

单词 application

Definition of application in English:


noun aplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)nˌæpləˈkeɪʃ(ə)n
  • 1A formal request to be considered for a position or to be allowed to do or have something, submitted to an authority, institution, or organization.

    an application for leave


    mass noun licences are available on application


    as modifier an application form


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He was the officer who had authorised the application for the search warrants.
    • The applicant cannot make an application for a protection visa from outside the country.
    • The applicant filed an application for judicial review, but it was dismissed by consent.
    • The couple were moved by City of York Council after their doctor backed their application for a transfer, telling the authorities the pair had become depressed.
    • That is why the national authorities may place only an application for referral.
    • My Lord, you will not be surprised that there is one further application, an application for permission to appeal.
    • I can also confirm that we will be moving forward swiftly with our application for authority to award our own degrees.
    • If her application for an appeal on humanitarian grounds is approved, she could be eligible to return to Canada in as little as a month.
    • The Local Planning Authority refused the application for a certificate of lawfulness.
    • Very soon after her arrival the applicant lodged an application for a protection visa.
    • They have already raised a 500-name petition against the application for a drinks licence but could not prevent it being granted yesterday.
    • The following month he made a formal application for asylum, giving an address in east London.
    • The local authority expect Treasury to submit their first application for planning permission this Autumn.
    • The application for an authorisation must come from a member of the chief officer's force.
    • The judgment on the application for leave to appeal has been reserved.
    • The Immigration Service will soon be identifying the pass mark that will lead to an invitation to lodge an application for residence.
    • Police said authorities had rejected his application for asylum.
    • His application for assistance was rejected as immigration authorities were not satisfied he could not have claimed asylum where he entered the country.
    • He's just lost an application for leave to appeal to the High Court, but he has no regrets.
    • A person who is in France and wishes to make an application for asylum should properly do so to the French authorities.
    request, appeal, petition, entreaty, plea, solicitation, supplication, requisition, suit, approach, enquiry, claim, demand
  • 2mass noun The action of putting something into operation.


    the application of general rules to particular cases


    count noun massage has far-reaching medical applications


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The story sparked public support for the families and opposition against tough application of the rules.
    • If true, this is a good example of the functional application of legal rules as understood, by those who operate under them.
    • The speed, ease, and low cost of more market price data will lead to increased operational application.
    • The contribution of the global research community to the creation and application of medical technologies for these countries is weakened.
    • Anyone who reads this site on a passing basis will have had to come to terms with my, erm, creative application of the rules of spelling, punctuation and verb modification.
    • These systems differ in the configuration and application of electronic map operating and graphic imaging functions.
    • Whilst the court does not set such it does undertake the operation, interpretation and application of those laws and procedures.
    • I think most would agree that she was extremely shy to pronounce general rules of application.
    • Resistance to its study and application to our operations is counterproductive.
    • Revenue problems will be dealt with separately through a general rate application in the spring.
    • And there would be serious civil liberties concerns if there was general application of those kind of powers.
    • But application of these general policies in the Internet era is not as straightforward.
    • There can be no partisan application of laws, rules or policy.
    • A nearly flawless operational application of airpower cannot substitute for a flawed strategy.
    • He questioned the general application of statistical methods to economics.
    • Many economists warn that too strict application of the rules hampers the ability of governments to respond to economic downturns.
    • Consider first an application to forestry because this example represents the most general application of this approach.
    • Hardly any useful research can be done on aborted fetuses and no useful medical application of their tissues is permitted.
    implementation, use, exercise, employment, administration, utilization, practice, applying, discharge, exertion, execution, prosecution, enactment, carrying out, accomplishment, putting into operation/practice
    formal praxis
    1. 2.1 Practical use or relevance.
      this principle has no application to the present case


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I believe that this is a matter of general application, unrelated to the particular case.
      • The war experience, the analysis noted, should only be considered as having a general military application.
      • The further removed from usefulness or practical application, the more important.
      • His judgment has general application - intelligence never wins wars.
      • They don't see that what we do has any relevance or application to what they do.
      • Fine and dandy you say, but does it have, like, any practical application?
      • That paragraph may be applicable in some cases, but it certainly should not be regarded as being of general application.
      • Based on consideration to date, there were a number of positive elements in the key findings which had general application.
      • Each model is an entity unto itself and designed for specific application and operational parameters.
      • Since laws are of general application it is inevitable that the wording of statutes is not always precise.
      • None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life.
      • Please remember that written/newspaper style has little relevance or application in the broadcast business.
      • That was the contention of the political philosopher, and it's a lesson of more general application.
      • The list of products in which seaweeds are used reveals their relevance and application in modern day life.
      • They suggest that use of this approach led to a reduction of aggressive incidents and that the approach has broader application to other forensic and mental health settings.
      • The chip has obvious application to measuring toxins relevant to bioterrorism, he said.
      • Such observations appear to be of general application.
      • The advice above is intended to be of general application.
      • It will obviously be of general application in broadly similar circumstances.
      • Consistent findings across two very different industries would show that our arguments have general application.
      relevance, relevancy, bearing, significance, pertinence, aptness, appositeness, germaneness, importance
  • 3mass noun The action of applying something to a surface.


    paints suitable for application on fabric


    count noun a fresh application of make-up


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Cracks appearing on the surface are smoothed with strips of cloth, and fresh application of clay.
    • An exercise in precision application, the make-up is crucially important to her, far more than just another part of her perfect appearance.
    • This will allow application of fresh grease and adjustment to the cone and ball assembly.
    • An effort should be made to apply pesticides into these areas as opposed to application onto exposed surfaces.
    • The proposed label language also applies to overhead chemigation application of pesticides.
    • As always, be sure to read the label for proper surface prep and application.
    • Each application of paint gave a different look to the surface and the figure.
    • The subtle sheen that he imparts is obtained by thin application of paint brushed on meticulously to obtain the desired build up.
    • The first time lightening application should be applied approximately one half to one third of an inch from the scalp to the ends.
    • The slurry coat must not be allowed to dry ahead of the render application, but applied wet on wet.
    • Furthermore, surface application of lime cannot alleviate toxic subsoil Al, which presents a barrier to deep rooting and the uptake of water and nutrients.
    • With surface application, however, much of the ammonia will be lost to the atmosphere.
    • Also, some mattings have shown improved performance from surface application.
    • I have enjoyed the effects of strong emotive colour and contrasts in paint application, visual and physical textures and the line.
    • In some schools, girls were taught quilting, sewing or makeup application.
    • The result of this seemingly improvisational paint application is an allover, agitated, viscous surface.
    • She also gives talks and demonstrations on make-up application, styling and colours to large and small groups.
    • Oil application to the rind surface produced a more severe blemish than did mechanical damage.
    • One bizarre addendum to his ‘performance’ was his extraordinary application of stage make-up.
    • Now that I think about it, I realise I do subconsciously judge other women on make-up application.
    putting on, rubbing in, spreading, smearing
    1. 3.1 A medicinal substance applied to the skin.
      an application to relieve muscle pain
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Keep the application on the skin for the time recommended in the instructions and then wait for twenty four hours.
      • One application protects the skin for six hours, and does not need to be reapplied after swimming.
      • Keep the application on the skin for the time recommended in the instructions and remove.
      ointment, lotion, cream, rub, salve, emollient, preparation, liniment, embrocation, balm, poultice, unguent
  • 4mass noun Sustained effort; hard work.


    the job takes a great deal of patience and application


    Example sentencesExamples
    • For the first time he realised it was not necessarily something based on instinct or which grew organically, but rather was the result of application and hard work.
    • The scoreline was a true reflection of the hard graft, application and sense of belief displayed by every Highfield player.
    • You have the very good fortune of knowing that you really truly did all that was possible to win and there is no need for any self discrimination caused by lack of effort or application on your part.
    • There isn't any shortcut other than hard work and application, not unless we want to cultivate a nation of drug-dealers.
    • Males need to stop moaning about being disadvantaged by the system, there is nothing stopping us except our own lack of application and effort.
    • It is even possible that most are displaying effort and application above and beyond the call of duty.
    • All involve assiduous application, as well as research for continuous improvement, and all require a lifelong daily effort.
    • It requires application and concentration and attention to detail.
    • This requires application and concentration.
    • With the same level of application and hard work, there is no reason why Everton cannot add yet another league win to their tally.
    • There is no want of effort and application but little thought is given to trying a spanner.
    • It had taken nine years of hard training and application to build up to that level.
    • It was a fine effort by the visiting batsmen, with better application and concentration, they grafted the runs methodically to push the score along.
    • There's less emphasis on the two or three weeks of revision leading up to the single day of an exam, where boys could shine with an exceptional effort of energy and application.
    • It shows you just what can be done with hard work, application and being shrewd with your signings.
    • They also know that only hard work and application will allow them to achieve their goals.
    • This particular skills area is one that requires dedicated attention and application.
    • The culture of perseverance, study and application (she said) needed to be reinstated in our schools.
    • So if it works, the figures are just, and can be worked into an understanding with a great deal of patient application.
    • The truth is that faith requires time, patience and application - and society has none of these in abundance.
    diligence, industriousness, industry, assiduity, commitment, dedication, devotion, conscientiousness, perseverance, persistence, tenacity, doggedness, sedulousness
    concentration, intentness, attention, attentiveness, steadiness, patience, endurance
    effort, hard work, labour, striving, endeavour
  • 5Computing
    A program or piece of software designed to fulfil a particular purpose.


    a database application


    Example sentencesExamples
    • For example, suppose a customer wants to lease a software application that's stored on the Internet.
    • Thus, a user is not required to interact with the textual source code of an application program when debugging it.
    • When the application is executed, a shared memory segment is created for an instrumentation program and the application program.
    • The remote computer runs the application program, typically in a stand-alone capacity, and accesses a system manager building block via a second communications link.
    • Mobile data will allow remote access to all the databases and software applications a firm can muster.
    program, software, routine, use


  • applicational

  • adjective
    • The present invention will also be explained by referring to an applicational example wherein the ceramic composition of the present invention was applied to a magnetic head.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Although the interpretive and applicational weaknesses of the piece are quite troubling, it is the author's suggestions for implementation that are the greatest cause for concern.
      • The applicational thoughts are not vague, simplistic, or haphazard; they address contemporary readers with profound insights drawn from his exacting study of the probable historical milieu of this gospel.
      • These headings are primarily applicational in nature, expressing principles from the passage in terms which speak to modern Christians rather than merely describing an ancient situation.
      • Because of the ratio idea of equivalence and the diversity of applicational situations, a particular quantity may be referred to using a number of different terms.


Middle English: via Old French from Latin applicatio(n-), from the verb applicare (see apply).

Definition of application in US English:


  • 1A formal request to an authority for something.


    an application for leave


    as modifier an application form


    with infinitive an application to join the forum
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I can also confirm that we will be moving forward swiftly with our application for authority to award our own degrees.
    • The following month he made a formal application for asylum, giving an address in east London.
    • Police said authorities had rejected his application for asylum.
    • His application for assistance was rejected as immigration authorities were not satisfied he could not have claimed asylum where he entered the country.
    • The applicant filed an application for judicial review, but it was dismissed by consent.
    • The application for an authorisation must come from a member of the chief officer's force.
    • The Local Planning Authority refused the application for a certificate of lawfulness.
    • That is why the national authorities may place only an application for referral.
    • He was the officer who had authorised the application for the search warrants.
    • The local authority expect Treasury to submit their first application for planning permission this Autumn.
    • The applicant cannot make an application for a protection visa from outside the country.
    • The Immigration Service will soon be identifying the pass mark that will lead to an invitation to lodge an application for residence.
    • The judgment on the application for leave to appeal has been reserved.
    • Very soon after her arrival the applicant lodged an application for a protection visa.
    • They have already raised a 500-name petition against the application for a drinks licence but could not prevent it being granted yesterday.
    • The couple were moved by City of York Council after their doctor backed their application for a transfer, telling the authorities the pair had become depressed.
    • A person who is in France and wishes to make an application for asylum should properly do so to the French authorities.
    • My Lord, you will not be surprised that there is one further application, an application for permission to appeal.
    • He's just lost an application for leave to appeal to the High Court, but he has no regrets.
    • If her application for an appeal on humanitarian grounds is approved, she could be eligible to return to Canada in as little as a month.
    request, appeal, petition, entreaty, plea, solicitation, supplication, requisition, suit, approach, enquiry, claim, demand
  • 2The action of putting something into operation.


    the application of general rules to particular cases


    massage has far-reaching medical applications


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Anyone who reads this site on a passing basis will have had to come to terms with my, erm, creative application of the rules of spelling, punctuation and verb modification.
    • The story sparked public support for the families and opposition against tough application of the rules.
    • Many economists warn that too strict application of the rules hampers the ability of governments to respond to economic downturns.
    • He questioned the general application of statistical methods to economics.
    • These systems differ in the configuration and application of electronic map operating and graphic imaging functions.
    • The speed, ease, and low cost of more market price data will lead to increased operational application.
    • If true, this is a good example of the functional application of legal rules as understood, by those who operate under them.
    • Resistance to its study and application to our operations is counterproductive.
    • Hardly any useful research can be done on aborted fetuses and no useful medical application of their tissues is permitted.
    • Revenue problems will be dealt with separately through a general rate application in the spring.
    • Consider first an application to forestry because this example represents the most general application of this approach.
    • And there would be serious civil liberties concerns if there was general application of those kind of powers.
    • But application of these general policies in the Internet era is not as straightforward.
    • The contribution of the global research community to the creation and application of medical technologies for these countries is weakened.
    • Whilst the court does not set such it does undertake the operation, interpretation and application of those laws and procedures.
    • I think most would agree that she was extremely shy to pronounce general rules of application.
    • There can be no partisan application of laws, rules or policy.
    • A nearly flawless operational application of airpower cannot substitute for a flawed strategy.
    implementation, use, exercise, employment, administration, utilization, practice, applying, discharge, exertion, execution, prosecution, enactment, carrying out, accomplishment, putting into operation, putting into practice
    1. 2.1often with negative Practical use or relevance.
      this principle has no application to the present case


      Example sentencesExamples
      • That paragraph may be applicable in some cases, but it certainly should not be regarded as being of general application.
      • I believe that this is a matter of general application, unrelated to the particular case.
      • None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life.
      • It will obviously be of general application in broadly similar circumstances.
      • The further removed from usefulness or practical application, the more important.
      • They don't see that what we do has any relevance or application to what they do.
      • Fine and dandy you say, but does it have, like, any practical application?
      • Based on consideration to date, there were a number of positive elements in the key findings which had general application.
      • Such observations appear to be of general application.
      • Since laws are of general application it is inevitable that the wording of statutes is not always precise.
      • That was the contention of the political philosopher, and it's a lesson of more general application.
      • They suggest that use of this approach led to a reduction of aggressive incidents and that the approach has broader application to other forensic and mental health settings.
      • The list of products in which seaweeds are used reveals their relevance and application in modern day life.
      • The chip has obvious application to measuring toxins relevant to bioterrorism, he said.
      • Consistent findings across two very different industries would show that our arguments have general application.
      • His judgment has general application - intelligence never wins wars.
      • The war experience, the analysis noted, should only be considered as having a general military application.
      • Each model is an entity unto itself and designed for specific application and operational parameters.
      • Please remember that written/newspaper style has little relevance or application in the broadcast business.
      • The advice above is intended to be of general application.
      relevance, relevancy, bearing, significance, pertinence, aptness, appositeness, germaneness, importance
  • 3The action of putting something on a surface.


    paints suitable for application on fabric


    a fresh application of makeup


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The result of this seemingly improvisational paint application is an allover, agitated, viscous surface.
    • With surface application, however, much of the ammonia will be lost to the atmosphere.
    • Oil application to the rind surface produced a more severe blemish than did mechanical damage.
    • The slurry coat must not be allowed to dry ahead of the render application, but applied wet on wet.
    • Also, some mattings have shown improved performance from surface application.
    • The first time lightening application should be applied approximately one half to one third of an inch from the scalp to the ends.
    • As always, be sure to read the label for proper surface prep and application.
    • Each application of paint gave a different look to the surface and the figure.
    • An exercise in precision application, the make-up is crucially important to her, far more than just another part of her perfect appearance.
    • One bizarre addendum to his ‘performance’ was his extraordinary application of stage make-up.
    • This will allow application of fresh grease and adjustment to the cone and ball assembly.
    • I have enjoyed the effects of strong emotive colour and contrasts in paint application, visual and physical textures and the line.
    • Cracks appearing on the surface are smoothed with strips of cloth, and fresh application of clay.
    • She also gives talks and demonstrations on make-up application, styling and colours to large and small groups.
    • Furthermore, surface application of lime cannot alleviate toxic subsoil Al, which presents a barrier to deep rooting and the uptake of water and nutrients.
    • In some schools, girls were taught quilting, sewing or makeup application.
    • The proposed label language also applies to overhead chemigation application of pesticides.
    • An effort should be made to apply pesticides into these areas as opposed to application onto exposed surfaces.
    • The subtle sheen that he imparts is obtained by thin application of paint brushed on meticulously to obtain the desired build up.
    • Now that I think about it, I realise I do subconsciously judge other women on make-up application.
    putting on, rubbing in, spreading, smearing
    1. 3.1 A medicinal substance put on the skin.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • One application protects the skin for six hours, and does not need to be reapplied after swimming.
      • Keep the application on the skin for the time recommended in the instructions and remove.
      • Keep the application on the skin for the time recommended in the instructions and then wait for twenty four hours.
      ointment, lotion, cream, rub, salve, emollient, preparation, liniment, embrocation, balm, poultice, unguent
  • 4Sustained effort; hard work.


    the job takes a great deal of patience and application


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This particular skills area is one that requires dedicated attention and application.
    • Males need to stop moaning about being disadvantaged by the system, there is nothing stopping us except our own lack of application and effort.
    • There's less emphasis on the two or three weeks of revision leading up to the single day of an exam, where boys could shine with an exceptional effort of energy and application.
    • The truth is that faith requires time, patience and application - and society has none of these in abundance.
    • There is no want of effort and application but little thought is given to trying a spanner.
    • It was a fine effort by the visiting batsmen, with better application and concentration, they grafted the runs methodically to push the score along.
    • They also know that only hard work and application will allow them to achieve their goals.
    • This requires application and concentration.
    • It is even possible that most are displaying effort and application above and beyond the call of duty.
    • The scoreline was a true reflection of the hard graft, application and sense of belief displayed by every Highfield player.
    • It had taken nine years of hard training and application to build up to that level.
    • The culture of perseverance, study and application (she said) needed to be reinstated in our schools.
    • It requires application and concentration and attention to detail.
    • So if it works, the figures are just, and can be worked into an understanding with a great deal of patient application.
    • It shows you just what can be done with hard work, application and being shrewd with your signings.
    • You have the very good fortune of knowing that you really truly did all that was possible to win and there is no need for any self discrimination caused by lack of effort or application on your part.
    • For the first time he realised it was not necessarily something based on instinct or which grew organically, but rather was the result of application and hard work.
    • There isn't any shortcut other than hard work and application, not unless we want to cultivate a nation of drug-dealers.
    • All involve assiduous application, as well as research for continuous improvement, and all require a lifelong daily effort.
    • With the same level of application and hard work, there is no reason why Everton cannot add yet another league win to their tally.
    diligence, industriousness, industry, assiduity, commitment, dedication, devotion, conscientiousness, perseverance, persistence, tenacity, doggedness, sedulousness
  • 5Computing
    A program or piece of software designed and written to fulfill a particular purpose of the user.


    a database application


    Example sentencesExamples
    • For example, suppose a customer wants to lease a software application that's stored on the Internet.
    • When the application is executed, a shared memory segment is created for an instrumentation program and the application program.
    • The remote computer runs the application program, typically in a stand-alone capacity, and accesses a system manager building block via a second communications link.
    • Thus, a user is not required to interact with the textual source code of an application program when debugging it.
    • Mobile data will allow remote access to all the databases and software applications a firm can muster.
    program, software, routine, use


Late Middle English: via Old French from Latin applicatio(n-), from the verb applicare (see apply).





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