

单词 convergent

Definition of convergent in English:


adjective kənˈvəːdʒ(ə)ntkənˈvərdʒənt
  • 1Coming closer together; converging.

    a convergent boundary


    there are a number of convergent reasons for the growth of interest in pragmatics


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Instead, the whole of the Southern Uplands terrane shares clay mineral characteristics with the convergent, load-induced foreland basin sequence of the southern Lake District, the Windermere Supergroup.
    • The boundary of a tissue undergoing convergent extension is maintained by the behavior of cells at the boundary.
    • Services include convergent billing, administration and customer care, business information systems and customer relationship management.
    • By contrast, the thermal history of a typical convergent basinal setting is characterized by low geothermal gradients caused by the depression of heat flow during collision of plate margins.
    • Most of the world's active above-sea volcanoes are located near convergent plate boundaries where subduction is occurring, particularly around the Pacific basin.
    • The paper slams the campaign in its leader: it is described variously as narrow, chunky, banal, bland, convergent and played too much for the benefit swing voters.
    • Ocean-floor basalts are extruded along mid-ocean ridges that define divergent boundaries, whereas island-arcs are produced as the ocean floor is subducted at convergent plate boundaries.
    • In a convergent fault, two plates crash into each other: one plate is forced upwards, one is then ‘subducted’ underneath the other.
    • The volcanically active trail-ends are preferentially located near divergent plate boundaries and are rare near convergent boundaries.
    • The mechanics of mountain belts along convergent plate boundaries are often considered to be analogous to that of a wedge of snow or soil in front of moving bulldozer.
    1. 1.1Psychology (of thought) tending to follow only well-established patterns.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Note that nearly all formal education is concentrated on convergent thinking and the concept of the "Right Answer"!
      • He remarks that successful advertising comes from two contrasting styles of problem-solving, what psychologists have called convergent vs. divergent thinking.
      • I argue that the relationship between past success and convergent thinking may depend on the attributions that groups generate to explain their shared success.
      • It is well documented that exposure to the dissenting views of a minority fosters broader thought around an issue and stimulates divergent rather than convergent search.
      • From a psychological perspective, this research seems to indicate that past success may give rise to convergent thinking in groups.
      converging, meeting, joining, uniting, intersecting
    2. 1.2Biology Relating to or denoting evolutionary convergence.
      one of the most bizarre examples of convergent evolution concerns the so-called periodical cicadas
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Otherwise, if not by chance nor by shared ancestry, the similarities may only be explained by convergent evolution.
      • That kind of independent ‘invention,’ known as convergent evolution, is a sign of a trait's evolutionary value.
      • There are several cases of convergent evolution between marsupials and placental mammals, in which the two animals have evolved to fill the same ecological niche in different parts of the world.
      • The most amazing fact about the evolution of flight is the extent of convergent evolution between the three main groups that evolved it (again, the pterosaurs, birds, and bats).
      • However, the extent to which these distinguishing features truly indicate natural relationships, or whether they have originated by convergent evolution, is not currently known.
  • 2Mathematics
    (of a series) approaching a definite limit as more of its terms are added.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Although they have often been dismissed as logical nonsense, many attempts have also been made to dispose of them by means of mathematical theorems, such as the theory of convergent series or the theory of sets.
    • The standards of rigour that he set, defining, for example, irrational numbers as limits of convergent series, strongly affected the future of mathematics.
    • We now seek solutions with a convergent power series in the open interval,
    • A method of summation is called regular, if it sums every convergent series to its ordinary sum.
    • The question was to determine the exact value of the convergent infinite series obtained by summing the reciprocals of the squares of the positive integers.


Early 18th century: from late Latin convergent- 'inclining together', from the verb convergere (see converge).


detergent, divergent, emergent, insurgent, resurgent, urgent

Definition of convergent in US English:


  • 1Coming closer together, especially in characteristics or ideas.


    convergent changes in languages
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is almost as if the two writers are on a convergent stylistic path.
    • When asked by the Yorkshire Post if he would campaign against the euro if the circumstances were not right, he said: ‘Yes, I would… it would be a disaster if our economies were not fully convergent.’
    • Harter's measure was designed for children in Grades 3 through 9 and has demonstrated factorial, convergent, and construct validity with this population.
    • Students for whom race is central to their identity are more likely to choose an educational environment that is ethnically convergent than students for whom race is not central to their identity.
    • This strategy has resulted in a series of experiments that involve many-to-one matching and that have provided a body of convergent evidence for the development of common representations.
    • Perhaps we are still too ‘modern’ to define science so widely that it embraces the fact of subjectivity or the directional and convergent character of the cosmos.
    • Analysis and execution is convergent, finding out feasibility, tweaking things so they work, and making stuff happen.
    • The process seems to be evolutionary, not revolutionary - as the faculty have incorporated some convergent or multi-platform ideas in some classes over those years.
    • Ample indirect evidence that this is the case comes from the many examples of functionally convergent proteins in various organisms.
    • The analysis of why and how corporations retreat and abandon host economies needs a route between these two generalised extremes of convergent homogeneity and divergent heterogeneity.
    • The Chancellor was not helped, however, by a report from the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development last week which said that there are clear signs that Britain's economy is already convergent with the euro zone.
    • The narrative is a collection of paradoxical paradigms, if you will forgive my confusing, yet convergent use of language - but that is how this book is written.
    • But he made it plain that significant tensions remained over the issue, saying: ‘Our views are not quite convergent at the moment.’
    • The most important challenge is how to manifest active encouragement of the introduction of convergent services, while steering them in the direction best able to serve the needs of the less-developed and developing nations.
    • Luisa is named after Thornton Wilder's The Bridge of San Luis Rey, another tale of lives brought together in time and significance by convergent fates.
    • One of the striking features of Britain's economy in the past three years is not just the extent to which it has become more convergent with the Euro-zone average, but how much better it converges with the Euro-zone excluding Germany.
    • Here lies common ground, for unless that multinational interest is secured, few other national interests - convergent or divergent - can be.
    1. 1.1 Relating to convergence.
      a convergent boundary


    2. 1.2Mathematics (of a series) approaching a definite limit as more of its terms are added.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The standards of rigour that he set, defining, for example, irrational numbers as limits of convergent series, strongly affected the future of mathematics.
      • Although they have often been dismissed as logical nonsense, many attempts have also been made to dispose of them by means of mathematical theorems, such as the theory of convergent series or the theory of sets.
      • The question was to determine the exact value of the convergent infinite series obtained by summing the reciprocals of the squares of the positive integers.
      • A method of summation is called regular, if it sums every convergent series to its ordinary sum.
      • We now seek solutions with a convergent power series in the open interval,
    3. 1.3Biology Relating to or denoting evolutionary convergence.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • That kind of independent ‘invention,’ known as convergent evolution, is a sign of a trait's evolutionary value.
      • There are several cases of convergent evolution between marsupials and placental mammals, in which the two animals have evolved to fill the same ecological niche in different parts of the world.
      • Otherwise, if not by chance nor by shared ancestry, the similarities may only be explained by convergent evolution.
      • The most amazing fact about the evolution of flight is the extent of convergent evolution between the three main groups that evolved it (again, the pterosaurs, birds, and bats).
      • However, the extent to which these distinguishing features truly indicate natural relationships, or whether they have originated by convergent evolution, is not currently known.
    4. 1.4 (of thought) tending to follow well-established patterns.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is well documented that exposure to the dissenting views of a minority fosters broader thought around an issue and stimulates divergent rather than convergent search.
      • I argue that the relationship between past success and convergent thinking may depend on the attributions that groups generate to explain their shared success.
      • Note that nearly all formal education is concentrated on convergent thinking and the concept of the "Right Answer"!
      • He remarks that successful advertising comes from two contrasting styles of problem-solving, what psychologists have called convergent vs. divergent thinking.
      • From a psychological perspective, this research seems to indicate that past success may give rise to convergent thinking in groups.
      converging, meeting, joining, uniting, intersecting


Early 18th century: from late Latin convergent- ‘inclining together’, from the verb convergere (see converge).





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