Parents who are insecure and anxiety-ridden are not likely to foster self-confidence in their children, regardless of how many books on parenting they may have absorbed.
The problem I am having with all of this wedding planning that has descended upon my already anxiety-ridden existence is the problem I have with, well frankly, everything: prioritizing.
That looks like a success story, but Stowell and Russell, who have been directing the company since 1977, spent an anxiety-ridden, uncertain winter, waking up in the middle of the night and worrying if they were going to lose everything they had built in the past two decades.
She endured a sleepless, anxiety-ridden night and then went to work the next morning.
"I get anxiety-ridden, and I can't relax."
The authors suggest that math anxiety ultimately affects competence, not because the anxiety-ridden individual is innately less able, but simply because the person's avoidance of math does not allow for practice and therefore mastery of it.
The thirst for victory turns the world into an anxiety-ridden arena of competitors where the strong prevail and human fulfillment is defined by what one has won or achieved.
Members are not anxiety-ridden about impending social upheaval.
This is where Charlie (played by Harvey Keitel) comes in: confused, anxiety-ridden, laden with guilt and full of existential fears, Charlie is having trouble in his attempts to be all things to all people.
He is another of those talented and emotive singer-songwriters who seem to specialise in anxiety-ridden pieces.