Female plants produce berries that sustain birds including cedar waxwings, finches, mockingbirds, thrushes, and woodpeckers.
Offerings of oranges, apples and grapes may attract orioles, as well as cedar waxwings, mockingbirds and cardinals.
Fitzgerald et al. documented ethanol toxicosis in cedar waxwings that had been feeding on fermenting hawthorn fruits.
American holly trees are a major food source for winter-migrating flacks of small birds such as the cedar waxwing and American goldfinch, and stands of hollies are an important fast food stop in their migrations.
At this point the robins just simply disappeared, as did the cedar waxwing, the hermit thrush, and the fox sparrow.
Definition of cedar waxwing in US English:
cedar waxwing
A North American waxwing.
Bombycilla cedrorum
Example sentencesExamples
American holly trees are a major food source for winter-migrating flacks of small birds such as the cedar waxwing and American goldfinch, and stands of hollies are an important fast food stop in their migrations.
At this point the robins just simply disappeared, as did the cedar waxwing, the hermit thrush, and the fox sparrow.
Offerings of oranges, apples and grapes may attract orioles, as well as cedar waxwings, mockingbirds and cardinals.
Fitzgerald et al. documented ethanol toxicosis in cedar waxwings that had been feeding on fermenting hawthorn fruits.
Female plants produce berries that sustain birds including cedar waxwings, finches, mockingbirds, thrushes, and woodpeckers.