped.
      • Conch was just barely able to prevent her laughter from loudly escaping by clapping her hands over her mouth.
      • You clap your hand to your forehead and trot back upstairs to change into a pair of jeans.
      • Kylie gasped, clapping her hand to her mouth, when she heard the news.
      • Another hand was clapped over his mouth, muffling the sound.
      • She was grabbed again from behind and this time a big, scaly, clawed hand was clapped over her mouth.
      slap, strike, hit, smack, crack, bang, thump, cuff
    5. 1.5 (of a bird) flap (its wings) audibly.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • At the sound, the birds rise from their night places; they clap their wide, black wings and settle again.
      • Big sodden bales sat in the small high-hedged fresh-cut fields, a pigeon clapped in the alders and misty rain filled a steel grey sky.
      flap, beat, flutter
  • 1An act of striking together the palms of the hands, either once or repeatedly.


    round of applause, hand, handclap
    1. 1.1 A friendly slap or pat on the back or shoulder.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She smiled, giving both of them a friendly clap on the shoulder.
      • His heart nearly jumped out of his chest when a hand suddenly descended on his shoulder with a loud clap.
      • ‘This is a gesture done for reassurance and a sort of transfer of strength,’ he said, demonstrating the shoulder clap again.
      • More than the traditional acknowledgement - a clap on the back - which usually went to sponsors in the past.
      • Ally stood up and gave Brian a clap on the shoulder.
      • He gave me a soft clap on the shoulder, which nearly sent me tumbling to the floor.
      • With a clap on the shoulder for me and a kiss for Willow, he went to bed.
      • This announcement earned him a smile and a clap on the shoulder before Aurelio began chopping the potatoes into neat little cubes.
      • Those involved would be the first to accept a clap on the back if they had won.
      • Sam snivelled and nodded, earning himself a clap on the shoulder.
      • At his age I'd say he deserved a massive clap on the back.
      • Bill Hogan designed it and he really does deserve a clap on the back.
      • Mark gave him a friendly clap on the shoulder, ‘ah, don't worry about it, you'll find out sooner or later right?’
      • Feeling the claps of a hand on his shoulder Ben turned and could not resist a smile as Jack took out his trademark deck of cards and shuffled it in mid air.
      • There came a hearty clap on my shoulder and I half-turned to come face to face with a ruddy-complexioned bloke about my own age, perhaps a little less.
      • As he was about to get to the part of fighting, when he felt a strong clap on the back of his shoulder.
      • With a friendly clap on the back, he sent Josh over to a group of elderly gentlemen, who all happily shook Josh's hand.
      slap, blow, smack, crack, thump, cuff
  • 2An explosive sound, especially of thunder.


    a clap of thunder echoed through the valley


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Just then there was a deafening clap of thunder.
    • Before the two could get on with their innocent, child-like play, however, a loud clap of thunder echoed throughout the skies, which had turned dark from a while ago.
    • A clap of thunder echoed around, making me jump.
    • The showers continued on and off all evening and we had some of the loudest claps of thunder we've ever witnessed.
    • When I got off the train there was a clap of thunder and a flash of lightening.
    • Just as I was about to power up the mower, there was a clap of thunder and the rain started.
    • ‘Okay, great,’ I mumbled to my empty room, but the sound of my voice was drowned out by a loud clap of thunder.
    • Five minutes ago I was sitting here and was blinded by a white light which was followed by the loudest clap of thunder I've heard for a few years.
    • I ran out of the shop and as I did so there was a loud clap of thunder and a flash of lightning.
    • Eric said: ‘There was a clap of thunder and that was the last I saw of her.’
    • You'll also love when storms come, because the crashes and claps of thunder and lightning, not to mention the downpour of rain, will be enough to make you want to seek cover for yourself until the tempest subsides.
    • A second later, the sky is split by lightning that illuminates the hillside, followed by an earsplitting clap.
    • All of a sudden, a clap of thunder roared in their ears, jolting them back into the world of the living.
    • ‘At the front desk we heard the explosion starting like a clap of thunder and then it kept rolling,’ she said.
    • Sometime around 2 a.m. a loud clap of thunder awakened me.
    • Suddenly, there was a loud clap of thunder, followed by a low rumbling that shook the house.
    • There was a strained silence for a while and then in the distance there was a clap of thunder.
    • But a mid-afternoon clap of thunder and the presence of dark, rainy skies sent this reporter scurrying for the safety of his car.
    • About three this morning, though, I was woken by heavy rain on the window, quickly followed by a massive clap of thunder as the good weather finally broke.
    • A loud clap of thunder sounded and rain could be heard pelting against the roof.
    crack, crash, bang, boom


  • clap someone in jail (or irons)

    • Put someone in prison (or in chains).


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The new king was able to clap two members of his father's ageing Council in the Tower before handing them over to the axe.
      • He may as well have clapped me in irons and commenced flogging in front of the herds of law-abiding legal visitors.
      • The Parliamentarians were clapped in irons and taken away to Oxford to gaol.
      • There are no rehabilitation homes here and the police certainly cannot clap small children in jail just because they ask for money.
      • A cynical immigration official claps James in jail upon his arrival.
      • The dissident has said he aims to run for president against 24-year incumbent, although the president clapped him in jail for a lesser act of defiance only a few years ago.
      • A group of officers descends on him, reads the arrest warrant, puts a bag over his head, and claps him in cuffs.
      • If you even think about forming a labor union, you'll be clapped in irons.
      fling, cast, put, place

Phrasal Verbs

  • clap back

    • Respond quickly to critical remarks or unfair treatment.

      she is not afraid to clap back at the haters when they use homophobic slurs
  • clap something on

    • Abruptly impose a restrictive or punitive measure.


      most countries clapped on tariffs to protect their farmers


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Along busy streets, bright signs for Coke, Pepsi, Citibank, Bell South, Papa John's, KFC, Marriott - even Starbucks - could vanish if Peru chose to clap tariffs on those products.
      fling, cast, put, place


Old English clappan ‘throb, beat’, of imitative origin. clap (sense 1 of the verb) dates from late Middle English.


usually the clapinformal
  • A venereal disease, especially gonorrhea.


    she has given him the clap
    he was told he had a mild dose of clap


Late 16th century: from Old French clapoir ‘venereal bubo’.





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