It is an armature only in that you expect every once and awhile that there will be this kind of highly structured element graced with monumental architecture and with columnated open space.
Or we could make the impactor pointy, which makes it go deeper down but creates a more columnated plume of material.
Its great copper dome rises above the magnificent columnated rotunda to crown the heart of the city.
A centralized columnated beam of carrier holes is thus provided for deflection by the magnetic field.
Also visible is a descending trench not unlike the columnated crevasse located on the Face's upper eastern half.
Definition of columnated in US English:
Supported on or having columns.
a columnated church interior
Example sentencesExamples
Also visible is a descending trench not unlike the columnated crevasse located on the Face's upper eastern half.
Or we could make the impactor pointy, which makes it go deeper down but creates a more columnated plume of material.
A centralized columnated beam of carrier holes is thus provided for deflection by the magnetic field.
It is an armature only in that you expect every once and awhile that there will be this kind of highly structured element graced with monumental architecture and with columnated open space.
Its great copper dome rises above the magnificent columnated rotunda to crown the heart of the city.